path: root/legacy/bigloo/bib.bgl
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Diffstat (limited to 'legacy/bigloo/bib.bgl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 161 deletions
diff --git a/legacy/bigloo/bib.bgl b/legacy/bigloo/bib.bgl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b0f7dd..0000000
--- a/legacy/bigloo/bib.bgl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-;* serrano/prgm/project/skribe/src/bigloo/bib.bgl */
-;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-;* Author : Manuel Serrano */
-;* Creation : Fri Dec 7 06:12:29 2001 */
-;* Last change : Tue Nov 2 17:14:02 2004 (serrano) */
-;* Copyright : 2001-04 Manuel Serrano */
-;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-;* Skribe Bibliography */
-;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-;* Implementation: @label bib@ */
-;* bigloo: @path ../common/bib.scm@ */
-;* The module */
-(module skribe_bib
- (include "new.sch")
- (import skribe_types
- skribe_lib
- skribe_resolve
- skribe_eval
- skribe_read)
- (export (bib-table?::bool ::obj)
- (make-bib-table ::bstring)
- (default-bib-table)
- (bib-load! ::obj ::bstring ::obj)
- (bib-add! ::obj . entries)
- (resolve-bib ::obj ::obj)
- (resolve-the-bib ::obj ::obj ::procedure ::obj ::symbol ::pair-nil)
- (bib-sort/authors::pair-nil ::pair-nil)
- (bib-sort/idents::pair-nil ::pair-nil)
- (bib-sort/dates::pair-nil ::pair-nil)))
-;* bib-table? ... */
-(define (bib-table? obj)
- (hashtable? obj))
-;* *bib-table* ... */
-(define *bib-table* #f)
-;* make-bib-table ... */
-(define (make-bib-table ident)
- (make-hashtable))
-;* default-bib-table ... */
-(define (default-bib-table)
- (if (not *bib-table*)
- (set! *bib-table* (make-bib-table "default-bib-table")))
- *bib-table*)
-;* bib-parse-error ... */
-(define (bib-parse-error entry)
- (if (epair? entry)
- (match-case (cer entry)
- ((at ?fname ?pos ?-)
- (error/location "parse-biblio"
- "bibliography syntax error"
- entry
- fname
- pos))
- (else
- (error 'bib-parse "bibliography syntax error" entry)))
- (error 'bib-parse "bibliography syntax error" entry)))
-;* bib-duplicate ... */
-(define (bib-duplicate ident from old)
- (let ((ofrom (markup-option old 'from)))
- (skribe-warning 2
- 'bib
- (format "Duplicated bibliographic entry ~a'.\n" ident)
- (if ofrom
- (format " Using version of `~a'.\n" ofrom)
- "")
- (if from
- (format " Ignoring version of `~a'." from)
- " Ignoring redefinition."))))
-;* parse-bib ... */
-(define (parse-bib table port)
- (if (not (bib-table? table))
- (skribe-error 'parse-bib "Illegal bibliography table" table)
- (let ((from (input-port-name port)))
- (let loop ((entry (skribe-read port)))
- (if (not (eof-object? entry))
- (match-case entry
- (((and (? symbol?) ?kind) (and (? symbol?) ?ident) . ?fds)
- (let* ((ident (symbol->string ident))
- (old (hashtable-get table ident)))
- (if old
- (bib-duplicate ident from old)
- (hashtable-put! table
- ident
- (make-bib-entry kind
- ident
- fds
- from))))
- (loop (skribe-read port)))
- (((and (? symbol?) ?kind) (and (? string?) ?ident) . ?fds)
- (let ((old (hashtable-get table ident)))
- (if old
- (bib-duplicate ident from old)
- (hashtable-put! table
- ident
- (make-bib-entry kind
- ident
- fds
- from))))
- (loop (skribe-read port)))
- (else
- (bib-parse-error entry))))))))
-;* bib-add! ... */
-(define (bib-add! table . entries)
- (if (not (bib-table? table))
- (skribe-error 'bib-add! "Illegal bibliography table" table)
- (for-each (lambda (entry)
- (match-case entry
- (((and (? symbol?) ?kind) (and (? symbol?) ?ident) . ?fs)
- (let* ((ident (symbol->string ident))
- (old (hashtable-get table ident)))
- (if old
- (bib-duplicate ident #f old)
- (hashtable-put! table
- ident
- (make-bib-entry kind
- ident fs #f)))))
- (((and (? symbol?) ?kind) (and (? string?) ?ident) . ?fs)
- (let ((old (hashtable-get table ident)))
- (if old
- (bib-duplicate ident #f old)
- (hashtable-put! table
- ident
- (make-bib-entry kind
- ident fs #f)))))
- (else
- (bib-parse-error entry))))
- entries)))