[This hyperlink points to the ,(ref :figure "The great Penguin" :text "figure")
of the chapter ,(ref :chapter "Standard Markups") (or also, the
,(ref :ident "std-markups" :text "chapter") about markups). 
In the second example of reference, no ,(code ":text") option is specified: 
,(ref :figure "The great Penguin"). One may use the ,(param ":ident")
field when specified such as: ,(ref :ident "fig1") or ,(ref :figure "fig1").

That other one points to a well known 
,(ref :url "http://slashdot.org/" :text "url"). The same without 
,(code ":text"): ,(ref :url "http://slashdot.org/").

And one can also refer to sections by number, as in ``see ,(numref :text
[Wonderful Section] :ident "refs")''.

With more complex tricks that are explained in Section 
,(ref :section "Resolve"), it is also possible use, for the text of the
reference, a container number such as chapter:
,(resolve (lambda (n e env)
	     (let ((s (find1-down (lambda (x)
				     (and (is-markup? x 'chapter)
					  (string=? (markup-option x :title)
						    "Standard Markups")))
				  (ast-document n))))
		(ref :handle (handle s) :text (markup-option s :number))))).]