;;; skribilo.scm  --  The Skribilo document processor.
;;; Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013,
;;;   2015, 2016, 2018, 2020  Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright 2003, 2004  Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <eg@unice.fr>
;;; This file is part of Skribilo.
;;; Skribilo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; Skribilo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with Skribilo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;; Commentary:
;;; Usage: skribilo [ARGS]
;;; Process a skribilo document using options from the command-line.
;;; Code:

(define-module (skribilo)
  #:autoload    (skribilo module) (make-user-module *skribilo-user-module*)
  #:use-module  (skribilo engine)
  #:use-module  (skribilo reader)

  #:use-module  (skribilo utils syntax)
  #:use-module  (skribilo evaluator)
  #:use-module  (skribilo debug)
  #:use-module  (skribilo parameters)
  #:use-module  (skribilo config)

  #:use-module  (srfi srfi-1)
  #:use-module  (srfi srfi-13)
  #:use-module  (srfi srfi-37)
  #:use-module  (srfi srfi-39)

  #:export (skribilo))

;; Install the Skribilo module syntax reader.

(if (not (keyword? :kw))
    (error "guile-reader sucks"))

;;; Help.

(define (skribilo-show-help)
  (display (G_ "Usage: skribilo [OPTIONS] [INPUT]"))
  (display (G_ "
Process Skribilo document from file INPUT (or standard input) using the
specified reader syntax or the 'skribe' syntax, and produce its output using
the specified engine or the 'html' engine.
  (display (G_ "\
  -R, --reader=READER    use READER to parse the input file;
                         e.g., 'skribe' (default) or 'outline'\n"))
  (display (G_ "\
  -t, --target=ENGINE    use ENGINE as the output engine; e.g., 'html'\n"))
  (display (G_ "\
  -c, --custom=C=VAL     use VAL as the value of ENGINE's custom C\n"))
  (display (G_ "\
  -o, --output=FILE      write output to FILE\n"))
  (display (G_ "\
      --compat=COMPAT    use COMPAT as the compatibility layer; e.g., 'skribe'\n"))
  (display (G_ "\
  -I, --doc-path=DIR     prepend DIR to the document include path\n"))
  (display (G_ "\
  -B, --bib-path=DIR     prepend DIR to the bibliography include path\n"))
  (display (G_ "\
  -S, --source-path=DIR  prepend DIR to the source include path\n"))
  (display (G_ "\
  -P, --image-path=DIR   prepend DIR to the image include path\n"))
  (display (G_ "\
  -U, --sui-path=DIR     prepend DIR to the Skribe URL Index (SUI) search path\n"))
  (display (G_ "\
  -b, --base=BASE        strip BASE from all hyperlinks ('html' engine)\n"))
  (display (G_ "\
  -e, --eval=EXPR        prepend EXPR to the list of expressions to be
                         evaluted before the input file is processed\n"))
  (display (G_ "\
  -p, --preload=FILE     preload FILE before processing the input file\n"))
  (display (G_ "\
  -v, --verbose[=LEVEL]  be verbose, unless LEVEL is 0\n"))
  (display (G_ "\
  -w, --warning[=LEVEL]  issue warnings, unless LEVEL is 0\n"))
  (display (G_ "\
  -g, --debug[=ARG]      issue debugging output, unless ARG is 0; if ARG is
                         not a number, it is interpreted as a symbol to be
  (display (G_ "\
      --no-color         disable colored debugging output\n"))
  (display (G_ "\
  -h, --help             display this help text and exit\n"))
  (display (G_ "\
  -V, --version          display version information and exit\n"))
  (format #t (G_ "\
Report bugs to <~a>.~%")

(define (skribilo-show-version)
  (format #t "skribilo ~a~%" (skribilo-version)))

(define (leave fmt . args)
  (apply format (current-error-port) (string-append fmt "~%") args)
  (exit 1))

;;; Document processing.

(define *skribilo-output-port* (make-parameter (current-output-port)))

(define (doskribe module)
  (let ((output-port (current-output-port))
	(user-module (current-module)))
	(lambda ()
	  ;; FIXME: Using this technique, anything written to `stderr' will
	  ;; also end up in the output file (e.g. Guile warnings).
	  (set-current-output-port (*skribilo-output-port*))
          (set-current-module module)
          (*skribilo-user-module* module))
	(lambda ()
	  ;;(format #t "engine is ~a~%" (*current-engine*))
	  (evaluate-document-from-port (current-input-port)
	(lambda ()
	  (set-current-output-port output-port)
	  (set-current-module user-module)
          (*skribilo-user-module* #f)))))

;;; Argument parsing.

(define (make-path-processor key)
  (lambda (opt name arg result)
    (let ((path (assoc key result)))
      (alist-cons key (if (pair? path)
                          (cons arg (cdr path))
                          (list arg))
                  (alist-delete key result eq?)))))

(define (make-level-processor key default)
  (lambda (opt name arg result)
    (alist-cons key (if (string? arg)
                        (or (string->number arg) default)

(define %options
  ;; Specifications of the command-line options.
  (list (option '(#\h "help") #f #f
                (lambda args
                  (exit 0)))
        (option '(#\V "version") #f #f
                (lambda args
                  (exit 0)))

        (option '(#\R "reader") #t #f
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (alist-cons :reader arg result)))
        (option '(#\t "target") #t #f
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (alist-cons :target arg result)))
        (option '(#\c "custom") #t #f
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (let ((=-pos (string-index arg #\=)))
                    (if (not =-pos)
                        (leave (G_ "~a: missing value for custom") arg)
                        (let ((custom (string-take arg =-pos))
                              (value  (string-drop arg (+ =-pos 1))))
                          (catch 'read-error
                            (lambda ()
                              (let ((custom (string->symbol custom))
                                     (with-input-from-string value read))
                                     (alist-delete :customs result eq?))
                                     (assoc-ref result :customs)))
                                 (alist-cons custom value customs)
                            (lambda (key . args)
                              (leave (G_ "~a: invalid custom value")
        (option '(#\o "output") #t #f
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (if (assoc :output result)
                      (leave "~a: only one output at a time" arg)
                      (alist-cons :output arg result))))

        (option '("compat") #t #f
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (alist-cons :compat arg result)))
        (option '(#\I "doc-path") #t #f
                (make-path-processor :doc-path))
        (option '(#\B "bib-path") #t #f
                (make-path-processor :bib-path))
        (option '(#\S "source-path") #t #f
                (make-path-processor :source-path))
        (option '(#\P "image-path") #t #f
                (make-path-processor :image-path))
        (option '(#\U "sui-path") #t #f
                (make-path-processor :sui-path))

        (option '(#\b "base") #t #f
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (if (assoc :ref-base result)
                      (leave "~a: only one reference base at a time" arg)
                      (alist-cons :ref-base arg result))))
        (option '(#\e "eval") #t #f
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (let ((expr-list (assoc :expressions result))
                        (expr      (with-input-from-string arg read)))
                    (alist-cons :expressions
                                (if (pair? expr-list)
                                    (cons expr (cdr expr-list))
                                    (list expr))
        (option '(#\p "preload") #t #f
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (let ((preloads (assoc :preloads result)))
                    (alist-cons :preloads
                                (if (pair? preloads)
                                    (cons arg preloads)
                                    (list arg))

        (option '(#\v "verbose") #f #t
                (make-level-processor :verbose 0))
        (option '(#\w "warning") #f #t
                (make-level-processor :warning 1))
        (option '(#\g "debug") #f #t
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (let ((num (if arg
                                 (string->number arg)
                    (if (integer? num)
                        (alist-cons :debug num result)
                        (let ((watched (assoc :watched-symbols result)))
                          (alist-cons :watched-symbols
                                      (cons (string->symbol arg)
                                            (cdr watched))
        (option '("no-color") #f #f
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (alist-cons :no-color? #t result)))))

(define %default-options
  ;; Default value of various command-line options.
  '((:debug     . 0)
    (:warning   . 1)
    (:verbose   . 0)
    (:reader    . "skribe")
    (:target    . "html")
    (:compat    . "skribilo")
    (:doc-path    ".")
    (:bib-path    ".")
    (:source-path ".")
    (:image-path  ".")
    (:sui-path    ".")

(define (parse-args args)
  "Parse argument list @var{args} and return an alist with all the relevant
  (args-fold args %options
             (lambda (opt name arg result)
               (leave "~A: unrecognized option" opt))
             (lambda (file result)
               (if (assoc :input result)
                   (leave "~a: only one input file at a time" file)
                   (alist-cons :input file result)))

;;; The program.

(define (skribilo . args)
  ;; Install the user-specified locale.
  (catch 'system-error
    (lambda _
      (setlocale LC_ALL ""))
    (lambda args
      (format (current-error-port)
              (G_ "warning: failed to install locale: ~a~%")
              (strerror (system-error-errno args)))))

  ;; Tell gettext where to look for message catalogs.
  (bindtextdomain %skribilo-text-domain (skribilo-locale-directory))
  (textdomain %skribilo-text-domain)

  (let* ((options           (parse-args args))

	 (reader-name       (string->symbol (assoc-ref options :reader)))
	 (engine            (string->symbol (assoc-ref options :target)))
         (customs           (assoc-ref options :customs))
         (input-file        (assoc-ref options :input))
	 (output-file       (assoc-ref options :output))

         (verbosity-level   (assoc-ref options :verbose))
	 (debugging-level   (assoc-ref options :debug))
	 (warning-level     (assoc-ref options :warning))
         (watched-symbols   (assoc-ref options :watched-symbols))
         (color?            (not (assoc-ref options :no-color?)))

         (ref-base          (assoc-ref options :ref-base))
         (expressions       (assoc-ref options :expressions))

	 (load-path         (assoc-ref options :doc-path))
	 (bib-path          (assoc-ref options :bib-path))
	 (source-path       (assoc-ref options :source-path))
	 (image-path        (assoc-ref options :image-path))
         (sui-path          (assoc-ref options :sui-path))
         (compat            (assoc-ref options :compat))
	 (preloads          (assoc-ref options :preloads))
	 ;;(variants          '()) ;; FIXME: Implement

    (define user-module
      ;; The environment in which the document is evaluated.
      (make-user-module (string->symbol compat)))

    (if (> (*debug*) 4)
	(set! %load-hook
	      (lambda (file)
		(format #t "~~ loading '~a'...~%" file))))

    (parameterize ((*document-reader*   (make-reader reader-name))
		   (*current-engine*    engine)
                   (*ref-base*          ref-base)
		   (*document-path*     load-path)
		   (*bib-path*          bib-path)
		   (*source-path*       source-path)
		   (*image-path*        image-path)
                   (*sui-path*          sui-path)
		   (*debug*             debugging-level)
                   (*debug-use-colors?* color?)
                   (*watched-symbols*   watched-symbols)
		   (*warning*           warning-level)
		   (*verbose*           verbosity-level))

      ;; Load the user rc file (FIXME)

      (or (null? customs)
          (let ((engine (lookup-engine engine)))
            (for-each (lambda (custom+value)
                        (let ((custom (car custom+value))
                              (value  (cdr custom+value)))
                          (engine-custom-set! engine custom value)))

      ;; Evaluate expressions passed as `--eval'.
      (for-each (lambda (expr)
                  (eval expr user-module))
                (or expressions '()))

      ;; Load files passed as `--preload' using the default reader.
      (for-each (lambda (f)
                   (lambda ()
                     (set-current-module user-module)
                     (load f))))
		(or preloads '()))

      ;; Load the specified variants. (FIXME)
;;       (for-each (lambda (x)
;; 		  (skribe-load (format #f "~a.skr" x)
;; 			       :engine (*current-engine*)))
;; 		(reverse! variants))

      (if (and output-file (file-exists? output-file))
          (delete-file output-file))

      ;; Choose UTF-8 as the default encoding so that string ports will
      ;; accept all of Unicode.
        (parameterize ((*destination-file* output-file)
                       (*source-file*      input-file)
                        (if (string? output-file)
                            (open-output-file output-file)

          (setvbuf (*skribilo-output-port*)
                     (guile-2.2 'block)           ;Guile 2.2 and 3.0
                     (else      _IOFBF))

          (if input-file
              (with-input-from-file input-file
                (lambda ()
                  (doskribe user-module)))
              (doskribe user-module))

          ;; Make sure the output port is flushed before we leave.
          (force-output (*skribilo-output-port*)))))))

;;; skribilo ends here.