/youtube-noscript-shim/ is a [[wikipedia:Userscript][userscript]] that implements the most basic features of the [[https://youtube.com][YouTube]] user inteface, enough to make the site at least barely usable without javascript. YouTube is largely unusable unless you run their [[https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/javascript-trap.html][proprietary javascript]]. This is a problem for multiple reasons: - you value your software freedom - you dislike executing javascript from remote sites because of the remote code execution backdoor that it is - your browser does not support javascript * Installation You will need [[https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/][Icecat]]/[[https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/][Firefox]] with the [[https://www.greasespot.net/][Greasemonkey addon]] installed. Install the youtube-noscript-shim userscript [[https://git.systemreboot.net/youtube-noscript-shim/plain/youtube-noscript-shim.user.js][from here]]. This userscript implements the YouTube user interface. In addition, to play video, you will also need the excellent [[http://isebaro.com/viewtube/][ViewTube userscript]]. You can install ViewTube [[https://github.com/sebaro/ViewTube/raw/master/viewtube.user.js][from here]]. In addition, consider using [[https://www.torproject.org/][tor]] for added privacy/anonymity. {{{contact}}} {{{license(youtube-noscript-shim)}}}