(sc-include "macros/macros") (pre-include "gsl/gsl_math.h") (pre-include "gsl/gsl_blas.h") (pre-include "gsl/gsl_randist.h") (pre-include "gsl/gsl_roots.h") (pre-include "gsl/gsl_sf.h") (pre-define (SIGNUM x) (if* (< x 0) -1 1)) ;; This function exists so that guile code can access the value of ;; M_PI as provided by <gsl_math.h>. (define (pi) (double) "Return the value of pi." (return M-PI)) (define (ln-volume-of-ball dimension) (double (unsigned int)) "Return the natural logarithm of the volume of the unit ball. DIMENSION of 2 corresponds to a circle, 3 corresponds to a sphere, etc." (return (- (* 0.5 dimension M-LNPI) (gsl-sf-lngamma (+ 1 (* 0.5 dimension)))))) (define (volume-of-ball dimension) (double (unsigned int)) "Return the volume of the unit ball of DIMENSION. DIMENSION of 2 corresponds to a circle, 3 corresponds to a sphere, etc." (return (exp (ln-volume-of-ball dimension)))) (define (ln-surface-area-of-ball dimension) (double (unsigned int)) "Return the natural logarithm of the surface area of the unit ball. DIMENSION of 2 corresponds to a circle, 3 corresponds to a sphere, etc." (return (+ (log dimension) (ln-volume-of-ball dimension)))) (define (surface-area-of-ball dimension) (double (unsigned int)) "Return the surface area of the unit ball of DIMENSION. DIMENSION of 2 corresponds to a circle, 3 corresponds to a sphere, etc." (return (* dimension (volume-of-ball dimension)))) (define (angle-between-vectors x y) (double (const gsl-vector*) (const gsl-vector*)) "Return the angle between vectors X and Y. The returned value is in the range [0,pi]." (declare dot-product double) (gsl-blas-ddot x y (address-of dot-product)) ;; TODO: Is this a valid floating point comparison? (return (if* (= dot-product 0) 0 (acos (/ dot-product (gsl-blas-dnrm2 x) (gsl-blas-dnrm2 y)))))) (define (dot-product x y) (double (const gsl-vector*) (const gsl-vector*)) "Return the dot product of vectors X and Y." (declare result double) (gsl-blas-ddot x y (address-of result)) (return result)) (define (gaussian-pdf x) (double double) "Return exp(-x^2/2) / sqrt(2*pi)" (return (gsl-ran-gaussian-pdf x 1))) (define (gaussian-cdf x) (double double) "Return \\int_{-\\inf}^x gaussian-pdf(t) dt." (return (* 0.5 (+ 1 (gsl-sf-erf (/ x M-SQRT2)))))) (define (rerror approx exact) (double double double) "Return the relative error between approximate value APPROX and exact value EXACT." (return (fabs (- 1 (/ approx exact))))) (sc-define-syntax (with-root-fsolver solver solver-type function a b body ...) (with-alloc solver gsl-root-fsolver* (gsl-root-fsolver-alloc solver-type) gsl-root-fsolver-free (gsl-root-fsolver-set solver function a b) body ...)) (sc-define-syntax* (with-error-handler handler body ...) (let ((old-handler (sc-gensym))) `(begin (let* ((,old-handler gsl-error-handler-t* (gsl-set-error-handler ,handler))) ,@body (gsl-set-error-handler ,old-handler))))) (pre-let* (BISECTION-EPSABS 0 BISECTION-EPSREL 1e-6 BISECTION-MAX-ITERATIONS 1000) (define (bisection f a b) (double gsl-function* double double) (declare solution double) (define (error-handler reason file line gsl-errno) (void (const char*) (const char*) int int) (fprintf stderr "Bisection error handler invoked.\n") (fprintf stderr "f(%g) = %g\n" a (GSL-FN-EVAL f a)) (fprintf stderr "f(%g) = %g\n" b (GSL-FN-EVAL f b)) (fprintf stderr "gsl: %s:%d: ERROR: %s\n" file line reason) (abort)) (with-root-fsolver solver gsl-root-fsolver-bisection f a b (with-error-handler error-handler (do-while (= (gsl-root-test-interval (gsl-root-fsolver-x-lower solver) (gsl-root-fsolver-x-upper solver) BISECTION-EPSABS BISECTION-EPSREL) GSL-CONTINUE) (gsl-root-fsolver-iterate solver))) (set solution (gsl-root-fsolver-root solver))) (return solution)) (define (bisection-rlimit f a b) (double gsl-function* double double) (let* ((sign int (SIGNUM (GSL-FN-EVAL f a)))) (for-i i BISECTION-MAX-ITERATIONS (cond ((> (* sign (GSL-FN-EVAL f b)) 0) (set* b 2)) (else (return b))))) (fprintf stderr "Bisection bracketing failed\n") (abort)))