;*=====================================================================*/ ;* serrano/prgm/project/skribe/src/common/sui.scm */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Author : Manuel Serrano */ ;* Creation : Wed Dec 31 11:44:33 2003 */ ;* Last change : Tue Feb 17 11:35:32 2004 (serrano) */ ;* Copyright : 2003-04 Manuel Serrano */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Skribe Url Indexes */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Implementation: @label lib@ */ ;* bigloo: @path ../bigloo/sui.bgl@ */ ;*=====================================================================*/ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* *sui-table* ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define *sui-table* (make-hashtable)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* load-sui ... */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Returns a SUI sexp if already loaded. Load it otherwise. */ ;* Raise an error if the file cannot be open. */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (load-sui path) (let ((sexp (hashtable-get *sui-table* path))) (or sexp (begin (when (> *skribe-verbose* 0) (fprintf (current-error-port) " [loading sui: ~a]\n" path)) (let ((p (open-input-file path))) (if (not (input-port? p)) (skribe-error 'load-sui "Can't find `Skribe Url Index' file" path) (unwind-protect (let ((sexp (read p))) (match-case sexp ((sui (? string?) . ?-) (hashtable-put! *sui-table* path sexp)) (else (skribe-error 'load-sui "Illegal `Skribe Url Index' file" path))) sexp) (close-input-port p)))))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* sui-ref->url ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (sui-ref->url dir sui ident opts) (let ((refs (sui-find-ref sui ident opts))) (and (pair? refs) (let ((base (sui-file sui)) (file (car (car refs))) (mark (cdr (car refs)))) (format "~a/~a#~a" dir (or file base) mark))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* sui-title ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (sui-title sexp) (match-case sexp ((sui (and ?title (? string?)) . ?-) title) (else (skribe-error 'sui-title "Illegal `sui' format" sexp)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* sui-file ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (sui-file sexp) (sui-key sexp :file)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* sui-key ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (sui-key sexp key) (match-case sexp ((sui ?- . ?rest) (let loop ((rest rest)) (and (pair? rest) (if (eq? (car rest) key) (and (pair? (cdr rest)) (cadr rest)) (loop (cdr rest)))))) (else (skribe-error 'sui-key "Illegal `sui' format" sexp)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* sui-find-ref ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (sui-find-ref sui ident opts) (let ((ident (assq :ident opts)) (mark (assq :mark opts)) (class (let ((c (assq :class opts))) (and (pair? c) (cadr c)))) (chapter (assq :chapter opts)) (section (assq :section opts)) (subsection (assq :subsection opts)) (subsubsection (assq :subsubsection opts))) (match-case sui ((sui (? string?) . ?refs) (cond (mark (sui-search-ref 'marks refs (cadr mark) class)) (chapter (sui-search-ref 'chapters refs (cadr chapter) class)) (section (sui-search-ref 'sections refs (cadr section) class)) (subsection (sui-search-ref 'subsections refs (cadr subsection) class)) (subsubsection (sui-search-ref 'subsubsections refs (cadr subsubsection) class)) (ident (sui-search-all-refs sui ident class)) (else '()))) (else (skribe-error 'sui-find-ref "Illegal `sui' format" sui))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* sui-search-all-refs ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (sui-search-all-refs sui id refs) '()) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* sui-search-ref ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (sui-search-ref kind refs val class) (define (find-ref refs val class) (map (lambda (r) (let ((f (memq :file r)) (c (memq :mark r))) (cons (and (pair? f) (cadr f)) (and (pair? c) (cadr c))))) (filter (if class (lambda (m) (and (pair? m) (string? (car m)) (string=? (car m) val) (let ((c (memq :class m))) (and (pair? c) (eq? (cadr c) class))))) (lambda (m) (and (pair? m) (string? (car m)) (string=? (car m) val)))) refs))) (let loop ((refs refs)) (if (pair? refs) (if (and (pair? (car refs)) (eq? (caar refs) kind)) (find-ref (cdar refs) val class) (loop (cdr refs))) '()))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* sui-filter ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (sui-filter sui pred1 pred2) (match-case sui ((sui (? string?) . ?refs) (let loop ((refs refs) (res '())) (if (pair? refs) (if (and (pred1 (car refs))) (loop (cdr refs) (cons (filter pred2 (cdar refs)) res)) (loop (cdr refs) res)) (reverse! res)))) (else (skribe-error 'sui-filter "Illegal `sui' format" sui))))