-;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-;;;; (at your option) any later version.
-;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-;;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
-;;;; USA.
-;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio [eg@essi.fr]
-;;;; Creation date: 23-Sep-2004 17:21 (eg)
-;;;; Last file update: 3-Nov-2004 12:54 (eg)
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; context-customs ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(define context-customs
- '((source-comment-color "#ffa600")
- (source-error-color "red")
- (source-define-color "#6959cf")
- (source-module-color "#1919af")
- (source-markup-color "#1919af")
- (source-thread-color "#ad4386")
- (source-string-color "red")
- (source-bracket-color "red")
- (source-type-color "#00cf00")
- (index-page-ref #t)
- (image-format ("jpg"))
- (font-size 11)
- (font-type "roman")
- (user-style #f)
- (document-style "book")))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; context-encoding ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(define context-encoding
- '((#\# "\\type{#}")
- (#\| "\\type{|}")
- (#\{ "$\\{$")
- (#\} "$\\}$")
- (#\~ "\\type{~}")
- (#\& "\\type{&}")
- (#\_ "\\type{_}")
- (#\^ "\\type{^}")
- (#\[ "\\type{[}")
- (#\] "\\type{]}")
- (#\< "\\type{<}")
- (#\> "\\type{>}")
- (#\$ "\\type{$}")
- (#\% "\\%")
- (#\\ "$\\backslash$")))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; context-pre-encoding ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(define context-pre-encoding
- (append '((#\space "~")
- (#\~ "\\type{~}"))
- context-encoding))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; context-symbol-table ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(define (context-symbol-table math)
- `(("iexcl" "!`")
- ("cent" "c")
- ("pound" "\\pounds")
- ("yen" "Y")
- ("section" "\\S")
- ("mul" ,(math "^-"))
- ("copyright" "\\copyright")
- ("lguillemet" ,(math "\\ll"))
- ("not" ,(math "\\neg"))
- ("degree" ,(math "^{\\small{o}}"))
- ("plusminus" ,(math "\\pm"))
- ("micro" ,(math "\\mu"))
- ("paragraph" "\\P")
- ("middot" ,(math "\\cdot"))
- ("rguillemet" ,(math "\\gg"))
- ("1/4" ,(math "\\frac{1}{4}"))
- ("1/2" ,(math "\\frac{1}{2}"))
- ("3/4" ,(math "\\frac{3}{4}"))
- ("iquestion" "?`")
- ("Agrave" "\\`{A}")
- ("Aacute" "\\'{A}")
- ("Acircumflex" "\\^{A}")
- ("Atilde" "\\~{A}")
- ("Amul" "\\\"{A}")
- ("Aring" "{\\AA}")
- ("AEligature" "{\\AE}")
- ("Oeligature" "{\\OE}")
- ("Ccedilla" "{\\c{C}}")
- ("Egrave" "{\\`{E}}")
- ("Eacute" "{\\'{E}}")
- ("Ecircumflex" "{\\^{E}}")
- ("Euml" "\\\"{E}")
- ("Igrave" "{\\`{I}}")
- ("Iacute" "{\\'{I}}")
- ("Icircumflex" "{\\^{I}}")
- ("Iuml" "\\\"{I}")
- ("ETH" "D")
- ("Ntilde" "\\~{N}")
- ("Ograve" "\\`{O}")
- ("Oacute" "\\'{O}")
- ("Ocurcumflex" "\\^{O}")
- ("Otilde" "\\~{O}")
- ("Ouml" "\\\"{O}")
- ("times" ,(math "\\times"))
- ("Oslash" "\\O")
- ("Ugrave" "\\`{U}")
- ("Uacute" "\\'{U}")
- ("Ucircumflex" "\\^{U}")
- ("Uuml" "\\\"{U}")
- ("Yacute" "\\'{Y}")
- ("szlig" "\\ss")
- ("agrave" "\\`{a}")
- ("aacute" "\\'{a}")
- ("acircumflex" "\\^{a}")
- ("atilde" "\\~{a}")
- ("amul" "\\\"{a}")
- ("aring" "\\aa")
- ("aeligature" "\\ae")
- ("oeligature" "{\\oe}")
- ("ccedilla" "{\\c{c}}")
- ("egrave" "{\\`{e}}")
- ("eacute" "{\\'{e}}")
- ("ecircumflex" "{\\^{e}}")
- ("euml" "\\\"{e}")
- ("igrave" "{\\`{\\i}}")
- ("iacute" "{\\'{\\i}}")
- ("icircumflex" "{\\^{\\i}}")
- ("iuml" "\\\"{\\i}")
- ("ntilde" "\\~{n}")
- ("ograve" "\\`{o}")
- ("oacute" "\\'{o}")
- ("ocurcumflex" "\\^{o}")
- ("otilde" "\\~{o}")
- ("ouml" "\\\"{o}")
- ("divide" ,(math "\\div"))
- ("oslash" "\\o")
- ("ugrave" "\\`{u}")
- ("uacute" "\\'{u}")
- ("ucircumflex" "\\^{u}")
- ("uuml" "\\\"{u}")
- ("yacute" "\\'{y}")
- ("ymul" "\\\"{y}")
- ;; Greek
- ("Alpha" "A")
- ("Beta" "B")
- ("Gamma" ,(math "\\Gamma"))
- ("Delta" ,(math "\\Delta"))
- ("Epsilon" "E")
- ("Zeta" "Z")
- ("Eta" "H")
- ("Theta" ,(math "\\Theta"))
- ("Iota" "I")
- ("Kappa" "K")
- ("Lambda" ,(math "\\Lambda"))
- ("Mu" "M")
- ("Nu" "N")
- ("Xi" ,(math "\\Xi"))
- ("Omicron" "O")
- ("Pi" ,(math "\\Pi"))
- ("Rho" "P")
- ("Sigma" ,(math "\\Sigma"))
- ("Tau" "T")
- ("Upsilon" ,(math "\\Upsilon"))
- ("Phi" ,(math "\\Phi"))
- ("Chi" "X")
- ("Psi" ,(math "\\Psi"))
- ("Omega" ,(math "\\Omega"))
- ("alpha" ,(math "\\alpha"))
- ("beta" ,(math "\\beta"))
- ("gamma" ,(math "\\gamma"))
- ("delta" ,(math "\\delta"))
- ("epsilon" ,(math "\\varepsilon"))
- ("zeta" ,(math "\\zeta"))
- ("eta" ,(math "\\eta"))
- ("theta" ,(math "\\theta"))
- ("iota" ,(math "\\iota"))
- ("kappa" ,(math "\\kappa"))
- ("lambda" ,(math "\\lambda"))
- ("mu" ,(math "\\mu"))
- ("nu" ,(math "\\nu"))
- ("xi" ,(math "\\xi"))
- ("omicron" ,(math "\\o"))
- ("pi" ,(math "\\pi"))
- ("rho" ,(math "\\rho"))
- ("sigmaf" ,(math "\\varsigma"))
- ("sigma" ,(math "\\sigma"))
- ("tau" ,(math "\\tau"))
- ("upsilon" ,(math "\\upsilon"))
- ("phi" ,(math "\\varphi"))
- ("chi" ,(math "\\chi"))
- ("psi" ,(math "\\psi"))
- ("omega" ,(math "\\omega"))
- ("thetasym" ,(math "\\vartheta"))
- ("piv" ,(math "\\varpi"))
- ;; punctuation
- ("bullet" ,(math "\\bullet"))
- ("ellipsis" ,(math "\\ldots"))
- ("weierp" ,(math "\\wp"))
- ("image" ,(math "\\Im"))
- ("real" ,(math "\\Re"))
- ("tm" ,(math "^{\\sc\\tiny{tm}}"))
- ("alef" ,(math "\\aleph"))
- ("<-" ,(math "\\leftarrow"))
- ("<--" ,(math "\\longleftarrow"))
- ("uparrow" ,(math "\\uparrow"))
- ("->" ,(math "\\rightarrow"))
- ("-->" ,(math "\\longrightarrow"))
- ("downarrow" ,(math "\\downarrow"))
- ("<->" ,(math "\\leftrightarrow"))
- ("<-->" ,(math "\\longleftrightarrow"))
- ("<+" ,(math "\\hookleftarrow"))
- ("<=" ,(math "\\Leftarrow"))
- ("<==" ,(math "\\Longleftarrow"))
- ("Uparrow" ,(math "\\Uparrow"))
- ("=>" ,(math "\\Rightarrow"))
- ("==>" ,(math "\\Longrightarrow"))
- ("Downarrow" ,(math "\\Downarrow"))
- ("<=>" ,(math "\\Leftrightarrow"))
- ("<==>" ,(math "\\Longleftrightarrow"))
- ;; Mathematical operators
- ("forall" ,(math "\\forall"))
- ("partial" ,(math "\\partial"))
- ("exists" ,(math "\\exists"))
- ("emptyset" ,(math "\\emptyset"))
- ("infinity" ,(math "\\infty"))
- ("nabla" ,(math "\\nabla"))
- ("in" ,(math "\\in"))
- ("notin" ,(math "\\notin"))
- ("ni" ,(math "\\ni"))
- ("prod" ,(math "\\Pi"))
- ("sum" ,(math "\\Sigma"))
- ("asterisk" ,(math "\\ast"))
- ("sqrt" ,(math "\\surd"))
- ("propto" ,(math "\\propto"))
- ("angle" ,(math "\\angle"))
- ("and" ,(math "\\wedge"))
- ("or" ,(math "\\vee"))
- ("cap" ,(math "\\cap"))
- ("cup" ,(math "\\cup"))
- ("integral" ,(math "\\int"))
- ("models" ,(math "\\models"))
- ("vdash" ,(math "\\vdash"))
- ("dashv" ,(math "\\dashv"))
- ("sim" ,(math "\\sim"))
- ("cong" ,(math "\\cong"))
- ("approx" ,(math "\\approx"))
- ("neq" ,(math "\\neq"))
- ("equiv" ,(math "\\equiv"))
- ("le" ,(math "\\leq"))
- ("ge" ,(math "\\geq"))
- ("subset" ,(math "\\subset"))
- ("supset" ,(math "\\supset"))
- ("subseteq" ,(math "\\subseteq"))
- ("supseteq" ,(math "\\supseteq"))
- ("oplus" ,(math "\\oplus"))
- ("otimes" ,(math "\\otimes"))
- ("perp" ,(math "\\perp"))
- ("mid" ,(math "\\mid"))
- ("lceil" ,(math "\\lceil"))
- ("rceil" ,(math "\\rceil"))
- ("lfloor" ,(math "\\lfloor"))
- ("rfloor" ,(math "\\rfloor"))
- ("langle" ,(math "\\langle"))
- ("rangle" ,(math "\\rangle"))
- ;; Misc
- ("loz" ,(math "\\diamond"))
- ("spades" ,(math "\\spadesuit"))
- ("clubs" ,(math "\\clubsuit"))
- ("hearts" ,(math "\\heartsuit"))
- ("diams" ,(math "\\diamondsuit"))
- ("euro" "\\euro{}")
- ;; ConTeXt
- ("dag" "\\dag")
- ("ddag" "\\ddag")
- ("circ" ,(math "\\circ"))
- ("top" ,(math "\\top"))
- ("bottom" ,(math "\\bot"))
- ("lhd" ,(math "\\triangleleft"))
- ("rhd" ,(math "\\triangleright"))
- ("parallel" ,(math "\\parallel"))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; context-width
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(define (context-width width)
- (cond
- ((string? width)
- width)
- ((and (number? width) (inexact? width))
- (string-append (number->string (/ width 100.)) "\\textwidth"))
- (else
- (string-append (number->string width) "pt"))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; context-dim
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(define (context-dim dimension)
- (cond
- ((string? dimension)
- dimension)
- ((number? dimension)
- (string-append (number->string (inexact->exact (round dimension)))
- "pt"))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; context-url
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(define(context-url url text e)
- (let ((name (gensym 'url))
- (text (or text url)))
- (printf "\\useURL[~A][~A][][" name url)
- (output text e)
- (printf "]\\from[~A]" name)))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; Color Management ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(define *skribe-context-color-table* (make-hashtable))
-(define (skribe-color->context-color spec)
- (receive (r g b)
- (skribe-color->rgb spec)
- (let ((ff (exact->inexact #xff)))
- (format "r=~a,g=~a,b=~a"
- (number->string (/ r ff))
- (number->string (/ g ff))
- (number->string (/ b ff))))))
-(define (skribe-declare-used-colors)
- (printf "\n%%Colors\n")
- (for-each (lambda (spec)
- (let ((c (hashtable-get *skribe-context-color-table* spec)))
- (unless (string? c)
- ;; Color was never used before
- (let ((name (symbol->string (gensym 'col))))
- (hashtable-put! *skribe-context-color-table* spec name)
- (printf "\\definecolor[~A][~A]\n"
- name
- (skribe-color->context-color spec))))))
- (skribe-get-used-colors))
- (newline))
-(define (skribe-declare-standard-colors engine)
- (for-each (lambda (x)
- (skribe-use-color! (engine-custom engine x)))
- '(source-comment-color source-define-color source-module-color
- source-markup-color source-thread-color source-string-color
- source-bracket-color source-type-color)))
-(define (skribe-get-color spec)
- (let ((c (and (hashtable? *skribe-context-color-table*)
- (hashtable-get *skribe-context-color-table* spec))))
- (if (not (string? c))
- (skribe-error 'context "Can't find color" spec)
- c)))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; context-engine ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(define context-engine
- (default-engine-set!
- (make-engine 'context
- :version 1.0
- :format "context"
- :delegate (find-engine 'base)
- :filter (make-string-replace context-encoding)
- :symbol-table (context-symbol-table (lambda (m) (format "$~a$" m)))
- :custom context-customs)))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; document ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'document
- :options '(:title :subtitle :author :ending :env)
- :before (lambda (n e)
- ;; Prelude
- (printf "% interface=en output=pdftex\n")
- (display "%%%% -*- TeX -*-\n")
- (printf "%%%% File automatically generated by Skribe ~A on ~A\n\n"
- (skribe-release) (date))
- ;; Make URLs active
- (printf "\\setupinteraction[state=start]\n")
- ;; Choose the document font
- (printf "\\setupbodyfont[~a,~apt]\n" (engine-custom e 'font-type)
- (engine-custom e 'font-size))
- ;; Color
- (display "\\setupcolors[state=start]\n")
- ;; Load Style
- (printf "\\input skribe-context-~a.tex\n"
- (engine-custom e 'document-style))
- ;; Insert User customization
- (let ((s (engine-custom e 'user-style)))
- (when s (printf "\\input ~a\n" s)))
- ;; Output used colors
- (skribe-declare-standard-colors e)
- (skribe-declare-used-colors)
- (display "\\starttext\n\\StartTitlePage\n")
- ;; title
- (let ((t (markup-option n :title)))
- (when t
- (skribe-eval (new markup
- (markup '&context-title)
- (body t)
- (options
- `((subtitle ,(markup-option n :subtitle)))))
- e
- :env `((parent ,n)))))
- ;; author(s)
- (let ((a (markup-option n :author)))
- (when a
- (if (list? a)
- ;; List of authors. Use multi-columns
- (begin
- (printf "\\defineparagraphs[Authors][n=~A]\n" (length a))
- (display "\\startAuthors\n")
- (let Loop ((l a))
- (unless (null? l)
- (output (car l) e)
- (unless (null? (cdr l))
- (display "\\nextAuthors\n")
- (Loop (cdr l)))))
- (display "\\stopAuthors\n\n"))
- ;; One author, that's easy
- (output a e))))
- ;; End of the title
- (display "\\StopTitlePage\n"))
- :after (lambda (n e)
- (display "\n\\stoptext\n")))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &context-title ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&context-title
- :before "{\\DocumentTitle{"
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (output (markup-body n) e)
- (let ((sub (markup-option n 'subtitle)))
- (when sub
- (display "\\\\\n\\switchtobodyfont[16pt]\\it{")
- (output sub e)
- (display "}\n"))))
- :after "}}")
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; author ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'author
- :options '(:name :title :affiliation :email :url :address :phone :photo :align)
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let ((name (markup-option n :name))
- (title (markup-option n :title))
- (affiliation (markup-option n :affiliation))
- (email (markup-option n :email))
- (url (markup-option n :url))
- (address (markup-option n :address))
- (phone (markup-option n :phone))
- (out (lambda (n)
- (output n e)
- (display "\\\\\n"))))
- (display "{\\midaligned{")
- (when name (out name))
- (when title (out title))
- (when affiliation (out affiliation))
- (when (pair? address) (for-each out address))
- (when phone (out phone))
- (when email (out email))
- (when url (out url))
- (display "}}\n"))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; toc ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'toc
- :options '()
- :action (lambda (n e) (display "\\placecontent\n")))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; context-block-before ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(define (context-block-before name name-unnum)
- (lambda (n e)
- (let ((num (markup-option n :number)))
- (printf "\n\n%% ~a\n" (string-canonicalize (markup-ident n)))
- (printf "\\~a[~a]{" (if num name name-unnum)
- (string-canonicalize (markup-ident n)))
- (output (markup-option n :title) e)
- (display "}\n"))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; chapter, section, ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'chapter
- :options '(:title :number :toc :file :env)
- :before (context-block-before 'chapter 'title))
-(markup-writer 'section
- :options '(:title :number :toc :file :env)
- :before (context-block-before 'section 'subject))
-(markup-writer 'subsection
- :options '(:title :number :toc :file :env)
- :before (context-block-before 'subsection 'subsubject))
-(markup-writer 'subsubsection
- :options '(:title :number :toc :file :env)
- :before (context-block-before 'subsubsection 'subsubsubject))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; paragraph ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'paragraph
- :options '(:title :number :toc :env)
- :after "\\par\n")
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; footnote ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'footnote
- :before "\\footnote{"
- :after "}")
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; linebreak ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'linebreak
- :action "\\crlf ")
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; hrule ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'hrule
- :options '(:width :height)
- :before (lambda (n e)
- (printf "\\blackrule[width=~A,height=~A]\n"
- (context-width (markup-option n :width))
- (context-dim (markup-option n :height)))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; color ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'color
- :options '(:bg :fg :width :margin :border)
- :before (lambda (n e)
- (let ((bg (markup-option n :bg))
- (fg (markup-option n :fg))
- (w (markup-option n :width))
- (m (markup-option n :margin))
- (b (markup-option n :border))
- (c (markup-option n :round-corner)))
- (if (or bg w m b)
- (begin
- (printf "\\startframedtext[width=~a" (if w
- (context-width w)
- "fit"))
- (printf ",rulethickness=~A" (if b (context-width b) "0pt"))
- (when m
- (printf ",offset=~A" (context-width m)))
- (when bg
- (printf ",background=color,backgroundcolor=~A"
- (skribe-get-color bg)))
- (when fg
- (printf ",foregroundcolor=~A"
- (skribe-get-color fg)))
- (when c
- (display ",framecorner=round"))
- (printf "]\n"))
- ;; Probably just a foreground was specified
- (when fg
- (printf "\\startcolor[~A] " (skribe-get-color fg))))))
- :after (lambda (n e)
- (let ((bg (markup-option n :bg))
- (fg (markup-option n :fg))
- (w (markup-option n :width))
- (m (markup-option n :margin))
- (b (markup-option n :border)))
- (if (or bg w m b)
- (printf "\\stopframedtext ")
- (when fg
- (printf "\\stopcolor "))))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; frame ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'frame
- :options '(:width :border :margin)
- :before (lambda (n e)
- (let ((m (markup-option n :margin))
- (w (markup-option n :width))
- (b (markup-option n :border))
- (c (markup-option n :round-corner)))
- (printf "\\startframedtext[width=~a" (if w
- (context-width w)
- "fit"))
- (printf ",rulethickness=~A" (context-dim b))
- (printf ",offset=~A" (context-width m))
- (when c
- (display ",framecorner=round"))
- (printf "]\n")))
- :after "\\stopframedtext ")
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; font ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'font
- :options '(:size)
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((size (markup-option n :size))
- (cs (engine-custom e 'font-size))
- (ns (cond
- ((and (integer? size) (exact? size))
- (if (> size 0)
- size
- (+ cs size)))
- ((and (number? size) (inexact? size))
- (+ cs (inexact->exact size)))
- ((string? size)
- (let ((nb (string->number size)))
- (if (not (number? nb))
- (skribe-error
- 'font
- (format "Illegal font size ~s" size)
- nb)
- (+ cs nb))))))
- (ne (make-engine (gensym 'context)
- :delegate e
- :filter (engine-filter e)
- :symbol-table (engine-symbol-table e)
- :custom `((font-size ,ns)
- ,@(engine-customs e)))))
- (printf "{\\switchtobodyfont[~apt]" ns)
- (output (markup-body n) ne)
- (display "}"))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; flush ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'flush
- :options '(:side)
- :before (lambda (n e)
- (case (markup-option n :side)
- ((center)
- (display "\n\n\\midaligned{"))
- ((left)
- (display "\n\n\\leftaligned{"))
- ((right)
- (display "\n\n\\rightaligned{"))))
- :after "}\n")
-;* center ... */
-(markup-writer 'center
- :before "\n\n\\midaligned{"
- :after "}\n")
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; pre ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'pre
- :before "{\\tt\n\\startlines\n\\fixedspaces\n"
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let ((ne (make-engine
- (gensym 'context)
- :delegate e
- :filter (make-string-replace context-pre-encoding)
- :symbol-table (engine-symbol-table e)
- :custom (engine-customs e))))
- (output (markup-body n) ne)))
- :after "\n\\stoplines\n}")
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; prog ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'prog
- :options '(:line :mark)
- :before "{\\tt\n\\startlines\n\\fixedspaces\n"
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let ((ne (make-engine
- (gensym 'context)
- :delegate e
- :filter (make-string-replace context-pre-encoding)
- :symbol-table (engine-symbol-table e)
- :custom (engine-customs e))))
- (output (markup-body n) ne)))
- :after "\n\\stoplines\n}")
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; itemize, enumerate ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(define (context-itemization-action n e descr?)
- (let ((symbol (markup-option n :symbol)))
- (for-each (lambda (item)
- (if symbol
- (begin
- (display "\\sym{")
- (output symbol e)
- (display "}"))
- ;; output a \item iff not a description
- (unless descr?
- (display " \\item ")))
- (output item e)
- (newline))
- (markup-body n))))
-(markup-writer 'itemize
- :options '(:symbol)
- :before "\\startnarrower[left]\n\\startitemize[serried]\n"
- :action (lambda (n e) (context-itemization-action n e #f))
- :after "\\stopitemize\n\\stopnarrower\n")
-(markup-writer 'enumerate
- :options '(:symbol)
- :before "\\startnarrower[left]\n\\startitemize[n][standard]\n"
- :action (lambda (n e) (context-itemization-action n e #f))
- :after "\\stopitemize\n\\stopnarrower\n")
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; description ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'description
- :options '(:symbol)
- :before "\\startnarrower[left]\n\\startitemize[serried]\n"
- :action (lambda (n e) (context-itemization-action n e #t))
- :after "\\stopitemize\n\\stopnarrower\n")
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; item ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'item
- :options '(:key)
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let ((k (markup-option n :key)))
- (when k
- ;; Output the key(s)
- (let Loop ((l (if (pair? k) k (list k))))
- (unless (null? l)
- (output (bold (car l)) e)
- (unless (null? (cdr l))
- (display "\\crlf\n"))
- (Loop (cdr l))))
- (display "\\nowhitespace\\startnarrower[left]\n"))
- ;; Output body
- (output (markup-body n) e)
- ;; Terminate
- (when k
- (display "\n\\stopnarrower\n")))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; blockquote ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'blockquote
- :before "\n\\startnarrower[left,right]\n"
- :after "\n\\stopnarrower\n")
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; figure ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'figure
- :options '(:legend :number :multicolumns)
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let ((ident (markup-ident n))
- (number (markup-option n :number))
- (legend (markup-option n :legend)))
- (unless number
- (display "{\\setupcaptions[number=off]\n"))
- (display "\\placefigure\n")
- (printf " [~a]\n" (string-canonicalize ident))
- (display " {") (output legend e) (display "}\n")
- (display " {") (output (markup-body n) e) (display "}")
- (unless number
- (display "}\n")))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; table ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
- ;; width doesn't work
-(markup-writer 'table
- :options '(:width :border :frame :rules :cellpadding)
- :before (lambda (n e)
- (let ((width (markup-option n :width))
- (border (markup-option n :border))
- (frame (markup-option n :frame))
- (rules (markup-option n :rules))
- (cstyle (markup-option n :cellstyle))
- (cp (markup-option n :cellpadding))
- (cs (markup-option n :cellspacing)))
- (printf "\n{\\bTABLE\n")
- (printf "\\setupTABLE[")
- (printf "width=~A" (if width (context-width width) "fit"))
- (when border
- (printf ",rulethickness=~A" (context-dim border)))
- (when cp
- (printf ",offset=~A" (context-width cp)))
- (printf ",frame=off]\n")
- (when rules
- (let ((hor "\\setupTABLE[row][bottomframe=on,topframe=on]\n")
- (vert "\\setupTABLE[c][leftframe=on,rightframe=on]\n"))
- (case rules
- ((rows) (display hor))
- ((cols) (display vert))
- ((all) (display hor) (display vert)))))
- (when frame
- ;; hsides, vsides, lhs, rhs, box, border
- (let ((top "\\setupTABLE[row][first][frame=off,topframe=on]\n")
- (bot "\\setupTABLE[row][last][frame=off,bottomframe=on]\n")
- (left "\\setupTABLE[c][first][frame=off,leftframe=on]\n")
- (right "\\setupTABLE[c][last][frame=off,rightframe=on]\n"))
- (case frame
- ((above) (display top))
- ((below) (display bot))
- ((hsides) (display top) (display bot))
- ((lhs) (display left))
- ((rhs) (display right))
- ((vsides) (display left) (diplay right))
- ((box border) (display top) (display bot)
- (display left) (display right)))))))
- :after (lambda (n e)
- (printf "\\eTABLE}\n")))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; tr ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'tr
- :options '(:bg)
- :before (lambda (n e)
- (display "\\bTR")
- (let ((bg (markup-option n :bg)))
- (when bg
- (printf "[background=color,backgroundcolor=~A]"
- (skribe-get-color bg)))))
- :after "\\eTR\n")
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; tc ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'tc
- :options '(:width :align :valign :colspan)
- :before (lambda (n e)
- (let ((th? (eq? 'th (markup-option n 'markup)))
- (width (markup-option n :width))
- (align (markup-option n :align))
- (valign (markup-option n :valign))
- (colspan (markup-option n :colspan))
- (rowspan (markup-option n :rowspan))
- (bg (markup-option n :bg)))
- (printf "\\bTD[")
- (printf "width=~a" (if width (context-width width) "fit"))
- (when valign
- ;; This is buggy. In fact valign an align can't be both
- ;; specified in ConTeXt
- (printf ",align=~a" (case valign
- ((center) 'lohi)
- ((bottom) 'low)
- ((top) 'high))))
- (when align
- (printf ",align=~a" (case align
- ((left) 'right) ; !!!!
- ((right) 'left) ; !!!!
- (else 'middle))))
- (unless (equal? colspan 1)
- (printf ",nx=~a" colspan))
- (display "]")
- (when th?
- ;; This is a TH, output is bolded
- (display "{\\bf{"))))
- :after (lambda (n e)
- (when (equal? (markup-option n 'markup) 'th)
- ;; This is a TH, output is bolded
- (display "}}"))
- (display "\\eTD")))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; image ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'image
- :options '(:file :url :width :height :zoom)
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((file (markup-option n :file))
- (url (markup-option n :url))
- (width (markup-option n :width))
- (height (markup-option n :height))
- (zoom (markup-option n :zoom))
- (body (markup-body n))
- (efmt (engine-custom e 'image-format))
- (img (or url (convert-image file
- (if (list? efmt)
- efmt
- '("jpg"))))))
- (if (not (string? img))
- (skribe-error 'context "Illegal image" file)
- (begin
- (printf "\\externalfigure[~A][frame=off" (strip-ref-base img))
- (if zoom (printf ",factor=~a" (inexact->exact zoom)))
- (if width (printf ",width=~a" (context-width width)))
- (if height (printf ",height=~apt" (context-dim height)))
- (display "]"))))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; Ornaments ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'roman :before "{\\rm{" :after "}}")
-(markup-writer 'bold :before "{\\bf{" :after "}}")
-(markup-writer 'underline :before "{\\underbar{" :after "}}")
-(markup-writer 'emph :before "{\\em{" :after "}}")
-(markup-writer 'it :before "{\\it{" :after "}}")
-(markup-writer 'code :before "{\\tt{" :after "}}")
-(markup-writer 'var :before "{\\tt{" :after "}}")
-(markup-writer 'sc :before "{\\sc{" :after "}}")
-;;//(markup-writer 'sf :before "{\\sf{" :after "}}")
-(markup-writer 'sub :before "{\\low{" :after "}}")
-(markup-writer 'sup :before "{\\high{" :after "}}")
-;;//(markup-writer 'tt
-;;// :before "{\\texttt{"
-;;// :action (lambda (n e)
-;;// (let ((ne (make-engine
-;;// (gensym 'latex)
-;;// :delegate e
-;;// :filter (make-string-replace latex-tt-encoding)
-;;// :custom (engine-customs e)
-;;// :symbol-table (engine-symbol-table e))))
-;;// (output (markup-body n) ne)))
-;;// :after "}}")
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; q ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'q
- :before "\\quotation{"
- :after "}")
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; mailto ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'mailto
- :options '(:text)
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let ((text (markup-option n :text))
- (url (markup-body n)))
- (when (pair? url)
- (context-url (format "mailto:~A" (car url))
- (or text
- (car url))
- e)))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; mark ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'mark
- :before (lambda (n e)
- (printf "\\reference[~a]{}\n"
- (string-canonicalize (markup-ident n)))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; ref ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'ref
- :options '(:text :chapter :section :subsection :subsubsection
- :figure :mark :handle :page)
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((text (markup-option n :text))
- (page (markup-option n :page))
- (c (handle-ast (markup-body n)))
- (id (markup-ident c)))
- (cond
- (page ;; Output the page only (this is a hack)
- (when text (output text e))
- (printf "\\at[~a]"
- (string-canonicalize id)))
- ((or (markup-option n :chapter)
- (markup-option n :section)
- (markup-option n :subsection)
- (markup-option n :subsubsection))
- (if text
- (printf "\\goto{~a}[~a]" (or text id)
- (string-canonicalize id))
- (printf "\\in[~a]" (string-canonicalize id))))
- ((markup-option n :mark)
- (printf "\\goto{~a}[~a]"
- (or text id)
- (string-canonicalize id)))
- (else ;; Output a little image indicating the direction
- (printf "\\in[~a]" (string-canonicalize id)))))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; bib-ref ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'bib-ref
- :options '(:text :bib)
- :before (lambda (n e) (output "[" e))
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((obj (handle-ast (markup-body n)))
- (title (markup-option obj :title))
- (ref (markup-option title 'number))
- (ident (markup-ident obj)))
- (printf "\\goto{~a}[~a]" ref (string-canonicalize ident))))
- :after (lambda (n e) (output "]" e)))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; bib-ref+ ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'bib-ref+
- :options '(:text :bib)
- :before (lambda (n e) (output "[" e))
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let loop ((rs (markup-body n)))
- (cond
- ((null? rs)
- #f)
- (else
- (if (is-markup? (car rs) 'bib-ref)
- (invoke (writer-action (markup-writer-get 'bib-ref e))
- (car rs)
- e)
- (output (car rs) e))
- (if (pair? (cdr rs))
- (begin
- (display ",")
- (loop (cdr rs))))))))
- :after (lambda (n e) (output "]" e)))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; url-ref ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer 'url-ref
- :options '(:url :text)
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (context-url (markup-option n :url) (markup-option n :text) e)))
-;;//;* line-ref ... */
-;;//(markup-writer 'line-ref
-;;// :options '(:offset)
-;;// :before "{\\textit{"
-;;// :action (lambda (n e)
-;;// (let ((o (markup-option n :offset))
-;;// (v (string->number (markup-option n :text))))
-;;// (cond
-;;// ((and (number? o) (number? v))
-;;// (display (+ o v)))
-;;// (else
-;;// (display v)))))
-;;// :after "}}")
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &the-bibliography ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&the-bibliography
- :before "\n% Bibliography\n\n")
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &bib-entry ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&bib-entry
- :options '(:title)
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (skribe-eval (mark (markup-ident n)) e)
- (output n e (markup-writer-get '&bib-entry-label e))
- (output n e (markup-writer-get '&bib-entry-body e)))
- :after "\n\n")
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &bib-entry-label ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&bib-entry-label
- :options '(:title)
- :before (lambda (n e) (output "[" e))
- :action (lambda (n e) (output (markup-option n :title) e))
- :after (lambda (n e) (output "] "e)))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &bib-entry-title ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&bib-entry-title
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((t (bold (markup-body n)))
- (en (handle-ast (ast-parent n)))
- (url #f ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;// (markup-option en 'url))
- (ht (if url (ref :url (markup-body url) :text t) t)))
- (skribe-eval ht e))))
-;;//;* &bib-entry-url ... */
-;;//(markup-writer '&bib-entry-url
-;;// :action (lambda (n e)
-;;// (let* ((en (handle-ast (ast-parent n)))
-;;// (url (markup-option en 'url))
-;;// (t (bold (markup-body url))))
-;;// (skribe-eval (ref :url (markup-body url) :text t) e))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &the-index ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&the-index
- :options '(:column)
- :action
- (lambda (n e)
- (define (make-mark-entry n)
- (display "\\blank[medium]\n{\\bf\\it\\tfc{")
- (skribe-eval (bold n) e)
- (display "}}\\crlf\n"))
- (define (make-primary-entry n)
- (let ((b (markup-body n)))
- (markup-option-add! b :text (list (markup-option b :text) ", "))
- (markup-option-add! b :page #t)
- (output n e)))
- (define (make-secondary-entry n)
- (let* ((note (markup-option n :note))
- (b (markup-body n))
- (bb (markup-body b)))
- (if note
- (begin ;; This is another entry
- (display "\\crlf\n ... ")
- (markup-option-add! b :text (list note ", ")))
- (begin ;; another line on an entry
- (markup-option-add! b :text ", ")))
- (markup-option-add! b :page #t)
- (output n e)))
- ;; Writer body starts here
- (let ((col (markup-option n :column)))
- (when col
- (printf "\\startcolumns[n=~a]\n" col))
- (for-each (lambda (item)
- ;;(DEBUG "ITEM= ~S" item)
- (if (pair? item)
- (begin
- (make-primary-entry (car item))
- (for-each (lambda (x) (make-secondary-entry x))
- (cdr item)))
- (make-mark-entry item))
- (display "\\crlf\n"))
- (markup-body n))
- (when col
- (printf "\\stopcolumns\n")))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &source-comment ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&source-comment
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-comment-color))
- (n1 (it (markup-body n)))
- (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc)
- (color :fg cc n1)
- n1)))
- (skribe-eval n2 e))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &source-line-comment ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&source-line-comment
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-comment-color))
- (n1 (bold (markup-body n)))
- (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc)
- (color :fg cc n1)
- n1)))
- (skribe-eval n2 e))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &source-keyword ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&source-keyword
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (skribe-eval (it (markup-body n)) e)))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &source-error ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&source-error
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-error-color))
- (n1 (bold (markup-body n)))
- (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'error-color) cc)
- (color :fg cc (it n1))
- (it n1))))
- (skribe-eval n2 e))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &source-define ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&source-define
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-define-color))
- (n1 (bold (markup-body n)))
- (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc)
- (color :fg cc n1)
- n1)))
- (skribe-eval n2 e))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &source-module ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&source-module
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-module-color))
- (n1 (bold (markup-body n)))
- (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc)
- (color :fg cc n1)
- n1)))
- (skribe-eval n2 e))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &source-markup ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&source-markup
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-markup-color))
- (n1 (bold (markup-body n)))
- (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc)
- (color :fg cc n1)
- n1)))
- (skribe-eval n2 e))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &source-thread ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&source-thread
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-thread-color))
- (n1 (bold (markup-body n)))
- (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc)
- (color :fg cc n1)
- n1)))
- (skribe-eval n2 e))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &source-string ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&source-string
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-string-color))
- (n1 (markup-body n))
- (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc)
- (color :fg cc n1)
- n1)))
- (skribe-eval n2 e))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &source-bracket ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&source-bracket
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-bracket-color))
- (n1 (markup-body n))
- (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc)
- (color :fg cc (bold n1))
- (it n1))))
- (skribe-eval n2 e))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &source-type ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&source-type
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-type-color))
- (n1 (markup-body n))
- (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc)
- (color :fg cc n1)
- (it n1))))
- (skribe-eval n2 e))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &source-key ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&source-key
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-type-color))
- (n1 (markup-body n))
- (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc)
- (color :fg cc (bold n1))
- (it n1))))
- (skribe-eval n2 e))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; &source-type ...
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(markup-writer '&source-type
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((cc (engine-custom e 'source-type-color))
- (n1 (markup-body n))
- (n2 (if (and (engine-custom e 'source-color) cc)
- (color :fg "red" (bold n1))
- (bold n1))))
- (skribe-eval n2 e))))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; Context Only Markups
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;; Margin -- put text in the margin
-(define-markup (margin #!rest opts #!key (ident #f) (class "margin")
- (side 'right) text)
- (new markup
- (markup 'margin)
- (ident (or ident (symbol->string (gensym 'ident))))
- (class class)
- (required-options '(:text))
- (options (the-options opts :ident :class))
- (body (the-body opts))))
-(markup-writer 'margin
- :options '(:text)
- :before (lambda (n e)
- (display
- "\\setupinmargin[align=right,style=\\tfx\\setupinterlinespace]\n")
- (display "\\inright{")
- (output (markup-option n :text) e)
- (display "}{"))
- :after "}")
-;;; ConTeXt and TeX
-(define-markup (ConTeXt #!key (space #t))
- (if (engine-format? "context")
- (! (if space "\\CONTEXT\\ " "\\CONTEXT"))
- "ConTeXt"))
-(define-markup (TeX #!key (space #t))
- (if (engine-format? "context")
- (! (if space "\\TEX\\ " "\\TEX"))
- "ConTeXt"))
-;;;; ======================================================================
-;;;; Restore the base engine
-;;;; ======================================================================
-(default-engine-set! (find-engine 'base))
diff --git a/skribe/skr/french.skr b/skribe/skr/french.skr
deleted file mode 100644
index 373d076..0000000
--- a/skribe/skr/french.skr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-;* serrano/prgm/project/skribe/skr/letter.skr */
-;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-;* Author : Manuel Serrano */
-;* Creation : Fri Oct 3 12:22:13 2003 */
-;* Last change : Tue Oct 28 14:33:43 2003 (serrano) */
-;* Copyright : 2003 Manuel Serrano */
-;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-;* French Skribe style */
-;* LaTeX configuration */
-(let ((le (find-engine 'latex)))
- (engine-custom-set! le 'usepackage
- (string-append (engine-custom le 'usepackage)
- "\\usepackage[french]{babel}
diff --git a/skribe/skr/html.skr b/skribe/skr/html.skr
deleted file mode 100644
index ebac5f2..0000000
--- a/skribe/skr/html.skr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2251 +0,0 @@
-;* serrano/prgm/project/skribe/skr/html.skr */
-;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-;* Author : Manuel Serrano */
-;* Creation : Sat Jul 26 12:28:57 2003 */
-;* Last change : Thu Jun 2 10:57:42 2005 (serrano) */
-;* Copyright : 2003-05 Manuel Serrano */
-;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-;* HTML Skribe engine */
-;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-;* Implementation: */
-;* common: @path ../src/common/api.src@ */
-;* bigloo: @path ../src/bigloo/api.bgl@ */
-;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-;* doc: */
-;* @ref ../../doc/user/htmle.skb:ref@ */
-;* html-engine ... */
-(define html-engine
- ;; setup the html engine
- (default-engine-set!
- (make-engine 'html
- :version 1.0
- :format "html"
- :delegate (find-engine 'base)
- :filter (make-string-replace '((#\< "<")
- (#\> ">")
- (#\& "&")
- (#\" """)
- (#\@ "@")))
- :custom `(;; the icon associated with the URL
- (favicon #f)
- ;; charset used
- (charset "ISO-8859-1")
- ;; enable/disable Javascript
- (javascript #f)
- ;; user html head
- (head #f)
- ;; user CSS
- (css ())
- ;; user inlined CSS
- (inline-css ())
- ;; user JS
- (js ())
- ;; emit-sui
- (emit-sui #f)
- ;; the body
- (background "#ffffff")
- (foreground #f)
- ;; the margins
- (margin-padding 3)
- (left-margin #f)
- (chapter-left-margin #f)
- (section-left-margin #f)
- (left-margin-font #f)
- (left-margin-size 17.)
- (left-margin-background "#dedeff")
- (left-margin-foreground #f)
- (right-margin #f)
- (chapter-right-margin #f)
- (section-right-margin #f)
- (right-margin-font #f)
- (right-margin-size 17.)
- (right-margin-background "#dedeff")
- (right-margin-foreground #f)
- ;; author configuration
- (author-font #f)
- ;; title configuration
- (title-font #f)
- (title-background "#8381de")
- (title-foreground #f)
- (file-title-separator " -- ")
- ;; index configuration
- (index-header-font-size +2.)
- ;; chapter configuration
- (chapter-number->string number->string)
- (chapter-file #f)
- ;; section configuration
- (section-title-start "")
- (section-title-stop "
- (section-title-background "#dedeff")
- (section-title-foreground "black")
- (section-title-number-separator " ")
- (section-number->string number->string)
- (section-file #f)
- ;; subsection configuration
- (subsection-title-start "")
- (subsection-title-stop "
- (subsection-title-background "#ffffff")
- (subsection-title-foreground "#8381de")
- (subsection-title-number-separator " ")
- (subsection-number->string number->string)
- (subsection-file #f)
- ;; subsubsection configuration
- (subsubsection-title-start "")
- (subsubsection-title-stop "
- (subsubsection-title-background #f)
- (subsubsection-title-foreground "#8381de")
- (subsubsection-title-number-separator " ")
- (subsubsection-number->string number->string)
- (subsubsection-file #f)
- ;; source fontification
- (source-color #t)
- (source-comment-color "#ffa600")
- (source-error-color "red")
- (source-define-color "#6959cf")
- (source-module-color "#1919af")
- (source-markup-color "#1919af")
- (source-thread-color "#ad4386")
- (source-string-color "red")
- (source-bracket-color "red")
- (source-type-color "#00cf00")
- ;; image
- (image-format ("png" "gif" "jpg" "jpeg")))
- :symbol-table '(("iexcl" "¡")
- ("cent" "¢")
- ("pound" "£")
- ("currency" "¤")
- ("yen" "¥")
- ("section" "§")
- ("mul" "¨")
- ("copyright" "©")
- ("female" "ª")
- ("lguillemet" "«")
- ("not" "¬")
- ("registered" "®")
- ("degree" "°")
- ("plusminus" "±")
- ("micro" "µ")
- ("paragraph" "¶")
- ("middot" "·")
- ("male" "¸")
- ("rguillemet" "»")
- ("1/4" "¼")
- ("1/2" "½")
- ("3/4" "¾")
- ("iquestion" "¿")
- ("Agrave" "À")
- ("Aacute" "Á")
- ("Acircumflex" "Â")
- ("Atilde" "Ã")
- ("Amul" "Ä")
- ("Aring" "Å")
- ("AEligature" "Æ")
- ("Oeligature" "Œ")
- ("Ccedilla" "Ç")
- ("Egrave" "È")
- ("Eacute" "É")
- ("Ecircumflex" "Ê")
- ("Euml" "Ë")
- ("Igrave" "Ì")
- ("Iacute" "Í")
- ("Icircumflex" "Î")
- ("Iuml" "Ï")
- ("ETH" "Ð")
- ("Ntilde" "Ñ")
- ("Ograve" "Ò")
- ("Oacute" "Ó")
- ("Ocurcumflex" "Ô")
- ("Otilde" "Õ")
- ("Ouml" "Ö")
- ("times" "×")
- ("Oslash" "Ø")
- ("Ugrave" "Ù")
- ("Uacute" "Ú")
- ("Ucircumflex" "Û")
- ("Uuml" "Ü")
- ("Yacute" "Ý")
- ("THORN" "Þ")
- ("szlig" "ß")
- ("agrave" "à")
- ("aacute" "á")
- ("acircumflex" "â")
- ("atilde" "ã")
- ("amul" "ä")
- ("aring" "å")
- ("aeligature" "æ")
- ("oeligature" "œ")
- ("ccedilla" "ç")
- ("egrave" "è")
- ("eacute" "é")
- ("ecircumflex" "ê")
- ("euml" "ë")
- ("igrave" "ì")
- ("iacute" "í")
- ("icircumflex" "î")
- ("iuml" "ï")
- ("eth" "ð")
- ("ntilde" "ñ")
- ("ograve" "ò")
- ("oacute" "ó")
- ("ocurcumflex" "ô")
- ("otilde" "õ")
- ("ouml" "ö")
- ("divide" "÷")
- ("oslash" "ø")
- ("ugrave" "ù")
- ("uacute" "ú")
- ("ucircumflex" "û")
- ("uuml" "ü")
- ("yacute" "ý")
- ("thorn" "þ")
- ("ymul" "ÿ")
- ;; Greek
- ("Alpha" "Α")
- ("Beta" "Β")
- ("Gamma" "Γ")
- ("Delta" "Δ")
- ("Epsilon" "Ε")
- ("Zeta" "Ζ")
- ("Eta" "Η")
- ("Theta" "Θ")
- ("Iota" "Ι")
- ("Kappa" "Κ")
- ("Lambda" "Λ")
- ("Mu" "Μ")
- ("Nu" "Ν")
- ("Xi" "Ξ")
- ("Omicron" "Ο")
- ("Pi" "Π")
- ("Rho" "Ρ")
- ("Sigma" "Σ")
- ("Tau" "Τ")
- ("Upsilon" "Υ")
- ("Phi" "Φ")
- ("Chi" "Χ")
- ("Psi" "Ψ")
- ("Omega" "Ω")
- ("alpha" "α")
- ("beta" "β")
- ("gamma" "γ")
- ("delta" "δ")
- ("epsilon" "ε")
- ("zeta" "ζ")
- ("eta" "η")
- ("theta" "θ")
- ("iota" "ι")
- ("kappa" "κ")
- ("lambda" "λ")
- ("mu" "μ")
- ("nu" "ν")
- ("xi" "ξ")
- ("omicron" "ο")
- ("pi" "π")
- ("rho" "ρ")
- ("sigmaf" "ς")
- ("sigma" "σ")
- ("tau" "τ")
- ("upsilon" "υ")
- ("phi" "φ")
- ("chi" "χ")
- ("psi" "ψ")
- ("omega" "ω")
- ("thetasym" "ϑ")
- ("piv" "ϖ")
- ;; punctuation
- ("bullet" "•")
- ("ellipsis" "…")
- ("weierp" "℘")
- ("image" "ℑ")
- ("real" "ℜ")
- ("tm" "™")
- ("alef" "ℵ")
- ("<-" "←")
- ("<--" "←")
- ("uparrow" "↑")
- ("->" "→")
- ("-->" "→")
- ("downarrow" "↓")
- ("<->" "↔")
- ("<-->" "↔")
- ("<+" "↵")
- ("<=" "⇐")
- ("<==" "⇐")
- ("Uparrow" "⇑")
- ("=>" "⇒")
- ("==>" "⇒")
- ("Downarrow" "⇓")
- ("<=>" "⇔")
- ("<==>" "⇔")
- ;; Mathematical operators
- ("forall" "∀")
- ("partial" "∂")
- ("exists" "∃")
- ("emptyset" "∅")
- ("infinity" "∞")
- ("nabla" "∇")
- ("in" "∈")
- ("notin" "∉")
- ("ni" "∋")
- ("prod" "∏")
- ("sum" "∑")
- ("asterisk" "∗")
- ("sqrt" "√")
- ("propto" "∝")
- ("angle" "∠")
- ("and" "∧")
- ("or" "∨")
- ("cap" "∩")
- ("cup" "∪")
- ("integral" "∫")
- ("therefore" "∴")
- ("models" "|=")
- ("vdash" "|-")
- ("dashv" "-|")
- ("sim" "∼")
- ("cong" "≅")
- ("approx" "≈")
- ("neq" "≠")
- ("equiv" "≡")
- ("le" "≤")
- ("ge" "≥")
- ("subset" "⊂")
- ("supset" "⊃")
- ("nsupset" "⊃")
- ("subseteq" "⊆")
- ("supseteq" "⊇")
- ("oplus" "⊕")
- ("otimes" "⊗")
- ("perp" "⊥")
- ("mid" "|")
- ("lceil" "⌈")
- ("rceil" "⌉")
- ("lfloor" "⌊")
- ("rfloor" "⌋")
- ("langle" "〈")
- ("rangle" "〉")
- ;; Misc
- ("loz" "◊")
- ("spades" "♠")
- ("clubs" "♣")
- ("hearts" "♥")
- ("diams" "♦")
- ("euro" "ℐ")
- ;; LaTeX
- ("dag" "dag")
- ("ddag" "ddag")
- ("circ" "o")
- ("top" "T")
- ("bottom" "⊥")
- ("lhd" "<")
- ("rhd" ">")
- ("parallel" "||")))))
-;* html-title-engine ... */
-(define html-title-engine
- (copy-engine 'html-title base-engine
- :filter (make-string-replace '((#\< "<")
- (#\> ">")
- (#\& "&")
- (#\" """)))))
-;* html-browser-title ... */
-(define (html-browser-title n)
- (and (markup? n)
- (or (markup-option n :html-title)
- (if (document? n)
- (markup-option n :title)
- (html-browser-title (ast-parent n))))))
-;* html-file ... */
-(define html-file
- (let ((table '())
- (filename (gensym)))
- (define (get-file-name base suf)
- (let* ((c (assoc base table))
- (n (if (pair? c)
- (let ((n (+ 1 (cdr c))))
- (set-cdr! c n)
- n)
- (begin
- (set! table (cons (cons base 1) table))
- 1))))
- (format "~a-~a.~a" base n suf)))
- (lambda (node e)
- (let ((f (markup-option node filename))
- (file (markup-option node :file)))
- (cond
- ((string? f)
- f)
- ((string? file)
- file)
- ((or file
- (and (is-markup? node 'chapter)
- (engine-custom e 'chapter-file))
- (and (is-markup? node 'section)
- (engine-custom e 'section-file))
- (and (is-markup? node 'subsection)
- (engine-custom e 'subsection-file))
- (and (is-markup? node 'subsubsection)
- (engine-custom e 'subsubsection-file)))
- (let* ((b (or (and (string? *skribe-dest*)
- (prefix *skribe-dest*))
- ""))
- (s (or (and (string? *skribe-dest*)
- (suffix *skribe-dest*))
- "html"))
- (nm (get-file-name b s)))
- (markup-option-add! node filename nm)
- nm))
- ((document? node)
- *skribe-dest*)
- (else
- (let ((p (ast-parent node)))
- (if (container? p)
- (let ((file (html-file p e)))
- (if (string? file)
- (begin
- (markup-option-add! node filename file)
- file)
- #f))
- #f))))))))
-;* html-container-number ... */
-;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-;* Returns a string representing the container number */
-(define (html-container-number c e)
- (define (html-number n proc)
- (cond
- ((string? n)
- n)
- ((number? n)
- (if (procedure? proc)
- (proc n)
- (number->string n)))
- (else
- "")))
- (define (html-chapter-number c)
- (html-number (markup-option c :number)
- (engine-custom e 'chapter-number->string)))
- (define (html-section-number c)
- (let ((p (ast-parent c))
- (s (html-number (markup-option c :number)
- (engine-custom e 'section-number->string))))
- (cond
- ((is-markup? p 'chapter)
- (string-append (html-chapter-number p) "." s))
- (else
- (string-append s)))))
- (define (html-subsection-number c)
- (let ((p (ast-parent c))
- (s (html-number (markup-option c :number)
- (engine-custom e 'subsection-number->string))))
- (cond
- ((is-markup? p 'section)
- (string-append (html-section-number p) "." s))
- (else
- (string-append "." s)))))
- (define (html-subsubsection-number c)
- (let ((p (ast-parent c))
- (s (html-number (markup-option c :number)
- (engine-custom e 'subsubsection-number->string))))
- (cond
- ((is-markup? p 'subsection)
- (string-append (html-subsection-number p) "." s))
- (else
- (string-append ".." s)))))
- (define (inner-html-container-number c)
- (html-number (markup-option c :number) #f))
- (let ((n (markup-option c :number)))
- (if (not n)
- ""
- (case (markup-markup c)
- ((chapter)
- (html-chapter-number c))
- ((section)
- (html-section-number c))
- ((subsection)
- (html-subsection-number c))
- ((subsubsection)
- (html-subsubsection-number c))
- (else
- (if (container? c)
- (inner-html-container-number c)
- (skribe-error 'html-container-number
- "Not a container"
- (markup-markup c))))))))
-;* html-counter ... */
-(define (html-counter cnts)
- (cond
- ((not cnts)
- "")
- ((null? cnts)
- "")
- ((not (pair? cnts))
- cnts)
- ((null? (cdr cnts))
- (format "~a." (car cnts)))
- (else
- (let loop ((cnts cnts))
- (if (null? (cdr cnts))
- (format "~a" (car cnts))
- (format "~a.~a" (car cnts) (loop (cdr cnts))))))))
-;* html-width ... */
-(define (html-width width)
- (cond
- ((and (integer? width) (exact? width))
- (format "~A" width))
- ((real? width)
- (format "~A%" (inexact->exact (round width))))
- ((string? width)
- width)
- (else
- (skribe-error 'html-width "bad width" width))))
-;* html-class ... */
-(define (html-class m)
- (if (markup? m)
- (let ((c (markup-class m)))
- (if (or (string? c) (symbol? c) (number? c))
- (printf " class=\"~a\"" c)))))
-;* html-markup-class ... */
-(define (html-markup-class m)
- (lambda (n e)
- (printf "<~a" m)
- (html-class n)
- (display ">")))
-;* html-color-spec? ... */
-(define (html-color-spec? v)
- (and v
- (not (unspecified? v))
- (or (not (string? v)) (> (string-length v) 0))))
-;* document ... */
-(markup-writer 'document
- :options '(:title :author :ending :html-title :env)
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let* ((id (markup-ident n))
- (title (new markup
- (markup '&html-document-title)
- (parent n)
- (ident (string-append id "-title"))
- (class (markup-class n))
- (options `((author ,(markup-option n :author))))
- (body (markup-option n :title)))))
- (&html-generic-document n title e)))
- :after (lambda (n e)
- (if (engine-custom e 'emit-sui)
- (document-sui n e))))
-;* &html-html ... */
-(markup-writer '&html-html
- :before "
- :after "")
-;* &html-head ... */
-(markup-writer '&html-head
- :before (lambda (n e)
- (printf "\n")
- (printf "\n" (engine-custom (find-engine 'html)
- 'charset)))
- :after "\n\n")
-;* &html-body ... */
-(markup-writer '&html-body
- :before (lambda (n e)
- (let ((bg (engine-custom e 'background)))
- (display "\n")))
- :after "\n")
-;* &html-page ... */
-(markup-writer '&html-page
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (define (html-margin m fn size bg fg cla)
- (printf "" bg)
- (display ">"))
- (printf " \n" cla)
- (cond
- ((and (string? fg) (string? fn))
- (printf "" fg fn))
- ((string? fg)
- (printf "" fg))
- ((string? fn)
- (printf "" fn)))
- (if (procedure? m)
- (skribe-eval (m n e) e)
- (output m e))
- (if (or (string? fg) (string? fn))
- (display ""))
- (display " | \n"))
- (let ((body (markup-body n))
- (lm (engine-custom e 'left-margin))
- (lmfn (engine-custom e 'left-margin-font))
- (lms (engine-custom e 'left-margin-size))
- (lmbg (engine-custom e 'left-margin-background))
- (lmfg (engine-custom e 'left-margin-foreground))
- (rm (engine-custom e 'right-margin))
- (rmfn (engine-custom e 'right-margin-font))
- (rms (engine-custom e 'right-margin-size))
- (rmbg (engine-custom e 'right-margin-background))
- (rmfg (engine-custom e 'right-margin-foreground)))
- (cond
- ((and lm rm)
- (let* ((ep (engine-custom e 'margin-padding))
- (ac (if (number? ep) ep 0)))
- (printf "\n" ac))
- (html-margin lm lmfn lms lmbg lmfg "skribe-left-margin")
- (html-margin body #f #f #f #f "skribe-body")
- (html-margin rm rmfn rms rmbg rmfg "skribe-right-margin")
- (display "
- (lm
- (let* ((ep (engine-custom e 'margin-padding))
- (ac (if (number? ep) ep 0)))
- (printf "\n" ac))
- (html-margin lm lmfn lms lmbg lmfg "skribe-left-margin")
- (html-margin body #f #f #f #f "skribe-body")
- (display "
- (rm
- (let* ((ep (engine-custom e 'margin-padding))
- (ac (if (number? ep) ep 0)))
- (printf "\n"))
- (html-margin body #f #f #f #f "skribe-body")
- (html-margin rm rmfn rms rmbg rmfg "skribe-right-margin")
- (display "
- (else
- (display "\n")
- (output body e)
- (display "
-;* &html-generic-header ... */
-(define (&html-generic-header n e)
- (let* ((ic (engine-custom e 'favicon))
- (id (markup-ident n)))
- (unless (string? id)
- (skribe-error '&html-generic-header
- (format "Illegal identifier `~a'" id)
- n))
- ;; title
- (output (new markup
- (markup '&html-header-title)
- (parent n)
- (ident (string-append id "-title"))
- (class (markup-class n))
- (body (markup-body n)))
- e)
- ;; favicon
- (output (new markup
- (markup '&html-header-favicon)
- (parent n)
- (ident (string-append id "-favicon"))
- (body (cond
- ((string? ic)
- ic)
- ((procedure? ic)
- (ic d e)))))
- e)
- ;; style
- (output (new markup
- (markup '&html-header-style)
- (parent n)
- (ident (string-append id "-style"))
- (class (markup-class n)))
- e)
- ;; css
- (output (new markup
- (markup '&html-header-css)
- (parent n)
- (ident (string-append id "-css"))
- (body (let ((c (engine-custom e 'css)))
- (if (string? c)
- (list c)
- c))))
- e)
- ;; javascript
- (output (new markup
- (markup '&html-header-javascript)
- (parent n)
- (ident (string-append id "-javascript")))
- e)))
-(markup-writer '&html-header-title
- :before ""
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (output (markup-body n) html-title-engine))
- :after "\n")
-(markup-writer '&html-header-favicon
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let ((i (markup-body n)))
- (when i
- (printf " \n" i)))))
-(markup-writer '&html-header-css
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let ((css (markup-body n)))
- (when (pair? css)
- (for-each (lambda (css)
- (printf " \n" css))
- css)))))
-(markup-writer '&html-header-style
- :before " \n")
-(markup-writer '&html-header-javascript
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (when (engine-custom e 'javascript)
- (display " \n"))
- (let* ((ejs (engine-custom e 'js))
- (js (cond
- ((string? ejs)
- (list ejs))
- ((list? ejs)
- ejs)
- (else
- '()))))
- (for-each (lambda (s)
- (printf "" s))
- js))))
-;* &html-header ... */
-(markup-writer '&html-document-header :action &html-generic-header)
-(markup-writer '&html-chapter-header :action &html-generic-header)
-(markup-writer '&html-section-header :action &html-generic-header)
-(markup-writer '&html-subsection-header :action &html-generic-header)
-(markup-writer '&html-subsubsection-header :action &html-generic-header)
-;* &html-ending ... */
-(markup-writer '&html-ending
- :before ""
- :action (lambda (n e)
- (let ((body (markup-body n)))
- (if body
- (output body #t)
- (skribe-eval [
-,(p :class "ending" (font :size -1 [
-This ,(sc "Html") page has been produced by
-,(ref :url (skribe-url) :text "Skribe").
-Last update ,(it (date)).]))] e))))
- :after "
-;* &html-generic-title ... */
-(define (&html-generic-title n e)
- (let* ((title (markup-body n))
- (authors (markup-option n 'author))
- (tbg (engine-custom e 'title-background))
- (tfg (engine-custom e 'title-foreground))
- (tfont (engine-custom e 'title-font)))
- (when title
- (display "\n")
- (if (html-color-spec? tbg)
- (printf "" tbg)
- (display " | "))
- (if (string? tfg)
- (printf "" tfg))
- (when title
- (if (string? tfont)
- (begin
- (printf "" tfont)
- (output title e)
- (display ""))
- (begin
- (printf " ")
- (output title e)
- (display " "))))
- (if (not authors)
- (display "\n")
- (html-title-authors authors e))
- (if (string? tfg)
- (display ""))
- (display " |
-;* &html-document-title ... */
-(markup-writer '&html-document-title :action &html-generic-title)
-(markup-writer '&html-chapter-title :action &html-generic-title)
-(markup-writer '&html-section-title :action &html-generic-title)
-(markup-writer '&html-subsection-title :action &html-generic-title)
-(markup-writer '&html-subsubsection-title :action &html-generic-title)
-;* &html-footnotes */
-(markup-writer '&html-footnotes
- :before (lambda (n e)
- (let ((footnotes (markup-body n)))
- (when (pair? footnotes)
- (display "