diff options
authorArun Isaac2017-07-05 14:52:53 +0530
committerArun Isaac2017-07-05 14:54:29 +0530
commitfb450c0615f1b8dcfc544b490244646e49ef761f (patch)
parent4556af202cf30f3ae49b66d3d976db7cc97ecab9 (diff)
Integrate ViewTube.
* viewtube.js: New file. * manifest.json (content_scripts): Add viewtube.js. (permissions): Add storage.
2 files changed, 1077 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/manifest.json b/manifest.json
index 65dcc5e..34b11b3 100644
--- a/manifest.json
+++ b/manifest.json
@@ -5,10 +5,16 @@
"description": "Use YouTube with NoScript",
+ "permissions": ["storage"],
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["https://youtube.com/*", "https://www.youtube.com/*"],
"js": ["youtube-noscript-shim.user.js"]
+ },
+ {
+ "matches": ["https://youtube.com/watch*", "https://www.youtube.com/watch*"],
+ "js": ["viewtube.js"]
diff --git a/viewtube.js b/viewtube.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3af404d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viewtube.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1071 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2010 - 2017 Sebastian Luncan
+ Copyright (C) 2017 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ Website: http://isebaro.com/viewtube
+ Contact: http://isebaro.com/contact
+// ==========Variables========== //
+(function() {
+ // Userscript
+ var userscript = 'ViewTube';
+ // Page
+ var page = {win: window, doc: document, body: document.body, url: window.location.href, title: document.title, site: window.location.hostname.match(/([^.]+)\.[^.]+$/)[1]};
+ // Player
+ var player = {};
+ var option = {'autoplay': false, 'autoget': false, 'definition': 'HD', 'container': 'MP4', 'dash': false, 'direct': false, 'widesize': false, 'fullsize': false};
+ var mimetypes = {
+ 'MPEG': 'video/mpeg',
+ 'MP4': 'video/mp4',
+ 'WebM': 'video/webm',
+ 'FLV': 'video/x-flv',
+ 'MOV': 'video/quicktime',
+ 'M4V': 'video/x-m4v',
+ 'AVI': 'video/x-msvideo',
+ '3GP': 'video/3gpp',
+ };
+ var sources = {};
+ // Links
+ var website = 'https://git.systemreboot.net/youtube-noscript-shim/about';
+ var contact = 'mailto:arunisaac@systemreboot.net';
+ // ==========Functions========== //
+ function createMyElement(type, content, event, action, target) {
+ function styleButton (button, state) {
+ styleMyElement(player[button], state ? {color: '#008080', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC'} : {color: '#CCCCCC', textShadow: '0px 0px 0px'});
+ }
+ var obj = page.doc.createElement(type);
+ if (content) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'div':
+ obj.innerHTML = content;
+ break;
+ case 'img':
+ obj.src = content;
+ break;
+ case 'option':
+ obj.value = content;
+ obj.innerHTML = content;
+ break;
+ case 'video':
+ obj.src = content;
+ obj.controls = 'controls';
+ obj.autoplay = 'autoplay';
+ obj.volume = 0.8;
+ obj.innerHTML = '<br><br>The video should be loading. If it doesn\'t load, make sure your browser supports HTML5\'s Video and this video codec. If you think it\'s a script issue, please report it <a href="' + contact + '" style="color:#00892C">here</a>.';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (type == 'video') {
+ obj.type = mimetypes[player['videoPlay'].replace(/.*\s/, '')];
+ obj.id = 'vtVideo';
+ }
+ if (event == 'change') {
+ if (target == 'video') {
+ obj.addEventListener('change', function() {
+ player['videoPlay'] = this.value;
+ if (player['isGetting']) {
+ modifyMyElement(player['buttonGet'] , 'div', 'Get', false);
+ player['isGetting'] = false;
+ }
+ if (player['isPlaying']) playMyVideo(option['autoplay']);
+ }, false);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (event == 'click') {
+ obj.addEventListener('click', function() {
+ switch (action) {
+ case 'close':
+ page.body.removeChild(target);
+ break;
+ case 'play':
+ playMyVideo(!player['isPlaying']);
+ break;
+ case 'get':
+ getMyVideo();
+ break;
+ case 'autoplay':
+ option['autoplay'] = !option['autoplay'];
+ styleButton('buttonAutoplay', option['autoplay']);
+ playMyVideo(option['autoplay'] && (!player['isPlaying']));
+ break;
+ case 'dash':
+ option['dash'] = !option['dash'];
+ styleButton('buttonDASH', option['dash'])
+ setMyOptions('dash', option['dash']);
+ break;
+ case 'widesize':
+ option['widesize'] = !option['widesize'];
+ setMyOptions('widesize', option['widesize']);
+ resizeMyPlayer('widesize');
+ break;
+ case 'fullsize':
+ option['fullsize'] = !option['fullsize'];
+ setMyOptions('fullsize', option['fullsize']);
+ resizeMyPlayer('fullsize');
+ break;
+ }
+ }, false);
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }
+ function getMyElement(obj, type, from, value, child, content) {
+ var getObj, chObj, coObj;
+ var pObj = (!obj) ? page.doc : obj;
+ if (type == 'body') getObj = pObj.body;
+ else {
+ if (from == 'id') getObj = pObj.getElementById(value);
+ else if (from == 'class') getObj = pObj.getElementsByClassName(value);
+ else if (from == 'tag') getObj = pObj.getElementsByTagName(type);
+ else if (from == 'ns') getObj = pObj.getElementsByTagNameNS(value, type);
+ }
+ chObj = (child >= 0) ? getObj[child] : getObj;
+ if (content && chObj) {
+ if (type == 'html' || type == 'body' || type == 'div' || type == 'option') coObj = chObj.innerHTML;
+ else if (type == 'object') coObj = chObj.data;
+ else if (type == 'img' || type == 'video' || type == 'embed') coObj = chObj.src;
+ else coObj = chObj.textContent;
+ return coObj;
+ }
+ else {
+ return chObj;
+ }
+ }
+ function modifyMyElement(obj, type, content, clear, hide) {
+ if (content) {
+ if (type == 'div') obj.innerHTML = content;
+ else if (type == 'option') {
+ obj.value = content;
+ obj.innerHTML = content;
+ }
+ else if (type == 'object') obj.data = content;
+ else if (type == 'img' || type == 'video' || type == 'embed') obj.src = content;
+ }
+ if (clear) {
+ if (obj.hasChildNodes()) {
+ while (obj.childNodes.length >= 1) {
+ obj.removeChild(obj.firstChild);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (hide) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < obj.children.length; i++) {
+ styleMyElement(obj.children[i], {display: 'none'});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function styleMyElement(obj, styles) {
+ for (var property in styles) {
+ if (styles.hasOwnProperty(property)) obj.style[property] = styles[property];
+ }
+ }
+ function createMyPlayer() {
+ /* Get My Options */
+ function onGot(item) {
+ Object.assign(option, item);
+ /* Player Settings */
+ player['panelHeight'] = 18;
+ player['panelPadding'] = 2;
+ /* The Panel */
+ var panelWidth = player['playerWidth'] - player['panelPadding'] * 2;
+ player['playerPanel'] = createMyElement('div', '', '', '', '');
+ styleMyElement(player['playerPanel'], {width: panelWidth + 'px', height: player['panelHeight'] + 'px', padding: player['panelPadding'] + 'px', backgroundColor: 'inherit', textAlign: 'center'});
+ player['playerWindow'].appendChild(player['playerPanel']);
+ /* Panel Items */
+ var panelItemBorder = 1;
+ var panelItemHeight = player['panelHeight'] - panelItemBorder * 2;
+ /* Panel Video Menu */
+ player['videoMenu'] = createMyElement('select', '', 'change', '', 'video');
+ player['videoMenu'].title = '{Videos: select the video format for playback}';
+ styleMyElement(player['videoMenu'], {width: '200px', height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid transparent', padding: '0px', display: 'inline', backgroundColor: 'inherit', color: '#336699', fontSize: '12px', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', verticalAlign: 'baseline', cursor: 'pointer'});
+ player['playerPanel'].appendChild(player['videoMenu']);
+ for (var videoCode in player['videoList']) {
+ player['videoItem'] = createMyElement('option', videoCode, '', '', '');
+ styleMyElement(player['videoItem'], {padding: '0px', display: 'block', color: '#336699', fontSize: '12px', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', cursor: 'pointer'});
+ if (videoCode.indexOf('Video') != -1 || videoCode.indexOf('Audio') != -1) styleMyElement(player['videoItem'], {color: '#8F6B32'});
+ if (player['videoList'][videoCode] == 'DASH') styleMyElement(player['videoItem'], {color: '#CF4913'});
+ if (player['videoList'][videoCode] != 'DASH' || option['dash'])
+ player['videoMenu'].appendChild(player['videoItem']);
+ else delete player['videoList'][videoCode];
+ if (videoCode == 'Direct Video Link') styleMyElement(player['videoItem'], {color: '#00C0C0'});
+ }
+ /* Panel Autoplay Button */
+ player['buttonAutoplay'] = createMyElement('div', 'AP', 'click', 'autoplay', '');
+ player['buttonAutoplay'].title = '{Autoplay: click to enable/disable auto playback on page load}';
+ styleMyElement(player['buttonAutoplay'], {height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid #CCCCCC', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '0px 5px', display: 'inline', color: '#CCCCCC', fontSize: '12px', cursor: 'pointer'});
+ if (option['autoplay']) styleMyElement(player['buttonAutoplay'], {color: '#008080', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC'});
+ player['playerPanel'].appendChild(player['buttonAutoplay']);
+ /* Panel Get Button */
+ player['buttonGet'] = createMyElement('div', 'Get', 'click', 'get', '');
+ player['buttonGet'].title = '{Get: click to download the selected video format}';
+ styleMyElement(player['buttonGet'], {height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid #CCCCCC', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '0px 5px', display: 'inline', color: '#C000C0', fontSize: '12px', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', cursor: 'pointer'});
+ player['playerPanel'].appendChild(player['buttonGet']);
+ /* Panel DASH Button */
+ player['buttonDASH'] = createMyElement('div', 'MD', 'click', 'dash', '');
+ player['buttonDASH'].title = '{MPEG-DASH: click to enable/disable DASH playback using the HTML5 video player (experimental)}';
+ styleMyElement(player['buttonDASH'], {height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid #CCCCCC', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '0px 5px', display: 'inline', color: '#CCCCCC', fontSize: '12px', cursor: 'pointer'});
+ if (option['dash']) styleMyElement(player['buttonDASH'], {color: '#008080', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC'});
+ player['playerPanel'].appendChild(player['buttonDASH']);
+ /* Panel Widesize Button */
+ player['buttonWidesize'] = createMyElement('div', option['widesize'] ? '&lt;' : '&gt;', 'click', 'widesize', '');
+ player['buttonWidesize'].title = '{Widesize: click to enter player widesize or return to normal size}';
+ styleMyElement(player['buttonWidesize'], {height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid #CCCCCC', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '0px 5px', display: 'inline', color: '#C05800', fontSize: '12px', textShadow: '1px 1px 2px #CCCCCC', cursor: 'pointer'});
+ player['playerPanel'].appendChild(player['buttonWidesize']);
+ /* Panel Fullsize Button */
+ player['buttonFullsize'] = createMyElement('div', option['fullsize'] ? '-' : '+', 'click', 'fullsize', '');
+ player['buttonFullsize'].title = '{Fullsize: click to enter player fullsize or return to normal size}';
+ styleMyElement(player['buttonFullsize'], {height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid #CCCCCC', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '0px 5px', display: 'inline', color: '#C05800', fontSize: '12px', textShadow: '1px 1px 2px #CCCCCC', cursor: 'pointer'});
+ player['playerPanel'].appendChild(player['buttonFullsize']);
+ /* The Content */
+ player['contentWidth'] = player['playerWidth'];
+ player['contentHeight'] = player['playerHeight'] - player['panelHeight'] - player['panelPadding'] * 2;
+ player['playerContent'] = createMyElement('div', '', '', '', '');
+ styleMyElement(player['playerContent'], {width: player['contentWidth'] + 'px', height: player['contentHeight'] + 'px', position: 'relative', color: '#AD0000', backgroundColor: '#000000', fontSize: '14px', fontWeight: 'bold', textAlign: 'center'});
+ player['playerWindow'].appendChild(player['playerContent']);
+ /* The Video Thumbnail */
+ if (player['videoThumb']) {
+ player['contentImage'] = createMyElement('img', player['videoThumb'], 'click', 'play', '');
+ player['contentImage'].title = '{Click to start video playback}';
+ styleMyElement(player['contentImage'], {maxWidth: '100%', maxHeight: '100%', position: 'absolute', top: '0px', left: '0px', right: '0px', bottom: '0px', margin: 'auto', border: '0px', cursor: 'pointer'});
+ player['contentImage'].addEventListener('load', function() {
+ if (this.width/this.height >= player['contentWidth']/player['contentHeight']) {
+ this.style.width = '100%';
+ }
+ else {
+ this.style.height = '100%';
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /* Resize My Player */
+ if (option['widesize']) resizeMyPlayer('widesize');
+ if (option['fullsize']) resizeMyPlayer('fullsize');
+ /* Play My Video */
+ playMyVideo(option['autoplay']);
+ }
+ promise = browser.storage.local.get(Object.keys(option));
+ promise.then(onGot, onGot);
+ }
+ function playDASHwithHTML5() {
+ console.log(player['videoList']);
+ if (player['videoPlay'].indexOf('MP4') != -1) {
+ player['contentVideo'] = createMyElement('video', player['videoList'][player['videoPlay'].replace(/MP4/, 'Video MP4')], '', '', '');
+ if (player['videoList']['High Bitrate Audio Opus']) {
+ player['contentAudio'] = createMyElement('video', player['videoList']['High Bitrate Audio Opus'], '', '', '');
+ }
+ else if (player['videoList']['Medium Bitrate Audio Opus']) {
+ player['contentAudio'] = createMyElement('video', player['videoList']['Medium Bitrate Audio Opus'], '', '', '');
+ }
+ else {
+ player['contentAudio'] = createMyElement('video', player['videoList']['Medium Bitrate Audio MP4'], '', '', '');
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ player['contentVideo'] = createMyElement('video', player['videoList'][player['videoPlay'].replace(/WebM/, 'Video WebM')], '', '', '');
+ if (player['videoList']['High Bitrate Audio Opus']) {
+ player['contentAudio'] = createMyElement('video', player['videoList']['High Bitrate Audio Opus'], '', '', '');
+ }
+ else if (player['videoList']['Medium Bitrate Audio Opus']) {
+ player['contentAudio'] = createMyElement('video', player['videoList']['Medium Bitrate Audio Opus'], '', '', '');
+ }
+ else {
+ player['contentAudio'] = createMyElement('video', player['videoList']['Medium Bitrate Audio WebM'], '', '', '');
+ }
+ }
+ player['contentAudio'].pause();
+ player['contentVideo'].addEventListener('play', function() {
+ player['contentAudio'].play();
+ }, false);
+ player['contentVideo'].addEventListener('pause', function() {
+ player['contentAudio'].pause();
+ }, false);
+ player['contentVideo'].addEventListener('ended', function() {
+ player['contentVideo'].pause();
+ player['contentAudio'].pause();
+ }, false);
+ player['contentVideo'].addEventListener('timeupdate', function() {
+ if (player['contentAudio'].paused && !player['contentVideo'].paused) {
+ player['contentAudio'].play();
+ }
+ if (Math.abs(player['contentVideo'].currentTime - player['contentAudio'].currentTime) >= 0.30) {
+ player['contentAudio'].currentTime = player['contentVideo'].currentTime;
+ }
+ }, false);
+ styleMyElement(player['contentAudio'], {display: 'none'});
+ player['contentVideo'].appendChild(player['contentAudio']);
+ }
+ function playMyVideo(play) {
+ player['isPlaying'] = play;
+ modifyMyElement(player['playerContent'], 'div', '', true);
+ if (play) {
+ if (player['videoList'][player['videoPlay']] == 'DASH')
+ playDASHwithHTML5();
+ else
+ player['contentVideo'] = createMyElement('video', player['videoList'][player['videoPlay']], '', '', '');
+ player['contentVideo'].width = player['contentWidth'];
+ player['contentVideo'].height = player['contentHeight'];
+ player['contentVideo'].poster = player['videoThumb'];
+ styleMyElement(player['contentVideo'], {position: 'relative', width: player['contentWidth'] + 'px', height: player['contentHeight'] + 'px'});
+ player['playerContent'].appendChild(player['contentVideo']);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (player['contentImage'])
+ player['playerContent'].appendChild(player['contentImage']);
+ else showMyMessage('!thumb');
+ }
+ }
+ function getMyVideo() {
+ var vdoURL = player['videoList'][player['videoPlay']];
+ if (vdoURL == 'DASH') return;
+ if (vdoURL == page.url) return;
+ if (player['videoTitle']) {
+ var vdoD = ' (' + player['videoPlay'] + ')';
+ vdoD = vdoD.replace(/Ultra High Definition/, 'UHD');
+ vdoD = vdoD.replace(/Full High Definition/, 'FHD');
+ vdoD = vdoD.replace(/High Definition/, 'HD');
+ vdoD = vdoD.replace(/Standard Definition/, 'SD');
+ vdoD = vdoD.replace(/Very Low Definition/, 'VLD');
+ vdoD = vdoD.replace(/Low Definition/, 'LD');
+ vdoD = vdoD.replace(/\sFLV|\sMP4|\sWebM|\s3GP/g, '');
+ vdoURL = vdoURL + '&title=' + player['videoTitle'] + vdoD;
+ }
+ if (option['autoget'] && player['videoPlay'] == 'High Definition MP4') page.win.location.href = vdoURL;
+ else {
+ var vdoLink = 'Get <a href="' + vdoURL + '" style="color:#00892C">Link</a>';
+ modifyMyElement(player['buttonGet'] , 'div', vdoLink, false);
+ player['isGetting'] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ function resizeMyPlayer(size) {
+ switch (size) {
+ case 'widesize':
+ if (option['widesize']) {
+ if (player['buttonWidesize']) modifyMyElement(player['buttonWidesize'], 'div', '&lt;', false);
+ var playerWidth = player['playerWideWidth'];
+ var playerHeight= player['playerWideHeight'];
+ var sidebarMargin = player['sidebarMarginWide'];
+ }
+ else {
+ if (player['buttonWidesize']) modifyMyElement(player['buttonWidesize'], 'div', '&gt;', false);
+ var playerWidth = player['playerWidth'];
+ var playerHeight= player['playerHeight'];
+ var sidebarMargin = player['sidebarMarginNormal'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'fullsize':
+ if (option['fullsize']) {
+ var playerPosition = 'fixed';
+ var playerWidth = page.win.innerWidth || page.doc.documentElement.clientWidth;
+ var playerHeight = page.win.innerHeight || page.doc.documentElement.clientHeight;
+ var playerIndex = '9999999999';
+ if (!player['isFullsize']) {
+ styleMyElement(player['buttonWidesize'], {display: 'none'});
+ modifyMyElement(player['buttonFullsize'], 'div', '-', false);
+ page.body.appendChild(player['playerWindow']);
+ styleMyElement(page.body, {overflow: 'hidden'});
+ styleMyElement(page.body.parentNode, {overflow: 'hidden'});
+ if (!player['resizeListener']) player['resizeListener'] = function() {resizeMyPlayer('fullsize')};
+ page.win.addEventListener('resize', player['resizeListener'], false);
+ player['isFullsize'] = true;
+ if (player['isPlaying']) {
+ if (player['contentVideo'] && player['contentVideo'].paused) player['contentVideo'].play();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ var playerPosition = 'relative';
+ var playerWidth = (option['widesize']) ? player['playerWideWidth'] : player['playerWidth'];
+ var playerHeight = (option['widesize']) ? player['playerWideHeight'] : player['playerHeight'];
+ var playerIndex = 'auto';
+ styleMyElement(player['buttonWidesize'], {display: 'inline'});
+ modifyMyElement(player['buttonFullsize'], 'div', '+', false);
+ player['playerSocket'].appendChild(player['playerWindow']);
+ styleMyElement(page.body, {overflow: 'auto'});
+ styleMyElement(page.body.parentNode, {overflow: 'auto'});
+ page.win.removeEventListener('resize', player['resizeListener'], false);
+ player['isFullsize'] = false;
+ if (player['isPlaying']) {
+ if (player['contentVideo'] && player['contentVideo'].paused) player['contentVideo'].play();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Resize The Player */
+ if (size == 'widesize') {
+ if (player['sidebarWindow']) styleMyElement(player['sidebarWindow'], {marginTop: sidebarMargin + 'px'});
+ styleMyElement(player['playerWindow'], {width: playerWidth + 'px', height: playerHeight + 'px'});
+ }
+ else styleMyElement(player['playerWindow'], {position: playerPosition, top: '0px', left: '0px', width: playerWidth + 'px', height: playerHeight + 'px', zIndex: playerIndex});
+ /* Resize The Panel */
+ var panelWidth = playerWidth - player['panelPadding'] * 2;
+ styleMyElement(player['playerPanel'], {width: panelWidth + 'px'});
+ /* Resize The Content */
+ player['contentWidth'] = playerWidth;
+ player['contentHeight'] = playerHeight - player['panelHeight'] - player['panelPadding'] * 2;
+ styleMyElement(player['playerContent'], {width: player['contentWidth'] + 'px', height: player['contentHeight'] + 'px'});
+ if (player['isPlaying']) {
+ player['contentVideo'].width = player['contentWidth'];
+ player['contentVideo'].height = player['contentHeight'];
+ styleMyElement(player['contentVideo'], {width: player['contentWidth'] + 'px', height: player['contentHeight'] + 'px'});
+ }
+ }
+ function cleanMyContent(content, unesc) {
+ var myNewContent = content;
+ if (unesc) myNewContent = unescape(myNewContent);
+ myNewContent = myNewContent.replace(/\\u0025/g,'%');
+ myNewContent = myNewContent.replace(/\\u0026/g,'&');
+ myNewContent = myNewContent.replace(/\\/g,'');
+ myNewContent = myNewContent.replace(/\n/g,'');
+ return myNewContent;
+ }
+ function getMyContent(url, pattern, clean) {
+ var myPageContent, myVideosParse, myVideosContent;
+ var getMethod = (url != page.url) ? 'XHR' : 'DOM';
+ if (!sources[url]) sources[url] = {};
+ if (getMethod == 'DOM') {
+ if (!sources[url]['DOM']) {
+ sources[url]['DOM'] = getMyElement('', 'html', 'tag', '', 0, true);
+ if (!sources[url]['DOM']) sources[url]['DOM'] = getMyElement('', 'body', '', '', -1, true);
+ }
+ myPageContent = sources[url]['DOM'];
+ if (clean) myPageContent = cleanMyContent(myPageContent, true);
+ myVideosParse = myPageContent.match(pattern);
+ myVideosContent = (myVideosParse) ? myVideosParse[1] : null;
+ if (myVideosContent) return myVideosContent;
+ else getMethod = 'XHR';
+ }
+ if (getMethod == 'XHR') {
+ if (!sources[url]['XHR']) sources[url]['XHR'] = {};
+ if ((pattern == 'XML' && !sources[url]['XHR']['XML']) || (pattern != 'XML' && !sources[url]['XHR']['TEXT'])) {
+ var xmlHTTP = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xmlHTTP.open('GET', url, false);
+ xmlHTTP.send();
+ if (pattern == 'XML') sources[url]['XHR']['XML'] = xmlHTTP.responseXML;
+ else sources[url]['XHR']['TEXT'] = xmlHTTP.responseText;
+ }
+ if (pattern == 'XML') {
+ myVideosContent = sources[url]['XHR']['XML'];
+ }
+ else if (pattern == 'TEXT') {
+ myVideosContent = sources[url]['XHR']['TEXT'];
+ }
+ else {
+ myPageContent = sources[url]['XHR']['TEXT'];
+ if (clean) myPageContent = cleanMyContent(myPageContent, true);
+ myVideosParse = myPageContent.match(pattern);
+ myVideosContent = (myVideosParse) ? myVideosParse[1] : null;
+ }
+ return myVideosContent;
+ }
+ }
+ function setMyOptions(key, value) {
+ var pair = {};
+ pair[key] = value;
+ browser.storage.local.set(pair);
+ }
+ function showMyMessage(cause, content) {
+ var myScriptLogo = createMyElement('div', userscript, '', '', '');
+ styleMyElement(myScriptLogo, {margin: '0px auto', padding: '10px', color: '#666666', fontSize: '24px', textAlign: 'center', textShadow: '#FFFFFF -1px -1px 2px'});
+ var myScriptMess = createMyElement('div', '', '', '', '');
+ styleMyElement(myScriptMess, {border: '1px solid #F4F4F4', margin: '5px auto 5px auto', padding: '10px', backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', color: '#AD0000', textAlign: 'center'});
+ if (cause == '!player') {
+ var myScriptAlert = createMyElement('div', '', '', '', '');
+ styleMyElement(myScriptAlert, {position: 'absolute', top: '30%', left: '35%', border: '1px solid #F4F4F4', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '10px', backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', fontSize: '14px', textAlign: 'center', zIndex: '99999'});
+ myScriptAlert.appendChild(myScriptLogo);
+ var myNoPlayerMess = 'Couldn\'t get the player element. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '" style="color:#00892C">here</a>.';
+ modifyMyElement(myScriptMess, 'div', myNoPlayerMess, false);
+ myScriptAlert.appendChild(myScriptMess);
+ var myScriptAlertButton = createMyElement('div', 'OK', 'click', 'close', myScriptAlert);
+ styleMyElement(myScriptAlertButton, {width: '100px', border: '3px solid #EEEEEE', borderRadius: '5px', margin: '0px auto', backgroundColor: '#EEEEEE', color: '#666666', fontSize: '18px', textAlign: 'center', textShadow: '#FFFFFF -1px -1px 2px', cursor: 'pointer'});
+ myScriptAlert.appendChild(myScriptAlertButton);
+ page.body.appendChild(myScriptAlert);
+ }
+ else if (cause == '!thumb') {
+ var myNoThumbMess = '<br><br>Couldn\'t get the thumbnail for this video. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '" style="color:#00892C">here</a>.';
+ modifyMyElement(player['playerContent'], 'div', myNoThumbMess, false);
+ }
+ else {
+ myPlayerWindow.appendChild(myScriptLogo);
+ if (cause == '!content') {
+ var myNoContentMess = 'Couldn\'t get the videos content. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '" style="color:#00892C">here</a>.';
+ modifyMyElement(myScriptMess, 'div', myNoContentMess, false);
+ }
+ else if (cause == '!videos') {
+ var myNoVideosMess = 'Couldn\'t get any video. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '" style="color:#00892C">here</a>.';
+ modifyMyElement(myScriptMess, 'div', myNoVideosMess, false);
+ }
+ else if (cause == '!support') {
+ var myNoSupportMess = 'This video uses the RTMP protocol and is not supported.';
+ modifyMyElement(myScriptMess, 'div', myNoSupportMess, false);
+ }
+ else if (cause == 'embed') {
+ var myEmbedMess = 'This is an embedded video. You can watch it <a href="' + content + '" style="color:#00892C">here</a>.';
+ modifyMyElement(myScriptMess, 'div', myEmbedMess, false);
+ }
+ else if (cause == 'other') {
+ modifyMyElement(myScriptMess, 'div', content, false);
+ }
+ myPlayerWindow.appendChild(myScriptMess);
+ }
+ }
+ // ==========Websites========== //
+ // Fixes
+ var blockObject = page.doc;
+ var blockInterval = 50;
+ function blockVideos() {
+ var elVideos = getMyElement(blockObject, 'video', 'tag', '', -1, false);
+ if (elVideos.length > 0) {
+ for (var v = 0; v < elVideos.length; v++) {
+ var elVideo = elVideos[v];
+ if (elVideo && elVideo.id != 'vtVideo' && elVideo.currentSrc) {
+ if (!elVideo.paused) {
+ elVideo.pause();
+ if (page.url.indexOf('youtube.com/watch') == -1) elVideo.src = "#";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var elEmbeds = getMyElement(blockObject, 'embed', 'tag', '', -1, false) || getMyElement(blockObject, 'object', 'tag', '', -1, false);
+ if (elEmbeds.length > 0) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < elEmbeds.length; e++) {
+ var elEmbed = elEmbeds[e];
+ if (elEmbed && elEmbed.id != 'vtVideo' && elEmbed.parentNode) {
+ elEmbed.parentNode.removeChild(elEmbed);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (blockObject !== page.doc) {
+ var elFrames = getMyElement(blockObject, 'iframe', 'tag', '', -1, false);
+ if (elFrames.length > 0) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < elFrames.length; e++) {
+ var elFrame = elFrames[e];
+ if (elFrame && elFrame.parentNode)
+ elFrame.parentNode.removeChild(elFrame);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ blockVideos();
+ page.win.setInterval(function() {
+ // Force page reload on title and location change
+ if (page.title != page.doc.title && page.url != page.win.location.href) {
+ if (player['playerSocket']) styleMyElement(player['playerSocket'], {display: 'none'});
+ page.title = page.doc.title;
+ page.url = page.win.location.href;
+ page.win.location.reload();
+ }
+ // Block videos
+ if (blockObject && blockInterval > 0) {
+ blockVideos();
+ if (blockInterval > 0) blockInterval--;
+ }
+ }, 500);
+ // =====YouTube===== //
+ /* Redirect Categories */
+ if (page.url.indexOf('gaming.youtube.com') != -1) {
+ page.win.location.href = page.url.replace('gaming', 'www');
+ }
+ /* Video Availability */
+ var ytVideoUnavailable = getMyElement('', 'div', 'id', 'player-unavailable', -1, false);
+ if (ytVideoUnavailable) {
+ if (ytVideoUnavailable.className.indexOf('hid') == -1) {
+ var ytAgeGateContent = getMyElement('', 'div', 'id', 'watch7-player-age-gate-content', -1, true);
+ if (!ytAgeGateContent) return;
+ else {
+ if(ytAgeGateContent.indexOf('feature=private_video') != -1) return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Decrypt Signature */
+ var ytScriptSrc;
+ function ytDecryptSignature(s) {return null;}
+ function ytDecryptFunction() {
+ var ytSignFuncName, ytSignFuncBody, ytSwapFuncName, ytSwapFuncBody, ytFuncMatch;
+ ytScriptSrc = ytScriptSrc.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '');
+ ytSignFuncName = ytScriptSrc.match(/"signature"\s*,\s*([^\)]*?)\(/);
+ ytSignFuncName = (ytSignFuncName) ? ytSignFuncName[1] : null;
+ if (ytSignFuncName) {
+ ytFuncMatch = ytSignFuncName.replace(/\$/, '\\$') + '\\s*=\\s*function\\s*' + '\\s*\\(\\w+\\)\\s*\\{(.*?)\\}';
+ ytSignFuncBody = ytScriptSrc.match(ytFuncMatch);
+ ytSignFuncBody = (ytSignFuncBody) ? ytSignFuncBody[1] : null;
+ if (ytSignFuncBody) {
+ ytSwapFuncName = ytSignFuncBody.match(/((\$|_|\w)+)\.(\$|_|\w)+\(\w,[0-9]+\)/);
+ ytSwapFuncName = (ytSwapFuncName) ? ytSwapFuncName[1] : null;
+ if (ytSwapFuncName) {
+ ytFuncMatch = 'var\\s+' + ytSwapFuncName.replace(/\$/, '\\$') + '=\\s*\\{(.*?)\\};';
+ ytSwapFuncBody = ytScriptSrc.match(ytFuncMatch);
+ ytSwapFuncBody = (ytSwapFuncBody) ? ytSwapFuncBody[1] : null;
+ }
+ if (ytSwapFuncBody) ytSignFuncBody = 'var ' + ytSwapFuncName + '={' + ytSwapFuncBody + '};' + ytSignFuncBody;
+ ytSignFuncBody = 'try {' + ytSignFuncBody + '} catch(e) {return null}';
+ ytDecryptSignature = new Function('a', ytSignFuncBody);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Player Size */
+ var ytSidebarMarginNormal = 382;
+ var ytSidebarWindow = getMyElement('', 'div', 'id', 'watch7-sidebar', -1, false);
+ if (ytSidebarWindow) {
+ var ytSidebarWindowStyle = ytSidebarWindow.currentStyle || window.getComputedStyle(ytSidebarWindow);
+ if (ytSidebarWindowStyle) ytSidebarMarginNormal = -12 + parseInt(ytSidebarWindowStyle.marginTop.replace('px', ''));
+ styleMyElement(ytSidebarWindow, {marginTop: ytSidebarMarginNormal + 'px'});
+ }
+ var ytPlayerWidth, ytPlayerHeight;
+ var ytPlayerWideWidth, ytPlayerWideHeight;
+ var ytSidebarMarginWide;
+ var ytScreenWidth, ytScreenHeight;
+ function ytSizes() {
+ ytScreenWidth = page.win.innerWidth || page.doc.documentElement.clientWidth;
+ ytScreenHeight = page.win.innerHeight || page.doc.documentElement.clientHeight;
+ if (ytScreenWidth >= 1720 && ytScreenHeight >= 980) {
+ ytPlayerWidth = 1280;
+ ytPlayerHeight = 742;
+ ytPlayerWideWidth = 1706;
+ ytPlayerWideHeight = 982;
+ }
+ else if (ytScreenWidth >= 1294 && ytScreenHeight >= 630) {
+ ytPlayerWidth = 854;
+ ytPlayerHeight = 502;
+ ytPlayerWideWidth = 1280;
+ ytPlayerWideHeight = 742;
+ }
+ else {
+ ytPlayerWidth = 640;
+ ytPlayerHeight = 382;
+ ytPlayerWideWidth = 1066;
+ ytPlayerWideHeight = 622;
+ }
+ ytSidebarMarginWide = ytPlayerHeight + ytSidebarMarginNormal;
+ }
+ /* Get Player Window */
+ var ytPlayerWindow = document.querySelector("#player");
+ if (!ytPlayerWindow) {
+ showMyMessage('!player');
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Get Video Thumbnail */
+ var ytVideoThumb = getMyContent(page.url, 'link\\s+itemprop="thumbnailUrl"\\s+href="(.*?)"', false);
+ if (!ytVideoThumb) ytVideoThumb = getMyContent(page.url, 'meta\\s+property="og:image"\\s+content="(.*?)"', false);
+ if (!ytVideoThumb) {
+ var ytVideoID = page.url.match(/(\?|&)v=(.*?)(&|$)/);
+ if (ytVideoID) ytVideoThumb = 'https://img.youtube.com/vi/' + ytVideoID[2] + '/0.jpg';
+ }
+ /* Get Video Title */
+ var ytVideoTitle = getMyContent(page.url, 'meta\\s+itemprop="name"\\s+content="(.*?)"', false);
+ if (!ytVideoTitle) ytVideoTitle = getMyContent(page.url, 'meta\\s+property="og:title"\\s+content="(.*?)"', false);
+ if (!ytVideoTitle) ytVideoTitle = page.doc.title;
+ if (ytVideoTitle) {
+ ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/&quot;/g, '\'').replace(/&#34;/g, '\'').replace(/"/g, '\'');
+ ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/&#39;/g, '\'').replace(/'/g, '\'');
+ ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/&amp;/g, 'and').replace(/&/g, 'and');
+ ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/\?/g, '').replace(/[#:\*]/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '-');
+ ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '').replace(/\.+$/g, '');
+ ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/^YouTube\s-\s/, '');
+ }
+ /* Get Videos Content */
+ var ytVideosEncodedFmts, ytVideosAdaptiveFmts, ytVideosContent, ytHLSVideos, ytHLSContent;
+ ytVideosEncodedFmts = getMyContent(page.url, '"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map":\\s*"(.*?)"', false);
+ if (!ytVideosEncodedFmts) ytVideosEncodedFmts = getMyContent(page.url, '\\\\"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map\\\\":\\s*\\\\"(.*?)\\\\"', false);
+ ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = getMyContent(page.url, '"adaptive_fmts":\\s*"(.*?)"', false);
+ if (!ytVideosAdaptiveFmts) ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = getMyContent(page.url, '\\\\"adaptive_fmts\\\\":\\s*\\\\"(.*?)\\\\"', false);
+ if (ytVideosEncodedFmts) {
+ ytVideosContent = ytVideosEncodedFmts;
+ }
+ else {
+ ytHLSVideos = getMyContent(page.url, '"hlsvp":\\s*"(.*?)"', false);
+ if (!ytHLSVideos) ytHLSVideos = getMyContent(page.url, '\\\\"hlsvp\\\\":\\s*\\\\"(.*?)\\\\"', false);
+ if (ytHLSVideos) {
+ ytHLSVideos = cleanMyContent(ytHLSVideos, false);
+ if (ytHLSVideos.indexOf('keepalive/yes/') != -1) ytHLSVideos = ytHLSVideos.replace('keepalive/yes/', '');
+ }
+ else {
+ var ytVideoID = page.url.match(/(\?|&)v=(.*?)(&|$)/);
+ ytVideoID = (ytVideoID) ? ytVideoID[2] : null;
+ if (ytVideoID) {
+ var ytVideoSts = getMyContent(page.url.replace(/watch.*?v=/, 'embed/').replace(/&.*$/, ''), '"sts"\\s*:\\s*(\\d+)', false);
+ var ytVideosInfoURL = page.win.location.protocol + '//' + page.win.location.hostname + '/get_video_info?video_id=' + ytVideoID + '&eurl=https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/' + ytVideoID + '&sts=' + ytVideoSts;
+ var ytVideosInfo = getMyContent(ytVideosInfoURL, 'TEXT', false);
+ if (ytVideosInfo) {
+ ytVideosEncodedFmts = ytVideosInfo.match(/url_encoded_fmt_stream_map=(.*?)&/);
+ ytVideosEncodedFmts = (ytVideosEncodedFmts) ? ytVideosEncodedFmts[1] : null;
+ if (ytVideosEncodedFmts) {
+ ytVideosEncodedFmts = cleanMyContent(ytVideosEncodedFmts, true);
+ ytVideosContent = ytVideosEncodedFmts;
+ }
+ if (!ytVideosAdaptiveFmts) {
+ ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = ytVideosInfo.match(/adaptive_fmts=(.*?)&/);
+ ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = (ytVideosAdaptiveFmts) ? ytVideosAdaptiveFmts[1] : null;
+ if (ytVideosAdaptiveFmts) ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = cleanMyContent(ytVideosAdaptiveFmts, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ytVideosAdaptiveFmts && !ytHLSVideos) {
+ if (ytVideosContent) ytVideosContent += ',' + ytVideosAdaptiveFmts;
+ else ytVideosContent = ytVideosAdaptiveFmts;
+ }
+ /* Get Sizes */
+ ytSizes();
+ function removeElements (selector) {
+ document.querySelectorAll(selector).forEach(function (element) { element.remove(); });
+ }
+ /* Remove Player Window */
+ removeElements("#placeholder-player");
+ /* Remove Sidebar Ads */
+ removeElements("#watch7-sidebar-ads");
+ /* Playlist */
+ var ytPlaylist = document.querySelector("#player-playlist");
+ if (ytPlaylist) {
+ styleMyElement(ytPlaylist, {marginLeft: '-' + ytPlayerWidth + 'px'});
+ var ytPlaceholderPlaylist = document.querySelector("#placeholder-playlist");
+ if (ytPlaceholderPlaylist) ytPlaceholderPlaylist.appendChild(ytPlaylist);
+ }
+ /* My Player Window */
+ var myPlayerWindow = createMyElement('div', '', '', '', '');
+ styleMyElement(myPlayerWindow, {position: 'relative', width: ytPlayerWidth + 'px', height: ytPlayerHeight + 'px', backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF'});
+ modifyMyElement(ytPlayerWindow, 'div', '', false, true);
+ ytPlayerWindow.appendChild(myPlayerWindow);
+ blockObject = ytPlayerWindow;
+ /* Update Sizes */
+ page.win.addEventListener('resize', function() {
+ ytSizes();
+ player['playerWidth'] = ytPlayerWidth;
+ player['playerHeight'] = ytPlayerHeight;
+ player['playerWideWidth'] = ytPlayerWideWidth;
+ player['playerWideHeight'] = ytPlayerWideHeight;
+ player['sidebarMarginWide'] = ytSidebarMarginWide;
+ resizeMyPlayer('widesize');
+ if (ytPlaylist) styleMyElement(ytPlaylist, {marginLeft: '-' + ytPlayerWidth + 'px'});
+ }, false);
+ /* Create Player */
+ var ytDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4';
+ function ytPlayer() {
+ player = {
+ 'playerSocket': ytPlayerWindow,
+ 'playerWindow': myPlayerWindow,
+ 'videoList': ytVideoList,
+ 'videoPlay': ytDefaultVideo,
+ 'videoThumb': ytVideoThumb,
+ 'videoTitle': ytVideoTitle,
+ 'playerWidth': ytPlayerWidth,
+ 'playerHeight': ytPlayerHeight,
+ 'playerWideWidth': ytPlayerWideWidth,
+ 'playerWideHeight': ytPlayerWideHeight,
+ 'sidebarWindow': ytSidebarWindow,
+ 'sidebarMarginNormal': ytSidebarMarginNormal,
+ 'sidebarMarginWide': ytSidebarMarginWide
+ };
+ option['definitions'] = ['Ultra High Definition', 'Full High Definition', 'High Definition', 'Standard Definition', 'Low Definition', 'Very Low Definition'];
+ option['containers'] = ['MP4', 'WebM', 'FLV', '3GP', 'Any'];
+ createMyPlayer();
+ }
+ /* Parse Videos */
+ function ytVideos() {
+ var ytVideoFormats = {
+ '5': 'Very Low Definition FLV',
+ '17': 'Very Low Definition 3GP',
+ '18': 'Low Definition MP4',
+ '22': 'High Definition MP4',
+ '34': 'Low Definition FLV',
+ '35': 'Standard Definition FLV',
+ '36': 'Low Definition 3GP',
+ '37': 'Full High Definition MP4',
+ '38': 'Ultra High Definition MP4',
+ '43': 'Low Definition WebM',
+ '44': 'Standard Definition WebM',
+ '45': 'High Definition WebM',
+ '46': 'Full High Definition WebM',
+ '82': 'Low Definition 3D MP4',
+ '83': 'Standard Definition 3D MP4',
+ '84': 'High Definition 3D MP4',
+ '85': 'Full High Definition 3D MP4',
+ '100': 'Low Definition 3D WebM',
+ '101': 'Standard Definition 3D WebM',
+ '102': 'High Definition 3D WebM',
+ '135': 'Standard Definition Video MP4',
+ '136': 'High Definition Video MP4',
+ '137': 'Full High Definition Video MP4',
+ '138': 'Ultra High Definition Video MP4',
+ '139': 'Low Bitrate Audio MP4',
+ '140': 'Medium Bitrate Audio MP4',
+ '141': 'High Bitrate Audio MP4',
+ '171': 'Medium Bitrate Audio WebM',
+ '172': 'High Bitrate Audio WebM',
+ '244': 'Standard Definition Video WebM',
+ '247': 'High Definition Video WebM',
+ '248': 'Full High Definition Video WebM',
+ '249': 'Low Bitrate Audio Opus',
+ '250': 'Medium Bitrate Audio Opus',
+ '251': 'High Bitrate Audio Opus',
+ '266': 'Ultra High Definition Video MP4',
+ '272': 'Ultra High Definition Video WebM',
+ '298': 'High Definition Video MP4',
+ '299': 'Full High Definition Video MP4',
+ '302': 'High Definition Video WebM',
+ '303': 'Full High Definition Video WebM',
+ '313': 'Ultra High Definition Video WebM'
+ };
+ var ytVideoFound = false;
+ var ytVideos = ytVideosContent.split(',');
+ var ytVideoParse, ytVideoCodeParse, ytVideoCode, myVideoCode, ytVideo;
+ for (var i = 0; i < ytVideos.length; i++) {
+ if (!ytVideos[i].match(/^url/)) {
+ ytVideoParse = ytVideos[i].match(/(.*)(url=.*$)/);
+ if (ytVideoParse) ytVideos[i] = ytVideoParse[2] + '&' + ytVideoParse[1];
+ }
+ ytVideoCodeParse = ytVideos[i].match(/itag=(\d{1,3})/);
+ ytVideoCode = (ytVideoCodeParse) ? ytVideoCodeParse[1] : null;
+ if (ytVideoCode) {
+ myVideoCode = ytVideoFormats[ytVideoCode];
+ if (myVideoCode) {
+ ytVideo = cleanMyContent(ytVideos[i], true);
+ ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/url=/, '').replace(/&$/, '');
+ if (ytVideo.match(/itag=/) && ytVideo.match(/itag=/g).length > 1) {
+ if (ytVideo.match(/itag=\d{1,3}&/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/itag=\d{1,3}&/, '');
+ else if (ytVideo.match(/&itag=\d{1,3}/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&itag=\d{1,3}/, '');
+ }
+ if (ytVideo.match(/clen=/) && ytVideo.match(/clen=/g).length > 1) {
+ if (ytVideo.match(/clen=\d+&/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/clen=\d+&/, '');
+ else if (ytVideo.match(/&clen=\d+/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&clen=\d+/, '');
+ }
+ if (ytVideo.match(/lmt=/) && ytVideo.match(/lmt=/g).length > 1) {
+ if (ytVideo.match(/lmt=\d+&/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/lmt=\d+&/, '');
+ else if (ytVideo.match(/&lmt=\d+/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&lmt=\d+/, '');
+ }
+ if (ytVideo.match(/type=(video|audio).*?&/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/type=(video|audio).*?&/, '');
+ else ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&type=(video|audio).*$/, '');
+ if (ytVideo.match(/xtags=[^%=]*&/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/xtags=[^%=]*?&/, '');
+ else if (ytVideo.match(/&xtags=[^%=]*$/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&xtags=[^%=]*$/, '');
+ if (ytVideo.match(/&sig=/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&sig=/, '&signature=');
+ else if (ytVideo.match(/&s=/)) {
+ var ytSig = ytVideo.match(/&s=(.*?)(&|$)/);
+ if (ytSig) {
+ var s = ytSig[1];
+ s = ytDecryptSignature(s);
+ if (s) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&s=.*?(&|$)/, '&signature=' + s + '$1');
+ else ytVideo = '';
+ }
+ else ytVideo = '';
+ }
+ ytVideo = cleanMyContent(ytVideo, true);
+ if (ytVideo.indexOf('ratebypass') == -1) ytVideo += '&ratebypass=yes';
+ if (ytVideo && ytVideo.indexOf('http') == 0) {
+ if (!ytVideoFound) ytVideoFound = true;
+ ytVideoList[myVideoCode] = ytVideo;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ytVideoFound) {
+ /* DASH */
+ if (!ytVideoList['Standard Definition MP4'] && ytVideoList['Standard Definition Video MP4']) ytVideoList['Standard Definition MP4'] = 'DASH';
+ if (!ytVideoList['High Definition MP4'] && ytVideoList['High Definition Video MP4']) ytVideoList['High Definition MP4'] = 'DASH';
+ if (!ytVideoList['Full High Definition MP4'] && ytVideoList['Full High Definition Video MP4']) ytVideoList['Full High Definition MP4'] = 'DASH';
+ if (!ytVideoList['Ultra High Definition MP4'] && ytVideoList['Ultra High Definition Video MP4']) ytVideoList['Ultra High Definition MP4'] = 'DASH';
+ if (!ytVideoList['Standard Definition WebM'] && ytVideoList['Standard Definition Video WebM']) ytVideoList['Standard Definition WebM'] = 'DASH';
+ if (!ytVideoList['High Definition WebM'] && ytVideoList['High Definition Video WebM']) ytVideoList['High Definition WebM'] = 'DASH';
+ if (!ytVideoList['Full High Definition WebM'] && ytVideoList['Full High Definition Video WebM']) ytVideoList['Full High Definition WebM'] = 'DASH';
+ if (!ytVideoList['Ultra High Definition WebM'] && ytVideoList['Ultra High Definition Video WebM']) ytVideoList['Ultra High Definition WebM'] = 'DASH';
+ /* DVL */
+ ytVideoList['Direct Video Link'] = page.url;
+ option['autoget'] = true;
+ ytPlayer();
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ytVideosContent.indexOf('conn=rtmp') != -1) showMyMessage('!support');
+ else showMyMessage('!videos');
+ }
+ }
+ /* Parse HLS */
+ function ytHLS() {
+ var ytHLSFormats = {
+ '92': 'Very Low Definition MP4',
+ '93': 'Low Definition MP4',
+ '94': 'Standard Definition MP4',
+ '95': 'High Definition MP4',
+ '96': 'Full High Definition MP4'
+ };
+ ytVideoList["Any Definition MP4"] = ytHLSVideos;
+ if (ytHLSContent) {
+ var ytHLSVideo, ytVideoCodeParse, ytVideoCode, myVideoCode;
+ var ytHLSMatcher = new RegExp('(http.*?m3u8)', 'g');
+ ytHLSVideos = ytHLSContent.match(ytHLSMatcher);
+ if (ytHLSVideos) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < ytHLSVideos.length; i++) {
+ ytHLSVideo = ytHLSVideos[i];
+ ytVideoCodeParse = ytHLSVideo.match(/\/itag\/(\d{1,3})\//);
+ ytVideoCode = (ytVideoCodeParse) ? ytVideoCodeParse[1] : null;
+ if (ytVideoCode) {
+ myVideoCode = ytHLSFormats[ytVideoCode];
+ if (myVideoCode && ytHLSVideo) {
+ ytVideoList[myVideoCode] = ytHLSVideo;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* DVL */
+ ytVideoList['Direct Video Link'] = page.url;
+ ytVideoTitle = null;
+ ytDefaultVideo = 'Any Definition MP4';
+ ytPlayer();
+ }
+ /* Get Videos */
+ var ytVideoList = {};
+ if (ytVideosContent) {
+ if (ytVideosContent.match(/&s=/) || ytVideosContent.match(/,s=/) || ytVideosContent.match(/u0026s=/)) {
+ var ytScriptURL = getMyContent(page.url, '"js":\\s*"(.*?)"', true);
+ if (!ytScriptURL) ytScriptURL = getMyContent(page.url.replace(/watch.*?v=/, 'embed/').replace(/&.*$/, ''), '"js":\\s*"(.*?)"', true);
+ if (ytScriptURL) {
+ ytScriptURL = page.win.location.protocol + ytScriptURL;
+ try {
+ ytScriptSrc = getMyContent(ytScriptURL, 'TEXT', false);
+ if (ytScriptSrc) ytDecryptFunction();
+ ytVideos();
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ try {
+ var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ oReq.open("GET", ytScriptURL);
+ oReq.onload = function(response) {
+ if (response.readyState === 4 && response.status === 200 && response.responseText) {
+ ytScriptSrc = response.responseText;
+ ytDecryptFunction();
+ ytVideos();
+ }
+ else {
+ showMyMessage('other', 'Couldn\'t get the signature content. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '" style="color:#00892C">here</a>.');
+ }
+ };
+ oReq.onerror = function() {
+ showMyMessage('other', 'Couldn\'t make the request. Make sure your browser user scripts extension supports cross-domain requests.');
+ };
+ oReq.send();
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ showMyMessage('other', 'Couldn\'t make the request. Make sure your browser user scripts extension supports cross-domain requests.');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ showMyMessage('other', 'Couldn\'t get the signature link. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '" style="color:#00892C">here</a>.');
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ytVideos();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ytHLSVideos) {
+ try {
+ ytHLSContent = getMyContent(ytHLSVideos, 'TEXT', false);
+ ytHLS();
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ try {
+ var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ oReq.open("GET", ytHLSVideos);
+ oReq.onload = function(response) {
+ if (response.readyState === 4 && response.status === 200 && response.responseText) {
+ ytHLSContent = response.responseText;
+ }
+ ytHLS();
+ };
+ oReq.onerror = function() {
+ ytHLS();
+ };
+ oReq.send();
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ ytHLS();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ showMyMessage('!content');
+ }
+ }
+ }