
meen is a minor mode to hide clocks replacing them with fish icons. It is useful to escape the tyranny of the clock and live a life not knowing the precise artificial time.

As Lewis Mumford pointed out, clocks are probably the key invention of the machine age, and are very hard to escape. They show up in very many places in Emacs (think the output of ls -l, dired buffers, git commit logs, email, IM, logs, etc.). If you are trying to live a life free of the precise artificial time produced by the clock, these can all trip you up. meen helps you by finding clocks in your buffers and replacing them with cute fish icons.


Toggle meen mode in all buffers using M-x global-meen-mode. Or, toggle meen mode in the current buffer using M-x meen-mode.

Clocks will be replaced by Unicode fish icons (🐟). You will need a font that supports the Unicode fish icon. If you would rather use some other character, customize the meen-char variable.

Why is it called meen?

Natural time can be told by the movement of the Sun in the morning and by the stars at night. meen (மீன்) is a Tamil word meaning both star and fish. It is thought that this is an ancient homophonic connection going all the way back to the undeciphered Indus valley script.


meen is free software released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.