;;;; ;;;; lisp.stk -- Lisp Family Fontification ;;;; ;;;; Copyright © 2003-2004 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, ;;;; USA. ;;;; ;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio [eg@essi.fr] ;;;; Creation date: 16-Oct-2003 22:17 (eg) ;;;; Last file update: 28-Oct-2004 21:14 (eg) ;;;; (require "lex-rt") ;; to avoid module problems (define-module (skribe lisp) :export (skribe scheme stklos bigloo lisp) :import (skribe source)) (include "lisp-lex.stk") ;; SILex generated (define *bracket-highlight* #f) (define *class-highlight* #f) (define *the-keys* #f) (define *lisp-keys* #f) (define *scheme-keys* #f) (define *skribe-keys* #f) (define *stklos-keys* #f) (define *lisp-keys* #f) ;;; ;;; DEFINITION-SEARCH ;;; (define (definition-search inp tab test) (let Loop ((exp (%read inp))) (unless (eof-object? exp) (if (test exp) (let ((start (and (%epair? exp) (%epair-line exp))) (stop (port-current-line inp))) (source-read-lines (port-file-name inp) start stop tab)) (Loop (%read inp)))))) (define (lisp-family-fontifier s) (let ((lex (lisp-lex (open-input-string s)))) (let Loop ((token (lexer-next-token lex)) (res '())) (if (eq? token 'eof) (reverse! res) (Loop (lexer-next-token lex) (cons token res)))))) ;;;; ====================================================================== ;;;; ;;;; LISP ;;;; ;;;; ====================================================================== (define (lisp-extractor iport def tab) (definition-search iport tab (lambda (exp) (match-case exp (((or defun defmacro) ?fun ?- . ?-) (and (eq? def fun) exp)) ((defvar ?var . ?-) (and (eq? var def) exp)) (else #f))))) (define (init-lisp-keys) (unless *lisp-keys* (set! *lisp-keys* (append ;; key (map (lambda (x) (cons x '&source-keyword)) '(setq if let let* letrec cond case else progn lambda)) ;; define (map (lambda (x) (cons x '&source-define)) '(defun defclass defmacro))))) *lisp-keys*) (define (lisp-fontifier s) (fluid-let ((*the-keys* (init-lisp-keys)) (*bracket-highlight* #f) (*class-highlight* #f)) (lisp-family-fontifier s))) (define lisp (new language (name "lisp") (fontifier lisp-fontifier) (extractor lisp-extractor))) ;;;; ====================================================================== ;;;; ;;;; SCHEME ;;;; ;;;; ====================================================================== (define (scheme-extractor iport def tab) (definition-search iport tab (lambda (exp) (match-case exp (((or define define-macro) (?fun . ?-) . ?-) (and (eq? def fun) exp)) ((define (and (? symbol?) ?var) . ?-) (and (eq? var def) exp)) (else #f))))) (define (init-scheme-keys) (unless *scheme-keys* (set! *scheme-keys* (append ;; key (map (lambda (x) (cons x '&source-keyword)) '(set! if let let* letrec quote cond case else begin do lambda)) ;; define (map (lambda (x) (cons x '&source-define)) '(define define-syntax))))) *scheme-keys*) (define (scheme-fontifier s) (fluid-let ((*the-keys* (init-scheme-keys)) (*bracket-highlight* #f) (*class-highlight* #f)) (lisp-family-fontifier s))) (define scheme (new language (name "scheme") (fontifier scheme-fontifier) (extractor scheme-extractor))) ;;;; ====================================================================== ;;;; ;;;; STKLOS ;;;; ;;;; ====================================================================== (define (stklos-extractor iport def tab) (definition-search iport tab (lambda (exp) (match-case exp (((or define define-generic define-method define-macro) (?fun . ?-) . ?-) (and (eq? def fun) exp)) (((or define define-module) (and (? symbol?) ?var) . ?-) (and (eq? var def) exp)) (else #f))))) (define (init-stklos-keys) (unless *stklos-keys* (init-scheme-keys) (set! *stklos-keys* (append *scheme-keys* ;; Markups (map (lambda (x) (cons x '&source-key)) '(select-module import export)) ;; Key (map (lambda (x) (cons x '&source-keyword)) '(case-lambda dotimes match-case match-lambda)) ;; Define (map (lambda (x) (cons x '&source-define)) '(define-generic define-class define-macro define-method define-module)) ;; error (map (lambda (x) (cons x '&source-error)) '(error call/cc))))) *stklos-keys*) (define (stklos-fontifier s) (fluid-let ((*the-keys* (init-stklos-keys)) (*bracket-highlight* #t) (*class-highlight* #t)) (lisp-family-fontifier s))) (define stklos (new language (name "stklos") (fontifier stklos-fontifier) (extractor stklos-extractor))) ;;;; ====================================================================== ;;;; ;;;; SKRIBE ;;;; ;;;; ====================================================================== (define (skribe-extractor iport def tab) (definition-search iport tab (lambda (exp) (match-case exp (((or define define-macro define-markup) (?fun . ?-) . ?-) (and (eq? def fun) exp)) ((define (and (? symbol?) ?var) . ?-) (and (eq? var def) exp)) ((markup-output (quote ?mk) . ?-) (and (eq? mk def) exp)) (else #f))))) (define (init-skribe-keys) (unless *skribe-keys* (init-stklos-keys) (set! *skribe-keys* (append *stklos-keys* ;; Markups (map (lambda (x) (cons x '&source-markup)) '(bold it emph tt color ref index underline roman figure center pre flush hrule linebreak image kbd code var samp sc sf sup sub itemize description enumerate item table tr td th item prgm author prgm hook font document chapter section subsection subsubsection paragraph p handle resolve processor abstract margin toc table-of-contents current-document current-chapter current-section document-sections* section-number footnote print-index include skribe-load slide)) ;; Define (map (lambda (x) (cons x '&source-define)) '(define-markup))))) *skribe-keys*) (define (skribe-fontifier s) (fluid-let ((*the-keys* (init-skribe-keys)) (*bracket-highlight* #t) (*class-highlight* #t)) (lisp-family-fontifier s))) (define skribe (new language (name "skribe") (fontifier skribe-fontifier) (extractor skribe-extractor))) ;;;; ====================================================================== ;;;; ;;;; BIGLOO ;;;; ;;;; ====================================================================== (define (bigloo-extractor iport def tab) (definition-search iport tab (lambda (exp) (match-case exp (((or define define-inline define-generic define-method define-macro define-expander) (?fun . ?-) . ?-) (and (eq? def fun) exp)) (((or define define-struct define-library) (and (? symbol?) ?var) . ?-) (and (eq? var def) exp)) (else #f))))) (define bigloo (new language (name "bigloo") (fontifier scheme-fontifier) (extractor bigloo-extractor)))