;*=====================================================================*/ ;* serrano/prgm/project/skribe/skr/base.skr */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Author : Manuel Serrano */ ;* Creation : Sat Jul 26 12:39:30 2003 */ ;* Last change : Wed Oct 27 11:24:20 2004 (eg) */ ;* Copyright : 2003-04 Manuel Serrano */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* BASE Skribe engine */ ;*=====================================================================*/ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* base-engine ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define base-engine (default-engine-set! (make-engine 'base :version 'plain :symbol-table '(("iexcl" "!") ("cent" "c") ("lguillemet" "\"") ("not" "!") ("registered" "(r)") ("degree" "o") ("plusminus" "+/-") ("micro" "o") ("paragraph" "p") ("middot" ".") ("rguillemet" "\"") ("iquestion" "?") ("Agrave" "�") ("Aacute" "A") ("Acircumflex" "�") ("Atilde" "A") ("Amul" "A") ("Aring" "A") ("AEligature" "AE") ("Oeligature" "OE") ("Ccedilla" "�") ("Egrave" "�") ("Eacute" "�") ("Ecircumflex" "�") ("Euml" "E") ("Igrave" "I") ("Iacute" "I") ("Icircumflex" "�") ("Iuml" "I") ("ETH" "D") ("Ntilde" "N") ("Ograve" "O") ("Oacute" "O") ("Ocurcumflex" "O") ("Otilde" "O") ("Ouml" "O") ("times" "x") ("Oslash" "O") ("Ugrave" "�") ("Uacute" "U") ("Ucircumflex" "�") ("Uuml" "�") ("Yacute" "Y") ("agrave" "�") ("aacute" "a") ("acircumflex" "�") ("atilde" "a") ("amul" "a") ("aring" "a") ("aeligature" "�") ("oeligature" "oe") ("ccedilla" "�") ("egrave" "�") ("eacute" "�") ("ecircumflex" "�") ("euml" "e") ("igrave" "i") ("iacute" "i") ("icircumflex" "�") ("iuml" "i") ("ntilde" "n") ("ograve" "o") ("oacute" "o") ("ocurcumflex" "o") ("otilde" "o") ("ouml" "o") ("divide" "/") ("oslash" "o") ("ugrave" "�") ("uacute" "u") ("ucircumflex" "�") ("uuml" "�") ("yacute" "y") ("ymul" "y") ;; punctuation ("bullet" ".") ("ellipsis" "...") ("<-" "<-") ("<--" "<--") ("uparrow" "^;") ("->" "->") ("-->" "-->") ("downarrow" "v") ("<->" "<->") ("<-->" "<-->") ("<+" "<+") ("<=" "<=;") ("<==" "<==") ("Uparrow" "^") ("=>" "=>") ("==>" "==>") ("Downarrow" "v") ("<=>" "<=>") ("<==>" "<==>") ;; Mathematical operators ("asterisk" "*") ("angle" "<") ("and" "^;") ("or" "v") ("models" "|=") ("vdash" "|-") ("dashv" "-|") ("sim" "~") ("mid" "|") ("langle" "<") ("rangle" ">") ;; LaTeX ("circ" "o") ("top" "T") ("lhd" "<") ("rhd" ">") ("parallel" "||"))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* mark ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'symbol :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((s (markup-body n)) (c (assoc s (engine-symbol-table e)))) (if (pair? c) (display (cadr c)) (output s e))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* unref ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'unref :options 'all :action (lambda (n e) (let* ((s (markup-option n :skribe)) (k (markup-option n 'kind)) (f (cond (s (format "?~a@~a " k s)) (else (format "?~a " k)))) (msg (list f (markup-body n))) (n (list "[" (color :fg "red" (bold msg)) "]"))) (skribe-eval n e)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &the-bibliography ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&the-bibliography :before (lambda (n e) (let ((w (markup-writer-get 'table e))) (and (writer? w) (invoke (writer-before w) n e)))) :action (lambda (n e) (when (pair? (markup-body n)) (for-each (lambda (i) (output i e)) (markup-body n)))) :after (lambda (n e) (let ((w (markup-writer-get 'table e))) (and (writer? w) (invoke (writer-after w) n e))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &bib-entry ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&bib-entry :options '(:title) :before (lambda (n e) (invoke (writer-before (markup-writer-get 'tr e)) n e)) :action (lambda (n e) (let ((wtc (markup-writer-get 'tc e))) ;; the label (markup-option-add! n :valign 'top) (markup-option-add! n :align 'right) (invoke (writer-before wtc) n e) (output n e (markup-writer-get '&bib-entry-label e)) (invoke (writer-after wtc) n e) ;; the body (markup-option-add! n :valign 'top) (markup-option-add! n :align 'left) (invoke (writer-before wtc) n e) (output n e (markup-writer-get '&bib-entry-body)) (invoke (writer-after wtc) n e))) :after (lambda (n e) (invoke (writer-after (markup-writer-get 'tr e)) n e))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &bib-entry-label ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&bib-entry-label :options '(:title) :before "[" :action (lambda (n e) (output (markup-option n :title) e)) :after "]") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &bib-entry-body ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&bib-entry-body :action (lambda (n e) (define (output-fields descr) (let loop ((descr descr) (pending #f) (armed #f)) (cond ((null? descr) 'done) ((pair? (car descr)) (if (eq? (caar descr) 'or) (let ((o1 (cadr (car descr)))) (if (markup-option n o1) (loop (cons o1 (cdr descr)) pending #t) (let ((o2 (caddr (car descr)))) (loop (cons o2 (cdr descr)) pending armed)))) (let ((o (markup-option n (cadr (car descr))))) (if o (begin (if (and pending armed) (output pending e)) (output (caar descr) e) (output o e) (if (pair? (cddr (car descr))) (output (caddr (car descr)) e)) (loop (cdr descr) #f #t)) (loop (cdr descr) pending armed))))) ((symbol? (car descr)) (let ((o (markup-option n (car descr)))) (if o (begin (if (and armed pending) (output pending e)) (output o e) (loop (cdr descr) #f #t)) (loop (cdr descr) pending armed)))) ((null? (cdr descr)) (output (car descr) e)) ((string? (car descr)) (loop (cdr descr) (if pending pending (car descr)) armed)) (else (skribe-error 'output-bib-fields "Illegal description" (car descr)))))) (output-fields (case (markup-option n 'kind) ((techreport) `(author " -- " (or title url documenturl) " -- " number ", " institution ", " address ", " month ", " year ", " ("pp. " pages) ".")) ((article) `(author " -- " (or title url documenturl) " -- " journal ", " volume "" ("(" number ")") ", " address ", " month ", " year ", " ("pp. " pages) ".")) ((inproceedings) `(author " -- " (or title url documenturl) " -- " booktitle ", " series ", " ("(" number ")") ", " address ", " month ", " year ", " ("pp. " pages) ".")) ((book) '(author " -- " (or title url documenturl) " -- " publisher ", " address ", " month ", " year ", " ("pp. " pages) ".")) ((phdthesis) '(author " -- " (or title url documenturl) " -- " type ", " school ", " address ", " month ", " year".")) ((misc) '(author " -- " (or title url documenturl) " -- " publisher ", " address ", " month ", " year".")) (else '(author " -- " (or title url documenturl) " -- " publisher ", " address ", " month ", " year ", " ("pp. " pages) ".")))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &bib-entry-ident ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&bib-entry-ident :action (lambda (n e) (output (markup-option n 'number) e))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &bib-entry-title ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&bib-entry-title :action (lambda (n e) (skribe-eval (bold (markup-body n)) e))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &bib-entry-publisher ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&bib-entry-publisher :action (lambda (n e) (skribe-eval (it (markup-body n)) e))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &the-index ... @label the-index@ */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&the-index :options '(:column) :before (lambda (n e) (output (markup-option n 'header) e)) :action (lambda (n e) (define (make-mark-entry n fst) (let ((l (tr :class 'index-mark-entry (td :colspan 2 :align 'left (bold (it (sf n))))))) (if fst (list l) (list (tr (td :colspan 2)) l)))) (define (make-primary-entry n p) (let* ((note (markup-option n :note)) (b (markup-body n)) (c (if note (list b (it (list " (" note ")"))) b))) (when p (markup-option-add! b :text (list (markup-option b :text) ", p.")) (markup-option-add! b :page #t)) (tr :class 'index-primary-entry (td :colspan 2 :valign 'top :align 'left c)))) (define (make-secondary-entry n p) (let* ((note (markup-option n :note)) (b (markup-body n)) (bb (markup-body b))) (cond ((not (or bb (is-markup? b 'url-ref))) (skribe-error 'the-index "Illegal entry" b)) (note (let ((r (if bb (it (ref :class "the-index-secondary" :handle bb :page p :text (if p (list note ", p.") note))) (it (ref :class "the-index-secondary" :url (markup-option b :url) :page p :text (if p (list note ", p.") note)))))) (tr :class 'index-secondary-entry (td :valign 'top :align 'right :width 1. " ...") (td :valign 'top :align 'left r)))) (else (let ((r (if bb (ref :class "the-index-secondary" :handle bb :page p :text (if p " ..., p." " ...")) (ref :class "the-index-secondary" :url (markup-option b :url) :page p :text (if p " ..., p." " ..."))))) (tr :class 'index-secondary-entry (td :valign 'top :align 'right :width 1.) (td :valign 'top :align 'left r))))))) (define (make-column ie p) (let loop ((ie ie) (f #t)) (cond ((null? ie) '()) ((not (pair? (car ie))) (append (make-mark-entry (car ie) f) (loop (cdr ie) #f))) (else (cons (make-primary-entry (caar ie) p) (append (map (lambda (x) (make-secondary-entry x p)) (cdar ie)) (loop (cdr ie) #f))))))) (define (make-sub-tables ie nc p) (let* ((l (length ie)) (w (/ 100. nc)) (iepc (let ((d (/ l nc))) (if (integer? d) (inexact->exact d) (+ 1 (inexact->exact (truncate d)))))) (split (list-split ie iepc))) (tr (map (lambda (ies) (td :valign 'top :width w (if (pair? ies) (table :width 100. (make-column ies p)) ""))) split)))) (let* ((ie (markup-body n)) (nc (markup-option n :column)) (loc (ast-loc n)) (pref (eq? (engine-custom e 'index-page-ref) #t)) (t (cond ((null? ie) "") ((or (not (integer? nc)) (= nc 1)) (table :width 100. :&skribe-eval-location loc :class "index-table" (make-column ie pref))) (else (table :width 100. :&skribe-eval-location loc :class "index-table" (make-sub-tables ie nc pref)))))) (output (skribe-eval t e) e)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &the-index-header ... */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* The index header is only useful for targets that support */ ;* hyperlinks such as HTML. */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&the-index-header :action (lambda (n e) #f)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* &prog-line ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer '&prog-line :before (lambda (n e) (let ((n (markup-ident n))) (if n (skribe-eval (it (list n) ": ") e)))) :after "\n") ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* line-ref ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (markup-writer 'line-ref :options '(:offset) :action (lambda (n e) (let ((o (markup-option n :offset)) (n (markup-ident (handle-body (markup-body n))))) (skribe-eval (it (if (integer? o) (+ o n) n)) e)))) ;;;; A VIRER (mais handle-body n'est pas d�fini) (markup-writer 'line-ref :options '(:offset) :action #f)