path: root/tissue
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-03-18issue: Ignore case of keywords.Arun Isaac
2022-03-18issue: Rename issue-open to issue-open?.Arun Isaac
2022-03-18issue: Replace delete-duplicates with lset-adjoin.Arun Isaac
2022-03-18issue: Use SRFI-19 dates.Arun Isaac
2022-03-18web: Parameterize %tags-path when exporting all files.Arun Isaac
2022-03-18web: Join lines when reading gemtext.Arun Isaac
2022-03-16tissue: Fix "#\s pace" typo.Arun Isaac
2022-03-16tissue: Add CSS class specific to each tag.Arun Isaac
2022-03-16tissue: Encode URIs for safety.Arun Isaac
2022-03-16tissue: Support tagging using "key: value" pairs.Arun Isaac
2022-03-16tissue: Deduplicate keywords in hash table.Arun Isaac
2022-03-16tissue: Enforce prefix check on checklist.Arun Isaac
2022-03-16tissue: Sanitize tag names in file paths.Arun Isaac
2022-03-15tissue: Introduce declarative configuration.Arun Isaac
2022-03-15tissue: Use more specific &issue-file-not-found-error.Arun Isaac
2022-03-15tissue: Introduce specialized conditions.Arun Isaac
2022-03-15tissue: Allow specification of CSS.Arun Isaac
2022-03-15tissue: Allow override of auto-generated files in website.Arun Isaac
2022-03-15tissue: Use the term "export" instead of "publish".Arun Isaac
2022-03-15tissue: Raise exception on missing file when building website.Arun Isaac
2022-03-14tissue: Ignore missing files when listing issues.Frederick Muriuki Muriithi
2022-03-14tissue: Support exporting issues to the web.Arun Isaac
2022-03-14tissue: Memoize the issues function.Arun Isaac
2022-03-13tissue: Reorganize code into scheme modules.Arun Isaac