path: root/nd-random.c
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1 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nd-random.c b/nd-random.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25abc7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nd-random.c
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#include <float.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_sf_gamma.h>
+#include "nd-random.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+static double beta_inc_unnormalized (double a, double b, double x);
+static double incomplete_wallis_integral (double theta, unsigned int m);
+void random_direction_vector (const gsl_rng* r, gsl_vector* x)
+ gsl_ran_dir_nd(r, x->size, x->data);
+static void rotate_from_nth_canonical (gsl_vector* x, const gsl_vector* orient)
+ const size_t n = x->size;
+ double xn = gsl_vector_get(x, n - 1);
+ double mun = gsl_vector_get(orient, n - 1);
+ gsl_vector_const_view orient_sub = gsl_vector_const_subvector(orient, 0, n - 1);
+ double b = gsl_blas_dnrm2(&orient_sub.vector);
+ double a = (dot_product(orient, x) - xn*mun) / b;
+ double c = mun, s = sqrt(1 - gsl_pow_2(c));
+ gsl_blas_daxpy((xn*s + a*(c - 1))/b, orient, x);
+ gsl_vector_set(x, n - 1, gsl_vector_get(x, n - 1)
+ + xn*(c - 1) - a*s
+ - mun*(xn*s + a*(c - 1))/b);
+/* TODO: There is an edge case when mean is the (n-1)th canonical
+ basis vector. Fix it.
+void hollow_cone_random_vector (const gsl_rng* r, const gsl_vector* mean, double theta_min, double theta_max, gsl_vector* x)
+ unsigned int n = x->size;
+ gsl_ran_dir_nd(r, n - 1, x->data);
+ // Generate random vector around the nth canonical basis vector
+ double omega_min = planar_angle_to_solid_angle(theta_min, n);
+ double omega_max = planar_angle_to_solid_angle(theta_max, n);
+ gsl_vector_scale(x, cos(theta_max) * tan(solid_angle_to_planar_angle(gsl_ran_flat(r, omega_min, omega_max), n)));
+ gsl_vector_set(x, n - 1, cos(theta_max));
+ gsl_vector_scale(x, 1.0/gsl_blas_dnrm2(x));
+ // Rotate to arbitrary basis
+ rotate_from_nth_canonical(x, mean);
+void subsampling_random_vector (const gsl_rng* r, const gsl_vector* mean, double theta_max, gsl_vector* x)
+ hollow_cone_random_vector(r, mean, 0, theta_max, x);
+static double beta_inc_unnormalized (double a, double b, double x)
+ return gsl_sf_beta_inc(a, b, x) * gsl_sf_beta(a, b);
+static double incomplete_wallis_integral (double theta, unsigned int m)
+ /**
+ @param theta 0 < theta < pi
+ @param m
+ @return \int_0^\theta \sin^m x dx
+ **/
+ if ((theta < 0) || (theta > M_PI))
+ GSL_ERROR("Incomplete Wallis integral only allows theta in [0,pi]", GSL_EDOM);
+ if (theta < M_PI_2)
+ return 0.5 * beta_inc_unnormalized((m+1)/2.0, 0.5, gsl_pow_2(sin(theta)));
+ else
+ return 0.5 * (gsl_sf_beta((m+1)/2.0, 0.5) + beta_inc_unnormalized(0.5, (m+1)/2.0, gsl_pow_2(cos(theta))));
+double planar_angle_to_solid_angle (double planar_angle, unsigned int dimension)
+ return 2 * pow(M_PI, (dimension - 1)/2.0)
+ * incomplete_wallis_integral(planar_angle, dimension - 2)
+ / gsl_sf_gamma((dimension - 1)/2.0);
+double solid_angle_to_planar_angle (double solid_angle, unsigned int dimension)
+ double f (double planar_angle, void* params)
+ {
+ return planar_angle_to_solid_angle(planar_angle, dimension) - solid_angle;
+ }
+ gsl_function gsl_f = {&f};
+ /* if (fabs(GSL_FN_EVAL(&gsl_f, 0))/surface_area_of_ball(dimension) < BISECTION_FUNCTION_EPSABS) */
+ /* return 0; */
+ /* else if (fabs(GSL_FN_EVAL(&gsl_f, M_PI))/surface_area_of_ball(dimension) < BISECTION_FUNCTION_EPSABS) */
+ /* return M_PI; */
+ /* else return bisection(&gsl_f, 0, M_PI); */
+ if (solid_angle == 0)
+ return 0;
+ else if (solid_angle == surface_area_of_ball(dimension))
+ return M_PI;
+ else return bisection(&gsl_f, 0, M_PI);