;;; ast.scm -- Skribilo abstract syntax trees. ;;; ;;; Copyright 2003, 2004 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI ;;; Copyright 2003, 2004 Manuel Serrano ;;; Copyright 2005, 2006 Ludovic Courtès ;;; ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, ;;; USA. (define-module (skribilo ast) :use-module (oop goops) :autoload (skribilo location) (location?) :autoload (skribilo lib) (skribe-type-error skribe-error) :use-module (skribilo utils syntax) :export ( ast? ast-loc ast-loc-set! ast-parent ast->string ast->file-location ast-resolved? command? command-fmt command-body unresolved? unresolved-proc handle? handle-ast handle-body node? node-options node-loc node-body processor? processor-combinator processor-engine markup? bind-markup! markup-options is-markup? markup-markup markup-body markup-body-set! markup-ident markup-class find-markups markup-option markup-option-set! markup-option-add! markup-output markup-parent markup-document markup-chapter container? container-options container-ident container-body container-env-get document? document-ident document-body document-options document-end ;; traversal find-markup-ident container-search-down search-down find-down find1-down find-up find1-up ast-document ast-chapter ast-section)) ;;; Author: Erick Gallesio, Manuel Serrano, Ludovic Courtès ;;; ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; The abstract syntax tree (AST) and its sub-types. These class form the ;;; core of a document: each part of a document is an instance of `' or ;;; one of its sub-classes. ;;; ;;; Code: (fluid-set! current-reader %skribilo-module-reader) (define *node-table* (make-hash-table)) ; Used to stores the nodes of an AST. ; It permits to retrieve a node from its ; identifier. ;;; ====================================================================== ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ====================================================================== ;;FIXME: set! location in (define-class () ;; Parent of this guy. (parent :accessor ast-parent :init-keyword :parent :init-value 'unspecified) ;; Its source location. (loc :init-value #f) ;; This slot is used as an optimization when resolving an AST: sub-parts of ;; the tree are marked as resolved as soon as they are and don't need to be ;; traversed again. (resolved? :accessor ast-resolved? :init-value #f)) (define (ast? obj) (is-a? obj )) (define (ast-loc obj) (slot-ref obj 'loc)) (define (ast-loc-set! obj v) (slot-set! obj 'loc v)) (define (ast-parent n) (slot-ref n 'parent)) (define (ast->file-location ast) (let ((l (ast-loc ast))) (if (location? l) (format #f "~a:~a:" (location-file l) (location-line l)) ""))) (define-generic ast->string) (define-method (ast->string (ast )) "") (define-method (ast->string (ast )) ast) (define-method (ast->string (ast )) (number->string ast)) (define-method (ast->string (ast )) (let ((out (open-output-string))) (let Loop ((lst ast)) (cond ((null? lst) (get-output-string out)) (else (display (ast->string (car lst)) out) (unless (null? (cdr lst)) (display #\space out)) (Loop (cdr lst))))))) ;;; ====================================================================== ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ====================================================================== (define-class () (fmt :init-keyword :fmt) (body :init-keyword :body)) (define (command? obj) (is-a? obj )) (define (command-fmt obj) (slot-ref obj 'fmt)) (define (command-body obj) (slot-ref obj 'body)) ;;; ====================================================================== ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ====================================================================== (define-class () (proc :init-keyword :proc)) (define (unresolved? obj) (is-a? obj )) (define (unresolved-proc obj) (slot-ref obj 'proc)) ;;; ====================================================================== ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ====================================================================== (define-class () (ast :init-keyword :ast :init-value #f :getter handle-ast)) (define (handle? obj) (is-a? obj )) (define (handle-ast obj) (slot-ref obj 'ast)) (define (handle-body h) (slot-ref h 'body)) ;;; ====================================================================== ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ====================================================================== (define-class () (required-options :init-keyword :required-options :init-value '()) (options :init-keyword :options :init-value '()) (body :init-keyword :body :init-value #f :getter node-body)) (define (node? obj) (is-a? obj )) (define (node-options obj) (slot-ref obj 'options)) (define node-loc ast-loc) (define-method (ast->string (ast )) (ast->string (slot-ref ast 'body))) ;;; ====================================================================== ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ====================================================================== (define-class () (combinator :init-keyword :combinator :init-value (lambda (e1 e2) e1)) (engine :init-keyword :engine :init-value 'unspecified) (procedure :init-keyword :procedure :init-value (lambda (n e) n))) (define (processor? obj) (is-a? obj )) (define (processor-combinator obj) (slot-ref obj 'combinator)) (define (processor-engine obj) (slot-ref obj 'engine)) ;;; ====================================================================== ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ====================================================================== (define-class () (ident :init-keyword :ident :getter markup-ident :init-value #f) (class :init-keyword :class :getter markup-class :init-value #f) (markup :init-keyword :markup :getter markup-markup)) (define (bind-markup! node) (hash-set! *node-table* (markup-ident node) ;(lambda (cur) (cons node cur)) (list node))) (define-method (initialize (self ) initargs) (next-method) (bind-markup! self)) (define (markup? obj) (is-a? obj )) (define (markup-options obj) (slot-ref obj 'options)) (define markup-body node-body) (define (markup-body-set! m body) (slot-set! m 'resolved? #f) (slot-set! m 'body body)) (define (markup-option m opt) (if (markup? m) (let ((c (assq opt (slot-ref m 'options)))) (and (pair? c) (pair? (cdr c)) (cadr c))) (skribe-type-error 'markup-option "Illegal markup: " m "markup"))) (define (markup-option-set! m opt val) (if (markup? m) (let ((c (assq opt (slot-ref m 'options)))) (if (and (pair? c) (pair? (cdr c))) (set-cdr! c (list val)) (skribe-error 'markup-option-set! "unknown option: " m))) (skribe-type-error 'markup-option-set! "Illegal markup: " m "markup"))) (define (markup-option-add! m opt val) (if (markup? m) (slot-set! m 'options (cons (list opt val) (slot-ref m 'options))) (skribe-type-error 'markup-option "Illegal markup: " m "markup"))) (define (is-markup? obj markup) (and (is-a? obj ) (eq? (slot-ref obj 'markup) markup))) (define (markup-parent m) (let ((p (slot-ref m 'parent))) (if (eq? p 'unspecified) (skribe-error 'markup-parent "Unresolved parent reference" m) p))) (define (markup-document m) (let Loop ((p m) (l #f)) (cond ((is-markup? p 'document) p) ((or (eq? p 'unspecified) (not p)) l) (else (Loop (slot-ref p 'parent) p))))) (define (markup-chapter m) (let loop ((p m) (l #f)) (cond ((is-markup? p 'chapter) p) ((or (eq? p 'unspecified) (not p)) l) (else (loop (slot-ref p 'parent) p))))) (define (find-markups ident) (hash-ref *node-table* ident #f)) (define-method (write (obj ) port) (format port "#<~A (~A/~A) ~A>" (class-name (class-of obj)) (slot-ref obj 'markup) (slot-ref obj 'ident) (object-address obj))) (define-method (write (node ) port) (let ((proc (slot-ref node 'proc))) (format port "#< (~A~A) ~A>" proc (let* ((name (or (procedure-name proc) "")) (source (procedure-source proc)) (file (and source (source-property source 'filename))) (line (and source (source-property source 'line)))) (format (current-error-port) "src=~a~%" source) (string-append name (if file (string-append " " file (if line (number->string line) "")) ""))) (object-address node)))) ;;; XXX: This was already commented out in the original Skribe source. ;;; ;; (define (markup-output markup ;; :optional (engine #f) ;; :key (predicate #f) ;; (options '()) ;; (before #f) ;; (action #f) ;; (after #f)) ;; (let ((e (or engine (use-engine)))) ;; (cond ;; ((not (is-a? e )) ;; (skribe-error 'markup-writer "illegal engine" e)) ;; ((and (not before) ;; (not action) ;; (not after)) ;; (%find-markup-output e markup)) ;; (else ;; (let ((mp (if (procedure? predicate) ;; (lambda (n e) (and (is-markup? n markup) (predicate n e))) ;; (lambda (n e) (is-markup? n markup))))) ;; (engine-output e markup mp options ;; (or before (slot-ref e 'default-before)) ;; (or action (slot-ref e 'default-action)) ;; (or after (slot-ref e 'default-after)))))))) ;;; ====================================================================== ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ====================================================================== (define-class () (env :init-keyword :env :init-value '())) (define (container? obj) (is-a? obj )) (define (container-env obj) (slot-ref obj 'env)) (define container-options markup-options) (define container-ident markup-ident) (define container-body node-body) (define (container-env-get m key) (let ((c (assq key (slot-ref m 'env)))) (and (pair? c) (cadr c)))) ;;; ====================================================================== ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ====================================================================== (define-class ()) (define (document? obj) (is-a? obj )) (define (document-ident obj) (slot-ref obj 'ident)) (define (document-body obj) (slot-ref obj 'body)) (define document-options markup-options) (define document-env container-env) ;;; ;;; AST traversal utilities. ;;; ;; The procedures below are almost unchanged compared to Skribe 1.2d's ;; `lib.scm' file found in the `common' directory, written by Manuel Serrano ;; (I removed uses of `with-debug' et al., though). (define (find-markup-ident ident) (let ((r (find-markups ident))) (if (or (pair? r) (null? r)) r '()))) (define (container-search-down pred obj) (let loop ((obj (markup-body obj))) (cond ((pair? obj) (apply append (map (lambda (o) (loop o)) obj))) ((container? obj) (let ((rest (loop (markup-body obj)))) (if (pred obj) (cons obj rest) rest))) ((pred obj) (list obj)) (else '())))) (define (search-down pred obj) (let loop ((obj (markup-body obj))) (cond ((pair? obj) (apply append (map (lambda (o) (loop o)) obj))) ((markup? obj) (let ((rest (loop (markup-body obj)))) (if (pred obj) (cons obj rest) rest))) ((pred obj) (list obj)) (else '())))) (define (find-down pred obj) (let loop ((obj obj)) (cond ((pair? obj) (apply append (map (lambda (o) (loop o)) obj))) ((markup? obj) (if (pred obj) (list (cons obj (loop (markup-body obj)))) '())) (else (if (pred obj) (list obj) '()))))) (define (find1-down pred obj) (let loop ((obj obj) (stack '())) (cond ((memq obj stack) (skribe-error 'find1-down "Illegal cyclic object" obj)) ((pair? obj) (let liip ((obj obj)) (cond ((null? obj) #f) (else (or (loop (car obj) (cons obj stack)) (liip (cdr obj))))))) ((pred obj) obj) ((markup? obj) (loop (markup-body obj) (cons obj stack))) (else #f)))) (define (find-up pred obj) (let loop ((obj obj) (res '())) (cond ((not (ast? obj)) res) ((pred obj) (loop (ast-parent obj) (cons obj res))) (else (loop (ast-parent obj) (cons obj res)))))) (define (find1-up pred obj) (let loop ((obj obj)) (cond ((not (ast? obj)) #f) ((pred obj) obj) (else (loop (ast-parent obj)))))) (define (ast-document m) (find1-up document? m)) (define (ast-chapter m) (find1-up (lambda (n) (is-markup? n 'chapter)) m)) (define (ast-section m) (find1-up (lambda (n) (is-markup? n 'section)) m)) ;;; arch-tag: e2489bd6-1b6d-4b03-bdfb-83cffd2f7ce7 ;;; ast.scm ends here