;;; package.skb  --  Packages
;;; Copyright 2007  Ludovic Court�s <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright 2001, 2004, 2005  Manuel Serrano
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
;;; USA.

;*    Standard packages                                                */
(chapter :title "Standard Packages"
   (p [
This chapter describes the standard Skribe packages. Additional
packages can be found from the 
,(ref :url (skribe-url) :text "Skribe web page").
This chapter only describes the packages that are contained in the standard
Skribe distribution.])
   (p [
In order to use the facilities described in the following sections, the 
Skribe source file must contains expressions such as:])

(prgm "(skribe-load \"package.skr\" ...)")

[where ,(it (tt "package.skr")) is the described package.]

;*    jfp                                                              */
(section :title "Articles"

   (subsection :title (tt "acmproc.skr") :ident "acmproc"
      (index :index *package-index* "acmproc.skr" :note "package")
      (p [
This package enables producing LaTeX documents conforming to the
,(emph "ACM proceeding") (ACMPROC) style. It introduces the
markup ,(code "abstract"):])
      (doc-markup 'abstract
	 `((:class "The node class.")
	   (:postscript [The URL of the PostScript version of the paper.]))
	 :ident "abstract(acmproc)"
	 :common-args '()
	 :idx-note "acmproc"
	 :idx-suffix " (acmproc)"
	 :force-engines *api-engines*
	 :source "skribilo/package/acmproc.scm"))

   (subsection :title (tt "jfp.skr") :ident "jfp"
      (index :index *package-index* "jfp.skr" :note "package")
      (p [
This package enables producing LaTeX documents conforming to the
,(emph "Journal of Functional Programming") (JFP) style. It introduces the
markup ,(code "abstract"):])
      (doc-markup 'abstract
	 `((:postscript [The URL of the PostScript version of the paper.]))
	 :ident "abstract(jfp)"
	 :common-args '()
	 :idx-note "jfp"
	 :idx-suffix " (jfp)"
	 :force-engines *api-engines*
	 :source "skribilo/package/jfp.scm"))

   (subsection :title (tt "lncs.skr") :ident "lncs"
      (index :index *package-index* "lncs.skr" :note "package")
      (p [
This package enables producing LaTeX documents conforming to the
,(emph "Lecture Notes on Computer Science") (LNCS) style. It introduces the
markups ,(code "abstract") and ,(code "references"):])

      (doc-markup 'abstract
	 `((:postscript [The URL of the PostScript version of the paper.]))
	 :common-args '()
	 :idx-note "lncs"
	 :idx-suffix " (lncs)"
	 :force-engines *api-engines*
	 :source "skribilo/package/lncs.scm")

      (doc-markup 'references
	 `((:sort [A sort procedure, as for ,(code "the-bibliography").]))
	 :common-args '()
	 :idx-note "lncs"
	 :idx-suffix " (lncs)"
	 :force-engines *api-engines*
	 :source "skribilo/package/lncs.scm"
	 :see-also '(the-bibliography bib-sort/authors))


;*    french                                                           */
(section :title "Languages"
   (subsection :title (tt "french.skr")
      (index :index *package-index* "french.skr" :note "package")
      (p [
Enables French typesetting and typographical rules.])))

;*    letter                                                           */
(section :title (tt "letter.skr")
   (index :index *package-index* "letter.skr" :note "package")
   (p [
This package is to be used to authoring simple letters. It redefines the
,(markup-ref "document") markup.])
   (doc-markup 'document
      `((:where [The location where the letter is posted.])
	(:date [The date of the letter.])
	(:author [The author of the letter.]))
      :ident "document/letter"
      :idx-note "letter"
      :idx-suffix " (letter)"
      :force-engines *api-engines*
      :source "skribilo/package/letter.scm"))

;*    Web                                                              */
(section :title "Web"
   (subsection :title (tt "web-article.skr")
      (index :index *package-index* "web-article.skr" :note "package")
      (p [
A convenient mode for rendering articles (i.e., documents made of
sections) in HTML. The Slide package supports two ,(markup-ref "skribe-load")
user options:
,(param :style) and ,(param :css). The ,(param :style) option can either
be ,(code "'traditional") which forces traditional HTML code
emission or ,(code "'css") which forces HTML code emission using CSS
annotations. The CSS style used is specified in the (code "css")
HTML engine ,(ref :subsection "The HTML customization" :text "custom").
The ,(param :css) is a shorthand for ,(param :style). For instance:])
(prgm [(skribe-load "web-article.skr" :css "style.css")])
[is equivalent to:]
(prgm [(skribe-load "web-article.skr" :style 'css)
(engine-custom-set! (find-engine 'html) :css "style.css")]))
   (subsection :title (tt "web-book.skr")
      (index :index *package-index* "web-book.skr" :note "package")
      (p [
A convenient mode for rendering books (i.e., documents made of
chapters and sections) in HTML.]))
   (subsection :title [HTML Navigation Tabs]

      (p [The ,(tt [html-navtabs]) package enables quick navigation
inside HTML documents by means of tabs.  The produced HTML code uses CSS
declarations.  The ,(tt [html-navtabs]) package does not introduce any
new markups.  It is configured via additional ,(ref :text [engine
customs.] :chapter "Engines")])
      (subsubsection :title [HTML Engine Customization]
	 (p [,(tt [html-navtabs]) is to be used in conjunction with the
,(ref :text (code "html-engine") :mark "html-engine")
engine.  Specifically, it adds the following new customization to this

     (doc-engine 'html
		 `((html-navtabs [The tabs.])
		   (html-navtabs-padding [Padding above tabs.])
		   (html-navtabs-bar-background [Bar background color.]))
		 :def `(make-engine 'html
			  :custom '((html-navtabs ,(it [Containers whose
  option ,(param :file) is ,(code "#t")]))
				    (html-navtabs-padding 20.)
				     ,(engine-custom (find-engine 'html)

      (subsubsection :title [Additional Container Options]

	 (p [,(tt [html-navtabs]) introduces two new ,(ref :text
"containers" :section "Sectioning") (i.e., a ,(ref :text (code
"document") :mark "document") ,(ref :text (code "chapter") :mark
"chapter") ,(ref :text (code "section") :mark "subsection"), ...)
attributes: ,(param :html-tabs-bar) and ,(param :no-tabs).  The
attribute ,(param :html-tabs-bar) may contain any Skribe expression. It
controls the content of the navtabs sub-bar (i.e., a small line above
the tabs). The attribute ,(param :no-tabs) disable tabs for this

      (subsubsection :title [Example]

	 (resolve (lambda (n e env)
	            ;; XXX: In Lout, the sample code is unbreakable for
		    ;; some reason, which breaks the whole document.
	            (if (engine-format? "html" e)
	 (p [Below is a full example using ,(tt [html-navtabs]).])
	 (prgm :file "src/html-navtabs.skb"))
	                [Please see the HTML version of the manual
                         for an example.])))))))

;*    Emacs indentation                                                */
;; @indent: (put 'doc-markup 'skribe-indent 'skribe-indent-function)@*