;;; biblio.scm -- Bibliography functions. ;;; ;;; Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Manuel Serrano ;;; Copyright 2003, 2004 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI ;;; Copyright 2005, 2006 Ludovic Courtès ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, ;;; USA.main.st (define-module (skribilo biblio) :use-module (skribilo utils strings) :use-module (skribilo utils syntax) ;; `when', `unless' :use-module (srfi srfi-1) :autoload (srfi srfi-34) (raise) :use-module (srfi srfi-35) :use-module (srfi srfi-39) :use-module (skribilo condition) :autoload (skribilo reader) (%default-reader) :autoload (skribilo parameters) (*bib-path*) :autoload (skribilo ast) ( is-markup?) :autoload (skribilo lib) (skribe-warning) :use-module (ice-9 optargs) :use-module (oop goops) :export (bib-table? make-bib-table *bib-table* bib-add! bib-duplicate bib-for-each bib-map open-bib-file parse-bib bib-load! resolve-bib resolve-the-bib make-bib-entry ;; sorting entries bib-sort/authors bib-sort/idents bib-sort/dates ;; error conditions &biblio-error &biblio-entry-error &biblio-template-error biblio-error? biblio-entry-error? biblio-template-error? biblio-entry-error:entry biblio-template-error:expression biblio-template-error:template)) ;;; Author: Erick Gallesio, Manuel Serrano, Ludovic Courtès ;;; ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; Provides the bibliography data type and basic bibliography handling, ;;; including simple procedures to sort bibliography entries. ;;; ;;; Code: (fluid-set! current-reader %skribilo-module-reader) ;;; ;;; Error conditions. ;;; (define-condition-type &biblio-error &skribilo-error biblio-error?) (define-condition-type &biblio-entry-error &biblio-error biblio-entry-error? (entry biblio-entry-error:entry)) (define-condition-type &biblio-template-error &biblio-error biblio-template-error? (expression biblio-template-error:expression) (template biblio-template-error:template)) (define (handle-biblio-error c) ;; Issue a user-friendly error message for error condition C. (cond ((biblio-entry-error? c) (let* ((entry (biblio-entry-error:entry c)) (file (source-property entry 'filename)) (col (source-property entry 'column)) (line (source-property entry 'line))) (if (and file col line) (format (current-error-port) (_ "~a:~a:~a: invalid bibliography entry: ~a~%") file line col) (format (current-error-port) (_ "invalid bibliography entry: ~a~%") entry)))) ((biblio-template-error? c) (format (current-error-port) (_ "invalid bibliography entry template: `~a', in `~a'~%") (biblio-template-error:expression c) (biblio-template-error:template c))) (else (format (current-error-port) (_ "undefined bibliography error: ~a~%") c)))) (register-error-condition-handler! biblio-error? handle-biblio-error) ;;; ;;; Accessors. ;;; (define (make-bib-table ident) (make-hash-table)) (define (bib-table? obj) (hash-table? obj)) ;; The current bib table. (define *bib-table* (make-parameter (make-bib-table "default-bib-table"))) (define (bib-add! table . entries) (if (not (bib-table? table)) (raise (condition (&invalid-argument-error (proc-name "bib-add!") (argument table)))) (for-each (lambda (entry) (cond ((and (list? entry) (> (length entry) 2)) (let* ((kind (car entry)) (key (format #f "~A" (cadr entry))) (fields (cddr entry)) (old (hash-ref table key))) (if old (bib-duplicate key #f old) (hash-set! table key (make-bib-entry kind key fields #f))))) (else (raise (condition (&biblio-entry-error (entry entry))))))) entries))) (define* (bib-for-each proc :optional (table (*bib-table*))) (hash-for-each (lambda (ident entry) (proc ident entry)) table)) (define* (bib-map proc :optional (table (*bib-table*))) (hash-map->list (lambda (ident entry) (proc ident entry)) table)) (define (bib-duplicate ident from old) (let ((ofrom (markup-option old 'from))) (skribe-warning 2 'bib (format #f "duplicated bibliographic entry ~a'.\n" ident) (if ofrom (format #f " using version of `~a'.\n" ofrom) "") (if from (format #f " ignoring version of `~a'." from) " ignoring redefinition.")))) ;;; ;;; Parsing. ;;; (define (parse-bib table port) (let ((read %default-reader)) ;; FIXME: We should use a fluid (if (not (bib-table? table)) (raise (condition (&invalid-argument-error (proc-name "parse-bib") (argument table)))) (let ((from (port-filename port))) (let Loop ((entry (read port))) (unless (eof-object? entry) (cond ((and (list? entry) (> (length entry) 2)) (let* ((kind (car entry)) (key (format #f "~A" (cadr entry))) (fields (cddr entry)) (old (hash-ref table key))) (if old (bib-duplicate ident from old) (hash-set! table key (make-bib-entry kind key fields from))) (Loop (read port)))) (else (raise (condition (&biblio-entry-error (entry entry)))))))))))) (define* (open-bib-file file :optional (command #f)) (let ((path (search-path (*bib-path*) file))) (if (string? path) (begin (when (> (*verbose*) 0) (format (current-error-port) " [loading bibliography: ~S]\n" path)) ;; FIXME: The following `open-input-file' won't work with actual ;; commands. We need to use `(ice-9 popen)'. (open-input-file (if (string? command) (string-append "| " (format #f command path)) path))) (raise (condition (&file-search-error (file-name file) (path (*bib-path*)))))))) ;;; ;;; High-level API. ;;; ;;; The contents of the file below are unchanged compared to Skribe 1.2d's ;;; `bib.scm' file found in the `common' directory. The copyright notice for ;;; this file was: ;;; ;;; Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Manuel Serrano ;;; ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* bib-load! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (bib-load! table filename command) (if (not (bib-table? table)) (raise (condition (&invalid-argument-error (proc-name "bib-load!") (argument table)))) ;; read the file (let ((p (open-bib-file filename command))) (unwind-protect (parse-bib table p) (close-input-port p))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* resolve-bib ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (resolve-bib table ident) (if (not (bib-table? table)) (raise (condition (&invalid-argument-error (proc-name "resolve-bib") (argument table)))) (let* ((i (cond ((string? ident) ident) ((symbol? ident) (symbol->string ident)) (else (raise (condition (&invalid-argument-error (proc-name "resolve-bib") (argument ident))))))) (en (hash-ref table i))) (if (is-markup? en '&bib-entry) en #f)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* make-bib-entry ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (make-bib-entry kind ident fields from) (let* ((m (make :markup '&bib-entry :ident ident :options `((kind ,kind) (from ,from)))) (h (make :ast m))) (for-each (lambda (f) (if (and (pair? f) (pair? (cdr f)) (null? (cddr f)) (symbol? (car f))) (markup-option-add! m (car f) (make :markup (symbol-append '&bib-entry- (car f)) :parent h :body (cadr f))) (bib-parse-error f))) fields) m)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* bib-sort/authors ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (bib-sort/authors l) (define (cmp i1 i2 def) (cond ((and (markup? i1) (markup? i2)) (cmp (markup-body i1) (markup-body i2) def)) ((markup? i1) (cmp (markup-body i1) i2 def)) ((markup? i2) (cmp i1 (markup-body i2) def)) ((and (string? i1) (string? i2)) (if (string=? i1 i2) (def) (string (string-length body) 3) (substring body 0 3) body)) (sy (string->symbol (string-downcase body))) (c (assq sy '((jan . 1) (feb . 2) (mar . 3) (apr . 4) (may . 5) (jun . 6) (jul . 7) (aug . 8) (sep . 9) (oct . 10) (nov . 11) (dec . 12))))) (if (pair? c) (cdr c) 13))))) (let ((d1 (markup-option p1 'year)) (d2 (markup-option p2 'year))) (cond ((not (markup? d1)) #f) ((not (markup? d2)) #t) (else (let ((y1 (markup-body d1)) (y2 (markup-body d2))) (cond ((string>? y1 y2) #t) ((string m1 m2)))))))))))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* resolve-the-bib ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (resolve-the-bib table n sort pred count opts) (define (count! entries) (let loop ((es entries) (i 1)) (if (pair? es) (begin (markup-option-add! (car es) :title (make :markup '&bib-entry-ident :parent (car es) :options `((number ,i)) :body (make :ast (car es)))) (loop (cdr es) (+ i 1)))))) (if (not (bib-table? table)) (raise (condition (&invalid-argument-error (proc-name "resolve-the-bib") (argument table)))) (let* ((es (sort (hash-map->list (lambda (key val) val) table))) (fes (filter (if (procedure? pred) (lambda (m) (pred m n)) (lambda (m) (pair? (markup-option m 'used)))) es))) (count! (if (eq? count 'full) es fes)) (make :markup '&the-bibliography :options opts :body fes)))) ;;; biblio.scm ends here