path: root/legacy/bigloo/prog.scm
diff options
authorLudovic Courtes2006-01-15 09:57:49 +0000
committerLudovic Courtes2006-01-15 09:57:49 +0000
commita1b1ba4d3edd2a5326dfb82527c4bdcdef29284a (patch)
tree60840e49d2fff01db18f70ffbcdf6d8aeff15783 /legacy/bigloo/prog.scm
parentea34b16594933b0d6fa7a85ac5615a718e33c95d (diff)
Removed the Bigloo/STkLos in the `legacy' directory.
Removed the `legacy' directory. git-archimport-id:
Diffstat (limited to 'legacy/bigloo/prog.scm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 196 deletions
diff --git a/legacy/bigloo/prog.scm b/legacy/bigloo/prog.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index baad0f0..0000000
--- a/legacy/bigloo/prog.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-;* serrano/prgm/project/skribe/src/bigloo/prog.scm */
-;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-;* Author : Manuel Serrano */
-;* Creation : Wed Aug 27 09:14:28 2003 */
-;* Last change : Tue Oct 7 15:07:48 2003 (serrano) */
-;* Copyright : 2003 Manuel Serrano */
-;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-;* The Skribe prog bigloo implementation */
-;* The module */
-(module skribe_prog
- (include "new.sch")
- (import skribe_types
- skribe_lib
- skribe_resolve
- skribe_eval
- skribe_api)
- (export (make-prog-body ::obj ::obj ::obj ::obj)
- (resolve-line ::bstring)))
-;* *lines* ... */
-(define *lines* (make-hashtable))
-;* make-line-mark ... */
-(define (make-line-mark m lnum b)
- (let* ((ls (integer->string lnum))
- (n (list (mark ls) b)))
- (hashtable-put! *lines* m n)
- n))
-;* resolve-line ... */
-(define (resolve-line id)
- (hashtable-get *lines* id))
-;* extract-string-mark ... */
-(define (extract-string-mark line mark regexp)
- (let ((m (pregexp-match regexp line)))
- (if (pair? m)
- (values (substring (car m)
- (string-length mark)
- (string-length (car m)))
- (pregexp-replace regexp line ""))
- (values #f line))))
-;* extract-mark ... */
-;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-;* Extract the prog mark from a line. */
-(define (extract-mark line mark regexp)
- (cond
- ((not regexp)
- (values #f line))
- ((string? line)
- (extract-string-mark line mark regexp))
- ((pair? line)
- (let loop ((ls line)
- (res '()))
- (if (null? ls)
- (values #f line)
- (multiple-value-bind (m l)
- (extract-mark (car ls) mark regexp)
- (if (not m)
- (loop (cdr ls) (cons l res))
- (values m (append (reverse! res) (cons l (cdr ls)))))))))
- ((%node? line)
- (multiple-value-bind (m l)
- (extract-mark (%node-body line) mark regexp)
- (if (not m)
- (values #f line)
- (begin
- (%node-body-set! line l)
- (values m line)))))
- (else
- (values #f line))))
-;* split-line ... */
-(define (split-line line)
- (cond
- ((string? line)
- (let ((l (string-length line)))
- (let loop ((r1 0)
- (r2 0)
- (res '()))
- (cond
- ((=fx r2 l)
- (if (=fx r1 r2)
- (reverse! res)
- (reverse! (cons (substring line r1 r2) res))))
- ((char=? (string-ref line r2) #\Newline)
- (loop (+fx r2 1)
- (+fx r2 1)
- (if (=fx r1 r2)
- (cons 'eol res)
- (cons* 'eol (substring line r1 r2) res))))
- (else
- (loop r1
- (+fx r2 1)
- res))))))
- ((pair? line)
- (let loop ((ls line)
- (res '()))
- (if (null? ls)
- res
- (loop (cdr ls) (append res (split-line (car ls)))))))
- (else
- (list line))))
-;* flat-lines ... */
-(define (flat-lines lines)
- (apply append (map split-line lines)))
-;* collect-lines ... */
-(define (collect-lines lines)
- (let loop ((lines (flat-lines lines))
- (res '())
- (tmp '()))
- (cond
- ((null? lines)
- (reverse! (cons (reverse! tmp) res)))
- ((eq? (car lines) 'eol)
- (cond
- ((null? (cdr lines))
- (reverse! (cons (reverse! tmp) res)))
- ((and (null? res) (null? tmp))
- (loop (cdr lines)
- res
- '()))
- (else
- (loop (cdr lines)
- (cons (reverse! tmp) res)
- '()))))
- (else
- (loop (cdr lines)
- res
- (cons (car lines) tmp))))))
-;* make-prog-body ... */
-(define (make-prog-body src lnum-init ldigit mark)
- (define (int->str i rl)
- (let* ((s (integer->string i))
- (l (string-length s)))
- (if (= l rl)
- s
- (string-append (make-string (- rl l) #\space) s))))
- (let* ((regexp (and mark
- (format "~a[-a-zA-Z_][-0-9a-zA-Z_]+"
- (pregexp-quote mark))))
- (src (cond
- ((not (pair? src)) (list src))
- ((and (pair? (car src)) (null? (cdr src))) (car src))
- (else src)))
- (lines (collect-lines src))
- (lnum (if (integer? lnum-init) lnum-init 1))
- (s (integer->string (+fx (if (integer? ldigit)
- (max lnum (expt 10 (-fx ldigit 1)))
- lnum)
- (length lines))))
- (cs (string-length s)))
- (let loop ((lines lines)
- (lnum lnum)
- (res '()))
- (if (null? lines)
- (reverse! res)
- (multiple-value-bind (m l)
- (extract-mark (car lines) mark regexp)
- (let ((n (new markup
- (markup '&prog-line)
- (ident (and lnum-init (int->str lnum cs)))
- (body (if m (make-line-mark m lnum l) l)))))
- (loop (cdr lines)
- (+ lnum 1)
- (cons n res))))))))