%{ /* xapian-headers.i: Getting SWIG to parse Xapian's C++ headers. * * Copyright 2004,2006,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2019 Olly Betts * Copyright 2014 Assem Chelli * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 * USA */ %} /* Ignore these functions: */ %ignore Xapian::iterator_rewind; %ignore Xapian::iterator_valid; /* Ignore anything ending in an underscore, which is for internal use only: */ %rename("$ignore", regexmatch$name="_$") ""; /* A class which can usefully be subclassed in the target language. */ %define SUBCLASSABLE(NS, CLASS) %ignore NS::CLASS::clone; %ignore NS::CLASS::serialise; %ignore NS::CLASS::unserialise; %#ifdef XAPIAN_SWIG_DIRECTORS %feature(director) NS::CLASS; %#endif %enddef /* A class which is only useful to wrap if the target language allows * subclassing of wrapped classes (what SWIG calls "director support"). */ #ifdef XAPIAN_SWIG_DIRECTORS #define SUBCLASSABLE_ONLY(NS, CLASS) SUBCLASSABLE(NS, CLASS) #else #define SUBCLASSABLE_ONLY(NS, CLASS) %ignore NS::CLASS; #endif #ifdef SWIGTCL /* Tcl needs copy constructors it seems. */ %define STANDARD_IGNORES(NS, CLASS) %ignore NS::CLASS::internal; %ignore NS::CLASS::CLASS(Internal*); %ignore NS::CLASS::CLASS(Internal&); %ignore NS::CLASS::operator=; %enddef #else %define STANDARD_IGNORES(NS, CLASS) %ignore NS::CLASS::internal; %ignore NS::CLASS::CLASS(Internal*); %ignore NS::CLASS::CLASS(Internal&); %ignore NS::CLASS::operator=; %ignore NS::CLASS::CLASS(const CLASS &); %enddef #endif #ifdef SWIGCSHARP /* In C#, next and prev return the iterator object. */ #define INC_OR_DEC(METHOD, OP, NS, CLASS, RET_TYPE) NS::CLASS METHOD() { return OP(*self); } #elif defined SWIGJAVA /* In Java, next and prev return the result of dereferencing the iterator. */ #define INC_OR_DEC(METHOD, OP, NS, CLASS, RET_TYPE) RET_TYPE METHOD() { return *(OP(*self)); } #else /* Otherwise, next and prev return void. */ #define INC_OR_DEC(METHOD, OP, NS, CLASS, RET_TYPE) void METHOD() { OP(*self); } #endif /* For other languages, SWIG already renames operator() suitably. */ #if defined SWIGGUILE || defined SWIGJAVA || defined SWIGPHP || defined SWIGTCL %rename(apply) *::operator(); #elif defined SWIGCSHARP %rename(Apply) *::operator(); #endif /* We use %ignore and %extend rather than %rename on operator* so that any * pattern rename used to match local naming conventions applies to * DEREF_METHOD. */ %define INPUT_ITERATOR_METHODS(NS, CLASS, RET_TYPE, DEREF_METHOD) STANDARD_IGNORES(NS, CLASS) %ignore NS::CLASS::operator++; %ignore NS::CLASS::operator*; %extend NS::CLASS { bool equals(const NS::CLASS & o) const { return *self == o; } RET_TYPE DEREF_METHOD() const { return **self; } INC_OR_DEC(next, ++, NS, CLASS, RET_TYPE) } %enddef %define RANDOM_ACCESS_ITERATOR_METHODS(NS, CLASS, RET_TYPE, DEREF_METHOD) INPUT_ITERATOR_METHODS(NS, CLASS, RET_TYPE, DEREF_METHOD) %ignore NS::CLASS::operator--; %ignore NS::CLASS::operator+=; %ignore NS::CLASS::operator-=; %ignore NS::CLASS::operator+; %ignore NS::CLASS::operator-; %extend NS::CLASS { INC_OR_DEC(prev, --, NS, CLASS, RET_TYPE) } %enddef %define CONSTANT(TYPE, NS, NAME) %ignore NS::NAME; %constant TYPE NAME = NS::NAME; %enddef /* Ignore these for all classes: */ %ignore operator==; %ignore operator!=; %ignore operator<; %ignore operator>; %ignore operator<=; %ignore operator>=; %ignore operator+; %ignore difference_type; %ignore iterator_category; %ignore value_type; %ignore max_size; %ignore swap; %ignore iterator; %ignore const_iterator; %ignore size_type; %ignore unserialise(const char **, const char *); %ignore release(); /* These methods won't throw exceptions. */ %exception Xapian::major_version "$action" %exception Xapian::minor_version "$action" %exception Xapian::revision "$action" %exception Xapian::version_string "$action" // For XAPIAN_DOCID_BASE_TYPE and XAPIAN_TERMCOUNT_BASE_TYPE: %import <xapian/version.h> %include <xapian.h> // Disable errors about not including headers individually. #define XAPIAN_IN_XAPIAN_H /* We don't wrap the version macros - they're useful for compile time checks * in C++ code, but for a scripting language, the version functions tell us * the version of Xapian we're actually using, which is more interesting than * the one the bindings were built against. */ /* %include <xapian/version.h> */ CONSTANT(Xapian::valueno, Xapian, BAD_VALUENO); /* Types are needed by most of the other headers. */ %include <xapian/types.h> CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DB_CREATE); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DB_OPEN); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DB_NO_SYNC); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DB_FULL_SYNC); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DB_DANGEROUS); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DB_NO_TERMLIST); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DB_BACKEND_CHERT); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DB_BACKEND_GLASS); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DB_BACKEND_INMEMORY); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DB_BACKEND_STUB); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DB_RETRY_LOCK); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DBCHECK_SHORT_TREE); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DBCHECK_FULL_TREE); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DBCHECK_SHOW_FREELIST); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DBCHECK_SHOW_STATS); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DBCHECK_FIX); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DBCOMPACT_MULTIPASS); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DBCOMPACT_NO_RENUMBER); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DBCOMPACT_SINGLE_FILE); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, DOC_ASSUME_VALID); %include <xapian/constants.h> /* The Error subclasses are handled separately for languages where we wrap * them. */ /* %include <xapian/error.h> */ /* ErrorHandler isn't currently wrapped. */ /* %include <xapian/errorhandler.h> */ INPUT_ITERATOR_METHODS(Xapian, PositionIterator, Xapian::termpos, get_termpos) %include <xapian/positioniterator.h> %ignore Xapian::DocIDWrapper; INPUT_ITERATOR_METHODS(Xapian, PostingIterator, Xapian::docid, get_docid) %include <xapian/postingiterator.h> INPUT_ITERATOR_METHODS(Xapian, TermIterator, std::string, get_term) %include <xapian/termiterator.h> INPUT_ITERATOR_METHODS(Xapian, ValueIterator, std::string, get_value) %include <xapian/valueiterator.h> STANDARD_IGNORES(Xapian, Document) %include <xapian/document.h> STANDARD_IGNORES(Xapian, Registry) %include <xapian/registry.h> STANDARD_IGNORES(Xapian, Query) %ignore Xapian::Query::Internal; %ignore operator Query; %ignore *::operator&(const Xapian::Query &, const Xapian::InvertedQuery_ &); %ignore *::operator~; %ignore *::operator&=; %ignore ::operator&=; %ignore *::operator|=; %ignore *::operator^=; %ignore *::operator*=; %ignore *::operator/=; #if defined SWIGCSHARP || defined SWIGGUILE || defined SWIGJAVA || defined SWIGLUA || defined SWIGPHP %ignore *::operator&; %ignore *::operator|; %ignore *::operator^; %ignore *::operator*; %ignore *::operator/; #endif %ignore Xapian::Query::LEAF_TERM; %ignore Xapian::Query::LEAF_POSTING_SOURCE; %ignore Xapian::Query::LEAF_MATCH_ALL; %ignore Xapian::Query::LEAF_MATCH_NOTHING; %warnfilter(SWIGWARN_TYPE_UNDEFINED_CLASS) Xapian::Query::Internal; #if defined SWIGCSHARP || defined SWIGJAVA || defined SWIGPERL || \ defined SWIGPYTHON || defined SWIGRUBY // C#, Java, Perl, Python and Ruby wrap these "by hand" to give a nicer API // than SWIG gives by default. %ignore Xapian::Query::MatchAll; %ignore Xapian::Query::MatchNothing; #endif #ifndef XAPIAN_MIXED_SUBQUERIES_BY_ITERATOR_TYPEMAP %ignore Query(op op_, XapianSWIGQueryItor qbegin, XapianSWIGQueryItor qend, Xapian::termcount parameter = 0); #endif %include <xapian/query.h> // Suppress warning that Xapian::Internal::intrusive_base is unknown. %warnfilter(SWIGWARN_TYPE_UNDEFINED_CLASS) Xapian::StemImplementation; SUBCLASSABLE_ONLY(Xapian, StemImplementation) #ifndef XAPIAN_SWIG_DIRECTORS %ignore Xapian::Stem::Stem(Xapian::StemImplementation *); #endif STANDARD_IGNORES(Xapian, Stem) %ignore Xapian::Stem::Stem(); %include <xapian/stem.h> STANDARD_IGNORES(Xapian, TermGenerator) %ignore Xapian::TermGenerator::operator=; /* Ignore forms which use Utf8Iterator, as we don't wrap that class. */ %ignore Xapian::TermGenerator::index_text(const Xapian::Utf8Iterator &); %ignore Xapian::TermGenerator::index_text(const Xapian::Utf8Iterator &, Xapian::termcount); %ignore Xapian::TermGenerator::index_text(const Xapian::Utf8Iterator &, Xapian::termcount, const std::string &); %ignore Xapian::TermGenerator::index_text_without_positions(const Xapian::Utf8Iterator &); %ignore Xapian::TermGenerator::index_text_without_positions(const Xapian::Utf8Iterator &, Xapian::termcount); %ignore Xapian::TermGenerator::index_text_without_positions(const Xapian::Utf8Iterator &, Xapian::termcount, const std::string &); %ignore Xapian::TermGenerator::TermGenerator(const TermGenerator &); %include <xapian/termgenerator.h> STANDARD_IGNORES(Xapian, MSet) #ifdef SWIGJAVA // For compatibility with the original JNI wrappers. %rename("getElement") Xapian::MSet::operator[]; #else %ignore Xapian::MSet::operator[]; #endif %extend Xapian::MSet { Xapian::docid get_docid(Xapian::doccount i) const { return *(*self)[i]; } Xapian::Document get_document(Xapian::doccount i) const { return (*self)[i].get_document(); } Xapian::MSetIterator get_hit(Xapian::doccount i) const { return (*self)[i]; } int get_document_percentage(Xapian::doccount i) const { return self->convert_to_percent((*self)[i]); } } RANDOM_ACCESS_ITERATOR_METHODS(Xapian, MSetIterator, Xapian::docid, get_docid) %include <xapian/mset.h> STANDARD_IGNORES(Xapian, ESet) %ignore Xapian::ESet::operator[]; RANDOM_ACCESS_ITERATOR_METHODS(Xapian, ESetIterator, std::string, get_term) %include <xapian/eset.h> STANDARD_IGNORES(Xapian, RSet) STANDARD_IGNORES(Xapian, Enquire) SUBCLASSABLE(Xapian, MatchDecider) #ifdef XAPIAN_TERMITERATOR_PAIR_OUTPUT_TYPEMAP /* Instantiating the template we're going to use avoids SWIG wrapping uses * of it in SwigValueWrapper. */ %template() std::pair<Xapian::TermIterator, Xapian::TermIterator>; %extend Xapian::Enquire { /* This returns start and end iterators, then a typemap iterates between * those and returns an array of strings in the target language. */ std::pair<Xapian::TermIterator, Xapian::TermIterator> get_matching_terms(const Xapian::MSetIterator & item) const { return std::make_pair($self->get_matching_terms_begin(item), $self->get_matching_terms_end(item)); } } #endif /* We don't wrap ErrorHandler, so ignore the optional ErrorHandler parameter. */ %ignore Enquire(const Database &, ErrorHandler *); %include <xapian/enquire.h> SUBCLASSABLE(Xapian, ExpandDecider) // Suppress warning that Xapian::Internal::opt_intrusive_base is unknown. %warnfilter(SWIGWARN_TYPE_UNDEFINED_CLASS) Xapian::ExpandDecider; %ignore Xapian::ExpandDeciderAnd::ExpandDeciderAnd(const ExpandDecider *, const ExpandDecider *); /* FIXME: %extend ExpandDeciderFilterTerms so it can be constructed from an * array of strings (or whatever the equivalent is in the target language). */ %ignore Xapian::ExpandDeciderFilterTerms; %include <xapian/expanddecider.h> SUBCLASSABLE(Xapian, KeyMaker) // Suppress warning that Xapian::Internal::opt_intrusive_base is unknown. %warnfilter(SWIGWARN_TYPE_UNDEFINED_CLASS) Xapian::KeyMaker; %include <xapian/keymaker.h> %extend Xapian::SimpleStopper { /** Load stop words from a text file (one word per line). */ SimpleStopper(const std::string &file) { ifstream in_file(file.c_str()); if (!in_file.is_open()) throw Xapian::InvalidArgumentError("Stopword file not found: " + file); istream_iterator<std::string> in_iter(in_file); istream_iterator<std::string> eof; return new Xapian::SimpleStopper(in_iter, eof); } } SUBCLASSABLE(Xapian, FieldProcessor) // Suppress warning that Xapian::Internal::opt_intrusive_base is unknown. %warnfilter(SWIGWARN_TYPE_UNDEFINED_CLASS) Xapian::Stopper; SUBCLASSABLE(Xapian, RangeProcessor) SUBCLASSABLE(Xapian, Stopper) SUBCLASSABLE(Xapian, ValueRangeProcessor) // Suppress warning that Xapian::Internal::opt_intrusive_base is unknown. %warnfilter(SWIGWARN_TYPE_UNDEFINED_CLASS) Xapian::RangeProcessor; %warnfilter(SWIGWARN_TYPE_UNDEFINED_CLASS) Xapian::ValueRangeProcessor; %warnfilter(SWIGWARN_TYPE_UNDEFINED_CLASS) Xapian::FieldProcessor; STANDARD_IGNORES(Xapian, QueryParser) %ignore Xapian::QueryParser::QueryParser(const QueryParser &); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, RP_SUFFIX); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, RP_REPEATED); CONSTANT(int, Xapian, RP_DATE_PREFER_MDY); %include <xapian/queryparser.h> %include <xapian/valuesetmatchdecider.h> /* Xapian::Weight isn't usefully subclassable via the bindings, as clone() * needs to be implemented for it to be usable for weighting a search. But * there are several supplied weighting schemes implemented in C++ which can * usefully be used via the bindings so we wrap those. */ STANDARD_IGNORES(Xapian, Weight) /* The copy constructor isn't implemented, but is protected rather than * private to work around a compiler bug, so we ignore it explicitly. */ %ignore Xapian::Weight::Weight(const Weight &); %ignore Xapian::Weight::clone; %ignore Xapian::Weight::serialise; %ignore Xapian::Weight::unserialise; %include <xapian/weight.h> /* We don't wrap Xapian's Unicode support as other languages usually already * have their own Unicode support. */ /* %include <xapian/unicode.h> */ SUBCLASSABLE(Xapian, Compactor) %include <xapian/compactor.h> SUBCLASSABLE(Xapian, PostingSource) // Suppress warning that Xapian::Internal::opt_intrusive_base is unknown. %warnfilter(SWIGWARN_TYPE_UNDEFINED_CLASS) Xapian::PostingSource; SUBCLASSABLE(Xapian, ValuePostingSource) SUBCLASSABLE(Xapian, ValueWeightPostingSource) %ignore Xapian::PostingSource::unserialise_with_registry; %include <xapian/postingsource.h> // Suppress warning that Xapian::Internal::intrusive_base is unknown. %warnfilter(SWIGWARN_TYPE_UNDEFINED_CLASS) Xapian::MatchSpy; SUBCLASSABLE(Xapian, MatchSpy) %ignore Xapian::MatchSpy::serialise_results; %include <xapian/matchspy.h> SUBCLASSABLE(Xapian, LatLongMetric) INPUT_ITERATOR_METHODS(Xapian, LatLongCoordsIterator, LatLongCoord, get_coord) %ignore Xapian::LatLongCoord::operator<; %include <xapian/geospatial.h> STANDARD_IGNORES(Xapian, Database) STANDARD_IGNORES(Xapian, WritableDatabase) %ignore Xapian::WritableDatabase::WritableDatabase(Database::Internal *); %ignore Xapian::Database::check(const std::string &, int, std::ostream *); %ignore Xapian::Database::check(int fd, int, std::ostream *); %include <xapian/database.h> %extend Xapian::Database { static size_t check(const std::string &path, int opts = 0) { return Xapian::Database::check(path, opts, opts ? &std::cout : NULL); } } #if defined SWIGCSHARP || defined SWIGJAVA /* xapian/dbfactory.h is currently wrapped via fake class declarations in * fake_dbfactory.i for C# and Java. */ #else #ifdef XAPIAN_BINDINGS_SKIP_DEPRECATED_DB_FACTORIES %ignore Xapian::InMemory::open; %ignore Xapian::Chert::open; %ignore Xapian::Auto::open_stub; #else %rename("inmemory_open") Xapian::InMemory::open; /* SWIG Tcl wrappers don't call destructors for classes returned by factory * functions, so we don't wrap them so users are forced to use the * WritableDatabase ctor instead. */ #ifdef SWIGTCL %ignore Xapian::Chert::open(const std::string &dir, int action, int block_size = 8192); #endif %rename("chert_open") Xapian::Chert::open; #ifndef SWIGPHP /* PHP renames this to auto_open_stub() in php/php.i. */ %rename("open_stub") Xapian::Auto::open_stub; #endif #endif %rename("remote_open") Xapian::Remote::open; %rename("remote_open_writable") Xapian::Remote::open_writable; %include <xapian/dbfactory.h> #endif