(define-module (extent-sampling wrap) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (system foreign)) (include "load-libs.scm") (define (make-gsl-alloc allocator-name allocator-args freer-name) (lambda args (let ((obj (apply (pointer->procedure '* (dynamic-func allocator-name lib-gsl) allocator-args) args))) (set-pointer-finalizer! obj (dynamic-func freer-name lib-gsl)) obj))) (define-public pi ((pointer->procedure double (dynamic-func "pi" lib-extentsampling) (list)))) (define-public volume-of-ball (pointer->procedure double (dynamic-func "volume_of_ball" lib-extentsampling) (list int))) (define-public surface-area-of-ball (pointer->procedure double (dynamic-func "surface_area_of_ball" lib-extentsampling) (list int))) (define-public (lower-incomplete-gamma s x) (* ((pointer->procedure double (dynamic-func "gsl_sf_gamma" lib-gsl) (list double)) s) ((pointer->procedure double (dynamic-func "gsl_sf_gamma_inc_P" lib-gsl) (list double double)) s x))) (define-public angle-between-vectors (pointer->procedure double (dynamic-func "angle_between_vectors" lib-extentsampling) (list '* '*))) (define-public planar-angle->solid-angle (pointer->procedure double (dynamic-func "planar_angle_to_solid_angle" lib-extentsampling) (list double int))) ;; Random state (define %gsl-random-state ((make-gsl-alloc "gsl_rng_alloc" (list '*) "gsl_rng_free") (dereference-pointer (dynamic-pointer "gsl_rng_default" lib-gsl)))) (define-public (set-gsl-random-state! seed) ((pointer->procedure void (dynamic-func "gsl_rng_set" lib-gsl) (list '* unsigned-long)) %gsl-random-state seed)) (define-public random-flat (cut (pointer->procedure double (dynamic-func "gsl_ran_flat" lib-gsl) (list '* double double)) %gsl-random-state <> <>)) ;; Vector functions (define vector-alloc (make-gsl-alloc "gsl_vector_alloc" (list int) "gsl_vector_free")) (define-public (vector-size vector) (match (parse-c-struct vector (list size_t size_t '* '* int)) ((size _ _ _ _) size))) (define-public (vector-scale! vector k) "Scale VECTOR by a factor K." ((pointer->procedure int (dynamic-func "gsl_vector_scale" lib-gsl) (list '* double)) vector k) vector) (define-public (vector-norm2 vector) ((pointer->procedure double (dynamic-func "gsl_blas_dnrm2" lib-gsl) (list '*)) vector)) (define-public (vector-add! u v) "Return the vector sum of vectors U and V. The sum is stored in U." ((pointer->procedure int (dynamic-func "gsl_vector_add" lib-gsl) (list '* '*)) u v) u) (define-public (basis n dimension) "Return the basis vector in the Nth canonical direction." (let ((vector (vector-alloc dimension))) ((pointer->procedure void (dynamic-func "gsl_vector_set_basis" lib-gsl) (list '* int)) vector n) vector)) ;; Histogram functions (define histogram-struct (list size_t '* '*)) (define (histogram-alloc bins min max) (let ((histogram ((make-gsl-alloc "gsl_histogram_alloc" (list size_t) "gsl_histogram_free") bins))) ((pointer->procedure int (dynamic-func "gsl_histogram_set_ranges_uniform" lib-gsl) (list '* double double)) histogram min max) histogram)) (define-public (histogram->points histogram) (match (parse-c-struct histogram histogram-struct) ((n range bin) (let ((range (array->list (pointer->bytevector range (1+ n) 0 'f64)))) (map cons (drop-right range 1) (array->list (pointer->bytevector bin n 0 'f64))))))) (define-public (histogram->pdf histogram) (match (parse-c-struct histogram histogram-struct) ((n range bin) (let ((range (pointer->bytevector range (1+ n) 0 'f64))) ((pointer->procedure int (dynamic-func "gsl_histogram_scale" lib-extentsampling) (list '* double)) histogram (/ n (- (array-ref range n) (array-ref range 0)) (fold + 0 (array->list (pointer->bytevector bin n 0 'f64))))) histogram)))) (define-public (rhistogram bins min max) (case-lambda (() (histogram-alloc bins min max)) ((histogram) histogram) ((histogram input) ((pointer->procedure int (dynamic-func "gsl_histogram_increment" lib-extentsampling) (list '* double)) histogram input) histogram))) ;; Running statistics (define rstat-alloc (make-gsl-alloc "gsl_rstat_alloc" (list) "gsl_rstat_free")) (define-public rstat-n (pointer->procedure size_t (dynamic-func "gsl_rstat_n" lib-extentsampling) (list '*))) ;; Polynomial functions (define-public (polyval coefficients x) ((pointer->procedure double (dynamic-func "gsl_poly_eval" lib-gsl) (list '* int double)) (bytevector->pointer (list->typed-array 'f64 1 coefficients)) (length coefficients) x)) ;; nd-random (define-public (random-direction-vector dimension) (let ((vector (vector-alloc dimension))) ((pointer->procedure void (dynamic-func "random_direction_vector" lib-extentsampling) (list '* '*)) %gsl-random-state vector) vector)) (define-public (subsampling-random-vector mean max-theta) (let ((vector (vector-alloc (vector-size mean)))) ((pointer->procedure void (dynamic-func "subsampling_random_vector" lib-extentsampling) (list '* '* double '*)) %gsl-random-state mean max-theta vector) vector)) (define-public (shifted-gaussian-random-vector mean max-theta standard-deviation) (let* ((vector (vector-alloc (vector-size mean))) (cost ((pointer->procedure int (dynamic-func "shifted_gaussian_random_vector" lib-extentsampling) (list '* '* double double '*)) %gsl-random-state mean max-theta standard-deviation vector))) vector)) (define-public (shifted-gaussian-random-vector-cost mean max-theta standard-deviation) ((pointer->procedure int (dynamic-func "shifted_gaussian_random_vector" lib-extentsampling) (list '* '* double double '*)) %gsl-random-state mean max-theta standard-deviation (vector-alloc (vector-size mean)))) (define %integration-workspace ((make-gsl-alloc "gsl_integration_workspace_alloc" (list size_t) "gsl_integration_workspace_free") 1000)) (define-public (shifted-gaussian-pdf theta mean max-theta standard-deviation) ((pointer->procedure double (dynamic-func "shifted_gaussian_pdf" lib-extentsampling) (list double double double double unsigned-int '*)) theta (vector-norm2 mean) max-theta standard-deviation (vector-size mean) %integration-workspace))