path: root/src/guile/skribilo/lib.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/guile/skribilo/lib.scm')
1 files changed, 360 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/guile/skribilo/lib.scm b/src/guile/skribilo/lib.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26b348a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/guile/skribilo/lib.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+;;; lib.stk -- Utilities
+;;; Copyright © 2003-2004 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <>
+;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
+;;; USA.
+;;; Author: Erick Gallesio []
+;;; Creation date: 11-Aug-2003 20:29 (eg)
+;;; Last file update: 27-Oct-2004 12:41 (eg)
+(read-set! keywords 'prefix)
+(define-module (skribilo lib)
+ :export (skribe-eval-location skribe-ast-error skribe-error
+ skribe-type-error skribe-line-error
+ skribe-warning skribe-warning/ast
+ skribe-message
+ skribe-path skribe-path-set!
+ skribe-image-path skribe-image-path-set!
+ skribe-bib-path skribe-bib-path-set!
+ skribe-source-path skribe-source-path-set!
+ ;; various utilities for compatiblity
+ substring=?
+ file-suffix file-prefix prefix suffix
+ directory->list find-file/path
+ printf fprintf
+ any? every?
+ process-input-port process-output-port process-error-port
+ make-hashtable hashtable?
+ hashtable-get hashtable-put! hashtable-update!
+ hashtable->list
+ find-runtime-type)
+ :export-syntax (new define-markup define-simple-markup
+ define-simple-container define-processor-markup
+ ;; for compatibility
+ unwind-protect unless when)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ :use-module (ice-9 optargs))
+;;; NEW
+(define-macro (new class . parameters)
+ `(make ,(string->symbol (format #f "<~a>" class))
+ ,@(apply append (map (lambda (x)
+ `(,(symbol->keyword (car x)) ,(cadr x)))
+ parameters))))
+(define-macro (define-markup bindings . body)
+ ;; This is just an `(ice-9 optargs)' kind of `lambda*', with DSSSL
+ ;; keyword-style conversion enabled. However, using `(ice-9 optargs)', the
+ ;; `#:rest' argument can only appear last which not what Skribe/DSSSL
+ ;; expect, hence `fix-rest-arg'.
+ (define (fix-rest-arg args)
+ (let loop ((args args)
+ (result '())
+ (rest-arg #f))
+ (if (null? args)
+ (if rest-arg (append (reverse result) rest-arg) (reverse result))
+ (let ((is-rest-arg? (eq? (car args) #:rest)))
+ (loop (if is-rest-arg? (cddr args) (cdr args))
+ (if is-rest-arg? result (cons (car args) result))
+ (if is-rest-arg? (list (car args) (cadr args)) rest-arg))))))
+ (let ((name (car bindings))
+ (opts (cdr bindings)))
+ `(define* ,(cons name (fix-rest-arg opts)) ,@body)))
+(define-macro (define-simple-markup markup)
+ `(define-markup (,markup :rest opts :key ident class loc)
+ (new markup
+ (markup ',markup)
+ (ident (or ident (symbol->string (gensym ',markup))))
+ (loc loc)
+ (class class)
+ (required-options '())
+ (options (the-options opts :ident :class :loc))
+ (body (the-body opts)))))
+(define-macro (define-simple-container markup)
+ `(define-markup (,markup :rest opts :key ident class loc)
+ (new container
+ (markup ',markup)
+ (ident (or ident (symbol->string (gensym ',markup))))
+ (loc loc)
+ (class class)
+ (required-options '())
+ (options (the-options opts :ident :class :loc))
+ (body (the-body opts)))))
+(define-macro (define-processor-markup proc)
+ `(define-markup (,proc #:rest opts)
+ (new processor
+ (engine (find-engine ',proc))
+ (body (the-body opts))
+ (options (the-options opts)))))
+(define (skribe-eval-location)
+ (format (current-error-port)
+ "FIXME: ...... SKRIBE-EVAL-LOCATION (should not appear)\n")
+ #f)
+(define (skribe-ast-error proc msg obj)
+ (let ((l (ast-loc obj))
+ (shape (if (markup? obj) (markup-markup obj) obj)))
+ (if (location? l)
+ (error "~a:~a: ~a: ~a ~s" (location-file l) (location-pos l) proc msg shape)
+ (error "~a: ~a ~s " proc msg shape))))
+(define (skribe-error proc msg obj)
+ (if (ast? obj)
+ (skribe-ast-error proc msg obj)
+ (error proc msg obj)))
+(define (skribe-type-error proc msg obj etype)
+ (skribe-error proc (format "~a ~s (~a expected)" msg obj etype) #f))
+;;; FIXME: Peut-être virée maintenant
+(define (skribe-line-error file line proc msg obj)
+ (error (format "%a:%a: ~a:~a ~S" file line proc msg obj)))
+(define (%skribe-warn level file line lst)
+ (let ((port (current-error-port)))
+ (format port "**** WARNING:\n")
+ (when (and file line) (format port "~a: ~a: " file line))
+ (for-each (lambda (x) (format port "~a " x)) lst)
+ (newline port)))
+(define (skribe-warning level . obj)
+ (if (>= *skribe-warning* level)
+ (%skribe-warn level #f #f obj)))
+(define (skribe-warning/ast level ast . obj)
+ (if (>= *skribe-warning* level)
+ (let ((l (ast-loc ast)))
+ (if (location? l)
+ (%skribe-warn level (location-file l) (location-pos l) obj)
+ (%skribe-warn level #f #f obj)))))
+(define (skribe-message fmt . obj)
+ (when (> *skribe-verbose* 0)
+ (apply format (current-error-port) fmt obj)))
+(define (file-prefix fn)
+ (if fn
+ (let ((match (regexp-match "(.*)\\.([^/]*$)" fn)))
+ (if match
+ (cadr match)
+ fn))
+(define (file-suffix s)
+ ;; Not completely correct, but sufficient here
+ (let* ((basename (regexp-replace "^(.*)/(.*)$" s "\\2"))
+ (split (string-split basename ".")))
+ (if (> (length split) 1)
+ (car (reverse! split))
+ "")))
+;;; KEY-GET
+;;; We need to redefine the standard key-get to be more permissive. In
+;;; STklos key-get accepts a list which is formed only of keywords. In
+;;; Skribe, parameter lists are of the form
+;;; (:title "..." :option "...." body1 body2 body3)
+;;; So is we find an element which is not a keyword, we skip it (unless it
+;;; follows a keyword of course). Since the compiler of extended lambda
+;;; uses the function key-get, it will now accept Skribe markups
+(define* (key-get lst key #:optional (default #f) default?)
+ (define (not-found)
+ (if default?
+ default
+ (error 'key-get "value ~S not found in list ~S" key lst)))
+ (let Loop ((l lst))
+ (cond
+ ((null? l)
+ (not-found))
+ ((not (pair? l))
+ (error 'key-get "bad list ~S" lst))
+ ((keyword? (car l))
+ (if (null? (cdr l))
+ (error 'key-get "bad keyword list ~S" lst)
+ (if (eq? (car l) key)
+ (cadr l)
+ (Loop (cddr l)))))
+ (else
+ (Loop (cdr l))))))
+;;; ======================================================================
+;;; A C C E S S O R S
+;;; ======================================================================
+(define (skribe-path) *skribe-path*)
+(define (skribe-path-set! path)
+ (if (not (and (list? path) (every string? path)))
+ (skribe-error 'skribe-path-set! "Illegal path" path)
+ (set! *skribe-path* path)))
+(define (skribe-image-path) *skribe-image-path*)
+(define (skribe-image-path-set! path)
+ (if (not (and (list? path) (every string? path)))
+ (skribe-error 'skribe-image-path-set! "Illegal path" path)
+ (set! *skribe-image-path* path)))
+(define (skribe-bib-path) *skribe-bib-path*)
+(define (skribe-bib-path-set! path)
+ (if (not (and (list? path) (every string? path)))
+ (skribe-error 'skribe-bib-path-set! "Illegal path" path)
+ (set! *skribe-bib-path* path)))
+(define (skribe-source-path) *skribe-source-path*)
+(define (skribe-source-path-set! path)
+ (if (not (and (list? path) (every string? path)))
+ (skribe-error 'skribe-source-path-set! "Illegal path" path)
+ (set! *skribe-source-path* path)))
+;;; ======================================================================
+;;; Compatibility with Bigloo
+;;; ======================================================================
+(define (substring=? s1 s2 len)
+ (let ((l1 (string-length s1))
+ (l2 (string-length s2)))
+ (let Loop ((i 0))
+ (cond
+ ((= i len) #t)
+ ((= i l1) #f)
+ ((= i l2) #f)
+ ((char=? (string-ref s1 i) (string-ref s2 i)) (Loop (+ i 1)))
+ (else #f)))))
+(define (directory->list str)
+ (map basename (glob (string-append str "/*") (string-append "/.*"))))
+(define-macro (printf . args) `(format #t ,@args))
+(define fprintf format)
+(define prefix file-prefix)
+(define suffix file-suffix)
+(define system->string system) ;; FIXME
+(define any? any)
+(define every? every)
+(define find-file/path (lambda (. args)
+ (format #t "find-file/path: ~a~%" args)
+ #f))
+(define process-input-port #f) ;process-input)
+(define process-output-port #f) ;process-output)
+(define process-error-port #f) ;process-error)
+;;; h a s h t a b l e s
+(define make-hashtable make-hash-table)
+(define hashtable? hash-table?)
+(define hashtable-get (lambda (h k) (hash-ref h k #f)))
+(define hashtable-put! hash-set!)
+(define hashtable-update! hash-set!)
+(define hashtable->list (lambda (h)
+ (map cdr (hash-table->list h))))
+(define find-runtime-type (lambda (obj) obj))
+(define-macro (unwind-protect expr1 expr2)
+ ;; This is no completely correct.
+ `(dynamic-wind
+ (lambda () #f)
+ (lambda () ,expr1)
+ (lambda () ,expr2)))
+(define-macro (unless expr body)
+ `(if (not ,expr) ,body))
+(define-macro (when expr . exprs)
+ `(if ,expr (begin ,@exprs)))