AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-03-31Specify dependencies in pyproject.toml.HEADv0.1.0mainArun Isaac
2021-03-31Add license information to README.Arun Isaac
2021-03-31Add citation information to README.Arun Isaac
2021-03-31Document usage information in README.Arun Isaac
2021-03-31Add tests.Arun Isaac
2021-03-26Git ignore __pycache__.Arun Isaac
2021-03-26Use numpy's random Generator interface.Arun Isaac
2021-03-26Export all names from package namespace.Arun Isaac
2021-03-26Simplify directory structure.Arun Isaac
2021-03-26Move planar angle generation into random_on_cap.Arun Isaac
2021-03-26Remove inverse transform sampling based functions.Arun Isaac
2021-03-26Rename random_vector_on_disk to random_on_disk.Arun Isaac
2021-03-26Rename random_vector_on_sphere to random_on_sphere.Arun Isaac
2021-03-26Git ignore all .egg-info files, not just samball.egg-info.Arun Isaac
2021-03-26Rename to sambal.Arun Isaac
2021-03-25Add gitignore.Arun Isaac
2021-03-25Add Isaac
2021-03-25Initial commitArun Isaac