(book queinnec:lisp
   (author "Christian Queinnec")
   (title "Lisp In Small Pieces")
   (publisher "Cambridge University Press")
   (year "1996"))

(book scheme:ieee
   (title "IEEE Standard for the Scheme Programming Language")
   (author (noabbrev "IEEE Std 1178-1990"))
   (publisher "Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.")
   (address "New York, NY")
   (year "1991"))

(misc bigloo
   (author "Manuel Serrano")
   (year "2006")
   (url "http://www.inria.fr/mimosa/fp/Bigloo"))

(misc scheme:r4rs
   (title [The Revised,(sup [4]) Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme])
   (author "William D. Clinger, Jonathan Rees")
   (month "Nov")
   (year "1991")
   (url "http://www.cs.indiana.edu/scheme-repository/R4RS/r4rs_toc.html"))

(article scheme:r5rs
   (title "The Revised5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme")
   (author "Richard Kelsey, William D. Clinger, Jonathan Rees")
   (journal "Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation")
   (volume "11")
   (number "1")
   (month "Sep")
   (year "1998")
   (url "http://kaolin.unice.fr/Bigloo/doc/r5rs.html"))

(book as:sicp
   (author "Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman")
   (title "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs")
   (year "1985")
   (publisher "MIT Press")
   (address "Cambridge, Mass., USA"))