;*=====================================================================*/ ;* serrano/prgm/project/skribe/doc/skr/api.skr */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Author : Manuel Serrano */ ;* Creation : Wed Sep 3 07:45:33 2003 */ ;* Last change : Tue Apr 6 06:51:34 2004 (serrano) */ ;* Copyright : 2003-04 Manuel Serrano */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* The Skribe style for documenting Lisp APIs. */ ;*=====================================================================*/ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* Html configuration */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (let* ((he (find-engine 'html)) (tro (markup-writer-get 'tr he))) (markup-writer 'tr he :class 'api-table-header :options '(:width :bg) :action (lambda (n e) (let ((c (engine-custom e 'section-title-background))) (markup-option-add! n :bg c) (output n e tro)))) (markup-writer 'tr he :class 'api-table-prototype :options '(:width :bg) :action (lambda (n e) (let ((c (engine-custom e 'title-background))) (markup-option-add! n :bg c) (output n e tro)))) (markup-writer 'tr he :class 'api-symbol-prototype :options '(:width :bg) :action (lambda (n e) (let ((c (engine-custom e 'title-background))) (markup-option-add! n :bg c) (output n e tro))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* LaTeX configuration */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (let* ((le (find-engine 'latex)) (tro (markup-writer-get 'tr le))) (markup-writer 'tr le :class 'api-table-prototype :options '(:width :bg) :action #f) (markup-writer 'tr le :class 'api-table-header :options '(:width :bg) :action (lambda (n e) (let ((c (engine-custom e 'section-title-background))) (markup-option-add! n :bg c) (output n e tro))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* api-search-definition ... */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Find a definition inside a source file. */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (api-search-definition id file pred) (let ((f (find-file/path file *skribe-source-path*))) (if (not (string? f)) (skribe-error 'api-search-definition (format "Can't find source file `~a' in path" file) *skribe-source-path*) (with-input-from-file f (lambda () (let loop ((exp (read))) (if (eof-object? exp) (skribe-error 'api-search-definition (format "Can't find `~a' definition" id) file) (or (pred id exp) (loop (read)))))))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* api-compare-set ... */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* This function compares two sets. It returns either #t */ ;* is they are equal, or two subsets which contain elements */ ;* not present in the arguments. For instance: */ ;* (api-compare-set '(foo bar) '(bar foo)) ==> #t */ ;* (api-compare-set '(foo gee) '(gee bar)) ==> '((foo) (bar)) */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (api-compare-set s1 s2) (let ((d1 (filter (lambda (x) (not (memq x s2))) s1)) (d2 (filter (lambda (x) (not (memq x s1))) s2))) (or (and (null? d1) (null? d2)) (list d1 d2)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* keyword->symbol ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (keyword->symbol kwd) (let ((s (keyword->string kwd))) (if (char=? #\: (string-ref s 0)) ;; Bigloo (string->symbol (substring s 1 (string-length s))) ;; STklos (string->symbol s)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* define-markup? ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (define-markup? id o) (match-case o (((or define-markup define define-inline) ((? (lambda (x) (eq? x id))) . (? (lambda (x) (or (pair? x) (null? x))))) . ?-) o) ((define-simple-markup (? (lambda (x) (eq? x id)))) o) ((define-simple-container (? (lambda (x) (eq? x id)))) o) (else #f))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* make-engine? ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (make-engine? id o) (match-case o (((or make-engine copy-engine) (quote (? (lambda (x) (eq? x id)))) . ?-) o) ((quasiquote . ?-) #f) ((quote . ?-) #f) ((?a . ?d) (or (make-engine? id a) (make-engine? id d))) (else #f))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* make-engine-custom ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (make-engine-custom def) (match-case (memq :custom def) ((:custom (quote ?custom) . ?-) custom) ((:custom ?custom . ?-) (eval custom)) (else '()))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* define-markup-formals ... */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Returns the formal parameters of a define-markup (not the */ ;* options). */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (define-markup-formals def) (match-case def ((?- (?- . ?args) . ?-) (if (symbol? args) (list args) (let loop ((args args) (res '())) (cond ((null? args) (reverse! res)) ((symbol? args) (reverse! (cons args res))) ((not (symbol? (car args))) (reverse! res)) (else (loop (cdr args) (cons (car args) res))))))) ((define-simple-markup ?-) '()) ((define-simple-container ?-) '()) (else (skribe-error 'define-markup-formals "Illegal `define-markup' form" def)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* define-markup-options ... */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Returns the options parameters of a define-markup. */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (define-markup-options def) (match-case def ((?- (?- . ?args) . ?-) (if (not (list? args)) '() (let ((keys (memq #!key args))) (if (pair? keys) (cdr keys) '())))) ((define-simple-markup ?-) '((ident #f) (class #f))) ((define-simple-container ?-) '((ident #f) (class #f))) (else (skribe-error 'define-markup-formals "Illegal `define-markup' form" def)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* define-markup-rest ... */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Returns the rest parameter of a define-markup. */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (define-markup-rest def) (match-case def ((?- (?- . ?args) . ?-) (if (not (pair? args)) args (let ((l (last-pair args))) (if (symbol? (cdr l)) (cdr l) (let ((rest (memq #!rest args))) (if (pair? rest) (if (or (not (pair? (cdr rest))) (not (symbol? (cadr rest)))) (skribe-error 'define-markup-rest "Illegal `define-markup' form" def) (cadr rest)) #f)))))) ((define-simple-markup ?-) 'node) ((define-simple-container ?-) 'node) (else (skribe-error 'define-markup-formals "Illegal `define-markup' form" def)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* doc-check-arguments ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (doc-check-arguments id args dargs) (if (not args) (skribe-error 'doc-check-arguments id args)) (if (not dargs) (skribe-error 'doc-check-arguments id dargs)) (let* ((s1 (map (lambda (x) (if (pair? x) (car x) x)) args)) (s2 (map (lambda (x) (let ((i (car x))) (if (keyword? i) (keyword->symbol i) i))) dargs)) (d (api-compare-set s1 s2))) (if (pair? d) (let ((d1 (car d)) (d2 (cadr d))) (if (pair? d1) (skribe-error 'doc-markup (format "~a: missing descriptions" id) d1) (skribe-error 'doc-markup (format "~a: extra descriptions" id) d2)))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* exp->skribe ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (exp->skribe exp) (cond ((number? exp) exp) ((string? exp) (string-append "\"" exp "\"")) ((eq? exp #f) "#f") ((eq? exp #t) "#t") ((symbol? exp) (symbol->string exp)) ((equal? exp '(quote ())) "'()") ((ast? exp) (table :cellpadding 0 :cellspacing 0 (tr (td :align 'left exp)))) (else (match-case exp ((quote (and ?sym (? symbol?))) (string-append "'" (symbol->string sym))) (else (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write exp)))))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* doc-markup-proto ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (doc-markup-proto id options formals rest) (define (option opt) (if (pair? opt) (if (eq? (cadr opt) #f) (list " [" (keyword (car opt)) "]") (list " [" (keyword (car opt)) " " (code (exp->skribe (cadr opt))) "]")) (list " " (keyword opt)))) (define (formal f) (list " " (param f))) (code (list (bold "(") (bold :class 'api-proto-ident (format "~a" id))) (map option (sort options (lambda (s1 s2) (cond ((and (pair? s1) (not (pair? s2))) #f) ((and (pair? s2) (not (pair? s1))) #t) (else #t))))) (if (pair? formals) (map formal formals)) (if rest (list " " (param rest))) (bold ")"))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* doc-markup ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-markup (doc-markup id args #!rest opts #!key (writer-id #f) (common-args '((:ident "The node identifier.") (:class "The node class."))) (ignore-args '(&skribe-eval-location)) (force-args '()) (idx *markup-index*) (idx-note "definition") (idx-suffix #f) (source "src/common/api.scm") (def #f) (see-also '()) (others '()) (force-engines '()) (engines *api-engines*) (sui #f) &skribe-eval-location) (define (opt-engine-support opt) ;; find the engines providing a writer for id (map (lambda (e) (let* ((id (engine-ident e)) (s (symbol->string id))) (if (engine-format? "latex") (list s " ") (list (if sui (ref :skribe sui :mark (string-append s "-engine") :text s) (ref :mark (string-append s "-engine") :text s)) " ")))) (if (pair? force-engines) force-engines (filter (lambda (e) (or (memq opt '(:ident :class)) (memq opt force-args) (let ((w (markup-writer-get (or writer-id id) e))) (cond ((not (writer? w)) #f) (else (let ((o (writer-options w))) (cond ((eq? o 'all) #t) ((not (pair? o)) #f) (else (memq opt o))))))))) engines)))) (cond ((and def source) (skribe-error 'doc-markup "source and def both specified" id)) ((and (not def) (not source)) (skribe-error 'doc-markup "source or def must be specified" id)) (else (let* ((d (or def (api-search-definition id source define-markup?))) (od (map (lambda (o) (api-search-definition o source define-markup?)) others)) (args (append common-args args)) (formals (define-markup-formals d)) (fformals (filter (lambda (s) (let ((c (assq s args))) (not (and (pair? c) (eq? (cadr c) 'ignore))))) formals)) (options (filter (lambda (s) (not (memq s ignore-args))) (define-markup-options d))) (dformals (filter (lambda (x) (symbol? (car x))) args)) (doptions (filter (lambda (x) (and (keyword? (car x)) ;; useful for STklos only (not (eq? (car x) #!rest)))) args)) (drest (filter (lambda (x) (eq? #!rest (car x))) args)) (dargs (and (pair? drest) (cadr (car drest)))) (p+ (cons (doc-markup-proto id options fformals dargs) (map (lambda (id def) (doc-markup-proto id (define-markup-options def) (define-markup-formals def) dargs)) others od)))) ;; doc table (define (doc-markup.html) (let ((df (map (lambda (f) (tr :bg *prgm-skribe-color* (td :colspan 2 :width 20. :align 'left (param (car f)) ) (td :align 'left :width 80. (cadr f)))) dformals)) (dr (and (pair? drest) (tr :bg *prgm-skribe-color* (td :align 'left :valign 'top :colspan 2 :width 20. (param (cadr (car drest)))) (td :align 'left :width 80. (caddr (car drest)))))) (do (map (lambda (f) (tr :bg *prgm-skribe-color* (td :align 'left :valign 'top :width 10. (param (car f))) (td :align 'left :valign 'top :width 20. (opt-engine-support (car f))) (td :align 'left :width 70. (cadr f)))) doptions)) (so (map (lambda (x) (let ((s (symbol->string x))) (list (ref :mark s :text (code s)) " "))) see-also))) (table :border (if (engine-format? "latex") 1 0) :width (if (engine-format? "latex") #f *prgm-width*) `(,(tr :class 'api-table-prototype (th :colspan 3 :align 'left :width *prgm-width* "prototype")) ,@(map (lambda (p) (tr :bg *prgm-skribe-color* (td :colspan 3 :width *prgm-width* :align 'left p))) p+) ,@(if (pair? do) `(,(tr :class 'api-table-header (th :align 'left "option" :width 10.) (th :align 'center "engines" :width 20.) (th "description")) ,@do) '()) ,@(if (or (pair? df) dr) `(,(tr :class 'api-table-header (th :colspan 2 :align 'left :width 30. "argument") (th "description")) ,@(if (pair? df) df '()) ,@(if dr (list dr) '())) '()) ,@(if (pair? so) `(,(tr :class 'api-table-header (th :colspan 3 :align 'left (it "See also"))) ,(tr :bg *prgm-skribe-color* (td :colspan 3 :align 'left so))) '()))))) ;; doc enumerate (define (doc-markup.latex) (let ((df (map (lambda (f) (item :key (param (car f)) (cadr f))) dformals)) (dr (if (pair? drest) (list (item :key (param (cadr (car drest))) (caddr (car drest)))) '())) (do (map (lambda (f) (item :key (param (car f)) (list (opt-engine-support (car f)) (cadr f)))) doptions)) (so (map (lambda (x) (let ((s (symbol->string x))) (list (ref :mark s :page #t :text [,(code s), p.]) " "))) see-also))) (list (center (frame :margin 5 :border 0 :width *prgm-width* (color :class 'api-table-prototype :margin 5 :width 100. :bg "#ccccff" p+))) (when (pair? do) (subsubsection :title "Options" :number #f :toc #f (description do))) (when (or (pair? df) (pair? dr)) (subsubsection :title "Parameters" :number #f :toc #f (description (append df dr)))) (when (pair? so) (subsubsection :title "See also" :number #f :toc #f (p so) (! "\\noindent")))))) ;; check all the descriptions (doc-check-arguments id formals dformals) (doc-check-arguments id options doptions) (if (and (pair? drest) (not (define-markup-rest d))) (skribe-error 'doc-markup "No rest argument for" id) options) (list (mark :class "public-definition" (symbol->string id)) (map (lambda (i) (mark (symbol->string i))) others) (map (lambda (i) (let ((is (symbol->string i))) (index (if (string? idx-suffix) (string-append is idx-suffix) is) :index idx :note idx-note))) (cons id others)) (cond ((engine-format? "latex") (doc-markup.latex)) (else (center (doc-markup.html))))))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* doc-engine ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-markup (doc-engine id args #!rest opts #!key (idx *custom-index*) source (def #f)) (cond ((and def source) (skribe-error 'doc-engine "source and def both specified" id)) ((and (not def) (not source)) (skribe-error 'doc-engine "source or def must be specified" id)) (else (let* ((d (or def (api-search-definition id source make-engine?))) (c (make-engine-custom d))) (doc-check-arguments id c args) (cond ((engine-format? "latex") #f) (else (center (apply table :width *prgm-width* (tr :class 'api-table-header (th :align 'left :width 20. "custom") (th :width 10. "default") (th "description")) (map (lambda (r) (tr :bg *prgm-skribe-color* (td :align 'left :valign 'top (list (index (symbol->string (car r)) :index idx :note (format "~a custom" id)) (symbol->string (car r)))) (let ((def (assq (car r) c))) (td :valign 'top (code (exp->skribe (cadr def))))) (td :align 'left :valign 'top (cadr r)))) (filter cadr args))))))))))