path: root/ennum.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ennum.el')
1 files changed, 534 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ennum.el b/ennum.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69a7b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ennum.el
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+(require 'ennum-html)
+(require 'ennum-image)
+(require 'ox)
+(require 'seq)
+(require 'cl)
+(require 'map)
+(require 'memoize)
+(require 'simple-httpd)
+(defvar ennum-version "0.1.0"
+ "Ennum version string")
+(cl-defstruct (ennum-post (:constructor ennum-make-post)
+ (:copier nil))
+ filename slug author date language links tangle
+ summary tags thumbnail title translation-group)
+(cl-defstruct (ennum-operation (:constructor ennum-make-operation)
+ (:copier nil))
+ inputs outputs publish)
+(defun ennum-posts (posts-directory)
+ (sort (seq-map 'ennum-read-post
+ (file-expand-wildcards
+ (concat (file-name-as-directory
+ (ennum-setting :posts-directory))
+ "*.org")))
+ 'ennum-later-post-p))
+(defun ennum-later-post-p (post1 post2)
+ (time-less-p (ennum-post-date post2)
+ (ennum-post-date post1)))
+(defun ennum-read-post (filename)
+ (ennum--read-post
+ filename (file-attribute-modification-time
+ (file-attributes filename))))
+(defmemoize ennum--read-post (filename last-modified)
+ (ennum-with-file-contents filename
+ (let ((metadata (org-export-get-environment 'ennum-html))
+ (export (apply-partially 'org-export-with-backend 'ennum-html)))
+ (seq-do (lambda (key)
+ (unless (plist-member metadata key)
+ (user-error "Metadata %s not specified" key)))
+ ennum-mandatory-metadata)
+ (let* ((tree (org-element-parse-buffer))
+ (links (org-element-map tree 'link
+ (lambda (link)
+ (pcase link
+ (`(link ,properties . ,_)
+ (let ((link-type (org-element-property :type link)))
+ (when (member link-type (list "image" "static" "video"))
+ (cons link-type (org-element-property :path link))))))))))
+ (ennum-make-post
+ :filename filename
+ :slug (file-name-base filename)
+ :author (when-let (author (plist-get metadata :author))
+ (funcall export (first author)))
+ :date (org-timestamp-to-time (first (plist-get metadata :date)))
+ :language (plist-get metadata :language)
+ :links links
+ ;; TODO: Deal with cases when the :tangle parameter is "yes"
+ :tangle (seq-uniq
+ (org-element-map tree 'src-block
+ (lambda (src-block)
+ (pcase (org-babel-get-src-block-info nil src-block)
+ (`(,_ ,_ ,arguments ,_ ,_ ,_ ,_)
+ (let ((tangle-output-file (map-elt arguments :tangle)))
+ (pcase tangle-output-file
+ ("no" nil)
+ (_ tangle-output-file))))))))
+ :summary (when-let (summary (plist-get metadata :summary))
+ (funcall export (first summary)))
+ :tags (plist-get metadata :filetags)
+ :thumbnail (or (plist-get metadata :thumbnail)
+ (seq-some (lambda (link)
+ (pcase link
+ (`("image" . ,path) path)
+ (`("video" . ,path) (ennum-video-poster path))))
+ links))
+ :title (funcall export (first (plist-get metadata :title)))
+ :translation-group (or (plist-get metadata :translation-group)
+ (file-name-base filename)))))))
+(defvar ennum-mandatory-metadata
+ (list :title :date))
+(defmacro ennum-with-file-contents (file &rest body)
+ "Create a temporary buffer, insert contents of FILE into that
+buffer and evaluate BODY. The value returned is the value of the
+last form in BODY."
+ (declare (indent defun))
+ `(with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents ,file)
+ ,@body))
+(defun ennum--org-output-filename (filename)
+ (concat (file-name-sans-extension filename) ".html"))
+(defun ennum-publish-post (posts)
+ (let ((link-publish-operations
+ (seq-mapcat 'ennum-publish-link (seq-mapcat 'ennum-post-links posts)))
+ (input-post-files (seq-map 'ennum-post-filename posts)))
+ (append
+ (list
+ (ennum-make-operation
+ :inputs (append input-post-files
+ (seq-mapcat 'ennum-operation-inputs link-publish-operations))
+ :outputs (seq-map 'ennum--org-output-filename input-post-files)
+ :publish
+ (lambda (&rest output-files)
+ (seq-mapn
+ (lambda (post output-file)
+ (let ((system-time-locale (map-elt (ennum-setting :locale-alist)
+ (ennum-post-language post) nil 'string=)))
+ (ennum-with-file-contents (ennum-post-filename post)
+ (org-export-to-file
+ 'ennum-html output-file nil nil nil nil
+ (list :translations (seq-remove (apply-partially 'equal post) posts))))))
+ posts
+ output-files))))
+ (ennum--filter-map
+ (lambda (post)
+ (when (ennum-post-tangle post)
+ (ennum-make-operation
+ :inputs (list (ennum-post-filename post))
+ :outputs (seq-map (lambda (tangle-output)
+ (ennum--expand-relative tangle-output
+ (ennum-setting :static-directory)))
+ (ennum-post-tangle post))
+ :publish (lambda (&rest output-files)
+ ;; TODO: Handle tangle outputs that are nested
+ ;; into directories, and when each tangle output
+ ;; is nested into a different directory.
+ (let ((post-file-copy (concat
+ (file-name-directory (first output-files))
+ (file-name-nondirectory (ennum-post-filename post)))))
+ (copy-file (ennum-post-filename post) post-file-copy)
+ (org-babel-tangle-file post-file-copy)
+ (delete-file post-file-copy))))))
+ posts)
+ link-publish-operations)))
+(defun ennum-publish-generic (other-files-directory file)
+ (ennum-make-operation
+ :inputs (list file)
+ :outputs
+ (list (string-remove-prefix
+ (file-name-as-directory other-files-directory)
+ (pcase (file-name-extension file)
+ ("org" (ennum--org-output-filename file))
+ (_ file))))
+ :publish (lambda (output-file)
+ (pcase (file-name-extension file)
+ ("org" (ennum-with-file-contents file
+ (org-export-to-file 'html output-file)))
+ (_ (ennum-copy file output-file))))))
+(defun ennum-video-poster (video)
+ (pcase (directory-files (ennum-setting :images-directory) nil
+ (concat (file-name-sans-extension video)
+ "\\.\\(jpg\\|png\\)$"))
+ (`(,poster . ,_) poster)
+ (`() (user-error "Poster for %s not found" video))))
+(defun ennum-add-tongue-suffix (filename tongue)
+ (pcase tongue
+ ("en" filename)
+ (_ (format "%s.%s%s"
+ (file-name-sans-extension filename)
+ tongue
+ (file-name-extension filename t)))))
+(defun ennum-index-filename (filename-prefix tongue &optional extension page-number)
+ (let ((extension (if extension (concat "." extension) "")))
+ (ennum-add-tongue-suffix
+ (if page-number
+ (format "%s-%s%s" filename-prefix page-number extension)
+ (concat filename-prefix extension))
+ tongue)))
+(defun ennum-publish-index (filename-prefix title posts-per-page posts)
+ (let* ((tongue (ennum-post-language (first posts)))
+ (number-of-pages (ceiling (length posts) posts-per-page))
+ (page-numbers (number-sequence 1 number-of-pages)))
+ (ennum-make-operation
+ :inputs (seq-map 'ennum-post-filename posts)
+ :outputs (cons (ennum-add-tongue-suffix (format "%s.html" filename-prefix) tongue)
+ (seq-map (apply-partially 'ennum-index-filename filename-prefix tongue "html")
+ page-numbers))
+ :publish
+ (lambda (home-page &rest output-files)
+ (let ((system-time-locale (map-elt (ennum-setting :locale-alist) tongue nil 'string=)))
+ (seq-mapn
+ (lambda (posts page-number output-file)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert (format "#+TITLE: %s\n" title))
+ (insert (format "#+LANGUAGE: %s\n" tongue))
+ (insert "#+OPTIONS: num:nil toc:nil\n\n")
+ (seq-do (lambda (post)
+ (insert (format "* [[post:%s]]\n" (ennum-post-slug post)))
+ (insert (format-time-string "/%b %e, %Y/\n\n" (ennum-post-date post)))
+ (when-let ((thumbnail (ennum-post-thumbnail post)))
+ (insert (format "[[thumbnail:%s]]\n\n" thumbnail)))
+ (when-let ((summary (ennum-post-summary post)))
+ (insert summary)
+ (insert "\n\n"))
+ (when-let ((tags (ennum-post-tags post)))
+ (insert "Tags: ")
+ (insert
+ (string-join
+ (seq-map (lambda (tag)
+ (format "[[tag:%s][%s]]" (ennum-add-tongue-suffix tag tongue) tag))
+ tags)
+ ", "))
+ (insert "\n\n")))
+ posts)
+ (unless (= page-number 1)
+ (insert (format "[[./%s][Newer posts]]\n\n"
+ (ennum-index-filename (file-name-nondirectory filename-prefix)
+ tongue nil (1- page-number)))))
+ (unless (= page-number number-of-pages)
+ (insert (format "[[./%s][Older posts]]\n"
+ (ennum-index-filename (file-name-nondirectory filename-prefix)
+ tongue nil (1+ page-number)))))
+ (org-export-to-file 'html output-file)))
+ (seq-partition posts posts-per-page)
+ page-numbers
+ output-files))
+ (copy-file (first output-files) home-page)))))
+(defun ennum--absolute-uri (path)
+ (format "%s://%s/%s"
+ (ennum-setting :blog-scheme)
+ (ennum-setting :blog-domain)
+ path))
+(defun ennum--atom-date (date)
+ (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" date))
+(defun ennum-publish-feed (feed-file title rights posts)
+ (ennum-make-operation
+ :inputs (seq-map 'ennum-post-filename posts)
+ :outputs (list feed-file)
+ :publish
+ (lambda (output-file)
+ (with-temp-file output-file
+ (insert
+ (xmlgen
+ `(feed :xmlns ""
+ (id ,(ennum--absolute-uri ""))
+ (title ,title)
+ (updated ,(ennum--atom-date (ennum-post-date (first posts))))
+ (link :rel "self" :href ,(ennum--absolute-uri feed-file))
+ (generator
+ ,(format "Emacs %d.%d Org-mode %s ennum %s"
+ emacs-major-version emacs-minor-version (org-version) ennum-version))
+ (rights ,rights)
+ ,@(seq-map 'ennum--feed-entry posts))))))))
+(defun ennum--feed-entry (post)
+ (let ((link (ennum--absolute-uri (ennum--org-output-filename
+ (ennum-post-filename post)))))
+ `(entry (id ,link)
+ (title :xml:lang ,(ennum-post-language post) ,(ennum-post-title post))
+ (updated ,(ennum--atom-date (ennum-post-date post)))
+ ,@(when org-export-with-author
+ `((author
+ (name ,(ennum-post-author post))
+ (email ,user-mail-address))))
+ (content :type "html" :xml:lang ,(ennum-post-language post)
+ ,(ennum-with-file-contents (ennum-post-filename post)
+ (org-export-as 'ennum-html nil nil t)))
+ (link :rel "alternate" :href ,link)
+ ,@(seq-map (lambda (tag) `(category :term ,tag))
+ (ennum-post-tags post)))))
+(defun ennum-setting (property)
+ (pcase property
+ ((or :blog-domain :blog-license :blog-title
+ :images-directory :output-directory :posts-directory
+ :static-directory :tag-directory :video-directory
+ :working-directory)
+ (or (plist-get ennum-blog property)
+ (user-error "Property %s not defined" property)))
+ ((or :atom-feed-number-of-posts :atom-feed-file
+ :blog-scheme :default-image-width
+ :image-link-width :index-posts-per-page
+ :locale-alist :other-files-directory
+ :tag-directory :thumbnail-image-width)
+ (plist-get (org-combine-plists
+ (list :atom-feed-number-of-posts 12
+ :atom-feed-file "blog.atom"
+ :blog-scheme "https"
+ :default-image-width 640
+ :image-link-width 1024
+ :index-posts-per-page 12
+ :locale-alist '(("en" . "C"))
+ :tag-directory "tag"
+ :thumbnail-image-width 320)
+ ennum-blog)
+ property))
+ (_ (error "Unknown property %s" property))))
+(defun ennum-image-output-filename (image width)
+ (format "%s-%spx.%s"
+ (file-name-sans-extension image)
+ width (file-name-extension image)))
+(defun ennum--expand-relative (name directory)
+ (concat (file-name-as-directory directory) name))
+(defun ennum-publish-image (widths image)
+ (ennum-make-operation
+ :inputs (list image)
+ :outputs (seq-map (apply-partially 'ennum-image-output-filename image)
+ widths)
+ :publish
+ (lambda (&rest output-files)
+ (seq-mapn (lambda (output-file width)
+ (ennum-image-optimize-image
+ (ennum-image-resize-image image output-file width)))
+ output-files widths))))
+(defun ennum-publish-copy (file)
+ (ennum-make-operation
+ :inputs (list file)
+ :outputs (list file)
+ :publish (apply-partially 'ennum-copy file)))
+(defun newest-file (files)
+ (pcase files
+ (`(,head . ,tail)
+ (seq-reduce (lambda (file1 file2)
+ (if (file-newer-than-file-p file1 file2)
+ file1 file2))
+ tail head))))
+(defun ennum-mkdir-p (directory)
+ (make-directory directory t))
+(defun ennum-copy (source destination)
+ "Copy file or directory from SOURCE to DESTINATION. Overwrite
+if DESTINATION already exists."
+ (if (file-directory-p source)
+ (copy-directory source destination)
+ (make-directory (file-name-directory destination) t)
+ (copy-file source destination t)))
+(defun ennum--filter-map (function sequence)
+ (seq-filter 'identity (seq-map function sequence)))
+;; TODO: What if a file was removed from the inputs? Detect that
+;; change as well.
+;; Two separate problems
+;; - tracking of list of inputs
+;; - depending on a function of inputs, or equivalently intermediate files
+;; Solve both problems with an "ennum store"
+(defun ennum--do-operation (temporary-directory operation)
+ ;; TODO: Check all outputs were created correctly.
+ (let* ((expand (lambda (directory file)
+ (expand-file-name file directory)))
+ (inputs (ennum-operation-inputs operation))
+ (outputs (ennum-operation-outputs operation))
+ (absolute-outputs
+ (seq-map (apply-partially expand temporary-directory)
+ outputs))
+ (previous-outputs
+ (seq-map (apply-partially expand (ennum-setting :output-directory))
+ outputs)))
+ (cond
+ ((and (seq-every-p 'file-exists-p previous-outputs)
+ (file-newer-than-file-p (newest-file previous-outputs)
+ (newest-file inputs)))
+ (message "Skipping publishing %s to %s" inputs outputs)
+ (seq-mapn 'ennum-copy previous-outputs absolute-outputs))
+ (t (message "Publishing %s to %s" inputs outputs)
+ (seq-do 'ennum-mkdir-p
+ (seq-uniq
+ (seq-map 'file-name-directory absolute-outputs)))
+ (apply (ennum-operation-publish operation) absolute-outputs)))))
+(defun ennum-publish-static-file (file)
+ (ennum-make-operation
+ :inputs (list file)
+ :outputs (list file)
+ :publish (apply-partially 'ennum-copy file)))
+(defun ennum-publish-link (link)
+ (pcase link
+ (`("image" . ,path)
+ (list
+ (ennum-publish-image
+ (list (ennum-setting :default-image-width)
+ (ennum-setting :image-link-width))
+ (ennum--expand-relative path (ennum-setting :images-directory)))))
+ (`("static" . ,path)
+ (list
+ (ennum-publish-copy (ennum--expand-relative path (ennum-setting :static-directory)))))
+ (`("video" . ,path)
+ (list
+ (ennum-publish-copy (ennum--expand-relative path (ennum-setting :video-directory)))
+ (ennum-publish-copy (ennum--expand-relative (ennum-video-poster path)
+ (ennum-setting :images-directory)))))))
+(defmacro ennum-with-current-directory (directory &rest body)
+ "Change to DIRECTORY, evaluate BODY and restore the current
+working directory. The value returned is the value of the last
+form in BODY."
+ (declare (indent defun))
+ (let ((current-directory-symbol (make-symbol "current-directory")))
+ `(let ((,current-directory-symbol default-directory))
+ (unwind-protect (progn (cd ,directory) ,@body)
+ (cd ,current-directory-symbol)))))
+(defmacro ennum-with-temporary-directory (temporary-directory &rest body)
+ "Create temporary directory, evaluate BODY with the absolute
+path of that directory assigned to TEMPORARY-DIRECTORY and
+finally delete the temporary directory. The value returned is the
+value of the last form in BODY."
+ (declare (indent defun))
+ `(let ((,temporary-directory (make-temp-file "ennum" t)))
+ (chmod ,temporary-directory #o755)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn ,@body)
+ (delete-directory ,temporary-directory t))))
+(defun ennum-many-to-many-group-by (function sequence)
+ "Apply FUNCTION to each element of SEQUENCE.
+Separate the elements of SEQUENCE into an alist using the results
+as keys. Keys are compared using `equal'."
+ (seq-reduce
+ (lambda (result element)
+ (seq-do
+ (lambda (key)
+ (map-put result key
+ (cons element (map-elt result key nil 'equal))
+ 'equal))
+ (funcall function element))
+ result)
+ (seq-reverse sequence)
+ nil))
+(defun ennum-publish ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((make-backup-files nil)
+ (blog-title (ennum-setting :blog-title))
+ (posts-per-page (ennum-setting :index-posts-per-page)))
+ (ennum-with-current-directory (ennum-setting :working-directory)
+ (ennum-with-temporary-directory temporary-directory
+ (seq-do
+ (apply-partially 'ennum--do-operation temporary-directory)
+ (append
+ (let ((posts (ennum-posts (ennum-setting :posts-directory))))
+ (append
+ ;; Publish posts
+ (seq-mapcat (pcase-lambda (`(,translation-group . ,posts))
+ (ennum-publish-post posts))
+ (seq-group-by 'ennum-post-translation-group posts))
+ ;; Publish feed
+ (list (ennum-publish-feed (ennum-setting :atom-feed-file)
+ blog-title
+ (ennum-setting :blog-license)
+ (seq-take posts (ennum-setting :atom-feed-number-of-posts))))
+ ;; Publish indices
+ (seq-map
+ (pcase-lambda (`(,tongue . ,posts))
+ (ennum-publish-index "index" blog-title posts-per-page posts))
+ (seq-group-by 'ennum-post-language posts))
+ (seq-mapcat
+ (pcase-lambda (`(,tag . ,posts))
+ (seq-map
+ (pcase-lambda (`(,tongue . ,posts))
+ (ennum-publish-index
+ (ennum--expand-relative tag (ennum-setting :tag-directory))
+ tag posts-per-page posts))
+ (seq-group-by 'ennum-post-language posts)))
+ (ennum-many-to-many-group-by 'ennum-post-tags posts))
+ ;; Publish thumbnails
+ (seq-map
+ (apply-partially 'ennum-publish-image (list (ennum-setting :thumbnail-image-width)))
+ (seq-map (lambda (image)
+ (ennum--expand-relative image (ennum-setting :images-directory)))
+ (seq-uniq (ennum--filter-map 'ennum-post-thumbnail posts))))))
+ ;; Publish other files
+ (when-let ((other-files-directory (ennum-setting :other-files-directory)))
+ (seq-map (apply-partially 'ennum-publish-generic other-files-directory)
+ (seq-map (apply-partially 'string-remove-prefix
+ (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name default-directory)))
+ (directory-files-recursively other-files-directory "."))))))
+ ;; Replace old output directory
+ (let ((output (ennum-setting :output-directory)))
+ (delete-directory output t)
+ (rename-file temporary-directory output t))))))
+;;; Server
+;;; Test HTTP server to serve the blog locally
+;; TODO: Why can't simple-httpd itself handle the unhexing?
+(defun ennum-server-start ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq httpd-root (expand-file-name (ennum-setting :output-directory)
+ (ennum-setting :working-directory)))
+ (defun httpd/ (proc uri-path query request)
+ (let* ((uri-path (httpd-unhex uri-path))
+ (file-path (httpd-gen-path uri-path)))
+ (cond
+ ;; If a HTML file other than index.html was requested, reject
+ ;; that request.
+ ((and (not (string= (file-name-nondirectory file-path) "index.html"))
+ (string= (file-name-extension file-path) "html"))
+ (httpd-error proc 404))
+ ;; If the requested file was found, serve it.
+ ((= (httpd-status file-path) 200)
+ (httpd-serve-root proc httpd-root uri-path request))
+ ;; Perhaps, this is a post or other HTML file that is being
+ ;; requested. Try serving a file with a .html extension
+ ;; appended.
+ (t (httpd-serve-root proc httpd-root (concat uri-path ".html") request)))))
+ (httpd-start)
+ (message "Ennum web server listening at http://localhost:%d" httpd-port))
+(defun ennum-server-stop ()
+ (interactive)
+ (httpd-stop)
+ (message "Ennum web server stopped"))
+(provide 'ennum)