(p [This paragraph contains this equation: ,(eq :inline? #t '(/ alpha
beta)).  This is actually an ,(emph [inline]) equation, meaning that it
occurs within a paragraph.  Typesetting has to be adjusted

   (p [This is an equation display block, within which equations can be
aligned with one another.])

   (eq :ident "eq-limit-b-over-l"
       :renderer 'lout
       :align-with '=
       '(= (limit (/ lambda beta) 0
		  (apply IPL n k))

	   ;; non-simplified
	   (/ (expt (+ alpha beta) k)
	      (* beta
		 (sum :from (= x 0)
		      :to   (- k 1)
		      (* (combinations k x)
			 (expt beta (- k 1 x))
			 (expt alpha x)))))))

   [This equation can be simplified as follows:]

   (eq :ident "eq-limit-b-over-l-simplified"
       :renderer 'lout
       :align-with '=
       '(= ;; simplified
	   (/ (expt (+ alpha beta) k)
	      (- (expt (+ alpha beta) k)
		 (expt alpha k)))
	   (limit (/ lambda beta) 0
		  (apply IPL n k)))))