;;; engine.skb  --  The description of the Skribe engines
;;; -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
;;; Copyright 2008, 2009  Ludovic Court�s <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright 2003, 2004  Manuel Serrano
;;; This file is part of Skribilo.
;;; Skribilo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; Skribilo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with Skribilo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;*    Engine                                                           */
(chapter :title "Engines" 
         :ident "engines"

   (p [Skribilo documents can be rendered, or output, in a variety of
different formats.  When using the compiler, which format is used is
specified by the ,(tt [--target]) command-line option (see ,(numref
:text [Chapter] :ident "compiler")).  This command-line option actually
specifies the ,(emph [engine]) or ``back-end'' to be used, which is
roughly a set of procedures that translate the input document into the
output format.  For instance, passing ,(tt [--target=html]) to the
compiler instructs it to produce an HTML document using the ,(ref :text
(code "html") :ident "html-engine") engine.])

   (p [This chapter describes procedures allowing the manipulation of
engines in Skribilo documents or modules (creation, customization,
etc.), as well as the available engines.  Currently, the available
engines are:]

   (resolve (lambda (n e env)
	       (let* ((current-chapter (ast-chapter n))
		      (body  (map (lambda (x) (if (pair? x) (car x) x))
				  (markup-body current-chapter)))
		      (sects (filter (lambda (x)
		                       (and (is-markup? x 'section)
				            (markup-option x :file)))
		     (map (lambda (s)
                            (item (ref :text (markup-option s :title)
				       :handle (handle s))))

   [Engine customization provides tight control over the output produced
for each particular engine.  In particular, it allows the style for each
output to be fine-tuned, be it HTML, PDF ,(it [via]) Lout, or anything
else.  However, note that such fine-tuning usually requires good
knowledge of the output format (e.g., HTML/CSS, Lout, LaTeX).])

   (section :title "Manipulating Engines"
      (subsection :title "Creating Engines"
	 (p [The function ,(code "make-engine") creates a brand new engine.])
	 (doc-markup 'make-engine
	    '((ident [The name (a symbol) of the new engine.])
	      (:version [The version number.])
	      (:format [The output format (a string) of this engine.])
	      (:filter [A string filter (a function).])
	      (:delegate [A delegate engine.])
	      (:symbol-table [The engine symbol table.])
	      (:custom [The engine custom list.])
	      (:info [Miscellaneous.]))
	    :common-args '()
            :skribe-source? #f
	    :source *engine-src*
	    :idx *function-index*)
	 (p [The function ,(code "copy-engine") duplicates an existing engine.])
	 (doc-markup 'copy-engine
	    '((ident [The name (a symbol) of the new engine.])
	      (e [The old engine to be duplicated.])
	      (:version [The version number.])
	      (:filter [A string filter (a function).])
	      (:delegate [A delegate engine.])
	      (:symbol-table [The engine symbol table.])
	      (:custom [The engine custom list.]))
	    :common-args '()
            :skribe-source? #f
	    :source *engine-src*
	    :idx *function-index*))
      (subsection :title "Retrieving Engines"
	 (p [The ,(code "find-engine") function searches in the list of defined
engines. It returns an ,(code "engine") object on success and ,(code "#f")
on failure.])
	 (doc-markup 'find-engine
	    '((id [The name (a symbol) of the engine to be searched.])
	      (:version [An optional version number for the searched engine.]))
	    :common-args '()
            :skribe-source? #f
	    :source *engine-src*
	    :idx *function-index*))
      (subsection :title "Engine Accessors"
	 (p [The predicate ,(code "engine?") returns ,(code "#t") if its
argument is an engine. Otherwise, it returns ,(code "#f"). In other words,
,(code "engine?") returns ,(code "#t") for objects created by 
,(code "make-engine"), ,(code "copy-engine"), and ,(code "find-engine").])
	 (doc-markup 'engine?
	    '((obj [The checked object.]))
	    :common-args '()
            :skribe-source? #f
	    :source *engine-src*
	    :idx *function-index*)
	 (p [The following functions return information about engines.])
	 (doc-markup 'engine-ident
	    '((obj [The engine.]))
	    :common-args '()
	    :others '(engine-format engine-customs engine-filter engine-symbol-table)
            :skribe-source? #f
	    :source *engine-src*
	    :idx *function-index*))
      (subsection :title "Engine Customs"
	 (p [Engine customs are locations where dynamic informations relative
to engines can be stored. Engine custom can be seen a global variables that
are specific to engines. The function ,(code "engine-custom") returns the
value of a custom or ,(code "#f") if that custom is not defined. The
function ,(code "engine-custom-set!") defines or sets a new value for
a custom.])
	 (doc-markup 'engine-custom
	    `((e ,[The engine (as returned by 
,(ref :mark "find-engine" :text (code "find-engine"))).])
	      (id [The name of the custom.]))
	    :common-args '()
            :skribe-source? #f
	    :source *engine-src*
	    :idx *function-index*)
	 (doc-markup 'engine-custom-set!
	    `((e ,[The engine (as returned by 
,(ref :mark "find-engine" :text (code "find-engine"))).])
	      (id [The name of the custom.])
	      (val [The new value of the custom.]))
	    :common-args '()
            :skribe-source? #f
	    :source *engine-src*
	    :idx *function-index*)
	 (p [In the documentation of available engines that follows, a
list of available customs is shown for each engine, along with each
custom's default value and a description.]))
      (subsection :title [Writing New Engines]
	          :ident "custom-engine"
	 (p [Writing new engines (i.e., output formats) and making them
available to Skribilo is an easy task.  Essentially, this boils down to
instantiating an engine using ,(markup-ref "make-engine") and
registering ,(emph [markup writers]) using the ,(tt [markup-writer])
procedure for all supported markups (e.g., ,(tt [chapter]), ,(tt
[bold]), etc.),(footnote [FIXME: Markup writers are not currently
documented, but looking at the source of an engine will give you the
idea, trust me.]).])
	 (p [Most likely, you will want to make your new engine visible
so that ,(markup-ref "find-engine") and consequently the ,(tt
"--target") command-line option can find it.  To that end, a few rules
must be followed:

    (item [your engine must be enclosed in a Guile Scheme module under
the ,(tt [skribilo engine]) hierarchy; for instance, if the engine is
named ,(tt [foo]), then it should be in a module called ,(tt [(skribilo
engine foo)]);])
    (item [the engine itself as returned by ,(markup-ref "make-engine")
must be bound, in that module, to a variable called, say, ,(tt
    (item [finally, the ,(tt [(skribilo engine foo)]) module must be in
Guile's load path; for instance, you can adjust the ,(tt
[GUILE_LOAD_PATH]) environment variable.]))

This is all it takes to extend Skribilo's set of engines!  Note that
this mechanism is the same as that of ,(emph [readers]) (see ,(numref
:text [Section] :ident "custom-syntax")).])))

   ;; existing engines
   (include "htmle.skb")
   (include "loute.skb")
   (include "latexe.skb")
   (include "contexte.skb")
   (include "infoe.skb")
   (include "xmle.skb"))

;;; Local Variables:
;;; ispell-local-dictionary: "american"
;;; End: