;;; ;;; LES CUSTOMS SONT TROP SPECIFIQUES POUR LA DISTRIBS. NE DOIT PAS VIRER ;;; CE FICHIER (sion simplifie il ne rest plus grand chose) ;;; Erick 27-10-04 ;;; ;*=====================================================================*/ ;* scmws04/src/latex-style.skr */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Author : Damien Ciabrini */ ;* Creation : Tue Aug 24 19:17:04 2004 */ ;* Last change : Thu Oct 28 21:45:25 2004 (eg) */ ;* Copyright : 2004 Damien Ciabrini, see LICENCE file */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Custom style for Latex... */ ;*=====================================================================*/ (let* ((le (find-engine 'latex)) (oa (markup-writer-get 'author le))) ; latex class & package for the workshop (engine-custom-set! le 'documentclass "\\documentclass[letterpaper]{sigplan-proc}") (engine-custom-set! le 'usepackage "\\usepackage{epsfig} \\usepackage{workshop} \\conferenceinfo{Fifth Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming.} {September 22, 2004, Snowbird, Utah, USA.} \\CopyrightYear{2004} \\CopyrightHolder{Damien Ciabrini} \\renewcommand{\\ttdefault}{cmtt} ") (engine-custom-set! le 'image-format '("eps")) (engine-custom-set! le 'source-define-color "#000080") (engine-custom-set! le 'source-thread-color "#8080f0") (engine-custom-set! le 'source-string-color "#000000") ; hyperref options (engine-custom-set! le 'hyperref #t) (engine-custom-set! le 'hyperref-usepackage "\\usepackage[bookmarksopen=true, bookmarksopenlevel=2,bookmarksnumbered=true,colorlinks,linkcolor=blue,citecolor=blue,pdftitle={Debugging Scheme Fair Threads}, pdfsubject={debugging cooperative threads based on reactive programming}, pdfkeywords={debugger, functional, reactive programming, Scheme}, pdfauthor={Damien Ciabrini}]{hyperref}") ; nbsp with ~ char (set! latex-encoding (delete! (assoc #\~ latex-encoding) latex-encoding)) ; let latex process citations (markup-writer 'bib-ref le :options '(:text :bib) :before "\\cite{" :action (lambda (n e) (display (markup-option n :bib))) :after "}") (markup-writer 'bib-ref+ le :options '(:text :bib) :before "\\cite{" :action (lambda (n e) (let loop ((bibs (markup-option n :bib))) (if (pair? bibs) (begin (display (car bibs)) (if (pair? (cdr bibs)) (display ", ")) (loop (cdr bibs)))))) :after "}") (markup-writer '&the-bibliography le :action (lambda (n e) (print "\\bibliographystyle{abbrv}") (display "\\bibliography{biblio}"))) ; ACM-style for authors (markup-writer '&latex-author le :before (lambda (n e) (let ((body (markup-body n))) (if (pair? body) (print "\\numberofauthors{" (length body) "}")) (print "\\author{"))) :after "}\n") (markup-writer 'author le :options (writer-options oa) :before "" :action (lambda (n e) (let ((name (markup-option n :name)) (affiliation (markup-option n :affiliation)) (address (markup-option n :address)) (email (markup-option n :email))) (define (row pre n post) (display pre) (output n e) (display post) (display "\\\\\n")) ;; name (if name (row "\\alignauthor " name "")) ;; affiliation (if affiliation (row "\\affaddr{" affiliation "}")) ;; address (if (pair? address) (for-each (lambda (x) (row "\\affaddr{" x "}")) address)) ;; email (if email (row "\\email{" email "}")))) :after "") ) (define (include-biblio) (the-bibliography))