;*=====================================================================*/ ;* .../skribe/tools/skribebibtex/bigloo/skribebibtex.scm */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Author : Manuel Serrano */ ;* Creation : Fri Oct 12 14:57:58 2001 */ ;* Last change : Sun Apr 10 09:10:02 2005 (serrano) */ ;* Copyright : 2001-05 Manuel Serrano */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* The bibtex->skribe translator */ ;*=====================================================================*/ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* The module */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (module skribebibtex (export (skribebibtex in))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* skribebibtex ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (skribebibtex in) (let* ((port (if (string? in) (let ((p (open-input-file in))) (if (not (input-port? p)) (error "skribebibtext" "Can't read input file" in) p)) (current-input-port))) (sexp (parse-bibtex port))) (for-each (lambda (e) (match-case e ((?kind ?ident . ?fields) (display* "(" (string-downcase (symbol->string kind)) " \"" ident "\"") (for-each (lambda (f) (display* "\n (" (car f) " ") (write (cdr f)) (display ")")) fields) (print ")\n")))) sexp))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* *bibtex-string-table* ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define *bibtex-string-table* #unspecified) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* make-bibtex-hashtable ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (make-bibtex-hashtable) (let ((table (make-hashtable))) (for-each (lambda (k) (let ((cp (string-capitalize k))) (hashtable-put! table k cp) (hashtable-put! table cp cp))) '("jan" "feb" "mar" "apr" "may" "jun" "jul" "aug" "sep" "oct" "nov" "dec")) table)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* parse-bibtex ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (parse-bibtex port::input-port) (set! *bibtex-string-table* (make-bibtex-hashtable)) (cond-expand (bigloo2.6 (try (read/lalrp bibtex-parser bibtex-lexer port) (lambda (escape proc mes obj) (match-case obj ((?token (?fname . ?pos) . ?val) (error/location proc "bibtex parse error" token fname pos)) (else (notify-error proc mes obj) (error proc mes obj)))))) (else (with-exception-handler (lambda (e) (if (&io-parse-error? e) (let ((o (&error-obj e))) (match-case o ((?token (?fname . ?pos) . ?val) (error/location (&error-proc e) "bibtex parse error" token fname pos)) (else (raise e)))) (raise e))) (lambda () (read/lalrp bibtex-parser bibtex-lexer port)))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* the-coord ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (the-coord port) (cons (input-port-name port) (input-port-position port))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* bibtex-lexer ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define bibtex-lexer (regular-grammar ((blank (in " \t\n"))) ;; separators ((+ blank) (list 'BLANK (the-coord (the-port)))) ;; comments ((: "%" (* all)) (ignore)) ;; egal sign (#\= (list 'EGAL (the-coord (the-port)))) ;; sharp sign ((: (* blank) #\# (* blank)) (list 'SHARP (the-coord (the-port)))) ;; open bracket (#\{ (list 'BRA-OPEN (the-coord (the-port)))) ;; close bracket (#\} (list 'BRA-CLO (the-coord (the-port)))) ;; comma (#\, (list 'COMMA (the-coord (the-port)))) ;; double quote ((: #\\ (in "\"\\_")) (list 'CHAR (the-coord (the-port)) (the-character))) ;; optional linebreak ((: #\\ #\-) (ignore)) ;; special latin characters ((or "{\\'e}" "\\'e") (list 'CHAR (the-coord (the-port)) "é")) ((or "{\\o}" "\\o") (list 'CHAR (the-coord (the-port)) "ø")) ((or "{\\~{n}}" "\\~{n}") (list 'CHAR (the-coord (the-port)) "ñ")) ((or "{\\~{N}}" "\\~{N}") (list 'CHAR (the-coord (the-port)) "Ñ")) ((or "{\\^{o}}" "\\^{o}") (list 'CHAR (the-coord (the-port)) "ô")) ((or "{\\^{O}}" "\\^{O}") (list 'CHAR (the-coord (the-port)) "Ô")) ((or "{\\\"{o}}" "\\\"{o}") (list 'CHAR (the-coord (the-port)) "ö")) ((or "{\\\"{O}}" "\\\"{O}") (list 'CHAR (the-coord (the-port)) "Ö")) ((or "{\\`e}" "\\`e") (list 'CHAR (the-coord (the-port)) "è")) ((or "{\\`a}" "\\`a") (list 'CHAR (the-coord (the-port)) "à")) ((or "{\\\"i}" "{\\\"{i}}" "\\\"i" "\\\"{i}") (list 'CHAR (the-coord (the-port)) "ï")) ((or "{\\\"u}" "\\\"u") (list 'CHAR (the-coord (the-port)) "ü")) ((or "{\\`u}" "\\`u") (list 'CHAR (the-coord (the-port)) "ù")) ;; latex commands ((: #\\ alpha (+ (or alpha digit))) (let ((s (the-substring 1 (the-length)))) (cond ((member s '("pi" "Pi" "lambda" "Lambda")) (list 'IDENT (the-coord (the-port)) s)) (else (ignore))))) ;; strings ((: "\"" (* (or (out #a000 #\\ #\") (: #\\ all))) "\"") (list 'STRING (the-coord (the-port)) (the-substring 1 (-fx (the-length) 1)))) ;; commands ((: "@" (+ alpha)) (let* ((str (string-upcase (the-substring 1 (the-length)))) (sym (string->symbol str))) (case sym ((STRING) (list 'BIBSTRING (the-coord (the-port)))) (else (list 'BIBITEM (the-coord (the-port)) sym))))) ;; digit ((+ digit) (list 'NUMBER (the-coord (the-port)) (the-string))) ;; ident ((+ (or alpha digit (in ".:-&/?+*"))) (list 'IDENT (the-coord (the-port)) (the-string))) ;; default (else (let ((c (the-failure))) (if (eof-object? c) c (list 'CHAR (the-coord (the-port)) c)))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* bibtex-parser ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define bibtex-parser (lalr-grammar ;; tokens (CHAR IDENT STRING COMMA BRA-OPEN BRA-CLO SHARP BLANK NUMBER EGAL BIBSTRING BIBITEM) ;; bibtex (bibtex (() '()) ((bibtex string-def) bibtex) ((bibtex bibtex-entry) (cons bibtex-entry bibtex)) ((bibtex BLANK) bibtex)) ;; blank* (blank* (() '()) ((blank* BLANK) '())) ;; string-def (string-def ((BIBSTRING BRA-OPEN blank* IDENT blank* EGAL blank* bibtex-entry-value BRA-CLO) (bibtex-string-def! (cadr IDENT) bibtex-entry-value))) ;; bibtex-entry (bibtex-entry ((BIBITEM blank* BRA-OPEN blank* IDENT blank* COMMA bibtex-entry-item* BRA-CLO) (make-bibtex-entry (cadr BIBITEM) (cadr IDENT) bibtex-entry-item*))) ;; bibtex-entry-item* (bibtex-entry-item* ((blank*) '()) ((bibtex-entry-item) (list bibtex-entry-item)) ((bibtex-entry-item COMMA bibtex-entry-item*) (cons bibtex-entry-item bibtex-entry-item*))) ;; bibtex-entry-item (bibtex-entry-item ((blank* IDENT blank* EGAL blank* bibtex-entry-value blank*) (cons (cadr IDENT) bibtex-entry-value))) ;; bibtex-entry-value (bibtex-entry-value ((NUMBER) (list (cadr NUMBER))) ((bibtex-entry-value-string) bibtex-entry-value-string) ((BRA-OPEN bibtex-entry-value-block* BRA-CLO) bibtex-entry-value-block*)) ;; bibtex-entry-value-string (bibtex-entry-value-string ((bibtex-entry-value-string-simple) (list bibtex-entry-value-string-simple)) ((bibtex-entry-value-string SHARP bibtex-entry-value-string-simple) `(,@bibtex-entry-value-string ,bibtex-entry-value-string-simple))) ;; bibtex-entry-value-string-simple (bibtex-entry-value-string-simple ((STRING) (cadr STRING)) ((IDENT) `(ref ,(cadr IDENT)))) ;; bibtex-entry-value-block* (bibtex-entry-value-block* (() '()) ((bibtex-entry-value-block* bibtex-entry-value-block) (append bibtex-entry-value-block* bibtex-entry-value-block))) ;; bibtex-entry-value-block (bibtex-entry-value-block ((BRA-OPEN bibtex-entry-value-block* BRA-CLO) bibtex-entry-value-block*) ((COMMA) (list ",")) ((IDENT) (list (cadr IDENT))) ((BLANK) (list " ")) ((EGAL) (list "=")) ((CHAR) (list (cadr CHAR))) ((NUMBER) (list (cadr NUMBER))) ((STRING) (list (string-append "\"" (cadr STRING) "\"")))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* bibtex-string-def! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (bibtex-string-def! ident value) (define (->string value) (if (string? value) value (match-case value (((and ?s (? string?))) s) (((and ?n (? number?))) (number->string n)) (else (apply string-append (map ->string value)))))) (hashtable-put! *bibtex-string-table* ident (->string value))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* make-bibtex-entry ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (make-bibtex-entry kind ident value) (define (parse-entry-value line) (let ((name (car line)) (val (cdr line))) (let loop ((val (reverse val)) (res "")) (cond ((null? val) (cons name (untexify res))) ((char? (car val)) (loop (cdr val) (string-append (string (car val)) res))) ((string? (car val)) (loop (cdr val) (string-append (car val) res))) (else (match-case (car val) ((ref ?ref) (let ((h (hashtable-get *bibtex-string-table* ref))) (loop (cdr val) (if (string? h) (string-append h res) res)))) (else (loop (cdr val) res)))))))) (let ((fields (map parse-entry-value value))) `(,kind ,ident ,@fields))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* untexify ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (untexify val) (define (untexify-math-string str) (string-case str ((+ (out #\_ #\^ #\space #\Newline #\tab)) (let ((s (the-string))) (string-append s (ignore)))) ((+ (in "^_")) (ignore)) ((+ (in " \n\t")) (string-append " " (ignore))) (else ""))) (define (untexify-string str) (let ((s (pregexp-replace* "C[$]\\^[$]_[+][+][$][$]" str "C++"))) (string-case (pregexp-replace* "[{}]" s "") ((+ (out #\\ #\$ #\space #\Newline #\tab #\~)) (let ((s (the-string))) (string-append s (ignore)))) ((: #\\ (+ (or (: "c" (out #\h)) (: "ch" (out #\a)) (: "cha" (out #\r)) (: "char" (out digit)) (out #\\ #\space #\c)))) (ignore)) ((: #\\ "char" (+ digit)) (string-append (string (integer->char (string->integer (the-substring 5 (the-length))))) (ignore))) ((: #\$ (* (out #\$)) #\$) (let ((s (the-substring 1 (-fx (the-length) 1)))) (string-append (untexify-math-string s) (ignore)))) ((+ (in " \n\t~")) (string-append " " (ignore))) (else "")))) (if (string? val) (untexify-string val) (map untexify val)))