path: root/workflows/fastq2fasta/samtools-view.cwl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'workflows/fastq2fasta/samtools-view.cwl')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/workflows/fastq2fasta/samtools-view.cwl b/workflows/fastq2fasta/samtools-view.cwl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f11cc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/workflows/fastq2fasta/samtools-view.cwl
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner
+cwlVersion: v1.0
+class: CommandLineTool
+doc: "samtools view to convert sam format to bam format"
+ DockerRequirement:
+ dockerPull: quay.io/biocontainers/samtools:1.9--h8571acd_11
+baseCommand: [samtools, view]
+ threads:
+ type: int
+ label: "Number of additional threads to use"
+ default: 4
+ inputBinding:
+ prefix: -@
+ output_bam:
+ type: boolean
+ label: "output BAM"
+ default: true
+ inputBinding:
+ prefix: -b
+ output_filename:
+ type: string
+ label: "output file name"
+ default: "aln.bam"
+ inputBinding:
+ prefix: -o
+ input_file:
+ type: File
+ label: "input file"
+ inputBinding:
+ position: 1
+ include_header:
+ type: boolean
+ label: "include the header in the output"
+ default: false
+ inputBinding:
+ prefix: -h
+ ignore_previous_version:
+ type: boolean
+ label: "ignored for compatibility with previous samtools versions"
+ default: false
+ inputBinding:
+ prefix: -S
+ filter_alignments:
+ type: string?
+ label: "Do not output alignments with any bits set in INT present in the FLAG field. INT can be specified in hex by beginning with `0x' (i.e. /^0x[0-9A-F]+/) or in octal by beginning with `0' (i.e. /^0[0-7]+/) [0]."
+ inputBinding:
+ prefix: -F
+ skip_alignments:
+ type: int?
+ label: "Skip alignments with MAPQ smaller than INT [0]."
+ inputBinding:
+ prefix: -q
+ bam:
+ type: File
+ outputBinding:
+ glob: "$(inputs.output_filename)"
+ stdout: stdout
+ stderr: stderr
+stdout: samtools-view-stdout.log
+stderr: samtools-view-stderr.log