;*=====================================================================*/ ;* serrano/prgm/project/skribe/skr/skribe.skr */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Author : Manuel Serrano */ ;* Creation : Fri Jan 11 11:23:12 2002 */ ;* Last change : Sun Jul 11 12:22:38 2004 (serrano) */ ;* Copyright : 2002-04 Manuel Serrano */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* The standard Skribe style (always loaded). */ ;*=====================================================================*/ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* p ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-markup (p #!rest opt #!key ident (class #f) &skribe-eval-location) (paragraph :ident ident :class class :loc &skribe-eval-location (the-body opt))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* fg ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (fg c . body) (color :fg c body)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* bg ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (bg c . body) (color :bg c body)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* counter ... */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* This produces a kind of "local enumeration" that is: */ ;* (counting "toto," "tutu," "titi.") */ ;* produces: */ ;* i) toto, ii) tutu, iii) titi. */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-markup (counter #!rest opts #!key (numbering 'roman)) (define items (if (eq? (car opts) :numbering) (cddr opts) opts)) (define vroman '#(- "i" "ii" "iii" "iv" "v" "vi" "vii" "viii" "ix" "x")) (define (the-roman-number num) (if (< num (vector-length vroman)) (list (list "(" (it (vector-ref vroman num)) ") ")) (skribe-error 'counter "too many items for roman numbering" (length items)))) (define (the-arabic-number num) (list (list "(" (it (integer->string num)) ") "))) (define (the-alpha-number num) (list (list "(" (it (+ (integer->char #\a) num -1)) ") "))) (let ((the-number (case numbering ((roman) the-roman-number) ((arabic) the-arabic-number) ((alpha) the-alpha-number) (else (skribe-error 'counter "Illegal numbering" numbering))))) (let loop ((num 1) (items items) (res '())) (if (null? items) (reverse! res) (loop (+ num 1) (cdr items) (cons (list (the-number num) (car items)) res)))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* q */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-markup (q #!rest opt) (new markup (markup 'q) (options (the-options opt)) (body (the-body opt))))