import collections
import itertools
import tempfile
import shutil
import subprocess
import logging
import os
import sys
import re
import redis
import string
import ruamel.yaml as yaml
import pkg_resources
from flask import Flask, request, redirect, send_file, send_from_directory, render_template, jsonify
import os.path
import requests
import io
import arvados
from markupsafe import Markup
from schema_salad.sourceline import add_lc_filename
from schema_salad.schema import shortname
from typing import MutableSequence, MutableMapping

ARVADOS_API = 'lugli.arvadosapi.com'
ANONYMOUS_TOKEN = '5o42qdxpxp5cj15jqjf7vnxx5xduhm4ret703suuoa3ivfglfh'
UPLOADER_PROJECT = 'lugli-j7d0g-n5clictpuvwk8aa'
VALIDATED_PROJECT = 'lugli-j7d0g-5ct8p1i1wrgyjvp'

log = logging.getLogger(__name__ )
log.debug("Entering web uploader")

if not os.path.isfile('bh20sequploader/main.py'):
    print("WARNING: run FLASK from the root of the source repository!", file=sys.stderr)

app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='/static', static_folder='static')
app.config['JSON_SORT_KEYS'] = False

# Limit file upload size. We shouldn't be working with anything over 1 MB; these are small genomes.
# We will enforce the limit ourselves and set a higher safety limit here.
app.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 50 * 1024 * 1024

# When a file is too big we get a 413.
def handle_large_file(e):
    return (render_template('error.html',
        error_message="One of your files is too large. The maximum file size is 50 megabytes."), 413)

def type_to_heading(type_name):
    Turn a type name like "sampleSchema" from the metadata schema into a human-readable heading.

    type_name = shortname(type_name)

    # Remove camel case
    decamel = re.sub('([A-Z])', r' \1', type_name)
    # Split
    parts = decamel.split()
    # Capitalize words and remove unwanted components
    filtered = [part.capitalize() for part in parts if (part.lower() != 'schema' and part != '')]
    # Reassemble
    return ' '.join(filtered)

def name_to_label(field_name):
    Turn a filed name like "host_health_status" from the metadata schema into a human-readable label.

    # May end in a number, which should be set off by a space
    set_off_number = re.sub('([0-9]+)$', r' \1', field_name)

    return string.capwords(set_off_number.replace('_', ' '))

def is_iri(string):
    Return True if the given string looks like an IRI, and False otherwise.

    Used for finding type IRIs in the schema.

    Right now only supports http(s) URLs because that's all we have in our schema.

    return string.startswith('http')

def generate_form(components, options):
    Linearize the schema into a list of dicts.

    Each dict either has a 'heading' (in which case we put a heading for a
    form section in the template) or an 'id', 'label', 'type', and 'required'
    (in which case we make a form field in the template).

    Non-heading dicts with type 'select' will have an 'options' field, with a
    list of (name, value) tuples, and represent a form dropdown element.

    Non-heading dicts with type 'number' may have a 'step', which, if <1 or
    'any', allows the number to be a float.

    Non-heading dicts may have a human-readable 'docstring' field describing

    Takes the deserialized metadata schema YAML, and also a deserialized YAML
    of option values. The option values are keyed on (unscoped) field name in
    the schema, and each is a dict of human readable option -> corresponding

    # Find the root
    root_name = None
    # And also index components by type name
    by_name = {}
    for component in components:
        # Get the name of each
        component_name = component.get('name', None)
        if isinstance(component_name, str):
            # And remember how to map back form it
            by_name[component_name] = component
        if component.get('documentRoot', False):
            # Find whichever one is the root
            root_name = component_name

    def walk_fields(type_name, parent_keys=['metadata'], subtree_optional=False):
        Do a traversal of the component tree.
        Yield a bunch of form item dicts, in order.
        Form IDs are .-separated keypaths for where they are in the structure.
        parent_keys is the path of field names to where we are in the root record's document tree.

        if len(parent_keys) > 1:
            # First make a heading, if we aren't the very root of the form
            yield {'heading': type_to_heading(type_name)}

        for field in by_name.get(type_name, {}).get('fields', []):
            field_name = shortname(field["name"])
            field_type = field["type"]
            # For each field

            ref_iri = None
            docstring = None

            optional = False
            is_list = False

            # It may have documentation
            docstring = field.get('doc', None)

            # See if it has a more info/what goes here URL
            predicate = field.get('jsonldPredicate', {})
            # Predicate may be a URL, a dict with a URL in _id, maybe a
            # dict with a URL in _type, or a dict with _id and _type but no
            # URLs anywhere. Some of these may not technically be allowed
            # by the format, but if they occur, we might as well try to
            # handle them.
            if isinstance(predicate, str):
                if is_iri(predicate):
                    ref_iri = predicate
                # Assume it's a dict. Look at the fields we know about.
                for field in ['_id', 'type']:
                    field_value = predicate.get(field, None)
                    if isinstance(field_value, str) and is_iri(field_value) and ref_iri is None:
                        # Take the first URL-looking thing we find
                        ref_iri = field_value

            if isinstance(field_type, MutableSequence):
                if field_type[0] == "null" and len(field_type) == 2:
                    optional = True
                    field_type = field_type[1]
                    raise Exception("Can't handle it")

            if isinstance(field_type, MutableMapping):
                if field_type["type"] == "array":
                    # Now replace the field type with the actual type string
                    is_list = True
                    field_type = field_type.get('items', '')
                    field_type = field_type.get('type', '')

            if field_type in by_name:
                # This is a subrecord. We need to recurse
                for item in walk_fields(field_type, parent_keys + [field_name], subtree_optional or optional):
                    yield item
                # This is a leaf field. We need an input for it.
                record = {}
                record['id'] = '.'.join(parent_keys + [field_name])
                record['label'] = name_to_label(field_name)
                record['required'] = not optional and not subtree_optional
                record['list'] = is_list
                if ref_iri:
                    record['ref_iri'] = ref_iri
                if docstring:
                    record['docstring'] = docstring

                if field_name in options:
                    # The field will be a 'select' type no matter what its real
                    # data type is.
                    record['type'] = 'select' # Not a real HTML input type. It's its own tag.
                    # We have a set of values to present
                    record['options'] = []
                    for name, value in options[field_name].items():
                        # Make a tuple for each one
                        record['options'].append((name, value))
                elif field_type == 'string':
                    if field_name.endswith('date'):
                        # Use a date picker to generate a good string.
                        # Comes back YYYY-MM-DD.
                        record['type'] = 'date'
                        # Normal text string
                        record['type'] = 'text'
                elif field_type == 'int':
                    record['type'] = 'number'
                elif field_type == 'float' or field_type == 'double':
                    record['type'] = 'number'
                    # Choose a reasonable precision for the control
                    record['step'] = '0.0001'
                    raise NotImplementedError('Unimplemented field type {} in {} in metadata schema'.format(field_type, type_name))
                yield record

    return list(walk_fields(root_name))

import schema_salad.schema
def load_schema_generate_form():
    # At startup, we need to load the metadata schema from the uploader module, so we can make a form for it
    if os.path.isfile("bh20sequploader/bh20seq-schema.yml"):
        METADATA_SCHEMA = yaml.round_trip_load(open("bh20sequploader/bh20seq-schema.yml","r").read())
        METADATA_OPTION_DEFINITIONS = yaml.safe_load(open("bh20sequploader/bh20seq-options.yml","r").read())
        METADATA_SCHEMA = yaml.round_trip_load(pkg_resources.resource_stream("bh20sequploader", "bh20seq-schema.yml"))
        METADATA_OPTION_DEFINITIONS = yaml.safe_load(pkg_resources.resource_stream("bh20sequploader", "bh20seq-options.yml"))

    METADATA_SCHEMA["name"] = "bh20seq-schema.yml"
    add_lc_filename(METADATA_SCHEMA, "bh20seq-schema.yml")
    metaschema_names, _metaschema_doc, metaschema_loader = schema_salad.schema.get_metaschema()
    schema_doc, schema_metadata = metaschema_loader.resolve_ref(METADATA_SCHEMA, "")

    return generate_form(schema_doc, METADATA_OPTION_DEFINITIONS)

FORM_ITEMS = load_schema_generate_form()

def get_feed_items(name, start=0, stop=9):
    redis_client = redis.Redis(host=os.environ.get('HOST', 'localhost'),
                               port=os.environ.get('PORT', 6379),
                               db=os.environ.get('REDIS_DB', 0))
    feed_items = []
        for el in redis_client.zrevrange(name, start, stop):
            feed_dict = redis_client.hgetall(el)
            if feed_dict and int(feed_dict.get(b"score", "0")) > 0:
                    {k.decode("utf-8"): v.decode("utf-8") for k, v in
        return feed_items
    except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
        logging.warning(f"redis connect failed {e}")

def send_home():
    Send the front page.
     arxiv_articles) = [get_feed_items(x) for x in ["bh20-tweet-score:",
    return render_template(
        'home.html', menu='HOME',

def send_form():
    Send the file upload form/front page.

    return render_template('form.html', fields=FORM_ITEMS, menu='UPLOAD')

class FileTooBigError(RuntimeError):
    Raised when the user gives a file that is too large.

def copy_with_limit(in_file, out_file, limit=1024*1024):
    Copy a file stream, and raise FileTooBigError if the file is too big.

    bytes_used = 0
    buf_size = 65536

    buf = in_file.read(buf_size)
    bytes_used += len(buf)
    while buf:
        if bytes_used > limit:
            raise FileTooBigError('Hit file length limit')
        buf = in_file.read(buf_size)
        bytes_used += len(buf)

def parse_input(input_string, html_type, number_step=None):
    Parse an input from the given HTML input type into a useful Python type.
    Also needs the step we sent to distinguish int fields and float/double fields.

    Raise ValueError if something does not parse.
    Raise NotImplementedError if we forgot to implement a type.

    if html_type == 'text' or html_type == 'select':
        return input_string
    elif html_type == 'number':
        # May be an int or a float.
        if number_step is None:
            # TODO: Assumes we only use the step for floats
            return int(input_string)
            return float(input_string)
    elif html_type == 'date':
        # Don't do our own date validation; pass it on as a string
        return input_string
        raise NotImplementedError('Unimplemented input type: {}'.format(html_type))

@app.route('/submit', methods=['POST'])
def receive_files():
    Receive the uploaded files.

    # We're going to work in one directory per request
    dest_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    # The uploader will happily accept a FASTQ with this name
    fasta_dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'fasta.fa')
    metadata_dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'metadata.json')
        if 'fasta' not in request.files:
            return (render_template('error.html',
                error_message="You did not include a FASTA or FASTQ file."), 403)
            with open(fasta_dest, 'wb') as out_stream:
                # Use a plausible file size limit for a little FASTQ
                copy_with_limit(request.files.get('fasta').stream, out_stream, limit=50*1024*1024)
        except FileTooBigError as e:
            # Delegate to the 413 error handler
            return handle_large_file(e)

        if request.form.get('metadata_type', None) == 'upload':
            if 'metadata' not in request.files:
                return (render_template('error.html',
                    error_message="You did not include a metadata file."), 403)
                with open(metadata_dest, 'wb') as out_stream:
                    copy_with_limit(request.files.get('metadata').stream, out_stream)
            except FileTooBigError as e:
                # Delegate to the 413 error handler
                return handle_large_file(e)
        elif request.form.get('metadata_type', None) == 'fill':
            # Build a metadata dict
            metadata = {}

            # When we have metadata for an item, use this to set it.
            # If it is an item in a list, set is_list=True
            def set_metadata(item_id, value, is_list=False):
                # We have this thing. Make a place in the dict tree for it.
                parts = item_id.split('.')
                key = parts[-1]
                # Remove leading 'metadata'
                path = parts[1:-1]
                dest_dict = metadata
                for parent in path:
                    if parent not in dest_dict:
                        dest_dict[parent] = {}
                    dest_dict = dest_dict[parent]

                if not is_list:
                    dest_dict[key] = value
                    if key not in dest_dict:
                        dest_dict[key] = []

            for item in FORM_ITEMS:
                # Pull all the field values we wanted from the form
                if 'heading' in item:

                if item['list']:
                    # This is a list, serialized into form fields

                    # We count how many values we got
                    value_count = 0

                    for index in itertools.count():
                        # Get [0] through [n], until something isn't there.
                        entry_id = '{}[{}]'.format(item['id'], index)

                        if index == 1000:
                            # Don't let them provide too much stuff.
                            return (render_template('error.html',
                                    error_message="You provided an extremely large number of values for the metadata item {}".format(item['id'])), 403)

                        if entry_id in request.form:
                            if len(request.form[entry_id]) > 0:
                                # Put an entry in the list
                                    # Parse the item
                                    parsed = parse_input(request.form[entry_id], item['type'], item.get('step', None))
                                except ValueError:
                                    # We don't like that input
                                    return (render_template('error.html',
                                            error_message="You provided an unacceptable value for the metadata item {}".format(entry_id)), 403)
                                # Save it
                                set_metadata(item['id'], parsed, is_list=True)
                                value_count += 1
                                # Empty items are silently skipped.
                            # We have run out of form fields for this list.

                        if item['required'] and value_count == 0:
                            # They forgot a required item. Maybe all entries were empty.
                            return (render_template('error.html',
                                    error_message="You omitted any values for the required metadata item {}".format(item['id'])), 403)

                elif item['id'] in request.form and len(request.form[item['id']]) > 0:
                    # Not a list, but a single item which is present.
                        # Parse the item
                        parsed = parse_input(request.form[item['id']], item['type'], item.get('step', None))
                    except ValueError:
                        # We don't like that input
                        return (render_template('error.html',
                            error_message="You provided an unacceptable value for the metadata item {}".format(item['id'])), 403)
                    # Save it
                    set_metadata(item['id'], parsed)
                elif item['required']:
                    return (render_template('error.html',
                            error_message="You omitted the required metadata item {}".format(item['id'])), 403)

            # Now serialize the file with all the items
            with open(metadata_dest, 'w') as out_stream:
                yaml.dump(metadata, out_stream)
            return (render_template('error.html',
                    error_message="You did not include metadata."), 403)

        # Try and upload files to Arvados using the sequence uploader CLI

        cmd = ['python3','bh20sequploader/main.py', metadata_dest, fasta_dest]
        print(" ".join(cmd),file=sys.stderr)
        result = subprocess.run(cmd,
            stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

        if result.returncode != 0:
            # It didn't work. Complain.
            error_message="Uploader returned value {} and said:\n".format(result.returncode) + str(result.stderr.decode('utf-8'))
            print(error_message, file=sys.stderr)
            return (render_template('error.html', error_message=error_message), 403)
            # It worked. Say so.
            return render_template('success.html', log=result.stderr.decode('utf-8', errors='replace'))

def edit_button(url,text="Edit text!"):
    return '<p class="editbutton"><a href="'+url+'">'+text+'<img src="static/image/edit.png"></a></p>'

def get_html_body(fn,source="https://github.com/arvados/bh20-seq-resource/tree/master/doc"):
    This function gets the HTML generated from org-mode exports, strips
    headers and footers and surrounds it with a blog section.
    buf = '<section class="blog">'+edit_button(source)
    in_body = False
    begin_body = re.compile(r"<body>",re.IGNORECASE)
    end_body = re.compile(r"(</body>|.*=\"postamble\")",re.IGNORECASE)
    with open(fn) as f:
        for line in f:
            if end_body.match(line):
            if in_body:
                buf += line
            elif begin_body.match(line):
                in_body = True
    buf += edit_button(source)+'</section>'
    return buf

def download_page():
    buf = get_html_body('doc/web/download.html','https://github.com/arvados/bh20-seq-resource/blob/master/doc/web/download.org')
    return render_template('resource.html',menu='DOWNLOAD',embed=buf)

def pending_table(output, items):
<th>Sequence label</th></tr>
    for r in items:
        if r["status"] != "pending":
            output.write("<td><a href='https://workbench.lugli.arvadosapi.com/collections/%s'>%s</a></td>" % (r["uuid"], r["uuid"]))
            output.write("<td>%s</td>" % Markup.escape(r.get("sequence_label")))

def rejected_table(output, items):
<th>Sequence label</th>
    for r in items:
            if r["status"] != "rejected":
            output.write("<td><a href='https://workbench.lugli.arvadosapi.com/collections/%s'>%s</a></td>" % (r["uuid"], r["uuid"]))
            output.write("<td>%s</td>" % Markup.escape(r.get("sequence_label")))
            output.write("<td><pre>%s</pre></td>" % Markup.escape("\n".join(r.get("errors", []))))

def workflows_table(output, items):
<th>Sample id</th>
<th>Container request</th>
    for r in items:
            sid = r["mounts"]["/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json"]["content"]["sample_id"]
            output.write("<td>%s</td>" % Markup.escape(r["name"]))
            output.write("<td>%s</td>" % Markup.escape(sid))
            output.write("<td>%s</td>" % Markup.escape(r["created_at"]))
            output.write("<td><a href='https://workbench.lugli.arvadosapi.com/container_requests/%s'>%s</a></td>" % (r["uuid"], r["uuid"]))

def validated_table(output, items):
<th>Sequence label</th>
    for r in items:
            output.write("<td><a href='https://workbench.lugli.arvadosapi.com/collections/%s'>%s</a></td>" % (r["uuid"], r["uuid"]))
            output.write("<td>%s</td>" % Markup.escape(r["properties"].get("sequence_label")))

def status_page():
    Processing status

    api = arvados.api(host=ARVADOS_API, token=ANONYMOUS_TOKEN, insecure=True)
    pending = arvados.util.list_all(api.collections().list, filters=[["owner_uuid", "=", UPLOADER_PROJECT]])
    out = []
    status = {}
    for p in pending:
        prop = p["properties"]
        if "status" not in prop:
            prop["status"] = "pending"
        prop["created_at"] = p["created_at"]
        prop["uuid"] = p["uuid"]
        status[prop["status"]] = status.get(prop["status"], 0) + 1

    workflows = arvados.util.list_all(api.container_requests().list,
                                      filters=[["name", "in", ["fastq2fasta.cwl"]], ["state", "=", "Committed"]],
                                      order="created_at asc")

    output = io.StringIO()

    validated = api.collections().list(filters=[["owner_uuid", "=", VALIDATED_PROJECT]], limit=1).execute()
    status["passed"] = validated["items_available"]

    for s in (("passed", "/validated"), ("pending", "#pending"), ("rejected", "#rejected")):
        output.write("<p><a href='%s'>%s sequences QC %s</a></p>" % (s[1], status.get(s[0], 0), s[0]))

    output.write("<p><a href='%s'>%s analysis workflows running</a></p>" % ('#workflows', len(workflows)))

    output.write("<a id='pending'><h1>Pending</h1></a>")
    pending_table(output, out)

    output.write("<a id='rejected'><h1>Rejected</h1></a>")
    rejected_table(output, out)

    output.write("<a id='workflows'><h1>Running Workflows</h1></a>")
    workflows_table(output, workflows)

    return render_template('status.html', table=Markup(output.getvalue()), menu='STATUS')

def validated_page():
    api = arvados.api(host=ARVADOS_API, token=ANONYMOUS_TOKEN, insecure=True)
    output = io.StringIO()
    validated = arvados.util.list_all(api.collections().list, filters=[["owner_uuid", "=", VALIDATED_PROJECT]])
    validated_table(output, validated)
    return render_template('validated.html', table=Markup(output.getvalue()), menu='STATUS')

def export_page():
    buf = get_html_body('doc/web/export.html',"https://github.com/arvados/bh20-seq-resource/blob/master/doc/web/export.org")
    return render_template('export.html',menu='EXPORT',embed=buf)

def demo_page():
    return render_template('demo.html',menu='DEMO',load_map=False)

def apidoc_page():
    buf = get_html_body('test/rest-api.html',"https://github.com/arvados/bh20-seq-resource/blob/master/test/rest-api.org")
    return render_template('blog.html',menu='BLOG',embed=buf,blog=True)

def blog_page():
    blog_content = request.args.get('id') # e.g. using-covid-19-pubseq-part3
    buf = None;
    if blog_content:
        buf = get_html_body('doc/blog/'+blog_content+'.html',"https://github.com/arvados/bh20-seq-resource/blob/master/doc/blog/"+blog_content+".org")
    return render_template('blog.html',menu='BLOG',embed=buf,blog=blog_content)

def about_page():
    buf = get_html_body('doc/web/about.html','https://github.com/arvados/bh20-seq-resource/blob/master/doc/web/about.org')
    return render_template('about.html',menu='ABOUT',embed=buf)

def contact_page():
    buf = get_html_body('doc/web/contact.html','https://github.com/arvados/bh20-seq-resource/blob/master/doc/web/contact.org')
    return render_template('about.html',menu='CONTACT',embed=buf)

## Linked data permanent links/resources
# sparqlURL=''

# Example http://covid19.genenetwork.org/resource/MT326090.1
#         http://localhost:5067/resource/lugli-4zz18-oixhf5jl3lqlegz
#         http://localhost:5067/resource/MT326090.1
# Example http://host/resource/SRR11621868
def resource(id):
    """Get a COVID19 resource using identifier"""

PREFIX pubseq: <http://biohackathon.org/bh20-seq-schema#MainSchema/>
PREFIX sio: <http://semanticscience.org/resource/>
select distinct ?sample ?geoname ?date ?source ?geo ?sampletype ?institute ?sequenceuri
where {{
   ?sample sio:SIO_000115 "{id}" .
   ?sequenceuri pubseq:sample ?sample .
   <http://collections.lugli.arvadosapi.com/c={id}/sequence.fasta> pubseq:sample ?sample .
   ?sequenceuri pubseq:sample ?sample .
   <http://covid19.genenetwork.org/resource/{id}> pubseq:sample ?sample .
   ?sequenceuri pubseq:sample ?sample .
   ?sequenceuri <http://biohackathon.org/bh20-seq-schema/collection_pdh> "{id}" .
   ?sequenceuri pubseq:sample ?sample .

   ?sample <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GAZ_00000448> ?geo .
   ?geo rdfs:label ?geoname .
   ?sample <http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Thesaurus.owl#C25164> ?date .
   OPTIONAL {{ ?sample <http://edamontology.org/data_2091> ?source }}
   OPTIONAL {{ ?sample <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0001479> ?sampletype }}
   OPTIONAL {{ ?sample <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C41206> ?institute }}
    payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    # for now we just take the first one
    sample = result[0]
    # return jsonify({'sequences': int(result[0]["num"]["value"])})
    # http://covid19.genenetwork.org/resource/lugli-4zz18-gx0ifousk9yu0ql
    m = re.match(r"http://collections.lugli.arvadosapi.com/c=([^/]*)/sequence.fasta|http://covid19.genenetwork.org/resource/(.*)", sequenceuri)
    collection = m.group(1) or m.group(2)
    fastauri = f"https://collections.lugli.arvadosapi.com/c={collection}/sequence.fasta"
    metauri = f"https://collections.lugli.arvadosapi.com/c={collection}/metadata.yaml"
    if date == '1970-01-01':
        date = ''
    if 'source' in sample:
    if 'sampletype' in sample:
    if 'institute' in sample:
    return render_template('permalink.html',

# http://covid19.genenetwork.org/location?label=http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q114
# http://localhost:5067/location?label=http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q114
@app.route('/location', methods=['GET'])
def location():
    """Show country resource"""
    loc = request.args.get('label')
    # logging.info("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^")
    query = f"""
    PREFIX pubseq: <http://biohackathon.org/bh20-seq-schema#MainSchema/>
    PREFIX sio: <http://semanticscience.org/resource/>
    select distinct ?name ?date ?geoname where
      ?sample <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GAZ_00000448> <{loc}> .
      ?sample <http://semanticscience.org/resource/SIO_000115> ?name .
      ?sample <http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Thesaurus.owl#C25164> ?date .
      <{loc}> rdfs:label ?geoname .
    }} order by ?name
    payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    geoname = result[0]['geoname']['value']
    # logging.info(result)
    return render_template('list.html',id=geoname,url=loc,menu='',h=['name','date'],l=result)

## Dynamic API functions starting here
## This is quick and dirty for now, just to get something out and demonstrate the queries
## Feel free to rename the functions/endpoints, feel free to process result so we get nicer JSON
## but most likely you don't want to touch the queries, Cheers.

@app.route('/api/getCount', methods=['GET'])
def getCount():
    Get sequence counts from Arvados record
    api = arvados.api(host=ARVADOS_API, token=ANONYMOUS_TOKEN, insecure=True)
    c = api.collections().list(filters=[["owner_uuid", "=", VALIDATED_PROJECT]], limit=1).execute()

    return jsonify({'sequences': c["items_available"]})

@app.route('/api/getCountDB', methods=['GET'])
def getCountDB():
    Get sequence counts from Virtuoso DB
    PREFIX pubseq: <http://biohackathon.org/bh20-seq-schema#MainSchema/>
    select (COUNT(distinct ?dataset) as ?num)
    ?dataset pubseq:submitter ?id .
    ?id ?p ?submitter
    payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    # [{'num': {'type': 'typed-literal', 'datatype': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer', 'value': '1352'}}]
    # print(result, file=sys.stderr)
    return jsonify({'sequences': int(result[0]["num"]["value"])})

@app.route('/api/getAllaccessions', methods=['GET'])
def getAllaccessions():
    SELECT DISTINCT ?fasta ?value WHERE
      ?fasta ?x[ <http://edamontology.org/data_2091> ?value ]
    payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'uri': x['fasta']['value'],
                     'value': x['value']['value']} for x in result])

# parameter must be encoded e.g. http://arvados.org/keep:6e6276698ed8b0e6cd21f523e4f91179+123/sequence.fasta must become
# http%3A%2F%2Fcollections.lugli.arvadosapi.com%2Fc%3D00a6af865453564f6a59b3d2c81cc7c1%2B123%2Fsequence.fasta
@app.route('/api/getDetailsForSeq', methods=['GET'])
def getDetailsForSeq():
    seq_id = request.args.get('seq')
    query="""SELECT DISTINCT ?key ?key_label ?value WHERE {
    <placeholder> ?x [?key ?value] .
    OPTIONAL {?key <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> ?key_tmp_label } .
    BIND(IF(BOUND(?key_tmp_label),?key_tmp_label, ?key) as ?key_label)}"""
    query=query.replace("placeholder", seq_id)
    payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'uri': x['key']['value'], 'key_label': x['key_label']['value'],
                     'value': x['value']['value']} for x in result])

# Endpoint should provide all necessary information to draw a map (!)
@app.route('/api/getCountByGPS', methods=['GET'])
def getCountByGPS():
    SELECT DISTINCT ?location ?location_label ?GPS (count(?fasta) as ?fastaCount) WHERE
      ?fasta ?x[ <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GAZ_00000448> ?location] .
      ?location <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/P625> ?GPS .
      OPTIONAL { ?location rdfs:label ?key_tmp_label }
      BIND(IF(BOUND(?key_tmp_label),?key_tmp_label, ?location) as ?location_label)
    GROUP BY ?location ?location_label ?GPS
    payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'count': x['fastaCount']['value'],
                     'Location': x['location']['value'],
                     'LocationLabel': x['location_label']['value'],
                     'GPS' :x['GPS']['value'][6:-1]} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/getSEQCountbytech', methods=['GET'])
def getSEQCountbytech():
    query="""SELECT ?tech ?tech_label (count(?fasta) as ?fastaCount) WHERE
    {?fasta ?x [<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0600047>  ?tech] .
     OPTIONAL {?tech <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> ?tech_tmp_label } .
     BIND(IF(BOUND(?tech_tmp_label), ?tech_tmp_label,?tech) as ?tech_label)}
    GROUP BY ?tech ?tech_label ORDER BY DESC (?fastaCount)
    payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'count': x['fastaCount']['value'],
                     'key': x['tech']['value'],
                     'label': x['tech_label']['value']} for x in result])

## List all Sequences/submissions by a given tech, as example e.g. http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0000759
## Has to be encoded again so should be --> http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FOBI_0000759
@app.route('/api/getSEQbytech', methods=['GET'])
def getSEQbytech():
    query="""SELECT ?fasta WHERE
    {?fasta ?x [<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0600047>  <placeholder>] }
    tech = request.args.get('tech')
    query=query.replace("placeholder", tech)
    payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return str(result)

## Example location, encoded http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wikidata.org%2Fentity%2FQ1223
@app.route('/api/getSEQbyLocation', methods=['GET'])
def getSEQbyLocation():
    query="""SELECT ?fasta WHERE {?fasta ?x[ <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GAZ_00000448> <placeholder>]}"""
    query=query.replace("placeholder", location)
    payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return str(result)

@app.route('/api/getSEQCountbyLocation', methods=['GET'])
def getSEQCountbyLocation():
    SELECT ?geoLocation ?geoLocation_label (count(?fasta) as ?fastaCount)  WHERE
      ?fasta ?x [<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GAZ_00000448> ?geoLocation] .
      Optional {?geoLocation <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> ?geoLocation_tmp_label}
      BIND(IF(BOUND(?geoLocation_tmp_label), ?geoLocation_tmp_label, ?geoLocation) as ?geoLocation_label)
    GROUP BY ?geoLocation ?geoLocation_label ORDER BY DESC (?fastaCount)
    payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'count': x['fastaCount']['value'],
                     'key': x['geoLocation']['value'],
                     'label': x['geoLocation_label']['value']} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/getSEQCountbyContinent', methods=['GET'])
def getSEQCountbyContinent():
    query="""SELECT DISTINCT ?continent ?continent_label (count(?fasta) as ?fastaCount) WHERE {
    ?fasta ?x [ <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GAZ_00000448> ?location] .
    ?location <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/P17> ?country .
    ?country <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/P30> ?continent .
    OPTIONAL { ?continent rdfs:label ?key_tmp_label }
    BIND(IF(BOUND(?key_tmp_label),?key_tmp_label, ?location) as ?continent_label)
    GROUP BY ?continent ?continent_label
    payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'count': x['fastaCount']['value'],
                     'key': x['continent']['value'],
                     'label': x['continent_label']['value']} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/getSEQCountbyCountryContinent', methods=['GET'])
def getSEQCountbyCountryContinent():
    SELECT DISTINCT ?location ?location_label (count(?fasta) as ?fastaCount) WHERE
      ?fasta ?x[ <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GAZ_00000448> ?location] .
      ?location <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/P30> <placeholder> .
      OPTIONAL { ?location rdfs:label ?key_tmp_label }
      BIND(IF(BOUND(?key_tmp_label),?key_tmp_label, ?location) as ?location_label)
    GROUP BY ?location ?location_label
    continent = request.args.get('continent')
    query = query.replace("placeholder", continent)
    payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'count': x['fastaCount']['value'],
                     'key': x['location']['value'],
                     'label': x['location_label']['value']} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/getSEQCountbySpecimenSource', methods=['GET'])
def getSEQCountbySpecimenSource():
    query="""SELECT ?specimen_source ?specimen_source_label (count(?fasta) as ?fastaCount)  WHERE
    {?fasta ?x [<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0001479>  ?specimen_source]
     Optional { ?specimen_source <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> ?specimen_source_tmp_label}
     BIND(IF(BOUND(?specimen_source_tmp_label), ?specimen_source_tmp_label ,?specimen_source) as ?specimen_source_label)}
     GROUP BY ?specimen_source ?specimen_source_label
     ORDER BY DESC (?fastaCount)
    payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'count': x['fastaCount']['value'],
                     'key': x['specimen_source']['value'],
                     'label': x['specimen_source_label']['value']} for x in result])

# Example specimen http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FNCIT_C155831
@app.route('/api/getSEQbySpecimenSource', methods=['GET'])
def getSEQBySpecimenSource():
    query="""SELECT ?fasta ?specimen_source ?specimen_source_label  WHERE
    {?fasta ?x [<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0001479> <placeholder>]
    BIND (concat(?specimen_source,"_label") as ?specimen_source_label)}
    query = query.replace("placeholder", specimen)
    payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return str(result)

#No data for this atm
@app.route('/api/getSEQCountbyHostHealthStatus', methods=['GET'])
def getSEQCountbyHostHealthStatus():
    query="""SELECT ?health_status ?health_status_label (count(?fasta) as ?fastaCount)  WHERE
    {?fasta ?x [<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C25688> ?health_status]
    BIND (concat(?health_status,"_label") as ?health_status_label)}
    GROUP BY ?health_status ?health_status_label
    ORDER BY DESC (?fastaCount)
    payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return str(result)

@app.route('/api/getSEQbyLocationAndTech', methods=['GET'])
def getSEQbyLocationAndTech():
    query="""SELECT ?fasta WHERE { ?fasta ?x [
        <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GAZ_00000448> <placeholderLoc>; <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0600047>  <placeholderTech> ]}"""
    query=query.replace("placeholderLoc", location)
    query = query.replace("placeholderTech", tech)
    payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return str(result)

# Example Location http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wikidata.org%2Fentity%2FQ1223
# Example specimen http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FNCIT_C155831
@app.route('/api/getSEQbyLocationAndSpecimenSource', methods=['GET'])
def getSEQbyLocationAndSpecimenSource():
    query="""SELECT ?fasta WHERE { ?fasta ?x [
        <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GAZ_00000448> <placeholderLoc>; <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0001479>  <placeholderSpecimen> ]}
    location = request.args.get('location')
    specimen = request.args.get('specimen')
    query = query.replace("placeholderLoc", location)
    query = query.replace("placeholderSpecimen", specimen)
    payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return str(result)

########################## SPARQL PLAYGORUND API function ####################

@app.route('/api/demoGetSEQCountbySpecimenSource', methods=['GET'])
def demoGetSEQCountbySpecimenSource():
    prefix="""PREFIX obo: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>"""

    query="""SELECT ?specimen_source ?specimen_source_label (count(?seq) as ?seqCount)  WHERE
        ?seq ?x [obo:OBI_0001479  ?specimen_source] .
        ?specimen_source rdfs:label ?specimen_source_label
    GROUP BY ?specimen_source ?specimen_source_label
    ORDER BY DESC (?seqCount)

    description="Get the count of all sequences, grouped by specimen source and specimen label (This is a 1-to-1 relationship). In addition we want to order by the sequence count descending."
    payload = {'query': prefix+query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']

    return jsonify([{'description' : description},{'prefix' : prefix}, {'query': query}],[{'count': x['seqCount']['value'],
                     'key': x['specimen_source']['value'],
                     'label': x['specimen_source_label']['value']} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/demoGetSEQCountbyLocation', methods=['GET'])
def demoGetSEQCountbyLocation():
    prefix="""PREFIX obo: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>"""

    SELECT ?geoLocation ?geoLocation_label (count(?seq) as ?seqCount)  WHERE
      ?seq ?x [obo:GAZ_00000448 ?geoLocation] .
      ?geoLocation rdfs:label ?geoLocation_label
    GROUP BY ?geoLocation ?geoLocation_label ORDER BY DESC (?seqCount)
    description = "Get count of all sequences grouped by geoLocation and geoLocation_label (1-to-1 relationship) - spot the champions of open data!"
    payload = {'query': prefix+query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'description' : description},{'prefix' : prefix}, {'query': query}],[{'count': x['seqCount']['value'],
                     'key': x['geoLocation']['value'],
                     'label': x['geoLocation_label']['value']} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/demoGetAuthors', methods=['GET'])
def demoGetAuthors():
    prefix="""PREFIX obo: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX wiki: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>"""

    query = """SELECT DISTINCT ?author ?country_label ?continent_label WHERE {
     ?fasta ?x [ obo:GAZ_00000448 ?location] .
     ?fasta ?y [ obo:NCIT_C42781 ?author] .

     ?location wiki:P17 ?country .
     ?country wiki:P30 ?continent .
     ?country rdfs:label ?country_label .
     ?continent rdfs:label ?continent_label
    ORDER BY ?author
    LIMIT 500

    description = "Get all autors (obo:NCIT_C42781) that are in the DB and the country/continent where their samples were taken. The result is limited to 500."
    payload = {'query': prefix+query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'description' : description},{'prefix' : prefix}, {'query': query}],[{'author': x['author']['value'],
                     'country_label': x['country_label']['value'],
                     'continent_label': x['continent_label']['value']} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/demoInstitutesPublications', methods=['GET'])
def demoInstitutesPublications():
    prefix="PREFIX obo: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/>"
    SELECT DISTINCT ?originating_lab ?publication WHERE {
     ?seq ?x [ obo:NCIT_C37984 ?originating_lab] .
     ?seq ?y [ obo:NCIT_C19026 ?publication] .

    description = "List institutes (originating_lab, obo:NCIT_C37984) associated their publications in the DB"
    payload = {'query': prefix+query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'description' : description},{'prefix' : prefix}, {'query': query}],[{'originating_lab': x['originating_lab']['value'],
                     'publication': x['publication']['value']} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/demoGetSEQCountbytechContinent', methods=['GET'])
def demoGetSEQCountbytechContinent():
    prefix="""PREFIX obo: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/>
PREFIX wiki: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>"""

    query="""SELECT DISTINCT ?continent_label ?tech_label (count(?seq) as ?seqCount) WHERE
      ?seq ?x [ obo:OBI_0600047  ?tech] .
      ?seq ?y [ obo:GAZ_00000448 ?location] .

      ?tech rdfs:label ?tech_label .

      ?location wiki:P17 ?country .
      ?country wiki:P30 ?continent .
      ?continent rdfs:label ?continent_label

  GROUP BY ?tech_label ?continent_label
  ORDER BY ?continent_label ?seqCount

    description = "List institutes (originating_lab, obo:NCIT_C37984) and their associated publications in the DB"
    payload = {'query': prefix+query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'description' : description},{'prefix' : prefix}, {'query': query}],[{'continent_label': x['continent_label']['value'],
                     'tech_label': x['tech_label']['value'], 'seqCount': x['seqCount']['value']} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/demoGetSEQCountbytech', methods=['GET'])
def demoGetSEQCountbytech():
    prefix="""PREFIX obo: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>"""

    query="""SELECT ?tech ?tech_label (count(?seq) as ?seqCount) WHERE
        ?seq ?x [obo:OBI_0600047  ?tech] .
        ?tech rdfs:label ?tech_label
    GROUP BY ?tech ?tech_label ORDER BY DESC (?seqCount)
    description = "Show count per sequence technology"
    payload = {'query': prefix + query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'description': description}, {'prefix': prefix}, {'query': query}],
                   [{'tech_label': x['tech_label']['value'],
                     'tech': x['tech']['value'], 'seqCount': x['seqCount']['value']} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/demoGetSequencePerDate', methods=['GET'])
def demoGetSequencePerDate():
    query="""SELECT ?seq ?date WHERE {
    ?seq ?a [<http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Thesaurus.owl#C25164> ?date]
    FILTER ( xsd:date(?date) < xsd:date("2020-03-01") )
    ORDER BY ?date"""
    description = "Show all sequences with a collection date before 2020-03-01! To accomplish this a FILTER expression is used. Since date is a string, we cast xsd:date(...)"
    payload = {'query': prefix + query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'description': description}, {'prefix': prefix}, {'query': query}],
                   [{'seq': x['seq']['value'],
                     'date': x['date']['value']} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/demoGetLocationGps', methods=['GET'])
def demoGetLocationGps():
    prefix="""PREFIX obo: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/>
PREFIX wiki: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>"""

    query="""SELECT distinct ?location ?GPS WHERE {
	?seq ?a [ obo:GAZ_00000448 ?location] .
    ?location wiki:P625 ?GPS
    description = "Show all locations with their GPS coordinates that we have in the database. GPS coordinates are encoded as Point tuple."
    payload = {'query': prefix + query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'description': description}, {'prefix': prefix}, {'query': query}],
                   [{'location': x['location']['value'],
                     'GPS': x['GPS']['value']} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/demoGetNYsamples', methods=['GET'])
def demoGetNYsamples():
    prefix="""PREFIX obo: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/>
PREFIX wikiE: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>"""

    query="""SELECT DISTINCT ?seq ?key_label ?key ?value_label ?value WHERE {
        ?seq ?x [ obo:GAZ_00000448 wikiE:Q1384] .
        ?seq ?y [?key ?value] .

        ?key rdfs:label ?key_label .
        ?value rdfs:label ?value_label
        ORDER BY ?seq"""

    description = "Get all sequences and all sequence information (key, values) that were taken in New York (Q1384)!"
    payload = {'query': prefix + query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'description': description}, {'prefix': prefix}, {'query': query}],
                   [{'seq': x['seq']['value'],
                     'key_label': x['key_label']['value'],
                     'key': x['key']['value'],
                     'value_label': x['value_label']['value'],
                     'value': x['value']['value']} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/demoGetSouthAmericaSeq', methods=['GET'])
def demoGetSouthAmericaSeq():
    prefix = """PREFIX obo: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/>
PREFIX wiki: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

    query = """SELECT DISTINCT ?country_label ?seq WHERE
      ?seq ?y [ obo:GAZ_00000448 ?location] .
      ?location wiki:P17 ?country .
      ?country rdfs:label ?country_label .
      ?country wiki:P30 <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q18> .
ORDER BY ?country_label

    description = "Show all sequences that are on the continent (P30) South America (Q18)! List the sequence identifiers and the country they belong too."
    payload = {'query': prefix + query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'description': description}, {'prefix': prefix}, {'query': query}],
                   [{'seq': x['seq']['value'],
                     'country_label': x['country_label']['value']} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/demoGetSeqByAgeGender', methods=['GET'])
def demoGetSeqByAgeGender():
    prefix = """PREFIX obo: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/>
    query="""SELECT DISTINCT ?seq ?gender ?age WHERE {
    ?seq ?hostSchema [ obo:PATO_0000047 ?sex] .
    ?seq ?hostSchema [ obo:PATO_0000011 ?age ] .
    ?sex rdfs:label ?gender .
Order by ?age

    description = "List all sequences that have an entry in the field 'host_sex' and 'host_age'. Instead of the IRI we want to show the human readable label and order results by age"
    payload = {'query': prefix + query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'description': description}, {'prefix': prefix}, {'query': query}],
               [{'seq': x['seq']['value'],
                 'gender': x['gender']['value'],
                 'age': x['age']['value']} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/demoGetSeqIllumina', methods=['GET'])
def demoGetSeqIllumina():
    prefix = """PREFIX obo: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/>
PREFIX efo: <http://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/>"""
    ##TODO adjust OBI_0600047 to NCIT_C153598 once new schema is live
    query="""SELECT DISTINCT ?seq WHERE {
?seq ?technologySchema [obo:OBI_0600047 efo:EFO_0008635 ]

    description = "List all sequences that have as 'sample_sequencing_technology' (NCIT_C153598) Illumina iSeq 100 (EFO_0008635)"
    payload = {'query': prefix + query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'description': description}, {'prefix': prefix}, {'query': query}],
               [{'seq': x['seq']['value']} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/demoGetSeqWithStrain', methods=['GET'])
def demoGetSeqWithStrain():
    prefix = """PREFIX SIO: <http://semanticscience.org/resource/>"""
    query="""SELECT DISTINCT  ?strain ?seq WHERE {
?seq ?virusSchema [SIO:SIO_010055 ?strain]

    description = "List all sequences with data in 'virus_strain'. Show the strain and the relevant identifer!"
    payload = {'query': prefix + query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'description': description}, {'prefix': prefix}, {'query': query}],
               [{'strain': x['strain']['value'],
                'seq': x['seq']['value']} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/demoGetContinentSpecimentSeqCount', methods=['GET'])
def demoGetContinentSpecimentSeqCount():
    prefix = """PREFIX obo: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX wiki: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>"""
    query="""SELECT ?continent_label ?specimen_source_label (count(?seq) as ?seqCount)  WHERE
        ?seq ?x [obo:OBI_0001479  ?specimen_source] .
        ?seq ?y [ obo:GAZ_00000448 ?location] .

        ?location wiki:P17 ?country .
        ?location wiki:P30 ?continent .

        ?specimen_source rdfs:label ?specimen_source_label .
        ?continent rdfs:label ?continent_label.

    GROUP BY ?specimen_source ?specimen_source_label ?continent_label
    ORDER BY ?continent_label DESC(?seqCount)"""

    description = "Show a count of sequences by continent and specimen_source. For readability the labels for specimen_source and ?continent are retrieved."
    payload = {'query': prefix + query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'description': description}, {'prefix': prefix}, {'query': query}],
               [{'continent_label': x['continent_label']['value'],
                'specimen_source_label': x['specimen_source_label']['value'],
                'seqCount': x['seqCount']['value']} for x in result])

@app.route('/api/demoGetSampleSchema', methods=['GET'])
def demoGetSampleSchema():
    prefix = """PREFIX bh:<http://biohackathon.org/bh20-seq-schema#MainSchema/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>"""
    query="""Select distinct ?key ?key_label WHERE {
    ?seq bh:sample [?key ?value ] .
    ?key rdfs:label ?key_label

    description = "Show the sample meta data schema. Displays the keys as well as their labels. By simple replacing bh:sample e.g. bh:technology the user could retrieve other parts of the meta data schema"
    payload = {'query': prefix + query, 'format': 'json'}
    r = requests.get(sparqlURL, params=payload)
    result = r.json()['results']['bindings']
    return jsonify([{'description': description}, {'prefix': prefix}, {'query': query}],
                   [{'key': x['key']['value'],
                     'key_label': x['key_label']['value']} for x in result])