;;; latex.scm -- LaTeX engine. ;;; ;;; Copyright 2003, 2004 Manuel Serrano ;;; Copyright 2007 Ludovic Courtès ;;; ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, ;;; USA. (define-module (skribilo engine latex) :use-module (skribilo lib) :use-module (skribilo ast) :use-module (skribilo engine) :use-module (skribilo writer) :use-module (skribilo location) :use-module (skribilo utils strings) :use-module (skribilo utils syntax) :use-module (skribilo package base) :autoload (skribilo utils images) (convert-image) :autoload (skribilo evaluator) (evaluate-document) :autoload (skribilo output) (output) :autoload (skribilo debug) (*debug*) :autoload (skribilo color) (skribe-color->rgb skribe-use-color!) :use-module (srfi srfi-13) :use-module (ice-9 optargs) :use-module (ice-9 receive) :export (latex-engine LaTeX TeX !latex skribe-get-latex-color)) (fluid-set! current-reader %skribilo-module-reader) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* latex-verbatim-encoding ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define latex-verbatim-encoding '((#\\ "{\\char92}") (#\^ "{\\char94}") (#\{ "\\{") (#\} "\\}") (#\& "\\&") (#\$ "\\$") (#\# "\\#") (#\_ "\\_") (#\% "\\%") (#\~ "$_{\\mbox{\\char126}}$") (#\ç "\\c{c}") (#\Ç "\\c{C}") (#\â "\\^{a}") (#\Â "\\^{A}") (#\à "\\`{a}") (#\À "\\`{A}") (#\á "\\'{a}") (#\Á "\\'{A}") (#\é "\\'{e}") (#\É "\\'{E}") (#\è "\\`{e}") (#\È "\\`{E}") (#\ê "\\^{e}") (#\Ê "\\^{E}") (#\ù "\\`{u}") (#\Ù "\\`{U}") (#\û "\\^{u}") (#\Û "\\^{U}") (#\ø "{\\o}") (#\ô "\\^{o}") (#\Ô "\\^{O}") (#\ö "\\\"{o}") (#\Ö "\\\"{O}") (#\î "\\^{\\i}") (#\Î "\\^{I}") (#\ï "\\\"{\\i}") (#\Ï "\\\"{I}") (#\] "{\\char93}") (#\[ "{\\char91}") (#\» "\\,{\\tiny{$^{\\gg}$}}") (#\« "{\\tiny{$^{\\ll}$}}\\,"))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* latex-encoding ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define latex-encoding (append '((#\| "$|$") (#\< "$<$") (#\> "$>$") (#\: "{\\char58}") (#\# "{\\char35}") (#\Newline " %\n")) latex-verbatim-encoding)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* latex-tt-encoding ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define latex-tt-encoding (append '((#\. ".\\-") (#\/ "/\\-")) latex-encoding)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* latex-pre-encoding ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define latex-pre-encoding (append '((#\Space "\\ ") (#\Newline "\\\\\n")) latex-encoding)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* latex-symbol-table ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (latex-symbol-table math) `(("iexcl" "!`") ("cent" "c") ("pound" "\\pounds") ("yen" "Y") ("section" "\\S") ("mul" ,(math "^-")) ("copyright" "\\copyright") ("lguillemet" ,(math "\\ll")) ("not" ,(math "\\neg")) ("degree" ,(math "^{\\small{o}}")) ("plusminus" ,(math "\\pm")) ("micro" ,(math "\\mu")) ("paragraph" "\\P") ("middot" ,(math "\\cdot")) ("rguillemet" ,(math "\\gg")) ("1/4" ,(math "\\frac{1}{4}")) ("1/2" ,(math "\\frac{1}{2}")) ("3/4" ,(math "\\frac{3}{4}")) ("iquestion" "?`") ("Agrave" "\\`{A}") ("Aacute" "\\'{A}") ("Acircumflex" "\\^{A}") ("Atilde" "\\~{A}") ("Amul" "\\\"{A}") ("Aring" "{\\AA}") ("AEligature" "{\\AE}") ("Oeligature" "{\\OE}") ("Ccedilla" "{\\c{C}}") ("Egrave" "{\\`{E}}") ("Eacute" "{\\'{E}}") ("Ecircumflex" "{\\^{E}}") ("Euml" "\\\"{E}") ("Igrave" "{\\`{I}}") ("Iacute" "{\\'{I}}") ("Icircumflex" "{\\^{I}}") ("Iuml" "\\\"{I}") ("ETH" "D") ("Ntilde" "\\~{N}") ("Ograve" "\\`{O}") ("Oacute" "\\'{O}") ("Ocurcumflex" "\\^{O}") ("Otilde" "\\~{O}") ("Ouml" "\\\"{O}") ("times" ,(math "\\times")) ("Oslash" "\\O") ("Ugrave" "\\`{U}") ("Uacute" "\\'{U}") ("Ucircumflex" "\\^{U}") ("Uuml" "\\\"{U}") ("Yacute" "\\'{Y}") ("szlig" "\\ss") ("agrave" "\\`{a}") ("aacute" "\\'{a}") ("acircumflex" "\\^{a}") ("atilde" "\\~{a}") ("amul" "\\\"{a}") ("aring" "\\aa") ("aeligature" "\\ae") ("oeligature" "{\\oe}") ("ccedilla" "{\\c{c}}") ("egrave" "{\\`{e}}") ("eacute" "{\\'{e}}") ("ecircumflex" "{\\^{e}}") ("euml" "\\\"{e}") ("igrave" "{\\`{\\i}}") ("iacute" "{\\'{\\i}}") ("icircumflex" "{\\^{\\i}}") ("iuml" "\\\"{\\i}") ("ntilde" "\\~{n}") ("ograve" "\\`{o}") ("oacute" "\\'{o}") ("ocurcumflex" "\\^{o}") ("otilde" "\\~{o}") ("ouml" "\\\"{o}") ("divide" ,(math "\\div")) ("oslash" "\\o") ("ugrave" "\\`{u}") ("uacute" "\\'{u}") ("ucircumflex" "\\^{u}") ("uuml" "\\\"{u}") ("yacute" "\\'{y}") ("ymul" "\\\"{y}") ;; Greek ("Alpha" "A") ("Beta" "B") ("Gamma" ,(math "\\Gamma")) ("Delta" ,(math "\\Delta")) ("Epsilon" "E") ("Zeta" "Z") ("Eta" "H") ("Theta" ,(math "\\Theta")) ("Iota" "I") ("Kappa" "K") ("Lambda" ,(math "\\Lambda")) ("Mu" "M") ("Nu" "N") ("Xi" ,(math "\\Xi")) ("Omicron" "O") ("Pi" ,(math "\\Pi")) ("Rho" "P") ("Sigma" ,(math "\\Sigma")) ("Tau" "T") ("Upsilon" ,(math "\\Upsilon")) ("Phi" ,(math "\\Phi")) ("Chi" "X") ("Psi" ,(math "\\Psi")) ("Omega" ,(math "\\Omega")) ("alpha" ,(math "\\alpha")) ("beta" ,(math "\\beta")) ("gamma" ,(math "\\gamma")) ("delta" ,(math "\\delta")) ("epsilon" ,(math "\\varepsilon")) ("zeta" ,(math "\\zeta")) ("eta" ,(math "\\eta")) ("theta" ,(math "\\theta")) ("iota" ,(math "\\iota")) ("kappa" ,(math "\\kappa")) ("lambda" ,(math "\\lambda")) ("mu" ,(math "\\mu")) ("nu" ,(math "\\nu")) ("xi" ,(math "\\xi")) ("omicron" ,(math "\\o")) ("pi" ,(math "\\pi")) ("rho" ,(math "\\rho")) ("sigmaf" ,(math "\\varsigma")) ("sigma" ,(math "\\sigma")) ("tau" ,(math "\\tau")) ("upsilon" ,(math "\\upsilon")) ("phi" ,(math "\\varphi")) ("chi" ,(math "\\chi")) ("psi" ,(math "\\psi")) ("omega" ,(math "\\omega")) ("thetasym" ,(math "\\vartheta")) ("piv" ,(math "\\varpi")) ;; punctuation ("bullet" ,(math "\\bullet")) ("ellipsis" ,(math "\\ldots")) ("weierp" ,(math "\\wp")) ("image" ,(math "\\Im")) ("real" ,(math "\\Re")) ("tm" ,(math "^{\\sc\\tiny{tm}}")) ("alef" ,(math "\\aleph")) ("<-" ,(math "\\leftarrow")) ("<--" ,(math "\\longleftarrow")) ("uparrow" ,(math "\\uparrow")) ("->" ,(math "\\rightarrow")) ("-->" ,(math "\\longrightarrow")) ("downarrow" ,(math "\\downarrow")) ("<->" ,(math "\\leftrightarrow")) ("<-->" ,(math "\\longleftrightarrow")) ("<+" ,(math "\\hookleftarrow")) ("<=" ,(math "\\Leftarrow")) ("<==" ,(math "\\Longleftarrow")) ("Uparrow" ,(math "\\Uparrow")) ("=>" ,(math "\\Rightarrow")) ("==>" ,(math "\\Longrightarrow")) ("Downarrow" ,(math "\\Downarrow")) ("<=>" ,(math "\\Leftrightarrow")) ("<==>" ,(math "\\Longleftrightarrow")) ;; Mathematical operators ("forall" ,(math "\\forall")) ("partial" ,(math "\\partial")) ("exists" ,(math "\\exists")) ("emptyset" ,(math "\\emptyset")) ("infinity" ,(math "\\infty")) ("nabla" ,(math "\\nabla")) ("in" ,(math "\\in")) ("notin" ,(math "\\notin")) ("ni" ,(math "\\ni")) ("prod" ,(math "\\Pi")) ("sum" ,(math "\\Sigma")) ("asterisk" ,(math "\\ast")) ("sqrt" ,(math "\\surd")) ("propto" ,(math "\\propto")) ("angle" ,(math "\\angle")) ("and" ,(math "\\wedge")) ("or" ,(math "\\vee")) ("cap" ,(math "\\cap")) ("cup" ,(math "\\cup")) ("integral" ,(math "\\int")) ("models" ,(math "\\models")) ("vdash" ,(math "\\vdash")) ("dashv" ,(math "\\dashv")) ("sim" ,(math "\\sim")) ("cong" ,(math "\\cong")) ("approx" ,(math "\\approx")) ("neq" ,(math "\\neq")) ("equiv" ,(math "\\equiv")) ("le" ,(math "\\leq")) ("ge" ,(math "\\geq")) ("subset" ,(math "\\subset")) ("supset" ,(math "\\supset")) ("subseteq" ,(math "\\subseteq")) ("supseteq" ,(math "\\supseteq")) ("oplus" ,(math "\\oplus")) ("otimes" ,(math "\\otimes")) ("perp" ,(math "\\perp")) ("mid" ,(math "\\mid")) ("lceil" ,(math "\\lceil")) ("rceil" ,(math "\\rceil")) ("lfloor" ,(math "\\lfloor")) ("rfloor" ,(math "\\rfloor")) ("langle" ,(math "\\langle")) ("rangle" ,(math "\\rangle")) ;; Misc ("loz" ,(math "\\diamond")) ("spades" ,(math "\\spadesuit")) ("clubs" ,(math "\\clubsuit")) ("hearts" ,(math "\\heartsuit")) ("diams" ,(math "\\diamondsuit")) ("euro" "\\euro{}") ;; LaTeX ("dag" "\\dag") ("ddag" "\\ddag") ("circ" ,(math "\\circ")) ("top" ,(math "\\top")) ("bottom" ,(math "\\bot")) ("lhd" ,(math "\\triangleleft")) ("rhd" ,(math "\\triangleright")) ("parallel" ,(math "\\parallel")))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* latex-engine ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define latex-engine (default-engine-set! (make-engine 'latex :version 1.0 :format "latex" :delegate (find-engine 'base) :filter (make-string-replace latex-encoding) :custom '((documentclass "\\documentclass{article}") (class-has-chapters? #f) (usepackage "\\usepackage{epsfig}\n") (predocument "\\newdimen\\oldframetabcolsep\n\\newdimen\\oldcolortabcolsep\n\\newdimen\\oldpretabcolsep\n") (postdocument #f) (maketitle "\\date{}\n\\maketitle") (%font-size 0) ;; color (color #t) (color-usepackage "\\usepackage{color}\n") ;; hyperref (hyperref #t) (hyperref-usepackage "\\usepackage[setpagesize=false]{hyperref}\n") ;; source fontification (source-color #t) (source-comment-color "#ffa600") (source-error-color "red") (source-define-color "#6959cf") (source-module-color "#1919af") (source-markup-color "#1919af") (source-thread-color "#ad4386") (source-string-color "red") (source-bracket-color "red") (source-type-color "#00cf00") (image-format ("eps")) (index-page-ref #t)) :symbol-table (latex-symbol-table (lambda (m) (format #f "\\begin{math}~a\\end{math}" m)))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* latex-title-engine ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define latex-title-engine (make-engine 'latex-title :version 1.0 :format "latex-title" :delegate latex-engine :filter (make-string-replace latex-encoding) :symbol-table (latex-symbol-table (lambda (m) (format #f "$~a$" m))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* latex-color? ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (latex-color? e) (engine-custom e 'color)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* LaTeX ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define* (LaTeX :key (space #t)) (if (engine-format? "latex") (! (if space "\\LaTeX\\ " "\\LaTeX")) "LaTeX")) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* TeX ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define* (TeX :key (space #t)) (if (engine-format? "latex") (! (if space "\\TeX\\ " "\\TeX")) "TeX")) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* latex ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define* (!latex fmt :rest opt) (if (engine-format? "latex") (apply ! fmt opt) #f)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* latex-width ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (latex-width width) (if (and (number? width) (inexact? width)) (string-append (number->string (/ width 100.)) "\\linewidth") (string-append (number->string width) "pt"))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* latex-font-size ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (latex-font-size size) (case size ((4) "Huge") ((3) "huge") ((2) "Large") ((1) "large") ((0) "normalsize") ((-1) "small") ((-2) "footnotesize") ((-3) "scriptsize") ((-4) "tiny") (else (if (number? size) (if (< size 0) "tiny" "Huge") "normalsize")))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* *skribe-latex-color-table* ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define *skribe-latex-color-table* #f) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* latex-declare-color ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (latex-declare-color name rgb) (format #t "\\definecolor{~a}{rgb}{~a}\n" name rgb)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* skribe-get-latex-color ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (skribe-get-latex-color spec) (let ((c (and (hash-table? *skribe-latex-color-table*) (hash-ref *skribe-latex-color-table* spec)))) (if (not (string? c)) (skribe-error 'latex "Can't find color" spec) c))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* skribe-color->latex-rgb ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (skribe-color->latex-rgb spec) (receive (r g b) (skribe-color->rgb spec) (cond ((and (= r 0) (= g 0) (= b 0)) "0.,0.,0.") ((and (= r #xff) (= g #xff) (= b #xff)) "1.,1.,1.") (else (let ((ff (exact->inexact #xff))) (format #f "~a,~a,~a" (number->string (/ r ff)) (number->string (/ g ff)) (number->string (/ b ff)))))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* skribe-latex-declare-colors ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (skribe-latex-declare-colors colors) (set! *skribe-latex-color-table* (make-hash-table)) (for-each (lambda (spec) (let ((old (hash-ref *skribe-latex-color-table* spec))) (if (not (string? old)) (let ((name (symbol->string (gensym "c")))) ;; bind the color (hash-set! *skribe-latex-color-table* spec name) ;; and emit a latex declaration (latex-declare-color name (skribe-color->latex-rgb spec)))))) colors)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* ~ ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '~ :before "~" :action #f) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* breakable-space ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'breakable-space :before " %\n" :action #f) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &latex-table-start */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&latex-table-start :options '() :action (lambda (n e) (let ((width (markup-option n 'width))) (if (number? width) (format #t "\\begin{tabular*}{~a}" (latex-width width)) (display "\\begin{tabular}"))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &latex-table-stop */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&latex-table-stop :options '() :action (lambda (n e) (let ((width (markup-option n 'width))) (if (number? width) (display "\\end{tabular*}\n") (display "\\end{tabular}\n"))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* document ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'document :options '(:title :author :ending :env) :before (lambda (n e) ;; documentclass (let ((dc (engine-custom e 'documentclass))) (if dc (begin (display dc) (newline)) (display "\\documentclass{article}\n"))) (if (latex-color? e) (display (engine-custom e 'color-usepackage))) (if (engine-custom e 'hyperref) (display (engine-custom e 'hyperref-usepackage))) ;; usepackage (let ((pa (engine-custom e 'usepackage))) (if pa (begin (display pa) (newline)))) ;; colors (if (latex-color? e) (begin (skribe-use-color! (engine-custom e 'source-comment-color)) (skribe-use-color! (engine-custom e 'source-define-color)) (skribe-use-color! (engine-custom e 'source-module-color)) (skribe-use-color! (engine-custom e 'source-markup-color)) (skribe-use-color! (engine-custom e 'source-thread-color)) (skribe-use-color! (engine-custom e 'source-string-color)) (skribe-use-color! (engine-custom e 'source-bracket-color)) (skribe-use-color! (engine-custom e 'source-type-color)) (display "\n%% colors\n") (skribe-latex-declare-colors (skribe-get-used-colors)) (display "\n\n"))) ;; predocument (let ((pd (engine-custom e 'predocument))) (when pd (display pd) (newline))) ;; title (let ((t (markup-option n :title))) (when t (evaluate-document (new markup (markup '&latex-title) (body t)) e :env `((parent ,n))))) ;; author (let ((a (markup-option n :author))) (when a (evaluate-document (new markup (markup '&latex-author) (body a)) e :env `((parent ,n))))) ;; document (display "\\begin{document}\n") ;; postdocument (let ((pd (engine-custom e 'postdocument))) (if pd (begin (display pd) (newline)))) ;; maketitle (let ((mt (engine-custom e 'maketitle))) (if mt (begin (display mt) (newline))))) :action (lambda (n e) (output (markup-body n) e)) :after (lambda (n e) (display "\n\\end{document}\n"))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &latex-title ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&latex-title :before "\\title{" :after "}\n") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &latex-author ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&latex-author :before "\\author{\\centerline{\n" :action (lambda (n e) (let ((body (markup-body n))) (if (pair? body) (begin (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-start) (class "&latex-author-table")) e) (format #t "{~a}\n" (make-string (length body) #\c)) (let loop ((as body)) (output (car as) e) (if (pair? (cdr as)) (begin (display " & ") (loop (cdr as))))) (display "\\\\\n") (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-stop) (class "&latex-author-table")) e)) (output body e)))) :after "}}\n") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* author ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'author :options '(:name :title :affiliation :email :url :address :phone :photo :align) :before (lambda (n e) (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-start) (class "author")) e) (format #t "{~a}\n" (case (markup-option n :align) ((left) "l") ((right) "r") (else "c")))) :action (lambda (n e) (let ((name (markup-option n :name)) (title (markup-option n :title)) (affiliation (markup-option n :affiliation)) (email (markup-option n :email)) (url (markup-option n :url)) (address (markup-option n :address)) (phone (markup-option n :phone))) (define (row n) (output n e) (display "\\\\\n")) ;; name (if name (row name)) ;; title (if title (row title)) ;; affiliation (if affiliation (row affiliation)) ;; address (cond ((pair? address) (for-each row address)) ((string? address) (row address))) ;; telephone (if phone (row phone)) ;; email (if email (row email)) ;; url (if url (row url)))) :after (lambda (n e) (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-stop) (class "author")) e))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* author ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'author :options '(:name :title :affiliation :email :url :address :phone :photo :align) :predicate (lambda (n e) (markup-option n :photo)) :before (lambda (n e) (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-start) (class "author")) e) (display "{cc}\n")) :action (lambda (n e) (let ((photo (markup-option n :photo))) (output photo e) (display " & ") (markup-option-add! n :photo #f) (output n e) (markup-option-add! n :photo photo) (display "\\\\\n"))) :after (lambda (n e) (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-stop) (class "author")) e))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* toc ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'toc :options '() :action (lambda (n e) (display "\\tableofcontents\n"))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* latex-block-before ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (latex-block-before m) ;; Mapping of Skribilo markups to LaTeX, with and without chapters. (define %chapter-mapping '((chapter . "chapter") (section . "section") (subsection . "subsection") (subsubsection . "subsubsection"))) (define %chapterless-mapping '((chapter . "section") (section . "subsection") (subsection . "subsubsection") (subsubsection . "subsubsection"))) (lambda (n e) (let* ((num (markup-option n :number)) (markup-mapping (if (engine-custom e 'class-has-chapters?) %chapter-mapping %chapterless-mapping)) (latex-markup (cdr (assq m markup-mapping)))) (format #t "\n\n%% ~a\n" (string-canonicalize (markup-ident n))) (format #t "\\~a~a{" latex-markup (if (not num) "*" "")) (output (markup-option n :title) latex-title-engine) (display "}\n") (when num (format #t "\\label{~a}\n" (string-canonicalize (markup-ident n))))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* section ... .. @label chapter@ */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'chapter :options '(:title :number :toc :file :env) :before (latex-block-before 'chapter)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* section ... . @label section@ */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'section :options '(:title :number :toc :file :env) :before (latex-block-before 'section)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* subsection ... @label subsection@ */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'subsection :options '(:title :number :toc :file :env) :before (latex-block-before 'subsection)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* subsubsection ... @label subsubsection@ */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'subsubsection :options '(:title :number :toc :file :env) :before (latex-block-before 'subsubsection)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* paragraph ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'paragraph :options '(:title :number :toc :env) :before (lambda (n e) (when (and (>= (*debug*) 2) (location? (ast-loc n))) (format #t "\n\\makebox[\\linewidth][l]{\\hspace{-1.5cm}\\footnotesize{$\\triangleright$\\textit{~a}}}\n" (ast-location n))) (display "\\noindent ")) :after "\\par\n") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* footnote ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'footnote :before "\\footnote{" :after "}") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* linebreak ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'linebreak :action (lambda (n e) (display "\\makebox[\\linewidth]{}"))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* hrule ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'hrule :options '() :before "\\hrulefill" :action #f) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* latex-color-counter */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define latex-color-counter 1) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* latex-color ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define latex-color (lambda (bg fg n e) (if (not (latex-color? e)) (output n e) (begin (if bg (format #t "\\setbox~a \\vbox \\bgroup " latex-color-counter)) (set! latex-color-counter (+ latex-color-counter 1)) (if fg (begin (format #t "\\textcolor{~a}{" (skribe-get-latex-color fg)) (output n e) (display "}")) (output n e)) (set! latex-color-counter (- latex-color-counter 1)) (if bg (format #t "\\egroup\\colorbox{~a}{\\box~a}%\n" (skribe-get-latex-color bg) latex-color-counter)))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* color ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'color :options '(:bg :fg :width) :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((w (markup-option n :width)) (bg (markup-option n :bg)) (fg (markup-option n :fg)) (m (markup-option n :margin)) (tw (cond ((not w) #f) ((and (integer? w) (exact? w)) w) ((real? w) (latex-width w))))) (when bg (display "\\setlength{\\oldcolortabcolsep}{\\tabcolsep}\n\\addtolength{\\tabcolsep}{-\\tabcolsep}\n") (when m (format #t "\\addtolength{\\tabcolsep}{~a}" (latex-width m))) (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-start) (class "color")) e) (if tw (format #t "{p{~a}}\n" tw) (display "{l}\n"))) (latex-color bg fg (markup-body n) e) (when bg (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-stop) (class "color")) e) (display "\\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{\\oldcolortabcolsep}\n"))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* frame ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'frame :options '(:width :border :margin) :before (lambda (n e) (display "\\setlength{\\oldframetabcolsep}{\\tabcolsep}\n\\addtolength{\\tabcolsep}{-\\tabcolsep}") (let ((m (markup-option n :margin))) (when m (format #t "\\addtolength{\\tabcolsep}{~a}" (latex-width m)))) (newline)) :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((b (markup-option n :border)) (w (markup-option n :width)) (tw (cond ((not w) ".96\\linewidth") ((and (integer? w) (exact? w)) w) ((real? w) (latex-width w))))) (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-start) (class "frame")) e) (if (and (integer? b) (> b 0)) (begin (format #t "{|p{~a}|}\\hline\n" tw) (output (markup-body n) e) (display "\\\\\\hline\n")) (begin (format #t "{p{~a}}\n" tw) (output (markup-body n) e))) (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-stop) (class "author")) e))) :after "\\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{\\oldframetabcolsep}\n") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* font ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'font :options '(:size) :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((size (markup-option n :size)) (cs (let ((n (engine-custom e '%font-size))) (if (number? n) n 0))) (ns (cond ((and (integer? size) (exact? size)) (if (> size 0) size (+ cs size))) ((and (number? size) (inexact? size)) (+ cs (inexact->exact size))) ((string? size) (let ((nb (string->number size))) (if (not (number? nb)) (skribe-error 'font (format #f "Illegal font size ~s" size) nb) (+ cs nb)))))) (ne (make-engine (gensym "latex") :delegate e :filter (engine-filter e) :symbol-table (engine-symbol-table e) :custom `((%font-size ,ns) ,@(engine-customs e))))) (format #t "{\\~a{" (latex-font-size ns)) (output (markup-body n) ne) (display "}}")))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* flush ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'flush :options '(:side) :before (lambda (n e) (case (markup-option n :side) ((center) (display "\\begin{center}\n")) ((left) (display "\\begin{flushleft}")) ((right) (display "\\begin{flushright}")))) :after (lambda (n e) (case (markup-option n :side) ((center) (display "\\end{center}\n")) ((left) (display "\\end{flushleft}\n")) ((right) (display "\\end{flushright}\n"))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* center ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'center :before "\\begin{center}\n" :after "\\end{center}\n") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* pre ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'pre :before (lambda (n e) (format #t "\\setlength{\\oldpretabcolsep}{\\tabcolsep}\n\\addtolength{\\tabcolsep}{-\\tabcolsep}\n{\\setbox~a \\vbox \n\\bgroup\n{\\noindent \\texttt{" latex-color-counter) (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-start) (class "pre")) e) (display "{l}\n") (set! latex-color-counter (+ latex-color-counter 1))) :action (lambda (n e) (let ((ne (make-engine (gensym "latex") :delegate e :filter (make-string-replace latex-pre-encoding) :symbol-table (engine-symbol-table e) :custom (engine-customs e)))) (output (markup-body n) ne))) :after (lambda (n e) (set! latex-color-counter (- latex-color-counter 1)) (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-stop) (class "pre")) e) (format #t "}}\n\\egroup{\\box~a}}%\n\\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{\\oldpretabcolsep}\n" latex-color-counter))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* prog ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'prog :options '(:line :mark) :before (lambda (n e) (format #t "\\setlength{\\oldpretabcolsep}{\\tabcolsep}\n\\addtolength{\\tabcolsep}{-\\tabcolsep}\n{\\setbox~a \\vbox \\bgroup\n{\\noindent \\texttt{" latex-color-counter) (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-start) (class "pre")) e) (display "{l}\n") (set! latex-color-counter (+ latex-color-counter 1))) :action (lambda (n e) (let ((ne (make-engine (gensym "latex") :delegate e :filter (make-string-replace latex-pre-encoding) :symbol-table (engine-symbol-table e) :custom (engine-customs e)))) (output (markup-body n) ne))) :after (lambda (n e) (set! latex-color-counter (- latex-color-counter 1)) (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-stop) (class "prog")) e) (format #t "}}\n\\egroup{\\box~a}}%\n\\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{\\oldpretabcolsep}\n" latex-color-counter))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &prog-line ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&prog-line :before (lambda (n e) (let ((num (markup-option n :number))) (if (number? num) (evaluate-document (it (string-append (string-pad (number->string num) 3) ": ")) e)))) :after "\\\\\n") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* itemize ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'itemize :options '(:symbol) :before "\\begin{itemize}\n" :action (lambda (n e) (for-each (lambda (item) (display " \\item ") (output item e) (newline)) (markup-body n))) :after "\\end{itemize} ") (markup-writer 'itemize :predicate (lambda (n e) (markup-option n :symbol)) :options '(:symbol) :before (lambda (n e) (display "\\begin{list}{") (output (markup-option n :symbol) e) (display "}{}") (newline)) :action (lambda (n e) (for-each (lambda (item) (display " \\item ") (output item e) (newline)) (markup-body n))) :after "\\end{list}\n") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* enumerate ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'enumerate :options '(:symbol) :before "\\begin{enumerate}\n" :action (lambda (n e) (for-each (lambda (item) (display " \\item ") (output item e) (newline)) (markup-body n))) :after "\\end{enumerate}\n") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* description ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'description :options '(:symbol) :before "\\begin{description}\n" :action (lambda (n e) (for-each (lambda (item) (let ((k (markup-option item :key))) (for-each (lambda (i) (display " \\item[") (output i e) (display "]\n")) (if (pair? k) k (list k))) (output (markup-body item) e))) (markup-body n))) :after "\\end{description}\n") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* item ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'item :options '(:key) :action (lambda (n e) (let ((k (markup-option n :key))) (if k (begin (display "[") (output k e) (display "] ")))) (output (markup-body n) e))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* blockquote ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'blockquote :before "\n\\begin{quote}\n" :after "\n\\end{quote}") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* figure ... @label figure@ */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'figure :options '(:legend :number :multicolumns) :action (lambda (n e) (let ((ident (markup-ident n)) (legend (markup-option n :legend)) (mc (markup-option n :multicolumns))) (display (if mc "\\begin{figure*}[!th]\n" "\\begin{figure}[ht]\n")) (output (markup-body n) e) (format #t "\\caption{\\label{~a}" (string-canonicalize ident)) (output legend e) (display (if mc "}\\end{figure*}\n" "}\\end{figure}\n"))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* table-column-number ... */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Computes how many columns are contained in a table. */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (table-column-number t) (define (row-columns row) (let luup ((cells (markup-body row)) (nbcols 0)) (cond ((null? cells) nbcols) ((pair? cells) (luup (cdr cells) (+ nbcols (markup-option (car cells) :colspan)))) (else (skribe-type-error 'tr "Illegal tr body, " row "pair"))))) (let loop ((rows (markup-body t)) (nbcols 0)) (if (null? rows) nbcols (loop (cdr rows) (max (row-columns (car rows)) nbcols))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* table ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'table :options '(:width :frame :rules :cellstyle) :before (lambda (n e) (let ((width (markup-option n :width)) (frame (markup-option n :frame)) (rules (markup-option n :rules)) (cstyle (markup-option n :cellstyle)) (nbcols (table-column-number n)) (id (markup-ident n)) (rows (markup-body n))) ;; the table header (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-start) (class "table") (options `((width ,width)))) e) ;; store the actual number of columns (markup-option-add! n '&nbcols nbcols) ;; compute the table header (let ((cols (cond ((= nbcols 0) (skribe-error 'table "Illegal empty table" n)) ((or (not width) (= nbcols 1)) (make-string nbcols #\c)) (else (let ((v (make-vector (- nbcols 1) "@{\\extracolsep{\\fill}}c"))) (string-concatenate (cons "c" (vector->list v)))))))) (case frame ((none) (format #t "{~a}\n" cols)) ((border box) (format #t "{|~a|}" cols) (markup-option-add! n '&lhs #t) (markup-option-add! n '&rhs #t) (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-hline) (parent n) (ident (format #f "~a-above" id)) (class "table-line-above")) e)) ((above hsides) (format #t "{~a}" cols) (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-hline) (parent n) (ident (format #f "~a-above" id)) (class "table-line-above")) e)) ((vsides) (markup-option-add! n '&lhs #t) (markup-option-add! n '&rhs #t) (format #t "{|~a|}\n" cols)) ((lhs) (markup-option-add! n '&lhs #t) (format #t "{|~a}\n" cols)) ((rhs) (markup-option-add! n '&rhs #t) (format #t "{~a|}\n" cols)) (else (format #t "{~a}\n" cols))) ;; mark each row with appropriate '&tl (top-line) ;; and &bl (bottom-line) options (when (pair? rows) (if (and (memq rules '(rows all)) (or (not (eq? cstyle 'collapse)) (not (memq frame '(border box above hsides))))) (let ((frow (car rows))) (if (is-markup? frow 'tr) (markup-option-add! frow '&tl #t)))) (if (eq? rules 'header) (let ((frow (car rows))) (if (is-markup? frow 'tr) (markup-option-add! frow '&bl #t)))) (when (and (pair? (cdr rows)) (memq rules '(rows all))) (for-each (lambda (row) (if (is-markup? row 'tr) (markup-option-add! row '&bl #t))) rows) (markup-option-add! (car (last-pair rows)) '&bl #f)) (if (and (memq rules '(rows all)) (or (not (eq? cstyle 'collapse)) (not (memq frame '(border box above hsides))))) (let ((lrow (car (last-pair rows)))) (if (is-markup? lrow 'tr) (markup-option-add! lrow '&bl #t)))))))) :after (lambda (n e) (case (markup-option n :frame) ((hsides below box border) (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-hline) (parent n) (ident (format #f "~a-below" (markup-ident n))) (class "table-hline-below")) e))) (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-stop) (class "table") (options `((width ,(markup-option n :width))))) e))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &latex-table-hline */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&latex-table-hline :action "\\hline\n") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* tr ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'tr :options '() :action (lambda (n e) (if (not (is-markup? (ast-parent n) 'table)) (skribe-type-error 'tr "Illegal parent, " (ast-parent n) "#")) (let* ((parent (ast-parent n)) (nbcols (markup-option parent '&nbcols)) (lhs (markup-option parent '&lhs)) (rhs (markup-option parent '&rhs)) (rules (markup-option parent :rules)) (collapse (eq? (markup-option parent :cellstyle) 'collapse)) (vrules (memq rules '(cols all))) (cells (markup-body n))) (if (markup-option n '&tl) (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-hline) (parent n) (ident (markup-ident n)) (class (markup-class n))) e)) (if (> nbcols 0) (let laap ((nbc nbcols) (cs cells)) (if (null? cs) (when (> nbc 1) (display " & ") (laap (- nbc 1) cs)) (let* ((c (car cs)) (nc (- nbc (markup-option c :colspan)))) (when (= nbcols nbc) (cond ((and lhs vrules (not collapse)) (markup-option-add! c '&lhs "||")) ((or lhs vrules) (markup-option-add! c '&lhs #\|)))) (when (= nc 0) (cond ((and rhs vrules (not collapse)) (markup-option-add! c '&rhs "||")) ((or rhs vrules) (markup-option-add! c '&rhs #\|)))) (when (and vrules (> nc 0) (< nc nbcols)) (markup-option-add! c '&rhs #\|)) (output c e) (when (> nc 0) (display " & ") (laap nc (cdr cs))))))))) :after (lambda (n e) (display "\\\\") (if (markup-option n '&bl) (output (new markup (markup '&latex-table-hline) (parent n) (ident (markup-ident n)) (class (markup-class n))) e) (newline)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* tc */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'tc :options '(:width :align :valign :colspan) :action (lambda (n e) (let ((id (markup-ident n)) (cla (markup-class n))) (let* ((o0 (markup-body n)) (o1 (if (eq? (markup-option n 'markup) 'th) (new markup (markup '&latex-th) (parent n) (ident id) (class cla) (options (markup-options n)) (body o0)) o0)) (o2 (if (markup-option n :width) (new markup (markup '&latex-tc-parbox) (parent n) (ident id) (class cla) (options (markup-options n)) (body o1)) o1)) (o3 (if (or (> (markup-option n :colspan) 1) (not (eq? (markup-option n :align) 'center)) (markup-option n '&lhs) (markup-option n '&rhs)) (new markup (markup '&latex-tc-multicolumn) (parent n) (ident id) (class cla) (options (markup-options n)) (body o2)) o2))) (output o3 e))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &latex-th ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&latex-th :before "\\textsf{" :after "}") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &latex-tc-parbox ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&latex-tc-parbox :before (lambda (n e) (let ((width (markup-option n :width))) (format #t "\\parbox{~a}{" (latex-width width)))) :after "}") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &latex-tc-multicolumn ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&latex-tc-multicolumn :before (lambda (n e) (let ((colspan (markup-option n :colspan)) (lhs (or (markup-option n '&lhs) "")) (rhs (or (markup-option n '&rhs) "")) (align (case (markup-option n :align) ((left) #\l) ((center) #\c) ((right) #\r) (else #\c)))) (format #t "\\multicolumn{~a}{~a~a~a}{" colspan lhs align rhs))) :after "}") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* image ... @label image@ */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'image :options '(:file :url :width :height :zoom) :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((file (markup-option n :file)) (url (markup-option n :url)) (width (markup-option n :width)) (height (markup-option n :height)) (zoom (markup-option n :zoom)) (efmt (engine-custom e 'image-format)) (img (or url (convert-image file (if (list? efmt) efmt '("eps")))))) (if (not (string? img)) (skribe-error 'latex "Illegal image" file) (begin (format #t "\\epsfig{file=~a" (strip-ref-base img)) (if width (format #t ", width=~a" (latex-width width))) (if height (format #t ", height=~apt" height)) (if zoom (format #t ", zoom=\"~a\"" zoom)) (display "}")))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* Ornaments ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'roman :before "{\\textrm{" :after "}}") (markup-writer 'bold :before "{\\textbf{" :after "}}") (markup-writer 'underline :before "{\\underline{" :after "}}") (markup-writer 'emph :before "{\\em{" :after "}}") (markup-writer 'it :before "{\\textit{" :after "}}") (markup-writer 'code :before "{\\texttt{" :after "}}") (markup-writer 'var :before "{\\texttt{" :after "}}") (markup-writer 'sc :before "{\\sc{" :after "}}") (markup-writer 'sf :before "{\\sf{" :after "}}") (markup-writer 'sub :before "\\begin{math}\\sb{\\mbox{" :after "}}\\end{math}") (markup-writer 'sup :before "\\begin{math}\\sp{\\mbox{" :after "}}\\end{math}") (markup-writer 'tt :before "{\\texttt{" :action (lambda (n e) (let ((ne (make-engine (gensym "latex") :delegate e :filter (make-string-replace latex-tt-encoding) :custom (engine-customs e) :symbol-table (engine-symbol-table e)))) (output (markup-body n) ne))) :after "}}") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* q ... @label q@ */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'q :before "``" :after "''") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* mailto ... @label mailto@ */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'mailto :options '(:text) :before "{\\texttt{" :action (lambda (n e) (let ((text (markup-option n :text))) (output (or text (markup-body n)) e))) :after "}}") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* mark ... @label mark@ */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'mark :before (lambda (n e) (format #t "\\label{~a}" (string-canonicalize (markup-ident n))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* ref ... @label ref@ */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'ref :options '(:text :chapter :section :subsection :subsubsection :figure :mark :handle :page) :action (lambda (n e) (let ((t (markup-option n :text))) (if t (let* ((c (handle-ast (markup-body n))) (i (markup-ident c)) (hyper? (engine-custom e 'hyperref))) (if (and hyper? i) (format #t "\\hyperref[~a]{" i)) (output t e) (if (and hyper? i) (display "}")))))) :after (lambda (n e) (let* ((c (handle-ast (markup-body n))) (id (markup-ident c))) (cond ((markup-option n :page) (format #t "~~\\begin{math}{\\pageref{~a}}\\end{math}" (string-canonicalize id))) ((markup-option n :text) #t) (else (format #t "\\ref{~a}" (string-canonicalize id))))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* url-ref ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'url-ref :options '(:url :text) :action (lambda (n e) (let ((text (markup-option n :text)) (url (markup-option n :url))) (if (not text) (output url e) (output text e))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* url-ref hyperref ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'url-ref :options '(:url :text) :predicate (lambda (n e) (engine-custom e 'hyperref)) :action (lambda (n e) (let ((body (markup-option n :text)) (url (markup-option n :url))) (if (and body (not (equal? body url))) (begin (display "\\href{") (display url) (display "}{") (output body e) (display "}")) (begin (display "\\href{") (display url) (format #t "}{~a}" url)))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &the-bibliography ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&the-bibliography :before (lambda (n e) (display "{% \\sloppy \\sfcode`\\.=1000\\relax \\newdimen\\bibindent \\bibindent=0em \\begin{list}{}{% \\settowidth\\labelwidth{[21]}% \\leftmargin\\labelwidth \\advance\\leftmargin\\labelsep \\advance\\leftmargin\\bibindent \\itemindent -\\bibindent \\listparindent \\itemindent \\itemsep 0pt }%\n")) :after (lambda (n e) (display "\n\\end{list}}\n"))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &bib-entry ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&bib-entry :options '(:title) :action (lambda (n e) (output n e (markup-writer-get '&bib-entry-label e)) (output n e (markup-writer-get '&bib-entry-body e))) :after "\n") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &bib-entry-title ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&bib-entry-title :predicate (lambda (n e) (engine-custom e 'hyperref)) :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((t (markup-body n)) (en (handle-ast (ast-parent n))) (url (markup-option en 'url)) (ht (if url (ref :url (markup-body url) :text t) t))) (evaluate-document ht e)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &bib-entry-label ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&bib-entry-label :options '(:title) :before "\\item[{\\char91}" :action (lambda (n e) (output (markup-option n :title) e)) :after "{\\char93}] ") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &bib-entry-url ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&bib-entry-url :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((en (handle-ast (ast-parent n))) (url (markup-option en 'url)) (t (it (markup-body url)))) (evaluate-document (ref :url (markup-body url) :text t) e)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &source-comment ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&source-comment :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-comment-color)) (n1 (it (markup-body n))) (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc) (color :fg cc n1) n1))) (evaluate-document n2 e)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &source-line-comment ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&source-line-comment :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-comment-color)) (n1 (bold (markup-body n))) (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc) (color :fg cc n1) n1))) (evaluate-document n2 e)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &source-keyword ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&source-keyword :action (lambda (n e) (evaluate-document (underline (markup-body n)) e))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &source-error ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&source-error :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-error-color)) (n1 (bold (markup-body n))) (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'error-color) cc) (color :fg cc (underline n1)) (underline n1)))) (evaluate-document n2 e)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &source-define ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&source-define :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-define-color)) (n1 (bold (markup-body n))) (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc) (color :fg cc n1) n1))) (evaluate-document n2 e)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &source-module ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&source-module :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-module-color)) (n1 (bold (markup-body n))) (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc) (color :fg cc n1) n1))) (evaluate-document n2 e)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &source-markup ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&source-markup :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-markup-color)) (n1 (bold (markup-body n))) (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc) (color :fg cc n1) n1))) (evaluate-document n2 e)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &source-thread ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&source-thread :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-thread-color)) (n1 (bold (markup-body n))) (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc) (color :fg cc n1) n1))) (evaluate-document n2 e)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &source-string ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&source-string :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-string-color)) (n1 (markup-body n)) (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc) (color :fg cc n1) n1))) (evaluate-document n2 e)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &source-bracket ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&source-bracket :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-bracket-color)) (n1 (markup-body n)) (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc) (color :fg cc (bold n1)) (it n1)))) (evaluate-document n2 e)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &source-type ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&source-type :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-type-color)) (n1 (markup-body n)) (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc) (color :fg cc n1) (it n1)))) (evaluate-document n2 e)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &source-key ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&source-key :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-type-color)) (n1 (markup-body n)) (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc) (color :fg cc (bold n1)) (it n1)))) (evaluate-document n2 e)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &source-type ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&source-type :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-type-color)) (n1 (markup-body n)) (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc) (color :fg "red" (bold n1)) (bold n1)))) (evaluate-document n2 e)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* Restore the base engine */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (default-engine-set! (find-engine 'base)) ;;; Local Variables: ;;; coding: latin-1 ;;; End: