;;; jfp.scm -- The Skribe style for JFP articles. ;;; ;;; Copyright 2003, 2004 Manuel Serrano ;;; Copyright 2007 Ludovic Courtès ;;; ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, ;;; USA. (define-module (skribilo package jfp) :use-module (skribilo ast) :use-module (skribilo engine) :use-module (skribilo writer) :autoload (skribilo output) (output) :autoload (skribilo evaluator) (evaluate-document) :autoload (skribilo lib) (skribe-error) :autoload (skribilo biblio template) (output-bib-entry-template) :autoload (skribilo utils keywords) (the-body) :use-module (skribilo package base) :use-module (srfi srfi-1) :use-module (skribilo utils syntax) :use-module (ice-9 optargs) :autoload (ice-9 regex) (regexp-substitute/global) :export (abstract references)) ;;; Author: Manuel Serrano, Ludovic Courtès ;;; ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; Tools for the Journal of Functional Programming (JFP). ;;; ;;; Code: (fluid-set! current-reader %skribilo-module-reader) (define every? every) (define (pregexp-replace* regexp str1 str2) (regexp-substitute/global #f regexp str1 'pre str2 'post)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* LaTeX global customizations */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (let ((le (find-engine 'latex))) (engine-custom-set! le 'documentclass "\\documentclass{jfp}") (engine-custom-set! le 'hyperref #f) ;; &latex-author (markup-writer '&latex-author le :action (lambda (n e) (define (&latex-subauthor) (let* ((d (ast-document n)) (sa (and (is-markup? d 'document) (markup-option d :head-author)))) (if sa (begin (display "[") (output sa e) (display "]"))))) (define (&latex-author-1 n) (display "\\author") (&latex-subauthor) (display "{\n") (output n e) (display "}\n")) (define (&latex-author-n n) (display "\\author") (&latex-subauthor) (display "{\n") (output (car n) e) (for-each (lambda (a) (display "\\and ") (output a e)) (cdr n)) (display "}\n")) (let ((body (markup-body n))) (cond ((is-markup? body 'author) (&latex-author-1 body)) ((and (list? body) (every? (lambda (b) (is-markup? b 'author)) body)) (&latex-author-n body)) (else (skribe-error 'author "Illegal `jfp' author" body)))))) ;; title (markup-writer '&latex-title le :before (lambda (n e) (let* ((d (ast-document n)) (st (and (is-markup? d 'document) (markup-option d :head-title)))) (if st (begin (display "\\title[") (output st e) (display "]{")) (display "\\title{")))) :after "}\n") ;; author (let ((old-author (markup-writer-get 'author le))) (markup-writer 'author le :options (writer-options old-author) :action (lambda (n e) (let ((name (markup-option n :name)) (aff (markup-option n :affiliation)) (addr (markup-option n :address)) (email (markup-option n :email))) (if name (begin (output name e) (display "\\\\\n"))) (if aff (begin (output aff e) (display "\\\\\n"))) (if addr (begin (if (pair? addr) (for-each (lambda (a) (output a e) (display "\\\\\n")) addr) (begin (output addr e) (display "\\\\\n"))))) (if email (begin (display "\\email{") (output email e) (display "}\\\\\n"))))))) ;; bib-ref (markup-writer 'bib-ref le :options '(:bib :text :key) :before "(" :action (lambda (n e) (let ((be (handle-ast (markup-body n)))) (if (is-markup? be '&bib-entry) (let ((a (markup-option be 'author)) (y (markup-option be 'year))) (cond ((and (is-markup? a '&bib-entry-author) (is-markup? y '&bib-entry-year)) (let ((ba (markup-body a))) (if (not (string? ba)) (output ba e) (let* ((s1 (pregexp-replace* " and " ba " \\& ")) (s2 (pregexp-replace* ", [^ ]+" s1 ""))) (output s2 e) (display ", ") (output y e))))) ((is-markup? y '&bib-entry-year) (skribe-error 'bib-ref "Missing `name' entry" (markup-ident be))) (else (let ((ba (markup-body a))) (if (not (string? ba)) (output ba e) (let* ((s1 (pregexp-replace* " and " ba " \\& ")) (s2 (pregexp-replace* ", [^ ]+" s1 ""))) (output s2 e))))))) (skribe-error 'bib-ref "Illegal bib-ref" (markup-ident be))))) :after ")") ;; bib-ref/text (markup-writer 'bib-ref le :options '(:bib :text :key) :predicate (lambda (n e) (markup-option n :key)) :action (lambda (n e) (output (markup-option n :key) e))) ;; &the-bibliography (markup-writer '&the-bibliography le :before (lambda (n e) (display "{% \\sloppy \\sfcode`\\.=1000\\relax \\newdimen\\bibindent \\bibindent=0em \\begin{list}{}{% \\settowidth\\labelwidth{[]}% \\leftmargin\\labelwidth \\advance\\leftmargin\\labelsep \\advance\\leftmargin\\bibindent \\itemindent -\\bibindent \\listparindent \\itemindent }%\n")) :after (lambda (n e) (display "\n\\end{list}}\n"))) ;; bib-entry (markup-writer '&bib-entry le :options '(:title) :action (lambda (n e) (output n e (markup-writer-get '&bib-entry-body e))) :after "\n") ;; %bib-entry-title (markup-writer '&bib-entry-title le :action (lambda (n e) (output (markup-body n) e))) ;; %bib-entry-body (markup-writer '&bib-entry-body le :action (lambda (n e) (output-bib-entry-template n e (case (markup-option n 'kind) ((techreport) `(author (" (" year ")") " " (or title url) ". " number ", " institution ", " address ", " month ", " ("pp. " pages) ".")) ((article) `(author (" (" year ")") " " (or title url) ". " journal ", " volume ", " ("(" number ")") ", " address ", " month ", " ("pp. " pages) ".")) ((inproceedings) `(author (" (" year ")") " " (or title url) ". " book(or title url) ", " series ", " ("(" number ")") ", " address ", " month ", " ("pp. " pages) ".")) ((book) '(author (" (" year ")") " " (or title url) ". " publisher ", " address ", " month ", " ("pp. " pages) ".")) ((phdthesis) '(author (" (" year ")") " " (or title url) ". " type ", " school ", " address ", " month ".")) ((misc) '(author (" (" year ")") " " (or title url) ". " publisher ", " address ", " month ".")) (else '(author (" (" year ")") " " (or title url) ". " publisher ", " address ", " month ", " ("pp. " pages) ".")))))) ;; abstract (markup-writer 'jfp-abstract le :options '(postscript) :before "\\begin{abstract}\n" :after "\\end{abstract}\n")) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* HTML global customizations */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (let ((he (find-engine 'html))) (markup-writer '&html-jfp-abstract he :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((bg (engine-custom e 'abstract-background)) (exp (p (if bg (center (color :bg bg :width 90. (it (markup-body n)))) (it (markup-body n)))))) (evaluate-document exp e))))) ;;; ;;; Markup. ;;; ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* abstract ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-markup (abstract :rest opt :key postscript) (if (engine-format? "latex") (new markup (markup 'jfp-abstract) (loc &invocation-location) (body (p (the-body opt)))) (let ((a (new markup (markup '&html-jfp-abstract) (body (the-body opt))))) (list (if postscript (section :number #f :toc #f :title "Postscript download" postscript)) (section :number #f :toc #f :title "Abstract" a) (section :number #f :toc #f :title "Table of contents" (toc :subsection #t)))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* references ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (references) (list "\n\n" (section :title "References" :class "references" :number (not (engine-format? "latex")) (font :size -1 (the-bibliography))))) ;;; jfp.scm ends here