;;; writer.scm -- Markup writers. ;;; ;;; Copyright 2005, 2006, 2008 Ludovic Courtès ;;; Copyright 2003, 2004 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI ;;; ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, ;;; USA. (define-module (skribilo writer) :export ( writer? writer-options writer-ident writer-before writer-action writer-after writer-class invoke markup-writer markup-writer-get markup-writer-get* lookup-markup-writer copy-markup-writer) :use-module (skribilo utils syntax) :autoload (srfi srfi-1) (find filter) :autoload (skribilo engine) (engine? engine-ident? default-engine)) (use-modules (skribilo debug) (skribilo output) (skribilo ast) (skribilo lib) (oop goops) (ice-9 optargs)) (fluid-set! current-reader %skribilo-module-reader) ;;; ;;; Class definition. ;;; (define-class () (ident :init-keyword :ident :init-value '??? :getter writer-ident) (class :init-keyword :class :init-value 'unspecified :getter writer-class) (pred :init-keyword :pred :init-value 'unspecified) (upred :init-keyword :upred :init-value 'unspecified) (options :init-keyword :options :init-value '() :getter writer-options) (verified? :init-keyword :verified? :init-value #f) (validate :init-keyword :validate :init-value #f) (before :init-keyword :before :init-value #f :getter writer-before) (action :init-keyword :action :init-value #f :getter writer-action) (after :init-keyword :after :init-value #f :getter writer-after)) (define (writer? obj) (is-a? obj )) (define-method (write (obj ) port) (format port "#[~A (~A) ~A]" (class-name (class-of obj)) (slot-ref obj 'ident) (object-address obj))) ;;; ;;; Writer methods. ;;; (define (invoke proc node e) (with-debug 5 'invoke (debug-item "e=" (engine-ident e)) (debug-item "node=" node " " (if (markup? node) (markup-markup node) "")) (if (string? proc) (display proc) (if (procedure? proc) (proc node e))))) (define (make-writer-predicate markup predicate class) (let* ((t2 (if class (lambda (n e) (equal? (markup-class n) class)) #f))) (if predicate (cond ((not (procedure? predicate)) (skribe-error 'markup-writer "Illegal predicate (procedure expected)" predicate)) ((not (eq? (%procedure-arity predicate) 2)) (skribe-error 'markup-writer "Illegal predicate arity (2 arguments expected)" predicate)) (else (if (procedure? t2) (lambda (n e) (and (t2 n e) (predicate n e))) predicate))) t2))) ;;; ;;; `markup-writer' ;;; (define* (markup-writer markup ;; #:optional (engine #f) #:key (predicate #f) (class #f) (options '()) (validate #f) (before #f) (action 'unspecified) (after #f) #:rest engine) ;;; XXX: `lambda*' sucks and fails when both optional arguments and ;;; keyword arguments are used together. In particular, if ENGINE is not ;;; specified by the caller but other keyword arguments are specified, it ;;; will consider the value of ENGINE to be the first keyword found. ; (let ((e (or engine (default-engine)))) (let ((e (or (if (and (list? engine) (not (keyword? (car engine)))) (car engine) #f) (default-engine)))) (cond ((and (not (symbol? markup)) (not (eq? markup #t))) (skribe-error 'markup-writer "illegal markup" markup)) ((not (engine? e)) (skribe-error 'markup-writer "illegal engine" e)) ((and (not predicate) (not class) (null? options) (not before) (eq? action 'unspecified) (not after)) (skribe-error 'markup-writer "illegal writer" markup)) (else (let ((m (make-writer-predicate markup predicate class)) (ac (if (eq? action 'unspecified) (lambda (n e) (output (markup-body n) e)) action))) (engine-add-writer! e markup m predicate options before ac after class validate)))))) ;;; ;;; Finding a markup writer. ;;; (define (lookup-markup-writer node e) ;; Find the writer that applies best to NODE. See also `markup-writer-get' ;; and `markup-writer-get*'. (define (matching-writer writers) (find (lambda (w) (let ((pred (slot-ref w 'pred))) (if (procedure? pred) (pred node e) #t))) writers)) (let* ((writers (slot-ref e 'writers)) (node-writers (hashq-ref writers (markup-markup node) '())) (delegate (slot-ref e 'delegate))) (or (matching-writer node-writers) (matching-writer (slot-ref e 'free-writers)) (and (engine? delegate) (lookup-markup-writer node delegate))))) (define* (markup-writer-get markup :optional engine :key (class #f) (pred #f)) ;; Get a markup writer for MARKUP (a symbol) in ENGINE, with class CLASS ;; and user predicate PRED. [FIXME: Useless since PRED is a procedure and ;; therefore not comparable?] (define (matching-writer writers) (find (lambda (w) (and (if class (equal? (writer-class w) class) #t) (or (unspecified? pred) (eq? (slot-ref w 'upred) pred)))) writers)) (let ((e (or engine (default-engine)))) (cond ((not (symbol? markup)) (skribe-error 'markup-writer-get "illegal symbol" markup)) ((not (engine? e)) (skribe-error 'markup-writer-get "illegal engine" e)) (else (let* ((writers (slot-ref e 'writers)) (markup-writers (hashq-ref writers markup '())) (delegate (slot-ref e 'delegate))) (or (matching-writer markup-writers) (and (engine? delegate) (markup-writer-get markup delegate :class class :pred pred)))))))) (define* (markup-writer-get* markup #:optional engine #:key (class #f)) ;; Finds all writers, recursively going through the engine hierarchy, that ;; match MARKUP with optional CLASS attribute. (define (matching-writers writers) (filter (lambda (w) (or (not class) (equal? (writer-class w) class))) writers)) (let ((e (or engine (default-engine)))) (cond ((not (symbol? markup)) (skribe-error 'markup-writer "illegal symbol" markup)) ((not (engine? e)) (skribe-error 'markup-writer "illegal engine" e)) (else (let* ((writers (slot-ref e 'writers)) (delegate (slot-ref e 'delegate))) (append (matching-writers writers) (if (engine? delegate) (markup-writer-get* markup delegate :class class) '()))))))) (define* (copy-markup-writer markup old-engine ;; #:optional new-engine :key (predicate 'unspecified) (class 'unspecified) (options 'unspecified) (validate 'unspecified) (before 'unspecified) (action 'unspecified) (after 'unspecified) :rest args) (define new-engine ;; XXX: Work around `lambda*' suckingness (see `markup-writer'). (and (not (null? args)) (car args))) (let ((old (markup-writer-get markup old-engine)) (new-engine (or new-engine old-engine))) (markup-writer markup new-engine :pred (if (unspecified? predicate) (slot-ref old 'pred) predicate) :class (if (unspecified? class) (slot-ref old 'class) class) :options (if (unspecified? options) (slot-ref old 'options) options) :validate (if (unspecified? validate) (slot-ref old 'validate) validate) :before (if (unspecified? before) (slot-ref old 'before) before) :action (if (unspecified? action) (slot-ref old 'action) action) :after (if (unspecified? after) (slot-ref old 'after) after)))) ;;; writer.scm ends here