path: root/scripts/update_virtuoso/check_for_updates.py
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-11-10virtuoso: Added a --no-cache optionPjotr Prins
2020-09-27Virtuoso uploader: instructionsPjotr Prins
2020-09-27Virtuoso uploader: explicit outputPjotr Prins
2020-06-15virtuoso: remove graph before updatePjotr Prins
2020-05-20Virtuoso update in CRONPjotr Prins
2020-05-13Virtuoso uploader: always upload countries and labelsPjotr Prins
2020-05-13Virtuoso: split named graphsPjotr Prins
2020-05-12Virtuoso uploader: does not delete graph yetPjotr Prins
2020-05-12Update graph scriptPjotr Prins
2020-04-24Add script that updates Virtuoso - run as a CRON jobPjotr Prins