path: root/src/guile/skribilo/package/eq.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/guile/skribilo/package/eq.scm')
1 files changed, 439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/guile/skribilo/package/eq.scm b/src/guile/skribilo/package/eq.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f5020e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/guile/skribilo/package/eq.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+;;; eq.scm -- An equation formatting package.
+;;; Copyright 2005, 2006 Ludovic Courtès <ludovic.courtes@laas.fr>
+;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+;;; USA.
+(define-module (skribilo package eq)
+ :autoload (skribilo ast) (markup?)
+ :autoload (skribilo output) (output)
+ :use-module (skribilo writer)
+ :use-module (skribilo engine)
+ :use-module (skribilo lib)
+ :use-module (skribilo utils syntax)
+ :use-module (skribilo module)
+ :use-module (skribilo utils keywords) ;; `the-options', etc.
+ :autoload (skribilo package base) (it symbol sub sup)
+ :autoload (skribilo engine lout) (lout-illustration)
+ :use-module (ice-9 optargs))
+;;; Author: Ludovic Courtès
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; This package defines a set of markups for formatting equations. The user
+;;; may either use the standard Scheme prefix notation to represent
+;;; equations, or directly use the specific markups (which looks more
+;;; verbose).
+;;; FIXME: This is incomplete.
+;;; Code:
+(fluid-set! current-reader %skribilo-module-reader)
+;;; Utilities.
+(define %operators
+ '(/ * + - = != ~= < > <= >= sqrt expt sum product script
+ in notin apply))
+(define %symbols
+ ;; A set of symbols that are automatically recognized within an `eq' quoted
+ ;; list.
+ '(;; lower-case Greek
+ alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa
+ lambda mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi omega
+ ;; upper-case Greek
+ Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa
+ Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Omega
+ ;; Hebrew
+ alef
+ ;; mathematics
+ ellipsis weierp image real forall partial exists
+ emptyset infinity in notin nabla nipropto angle and or cap cup
+ sim cong approx neq equiv le ge subset supset subseteq supseteq
+ oplus otimes perp mid lceil rceil lfloor rfloor langle rangle))
+(define (make-fast-member-predicate lst)
+ (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
+ ;; initialize a hash table equivalent to LST
+ (for-each (lambda (s) (hashq-set! h s #t)) lst)
+ ;; the run-time, fast, definition
+ (lambda (sym)
+ (hashq-ref h sym #f))))
+(define-public known-operator? (make-fast-member-predicate %operators))
+(define-public known-symbol? (make-fast-member-predicate %symbols))
+(define-public equation-markup-name?
+ (make-fast-member-predicate (map (lambda (s)
+ (symbol-append 'eq: s))
+ %operators)))
+(define-public (equation-markup? m)
+ "Return true if @var{m} is an instance of one of the equation sub-markups."
+ (and (markup? m)
+ (equation-markup-name? (markup-markup m))))
+(define-public (equation-markup-name->operator m)
+ "Given symbol @var{m} (an equation markup name, e.g., @code{eq:+}), return
+a symbol representing the mathematical operator denoted by @var{m} (e.g.,
+ (if (equation-markup-name? m)
+ (string->symbol (let ((str (symbol->string m)))
+ (substring str
+ (+ 1 (string-index str #\:))
+ (string-length str))))
+ #f))
+;;; Operator precedence.
+(define %operator-precedence
+ ;; FIXME: This needs to be augmented.
+ '((+ . 1)
+ (- . 1)
+ (* . 2)
+ (/ . 2)
+ (sum . 3)
+ (product . 3)
+ (= . 0)
+ (< . 0)
+ (> . 0)
+ (<= . 0)
+ (>= . 0)))
+(define-public (operator-precedence op)
+ (let ((p (assq op %operator-precedence)))
+ (if (pair? p) (cdr p) 0)))
+;;; Turning an S-exp into an `eq' markup.
+(define %rebindings
+ (map (lambda (sym)
+ (list sym (symbol-append 'eq: sym)))
+ %operators))
+(define (eq:symbols->strings equation)
+ "Turn symbols located in non-@code{car} positions into strings."
+ (cond ((list? equation)
+ (if (or (null? equation) (null? (cdr equation)))
+ equation
+ (cons (car equation) ;; XXX: not tail-recursive
+ (map eq:symbols->strings (cdr equation)))))
+ ((symbol? equation)
+ (if (known-symbol? equation)
+ `(symbol ,(symbol->string equation))
+ (symbol->string equation)))
+ (else equation)))
+(define-public (eq-evaluate equation)
+ "Evaluate @var{equation}, an sexp (list) representing an equation, e.g.
+@code{'(+ a (/ b 3))}."
+ (eval `(let ,%rebindings ,(eq:symbols->strings equation))
+ (current-module)))
+;;; Markup.
+(define-markup (eq :rest opts :key (ident #f) (inline? #f)
+ (renderer #f) (class "eq"))
+ (new markup
+ (markup 'eq)
+ (ident (or ident (symbol->string (gensym "eq"))))
+ (options (the-options opts))
+ (body (let loop ((body (the-body opts))
+ (result '()))
+ (if (null? body)
+ result
+ (loop (cdr body)
+ (if (markup? (car body))
+ (car body) ;; the `eq:*' markups were used
+ ;; directly
+ (eq-evaluate (car body))) ;; a quoted list was
+ ;; passed
+ ))))))
+(define-simple-markup eq:/)
+(define-simple-markup eq:*)
+(define-simple-markup eq:+)
+(define-simple-markup eq:-)
+(define-simple-markup eq:=)
+(define-simple-markup eq:!=)
+(define-simple-markup eq:~=)
+(define-simple-markup eq:<)
+(define-simple-markup eq:>)
+(define-simple-markup eq:>=)
+(define-simple-markup eq:<=)
+(define-simple-markup eq:sqrt)
+(define-simple-markup eq:expt)
+(define-markup (eq:sum :rest opts :key (ident #f) (class "eq:sum")
+ (from #f) (to #f))
+ (new markup
+ (markup 'eq:sum)
+ (ident (or ident (symbol->string (gensym "eq:sum"))))
+ (options (the-options opts))
+ (body (the-body opts))))
+(define-markup (eq:product :rest opts :key (ident #f) (class "eq:product")
+ (from #f) (to #f))
+ (new markup
+ (markup 'eq:product)
+ (ident (or ident (symbol->string (gensym "eq:product"))))
+ (options (the-options opts))
+ (body (the-body opts))))
+(define-markup (eq:script :rest opts :key (ident #f) (class "eq:script")
+ (sub #f) (sup #f))
+ (new markup
+ (markup 'eq:script)
+ (ident (or ident (symbol->string (gensym "eq:script"))))
+ (options (the-options opts))
+ (body (the-body opts))))
+(define-simple-markup eq:in)
+(define-simple-markup eq:notin)
+(define-markup (eq:apply :rest opts :key (ident #f) (class "eq:apply"))
+ ;; This markup may receive either a list of arguments or arguments
+ ;; compatible with the real `apply'. Note: the real `apply' can take N
+ ;; non-list arguments but the last one has to be a list.
+ (new markup
+ (markup 'eq:apply)
+ (ident (or ident (symbol->string (gensym "eq:apply"))))
+ (options (the-options opts))
+ (body (let loop ((body (the-body opts))
+ (result '()))
+ (if (null? body)
+ (reverse! result)
+ (let ((first (car body)))
+ (if (list? first)
+ (if (null? (cdr body))
+ (append (reverse! result) first)
+ (skribe-error 'eq:apply
+ "wrong argument type"
+ body))
+ (loop (cdr body) (cons first result)))))))))
+;;; Text-based rendering.
+(markup-writer 'eq (find-engine 'base)
+ :action (lambda (node engine)
+ ;; The `:renderer' option should be a symbol (naming an engine
+ ;; class) or an engine or engine class. This allows the use of
+ ;; another engine to render equations. For instance, equations
+ ;; may be rendered using the Lout engine within an HTML
+ ;; document.
+ (let ((renderer (markup-option node :renderer)))
+ (cond ((not renderer) ;; default: use the current engine
+ (output (it (markup-body node)) engine))
+ ((symbol? renderer)
+ (case renderer
+ ;; FIXME: We should have an `embed' slot for each
+ ;; engine class similar to `lout-illustration'.
+ ((lout)
+ (let ((lout-code
+ (with-output-to-string
+ (lambda ()
+ (output node (find-engine 'lout))))))
+ (output (lout-illustration
+ :ident (markup-ident node)
+ lout-code)
+ engine)))
+ (else
+ (skribe-error 'eq "invalid renderer" renderer))))
+ ;; FIXME: `engine?' and `engine-class?'
+ (else
+ (skribe-error 'eq "`:renderer' -- wrong argument type"
+ renderer))))))
+(define-macro (simple-markup-writer op . obj)
+ ;; Note: The text-only rendering is less ambiguous if we parenthesize
+ ;; without taking operator precedence into account.
+ (let ((precedence (operator-precedence op)))
+ `(markup-writer ',(symbol-append 'eq: op) (find-engine 'base)
+ :action (lambda (node engine)
+ (let loop ((operands (markup-body node)))
+ (if (null? operands)
+ #t
+ (let* ((o (car operands))
+ (nested-eq? (equation-markup? o))
+ (need-paren?
+ (and nested-eq?
+; (< (operator-precedence
+; (equation-markup-name->operator
+; (markup-markup o)))
+; ,precedence)
+ )
+ ))
+ (display (if need-paren? "(" ""))
+ (output o engine)
+ (display (if need-paren? ")" ""))
+ (if (pair? (cdr operands))
+ (begin
+ (display " ")
+ (output ,(if (null? obj)
+ (symbol->string op)
+ (car obj))
+ engine)
+ (display " ")))
+ (loop (cdr operands)))))))))
+(simple-markup-writer +)
+(simple-markup-writer -)
+(simple-markup-writer /)
+(simple-markup-writer * (symbol "times"))
+(simple-markup-writer =)
+(simple-markup-writer != (symbol "neq"))
+(simple-markup-writer ~= (symbol "approx"))
+(simple-markup-writer <)
+(simple-markup-writer >)
+(simple-markup-writer >= (symbol "ge"))
+(simple-markup-writer <= (symbol "le"))
+(markup-writer 'eq:sqrt (find-engine 'base)
+ :action (lambda (node engine)
+ (display "sqrt(")
+ (output (markup-body node) engine)
+ (display ")")))
+(define-macro (simple-binary-markup-writer op obj)
+ `(markup-writer ',(symbol-append 'eq: op) (find-engine 'base)
+ :action (lambda (node engine)
+ (let ((body (markup-body node)))
+ (if (= (length body) 2)
+ (let ((first (car body))
+ (second (cadr body)))
+ (display (if (equation-markup? first) "(" " "))
+ (output first engine)
+ (display (if (equation-markup? first) ")" " "))
+ (output ,obj engine)
+ (display (if (equation-markup? second) "(" ""))
+ (output second engine)
+ (display (if (equation-markup? second) ")" "")))
+ (skribe-error ',(symbol-append 'eq: op)
+ "wrong argument type"
+ body))))))
+(markup-writer 'eq:expt (find-engine 'base)
+ :action (lambda (node engine)
+ (let ((body (markup-body node)))
+ (if (= (length body) 2)
+ (let ((first (car body))
+ (second (cadr body)))
+ (display (if (equation-markup? first) "(" ""))
+ (output first engine)
+ (display (if (equation-markup? first) ")" ""))
+ (output (sup second) engine))))))
+(simple-binary-markup-writer in (symbol "in"))
+(simple-binary-markup-writer notin (symbol "notin"))
+(markup-writer 'eq:apply (find-engine 'base)
+ :action (lambda (node engine)
+ (let ((func (car (markup-body node))))
+ (output func engine)
+ (display "(")
+ (let loop ((operands (cdr (markup-body node))))
+ (if (null? operands)
+ #t
+ (begin
+ (output (car operands) engine)
+ (if (not (null? (cdr operands)))
+ (display ", "))
+ (loop (cdr operands)))))
+ (display ")"))))
+(markup-writer 'eq:sum (find-engine 'base)
+ :action (lambda (node engine)
+ (let ((from (markup-option node :from))
+ (to (markup-option node :to)))
+ (output (symbol "Sigma") engine)
+ (display "(")
+ (output from engine)
+ (display ", ")
+ (output to engine)
+ (display ", ")
+ (output (markup-body node) engine)
+ (display ")"))))
+(markup-writer 'eq:prod (find-engine 'base)
+ :action (lambda (node engine)
+ (let ((from (markup-option node :from))
+ (to (markup-option node :to)))
+ (output (symbol "Pi") engine)
+ (display "(")
+ (output from engine)
+ (display ", ")
+ (output to engine)
+ (display ", ")
+ (output (markup-body node) engine)
+ (display ")"))))
+(markup-writer 'eq:script (find-engine 'base)
+ :action (lambda (node engine)
+ (let ((body (markup-body node))
+ (sup* (markup-option node :sup))
+ (sub* (markup-option node :sub)))
+ (output body engine)
+ (output (sup sup*) engine)
+ (output (sub sub*) engine))))
+;;; Initialization.
+(when-engine-is-loaded 'lout
+ (lambda ()
+ (resolve-module '(skribilo package eq lout))))
+;;; arch-tag: 58764650-2684-47a6-8cc7-6288f2b474da
+;;; eq.scm ends here