;* serrano/prgm/project/skribe/skr/html.skr */
;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
;* Author : Manuel Serrano */
;* Creation : Sat Jul 26 12:28:57 2003 */
;* Last change : Thu Jun 2 10:57:42 2005 (serrano) */
;* Copyright : 2003-05 Manuel Serrano */
;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
;* HTML Skribe engine */
;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
;* Implementation: */
;* common: @path ../src/common/api.src@ */
;* bigloo: @path ../src/bigloo/api.bgl@ */
;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
;* doc: */
;* @ref ../../doc/user/htmle.skb:ref@ */
;* html-engine ... */
(define html-engine
;; setup the html engine
(make-engine 'html
:version 1.0
:format "html"
:delegate (find-engine 'base)
:filter (make-string-replace '((#\< "<")
(#\> ">")
(#\& "&")
(#\" """)
(#\@ "@")))
:custom `(;; the icon associated with the URL
(favicon #f)
;; charset used
(charset "ISO-8859-1")
;; enable/disable Javascript
(javascript #f)
;; user html head
(head #f)
;; user CSS
(css ())
;; user inlined CSS
(inline-css ())
;; user JS
(js ())
;; emit-sui
(emit-sui #f)
;; the body
(background "#ffffff")
(foreground #f)
;; the margins
(margin-padding 3)
(left-margin #f)
(chapter-left-margin #f)
(section-left-margin #f)
(left-margin-font #f)
(left-margin-size 17.)
(left-margin-background "#dedeff")
(left-margin-foreground #f)
(right-margin #f)
(chapter-right-margin #f)
(section-right-margin #f)
(right-margin-font #f)
(right-margin-size 17.)
(right-margin-background "#dedeff")
(right-margin-foreground #f)
;; author configuration
(author-font #f)
;; title configuration
(title-font #f)
(title-background "#8381de")
(title-foreground #f)
(file-title-separator " -- ")
;; index configuration
(index-header-font-size +2.)
;; chapter configuration
(chapter-number->string number->string)
(chapter-file #f)
;; section configuration
(section-title-start "
(section-title-stop "
(section-title-background "#dedeff")
(section-title-foreground "black")
(section-title-number-separator " ")
(section-number->string number->string)
(section-file #f)
;; subsection configuration
(subsection-title-start "")
(subsection-title-stop "
(subsection-title-background "#ffffff")
(subsection-title-foreground "#8381de")
(subsection-title-number-separator " ")
(subsection-number->string number->string)
(subsection-file #f)
;; subsubsection configuration
(subsubsection-title-start "")
(subsubsection-title-stop "
(subsubsection-title-background #f)
(subsubsection-title-foreground "#8381de")
(subsubsection-title-number-separator " ")
(subsubsection-number->string number->string)
(subsubsection-file #f)
;; source fontification
(source-color #t)
(source-comment-color "#ffa600")
(source-error-color "red")
(source-define-color "#6959cf")
(source-module-color "#1919af")
(source-markup-color "#1919af")
(source-thread-color "#ad4386")
(source-string-color "red")
(source-bracket-color "red")
(source-type-color "#00cf00")
;; image
(image-format ("png" "gif" "jpg" "jpeg")))
:symbol-table '(("iexcl" "¡")
("cent" "¢")
("pound" "£")
("currency" "¤")
("yen" "¥")
("section" "§")
("mul" "¨")
("copyright" "©")
("female" "ª")
("lguillemet" "«")
("not" "¬")
("registered" "®")
("degree" "°")
("plusminus" "±")
("micro" "µ")
("paragraph" "¶")
("middot" "·")
("male" "¸")
("rguillemet" "»")
("1/4" "¼")
("1/2" "½")
("3/4" "¾")
("iquestion" "¿")
("Agrave" "À")
("Aacute" "Á")
("Acircumflex" "Â")
("Atilde" "Ã")
("Amul" "Ä")
("Aring" "Å")
("AEligature" "Æ")
("Oeligature" "Œ")
("Ccedilla" "Ç")
("Egrave" "È")
("Eacute" "É")
("Ecircumflex" "Ê")
("Euml" "Ë")
("Igrave" "Ì")
("Iacute" "Í")
("Icircumflex" "Î")
("Iuml" "Ï")
("ETH" "Ð")
("Ntilde" "Ñ")
("Ograve" "Ò")
("Oacute" "Ó")
("Ocurcumflex" "Ô")
("Otilde" "Õ")
("Ouml" "Ö")
("times" "×")
("Oslash" "Ø")
("Ugrave" "Ù")
("Uacute" "Ú")
("Ucircumflex" "Û")
("Uuml" "Ü")
("Yacute" "Ý")
("THORN" "Þ")
("szlig" "ß")
("agrave" "à")
("aacute" "á")
("acircumflex" "â")
("atilde" "ã")
("amul" "ä")
("aring" "å")
("aeligature" "æ")
("oeligature" "œ")
("ccedilla" "ç")
("egrave" "è")
("eacute" "é")
("ecircumflex" "ê")
("euml" "ë")
("igrave" "ì")
("iacute" "í")
("icircumflex" "î")
("iuml" "ï")
("eth" "ð")
("ntilde" "ñ")
("ograve" "ò")
("oacute" "ó")
("ocurcumflex" "ô")
("otilde" "õ")
("ouml" "ö")
("divide" "÷")
("oslash" "ø")
("ugrave" "ù")
("uacute" "ú")
("ucircumflex" "û")
("uuml" "ü")
("yacute" "ý")
("thorn" "þ")
("ymul" "ÿ")
;; Greek
("Alpha" "Α")
("Beta" "Β")
("Gamma" "Γ")
("Delta" "Δ")
("Epsilon" "Ε")
("Zeta" "Ζ")
("Eta" "Η")
("Theta" "Θ")
("Iota" "Ι")
("Kappa" "Κ")
("Lambda" "Λ")
("Mu" "Μ")
("Nu" "Ν")
("Xi" "Ξ")
("Omicron" "Ο")
("Pi" "Π")
("Rho" "Ρ")
("Sigma" "Σ")
("Tau" "Τ")
("Upsilon" "Υ")
("Phi" "Φ")
("Chi" "Χ")
("Psi" "Ψ")
("Omega" "Ω")
("alpha" "α")
("beta" "β")
("gamma" "γ")
("delta" "δ")
("epsilon" "ε")
("zeta" "ζ")
("eta" "η")
("theta" "θ")
("iota" "ι")
("kappa" "κ")
("lambda" "λ")
("mu" "μ")
("nu" "ν")
("xi" "ξ")
("omicron" "ο")
("pi" "π")
("rho" "ρ")
("sigmaf" "ς")
("sigma" "σ")
("tau" "τ")
("upsilon" "υ")
("phi" "φ")
("chi" "χ")
("psi" "ψ")
("omega" "ω")
("thetasym" "ϑ")
("piv" "ϖ")
;; punctuation
("bullet" "•")
("ellipsis" "…")
("weierp" "℘")
("image" "ℑ")
("real" "ℜ")
("tm" "™")
("alef" "ℵ")
("<-" "←")
("<--" "←")
("uparrow" "↑")
("->" "→")
("-->" "→")
("downarrow" "↓")
("<->" "↔")
("<-->" "↔")
("<+" "↵")
("<=" "⇐")
("<==" "⇐")
("Uparrow" "⇑")
("=>" "⇒")
("==>" "⇒")
("Downarrow" "⇓")
("<=>" "⇔")
("<==>" "⇔")
;; Mathematical operators
("forall" "∀")
("partial" "∂")
("exists" "∃")
("emptyset" "∅")
("infinity" "∞")
("nabla" "∇")
("in" "∈")
("notin" "∉")
("ni" "∋")
("prod" "∏")
("sum" "∑")
("asterisk" "∗")
("sqrt" "√")
("propto" "∝")
("angle" "∠")
("and" "∧")
("or" "∨")
("cap" "∩")
("cup" "∪")
("integral" "∫")
("therefore" "∴")
("models" "|=")
("vdash" "|-")
("dashv" "-|")
("sim" "∼")
("cong" "≅")
("approx" "≈")
("neq" "≠")
("equiv" "≡")
("le" "≤")
("ge" "≥")
("subset" "⊂")
("supset" "⊃")
("nsupset" "⊃")
("subseteq" "⊆")
("supseteq" "⊇")
("oplus" "⊕")
("otimes" "⊗")
("perp" "⊥")
("mid" "|")
("lceil" "⌈")
("rceil" "⌉")
("lfloor" "⌊")
("rfloor" "⌋")
("langle" "〈")
("rangle" "〉")
;; Misc
("loz" "◊")
("spades" "♠")
("clubs" "♣")
("hearts" "♥")
("diams" "♦")
("euro" "ℐ")
;; LaTeX
("dag" "dag")
("ddag" "ddag")
("circ" "o")
("top" "T")
("bottom" "⊥")
("lhd" "<")
("rhd" ">")
("parallel" "||")))))
;* html-title-engine ... */
(define html-title-engine
(copy-engine 'html-title base-engine
:filter (make-string-replace '((#\< "<")
(#\> ">")
(#\& "&")
(#\" """)))))
;* html-browser-title ... */
(define (html-browser-title n)
(and (markup? n)
(or (markup-option n :html-title)
(if (document? n)
(markup-option n :title)
(html-browser-title (ast-parent n))))))
;* html-file ... */
(define html-file
(let ((table '())
(filename (gensym)))
(define (get-file-name base suf)
(let* ((c (assoc base table))
(n (if (pair? c)
(let ((n (+ 1 (cdr c))))
(set-cdr! c n)
(set! table (cons (cons base 1) table))
(format "~a-~a.~a" base n suf)))
(lambda (node e)
(let ((f (markup-option node filename))
(file (markup-option node :file)))
((string? f)
((string? file)
((or file
(and (is-markup? node 'chapter)
(engine-custom e 'chapter-file))
(and (is-markup? node 'section)
(engine-custom e 'section-file))
(and (is-markup? node 'subsection)
(engine-custom e 'subsection-file))
(and (is-markup? node 'subsubsection)
(engine-custom e 'subsubsection-file)))
(let* ((b (or (and (string? *skribe-dest*)
(prefix *skribe-dest*))
(s (or (and (string? *skribe-dest*)
(suffix *skribe-dest*))
(nm (get-file-name b s)))
(markup-option-add! node filename nm)
((document? node)
(let ((p (ast-parent node)))
(if (container? p)
(let ((file (html-file p e)))
(if (string? file)
(markup-option-add! node filename file)
;* html-container-number ... */
;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
;* Returns a string representing the container number */
(define (html-container-number c e)
(define (html-number n proc)
((string? n)
((number? n)
(if (procedure? proc)
(proc n)
(number->string n)))
(define (html-chapter-number c)
(html-number (markup-option c :number)
(engine-custom e 'chapter-number->string)))
(define (html-section-number c)
(let ((p (ast-parent c))
(s (html-number (markup-option c :number)
(engine-custom e 'section-number->string))))
((is-markup? p 'chapter)
(string-append (html-chapter-number p) "." s))
(string-append s)))))
(define (html-subsection-number c)
(let ((p (ast-parent c))
(s (html-number (markup-option c :number)
(engine-custom e 'subsection-number->string))))
((is-markup? p 'section)
(string-append (html-section-number p) "." s))
(string-append "." s)))))
(define (html-subsubsection-number c)
(let ((p (ast-parent c))
(s (html-number (markup-option c :number)
(engine-custom e 'subsubsection-number->string))))
((is-markup? p 'subsection)
(string-append (html-subsection-number p) "." s))
(string-append ".." s)))))
(define (inner-html-container-number c)
(html-number (markup-option c :number) #f))
(let ((n (markup-option c :number)))
(if (not n)
(case (markup-markup c)
(html-chapter-number c))
(html-section-number c))
(html-subsection-number c))
(html-subsubsection-number c))
(if (container? c)
(inner-html-container-number c)
(skribe-error 'html-container-number
"Not a container"
(markup-markup c))))))))
;* html-counter ... */
(define (html-counter cnts)
((not cnts)
((null? cnts)
((not (pair? cnts))
((null? (cdr cnts))
(format "~a." (car cnts)))
(let loop ((cnts cnts))
(if (null? (cdr cnts))
(format "~a" (car cnts))
(format "~a.~a" (car cnts) (loop (cdr cnts))))))))
;* html-width ... */
(define (html-width width)
((and (integer? width) (exact? width))
(format "~A" width))
((real? width)
(format "~A%" (inexact->exact (round width))))
((string? width)
(skribe-error 'html-width "bad width" width))))
;* html-class ... */
(define (html-class m)
(if (markup? m)
(let ((c (markup-class m)))
(if (or (string? c) (symbol? c) (number? c))
(printf " class=\"~a\"" c)))))
;* html-markup-class ... */
(define (html-markup-class m)
(lambda (n e)
(printf "<~a" m)
(html-class n)
(display ">")))
;* html-color-spec? ... */
(define (html-color-spec? v)
(and v
(not (unspecified? v))
(or (not (string? v)) (> (string-length v) 0))))
;* document ... */
(markup-writer 'document
:options '(:title :author :ending :html-title :env)
:action (lambda (n e)
(let* ((id (markup-ident n))
(title (new markup
(markup '&html-document-title)
(parent n)
(ident (string-append id "-title"))
(class (markup-class n))
(options `((author ,(markup-option n :author))))
(body (markup-option n :title)))))
(&html-generic-document n title e)))
:after (lambda (n e)
(if (engine-custom e 'emit-sui)
(document-sui n e))))
;* &html-html ... */
(markup-writer '&html-html
:before "
:after "")
;* &html-head ... */
(markup-writer '&html-head
:before (lambda (n e)
(printf "\n")
(printf "\n" (engine-custom (find-engine 'html)
:after "\n\n")
;* &html-body ... */
(markup-writer '&html-body
:before (lambda (n e)
(let ((bg (engine-custom e 'background)))
(display "\n")))
:after "\n")
;* &html-page ... */
(markup-writer '&html-page
:action (lambda (n e)
(define (html-margin m fn size bg fg cla)
(printf "" bg)
(display ">"))
(printf " \n" cla)
((and (string? fg) (string? fn))
(printf "" fg fn))
((string? fg)
(printf "" fg))
((string? fn)
(printf "" fn)))
(if (procedure? m)
(skribe-eval (m n e) e)
(output m e))
(if (or (string? fg) (string? fn))
(display ""))
(display " | \n"))
(let ((body (markup-body n))
(lm (engine-custom e 'left-margin))
(lmfn (engine-custom e 'left-margin-font))
(lms (engine-custom e 'left-margin-size))
(lmbg (engine-custom e 'left-margin-background))
(lmfg (engine-custom e 'left-margin-foreground))
(rm (engine-custom e 'right-margin))
(rmfn (engine-custom e 'right-margin-font))
(rms (engine-custom e 'right-margin-size))
(rmbg (engine-custom e 'right-margin-background))
(rmfg (engine-custom e 'right-margin-foreground)))
((and lm rm)
(let* ((ep (engine-custom e 'margin-padding))
(ac (if (number? ep) ep 0)))
(printf "\n" ac))
(html-margin lm lmfn lms lmbg lmfg "skribe-left-margin")
(html-margin body #f #f #f #f "skribe-body")
(html-margin rm rmfn rms rmbg rmfg "skribe-right-margin")
(display "
(let* ((ep (engine-custom e 'margin-padding))
(ac (if (number? ep) ep 0)))
(printf "\n" ac))
(html-margin lm lmfn lms lmbg lmfg "skribe-left-margin")
(html-margin body #f #f #f #f "skribe-body")
(display "
(let* ((ep (engine-custom e 'margin-padding))
(ac (if (number? ep) ep 0)))
(printf "\n"))
(html-margin body #f #f #f #f "skribe-body")
(html-margin rm rmfn rms rmbg rmfg "skribe-right-margin")
(display "
(display "\n")
(output body e)
(display "
;* &html-generic-header ... */
(define (&html-generic-header n e)
(let* ((ic (engine-custom e 'favicon))
(id (markup-ident n)))
(unless (string? id)
(skribe-error '&html-generic-header
(format "Illegal identifier `~a'" id)
;; title
(output (new markup
(markup '&html-header-title)
(parent n)
(ident (string-append id "-title"))
(class (markup-class n))
(body (markup-body n)))
;; favicon
(output (new markup
(markup '&html-header-favicon)
(parent n)
(ident (string-append id "-favicon"))
(body (cond
((string? ic)
((procedure? ic)
(ic d e)))))
;; style
(output (new markup
(markup '&html-header-style)
(parent n)
(ident (string-append id "-style"))
(class (markup-class n)))
;; css
(output (new markup
(markup '&html-header-css)
(parent n)
(ident (string-append id "-css"))
(body (let ((c (engine-custom e 'css)))
(if (string? c)
(list c)
;; javascript
(output (new markup
(markup '&html-header-javascript)
(parent n)
(ident (string-append id "-javascript")))
(markup-writer '&html-header-title
:before ""
:action (lambda (n e)
(output (markup-body n) html-title-engine))
:after "\n")
(markup-writer '&html-header-favicon
:action (lambda (n e)
(let ((i (markup-body n)))
(when i
(printf " \n" i)))))
(markup-writer '&html-header-css
:action (lambda (n e)
(let ((css (markup-body n)))
(when (pair? css)
(for-each (lambda (css)
(printf " \n" css))
(markup-writer '&html-header-style
:before " \n")
(markup-writer '&html-header-javascript
:action (lambda (n e)
(when (engine-custom e 'javascript)
(display " \n"))
(let* ((ejs (engine-custom e 'js))
(js (cond
((string? ejs)
(list ejs))
((list? ejs)
(for-each (lambda (s)
(printf "" s))
;* &html-header ... */
(markup-writer '&html-document-header :action &html-generic-header)
(markup-writer '&html-chapter-header :action &html-generic-header)
(markup-writer '&html-section-header :action &html-generic-header)
(markup-writer '&html-subsection-header :action &html-generic-header)
(markup-writer '&html-subsubsection-header :action &html-generic-header)
;* &html-ending ... */
(markup-writer '&html-ending
:before ""
:action (lambda (n e)
(let ((body (markup-body n)))
(if body
(output body #t)
(skribe-eval [
,(p :class "ending" (font :size -1 [
This ,(sc "Html") page has been produced by
,(ref :url (skribe-url) :text "Skribe").
Last update ,(it (date)).]))] e))))
:after "
;* &html-generic-title ... */
(define (&html-generic-title n e)
(let* ((title (markup-body n))
(authors (markup-option n 'author))
(tbg (engine-custom e 'title-background))
(tfg (engine-custom e 'title-foreground))
(tfont (engine-custom e 'title-font)))
(when title
(display "\n")
(if (html-color-spec? tbg)
(printf "" tbg)
(display " | "))
(if (string? tfg)
(printf "" tfg))
(when title
(if (string? tfont)
(printf "" tfont)
(output title e)
(display ""))
(printf " ")
(output title e)
(display " "))))
(if (not authors)
(display "\n")
(html-title-authors authors e))
(if (string? tfg)
(display ""))
(display " |
;* &html-document-title ... */
(markup-writer '&html-document-title :action &html-generic-title)
(markup-writer '&html-chapter-title :action &html-generic-title)
(markup-writer '&html-section-title :action &html-generic-title)
(markup-writer '&html-subsection-title :action &html-generic-title)
(markup-writer '&html-subsubsection-title :action &html-generic-title)
;* &html-footnotes */
(markup-writer '&html-footnotes
:before (lambda (n e)
(let ((footnotes (markup-body n)))
(when (pair? footnotes)
(display "