AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2007-11-28Make the default set of bindings even smaller.Ludovic Courtès
2007-11-28Update `.gitignore'.Ludovic Courtès
2007-11-28Add run-time module with fewer bindings; add `--compat' command-line option.Ludovic Courtès
2007-11-28Use modules from the source dir when building the doc.Ludovic Courtès
2007-11-28Remove `define-skribe-module' macro.Ludovic Courtès
2007-11-22slide: Set up an environment suitable for `eq'.Ludovic Courtès
2007-11-16Fix Guile-Linting.Ludovic Courtès
2007-11-15slide: Add `:unfold?' option to `slide-topic'.Ludovic Courtès
2007-11-15Fix module installation directory.Ludovic Courtès
2007-11-14Update the body of commands when resolving.Ludovic Courtès
2007-11-14configure: Don't try to "chmod +x src/skribilo".Ludovic Courtès
2007-10-28Add `.gitignore'.Ludovic Courtès
2007-10-28Add configure `--with-guilemoduledir' option.Ludovic Courtès
2007-10-28Generate `skribilo' in Makefile.am.Ludovic Courtès
2007-10-28Update generated files.Ludovic Courtès
2007-10-28Modernized `configure.ac' a bit.Ludovic Courtès
2007-10-28Mention new Git repository.Ludovic Courtès
2007-09-24Tolerate unresolved nodes in `first-paragraph?'.Ludovic Court`es
2007-09-24Tolerate unresolved nodes in `first-paragraph?'.lcourtes@laas.fr--2006-libre,skribilo--devo--1.2Ludovic Court`es
2007-09-20lout: Add customs for the `book' document type.Ludovic Court`es
2007-09-20lout: Add customs for the `book' document type.Ludovic Court`es
2007-09-20slide: Tiny fix.Ludovic Court`es
2007-09-20eq/lout: Better handle parenthesizing of combinations.Ludovic Court`es
2007-09-20lout: New `:word' option for `chapter' et al.Ludovic Court`es
2007-09-20slide: Tiny fix.Ludovic Court`es
2007-09-20eq/lout: Better handle parenthesizing of combinations.Ludovic Court`es
2007-09-20lout: New `:word' option for `chapter' et al.Ludovic Court`es
2007-09-03skribilo: Flush the output port before exiting.Ludovic Court`es
2007-09-03skribilo: Flush the output port before exiting.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-31biblio: Fixed default template for `book' and `inbook'.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-31biblio: Fixed default template for `book' and `inbook'.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-30Moved `first-paragraph?' to `ast'.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-30lout: Added support for drop capitals.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-30Moved `first-paragraph?' to `ast'.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-30lout: Added support for drop capitals.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-29biblio: SRFI'd `author.scm'.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-29lout: Provide support for separate first-paragraph gap style.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-29doc: Improved bibliography doc, documented `noabbrev'.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-29`base' package: Introduced `noabbrev'.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-29biblio: Properly handle non-string authors.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-29biblio: Improved `bib-sort/first-author-last-name'.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-29biblio: SRFI'd `author.scm'.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-29lout: Provide support for separate first-paragraph gap style.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-29doc: Improved bibliography doc, documented `noabbrev'.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-29`base' package: Introduced `noabbrev'.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-29biblio: Properly handle non-string authors.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-29biblio: Improved `bib-sort/first-author-last-name'.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-28ast: Provide better error messages.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-28lout: Use `@OnePage' for `figure'.Ludovic Court`es
2007-08-28ast: Provide better error messages.Ludovic Court`es