;*=====================================================================*/ ;* serrano/prgm/project/skribe/doc/user/engine.skb */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Author : Manuel Serrano */ ;* Creation : Wed Sep 3 11:19:21 2003 */ ;* Last change : Mon Nov 8 15:07:35 2004 (serrano) */ ;* Copyright : 2003-04 Manuel Serrano */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* The description of the Skribe engines */ ;*=====================================================================*/ ;; @indent: (put 'doc-markup 'skribe-indent 'skribe-indent-function)@ (cond-expand (guile (define *engine-src* "skribilo/engine.scm") (define *types-src* #f)) (bigloo (define *engine-src* "../src/bigloo/engine.scm") (define *types-src* "../src/bigloo/types.scm")) (stklos (define *engine-src* "../src/stklos/engine.stk") (define *types-src* "../src/stklos/types.stk"))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* Engine */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (chapter :title "Engines" (p [When Skribe produces a document in a given format, it uses a specialize engine. For instance, when a Web page is made from a Skribe document, the HTML engine is used. The engines provided by Skribe are given below:]) (resolve (lambda (n e env) (let* ((current-chapter (ast-chapter n)) (body (map (lambda (x) (if (pair? x) (car x) x)) (markup-body current-chapter))) (sects (filter (lambda (x) (is-markup? x 'section)) body))) (itemize (map (lambda (x) (let ((title (markup-option x :title))) (item (ref :text title :section title)))) sects))))) (section :title "Functions dealing with engines" (subsection :title "Creating engines" (p [The function ,(code "make-engine") creates a brand new engine.]) (doc-markup 'make-engine '((ident [The name (a symbol) of the new engine.]) (:version [The version number.]) (:format [The output format (a string) of this engine.]) (:filter [A string filter (a function).]) (:delegate [A delegate engine.]) (:symbol-table [The engine symbol table.]) (:custom [The engine custom list.]) (:info [Miscellaneous.])) :common-args '() :skribe-source? #f :source *engine-src* :idx *function-index*) (p [The function ,(code "copy-engine") duplicates an existing engine.]) (doc-markup 'copy-engine '((ident [The name (a symbol) of the new engine.]) (e [The old engine to be duplicated.]) (:version [The version number.]) (:filter [A string filter (a function).]) (:delegate [A delegate engine.]) (:symbol-table [The engine symbol table.]) (:custom [The engine custom list.])) :common-args '() :skribe-source? #f :source *engine-src* :idx *function-index*)) (subsection :title "Retrieving engines" (p [The ,(code "find-engine") function searches in the list of defined engines. It returns an ,(code "engine") object on success and ,(code "#f") on failure.]) (doc-markup 'find-engine '((id [The name (a symbol) of the engine to be searched.]) (:version [An optional version number for the searched engine.])) :common-args '() :skribe-source? #f :source *engine-src* :idx *function-index*)) (subsection :title "Engine accessors" (p [The predicate ,(code "engine?") returns ,(code "#t") if its argument is an engine. Otherwise, it returns ,(code "#f"). In other words, ,(code "engine?") returns ,(code "#t") for objects created by ,(code "make-engine"), ,(code "copy-engine"), and ,(code "find-engine").]) (doc-markup 'engine? '((obj [The checked object.])) :common-args '() :skribe-source? #f :source *engine-src* :idx *function-index*) (p [The following functions return information about engines.]) (doc-markup 'engine-ident '((obj [The engine.])) :common-args '() :others '(engine-format engine-customs engine-filter engine-symbol-table) :skribe-source? #f :source *engine-src* :idx *function-index*)) (subsection :title "Engine customs" (p [Engine customs are locations where dynamic informations relative to engines can be stored. Engine custom can be seen a global variables that are specific to engines. The function ,(code "engine-custom") returns the value of a custom or ,(code "#f") if that custom is not defined. The function ,(code "engine-custom-set!") defines or sets a new value for a custom.]) (doc-markup 'engine-custom `((e ,[The engine (as returned by ,(ref :mark "find-engine" :text (code "find-engine"))).]) (id [The name of the custom.])) :common-args '() :skribe-source? #f :source *engine-src* :idx *function-index*) (doc-markup 'engine-custom-set! `((e ,[The engine (as returned by ,(ref :mark "find-engine" :text (code "find-engine"))).]) (id [The name of the custom.]) (val [The new value of the custom.])) :common-args '() :skribe-source? #f :source *engine-src* :idx *function-index*))) ;; existing engines (include "htmle.skb") (include "latexe.skb") (include "xmle.skb"))