;*    serrano/prgm/project/skribe/src/common/sui.scm                   */
;*    -------------------------------------------------------------    */
;*    Author      :  Manuel Serrano                                    */
;*    Creation    :  Wed Dec 31 11:44:33 2003                          */
;*    Last change :  Tue Feb 17 11:35:32 2004 (serrano)                */
;*    Copyright   :  2003-04 Manuel Serrano                            */
;*    -------------------------------------------------------------    */
;*    Skribe Url Indexes                                               */
;*    -------------------------------------------------------------    */
;*    Implementation: @label lib@                                      */
;*    bigloo: @path ../bigloo/sui.bgl@                                 */

;*    *sui-table* ...                                                  */
(define *sui-table* (make-hashtable))

;*    load-sui ...                                                     */
;*    -------------------------------------------------------------    */
;*    Returns a SUI sexp if already loaded. Load it otherwise.         */
;*    Raise an error if the file cannot be open.                       */
(define (load-sui path)
   (let ((sexp (hashtable-get *sui-table* path)))
      (or sexp
	     (when (> *skribe-verbose* 0)
		(fprintf (current-error-port) "  [loading sui: ~a]\n" path))
	     (let ((p (open-input-file path)))
		(if (not (input-port? p))
		    (skribe-error 'load-sui
				  "Can't find `Skribe Url Index' file"
		       (let ((sexp (read p)))
			  (match-case sexp
			     ((sui (? string?) . ?-)
			      (hashtable-put! *sui-table* path sexp))
			      (skribe-error 'load-sui
					    "Illegal `Skribe Url Index' file"
		       (close-input-port p))))))))

;*    sui-ref->url ...                                                 */
(define (sui-ref->url dir sui ident opts)
   (let ((refs (sui-find-ref sui ident opts)))
      (and (pair? refs)
	   (let ((base (sui-file sui))
		 (file (car (car refs)))
		 (mark (cdr (car refs))))
	      (format "~a/~a#~a" dir (or file base) mark)))))

;*    sui-title ...                                                    */
(define (sui-title sexp)
   (match-case sexp
      ((sui (and ?title (? string?)) . ?-)
       (skribe-error 'sui-title "Illegal `sui' format" sexp))))

;*    sui-file ...                                                     */
(define (sui-file sexp)
   (sui-key sexp :file))

;*    sui-key ...                                                      */
(define (sui-key sexp key)
   (match-case sexp
      ((sui ?- . ?rest)
       (let loop ((rest rest))
	  (and (pair? rest)
	       (if (eq? (car rest) key)
		   (and (pair? (cdr rest))
			(cadr rest))
		   (loop (cdr rest))))))
       (skribe-error 'sui-key "Illegal `sui' format" sexp))))

;*    sui-find-ref ...                                                 */
(define (sui-find-ref sui ident opts)
   (let ((ident (assq :ident opts))
	 (mark (assq :mark opts))
	 (class (let ((c (assq :class opts)))
		   (and (pair? c) (cadr c))))
	 (chapter (assq :chapter opts))
	 (section (assq :section opts))
	 (subsection (assq :subsection opts))
	 (subsubsection (assq :subsubsection opts)))
      (match-case sui
	 ((sui (? string?) . ?refs)
	     (mark (sui-search-ref 'marks refs (cadr mark) class))
	     (chapter (sui-search-ref 'chapters refs (cadr chapter) class))
	     (section (sui-search-ref 'sections refs (cadr section) class))
	     (subsection (sui-search-ref 'subsections refs (cadr subsection) class))
	     (subsubsection (sui-search-ref 'subsubsections refs (cadr subsubsection) class))
	     (ident (sui-search-all-refs sui ident class))
	     (else '())))
	  (skribe-error 'sui-find-ref "Illegal `sui' format" sui)))))

;*    sui-search-all-refs ...                                          */
(define (sui-search-all-refs sui id refs)

;*    sui-search-ref ...                                               */
(define (sui-search-ref kind refs val class)
   (define (find-ref refs val class)
      (map (lambda (r)
	      (let ((f (memq :file r))
		    (c (memq :mark r)))
		 (cons (and (pair? f) (cadr f)) (and (pair? c) (cadr c)))))
	   (filter (if class
		       (lambda (m)
			  (and (pair? m)
			       (string? (car m))
			       (string=? (car m) val)
			       (let ((c (memq :class m)))
				  (and (pair? c)
				       (eq? (cadr c) class)))))
		       (lambda (m)
			  (and (pair? m)
			       (string? (car m))
			       (string=? (car m) val))))
   (let loop ((refs refs))
      (if (pair? refs)
	  (if (and (pair? (car refs)) (eq? (caar refs) kind))
	      (find-ref (cdar refs) val class)
	      (loop (cdr refs)))
;*    sui-filter ...                                                   */
(define (sui-filter sui pred1 pred2)
   (match-case sui
      ((sui (? string?) . ?refs)
       (let loop ((refs refs)
		  (res '()))
	  (if (pair? refs)
	      (if (and (pred1 (car refs)))
		  (loop (cdr refs)
			(cons (filter pred2 (cdar refs)) res))
		  (loop (cdr refs) res))
	      (reverse! res))))
       (skribe-error 'sui-filter "Illegal `sui' format" sui))))