path: root/doc/user/eq.skb
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/user/eq.skb')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/doc/user/eq.skb b/doc/user/eq.skb
index a611f88..455832b 100644
--- a/doc/user/eq.skb
+++ b/doc/user/eq.skb
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ much like any other kind of markup. However, the resulting syntax
is very verbose and hard to read.])
(p [Fortunately, the ,(tt [eq]) package allows for the use of a
-much simple syntax. ]
+much simpler syntax. ]
(example :legend "Example of a simple equation"
@@ -69,10 +69,30 @@ may have already recognized its ,(emph [prefix notation]). Note that,
unlike in the previous example, the equation itself if ,(emph [quoted]),
that is, preceded by the ,(tt [']) sign. Additionally, when referring
to a symbol (such as the Greek letter ,(symbol "phi")), you no longer
-need to use the ,(tt [symbol]) markup (,(ref :text [see subsection]
-:subsection "Symbols")).]))
+need to use the ,(tt [symbol]) markup (,(numref :text [see Section]
+:ident "symbols")).]))
+ ;; FIXME: Write this.
(section :title [Rendering])
+ (section :title [Summary]
+ (p [The options available for the top-level ,(code [eq]) markup
+are summarized here:])
+ (doc-markup 'eq
+ `((:inline? [A boolean indicating whether the equation
+is to appear "inline", i.e., within a paragraph. If the engine supports
+it, it may adjust various parameters such as in-equation spacing
+ (:renderer [The engine that should be used to render
+the equation. This allows, for instance, to use the Lout engine to
+render equations in HTML.])
+ (:div-style [A symbol denoting the default style for
+divisions. This should be one of ,(code [over]), ,(code [fraction]),
+,(code [div]) and ,(code [slash]). Per-,(code [eq:/]) ,(code
+[:div-style]) options override this setting.]))
+ :source "skribilo/package/eq.scm"))