;;; guix-forge --- Guix software forge meta-service ;;; Copyright © 2023 Arun Isaac ;;; ;;; This file is part of guix-forge. ;;; ;;; guix-forge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ;;; by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, ;;; or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; guix-forge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with guix-forge. If not, see ;;; . (define-module (forge nginx) #:use-module (forge acme) #:use-module (forge socket) #:use-module ((gnu packages admin) #:select (shepherd)) #:use-module (gnu services) #:use-module (gnu services web) #:use-module (guix gexp) #:use-module (guix records) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:export ( forge-nginx-configuration forge-nginx-configuration? forge-nginx-configuration-http-listen forge-nginx-configuration-https-listen forge-nginx-configuration-acme-state-directory forge-nginx-configuration-acme-challenge-directory forge-nginx-configuration-server-blocks nginx-socket->string forge-nginx-service-type)) (define-record-type* forge-nginx-configuration make-forge-nginx-configuration forge-nginx-configuration? (http-listen forge-nginx-configuration-http-listen (default (forge-ip-socket (ip "") (port 80)))) (https-listen forge-nginx-configuration-https-listen (default (forge-ip-socket (ip "") (port 443)))) (acme-state-directory forge-nginx-configuration-acme-state-directory (default "/var/lib/acme")) (acme-challenge-directory forge-nginx-configuration-acme-challenge-directory (default "/var/run/acme/acme-challenge")) (server-blocks forge-nginx-configuration-server-blocks (default '()))) (define (nginx-socket->string socket) "Serialize @var{socket} to a string as expected by nginx configuration (for example, in the @code{listen} and @code{fastcgi_pass} directives)." (match socket (($ hostname port) (string-append hostname ":" (number->string port))) (($ (or "" "::") port) (number->string port)) (($ (? ipv4-address? ip) port) (string-append ip ":" port)) (($ (? ipv6-address? ip) port) (string-append "[" ip "]" ":" port)) (($ path) (string-append "unix:" path)))) (define (forge-nginx-server-blocks config) "Return list of nginx server blocks to provision for forge-web service specified by @var{config}." (match-record config (http-listen https-listen acme-state-directory acme-challenge-directory server-blocks) (cons (nginx-server-configuration (listen (list (nginx-socket->string http-listen))) (locations (list (nginx-location-configuration (uri "/.well-known/acme-challenge/") ;; Without a trailing slash, a alias of /var/foo ;; would lookup /bar at /var/foobar, not ;; /var/foo/bar. So, a trailing slash is ;; significant. Append it if not already ;; present. Likewise, the trailing slash in ;; "/.well-known/acme-challenge/" is also ;; significant. (body (list (string-append "alias " (string-trim-right acme-challenge-directory #\/) "/;")))) (nginx-location-configuration (uri "/") ;; HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) header as ;; recommended by https://hstspreload.org (body (list "add_header Strict-Transport-Security \"max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains; preload\";" "return 301 https://$host$request_uri;")))))) (map (lambda (server) (match (nginx-server-configuration-server-name server) ((name _ ...) (nginx-server-configuration (inherit server) (listen (list (string-append (nginx-socket->string https-listen) " ssl"))) (ssl-certificate (string-append acme-state-directory "/" name "/cert.pem")) (ssl-certificate-key (string-append acme-state-directory "/private/" name "/key.pem")))))) server-blocks)))) (define %deploy-hook-gexp (with-imported-modules '((guix build utils)) #~(begin (use-modules (guix build utils)) ;; Restart nginx. ;; We cannot refer to sudo in the store since that sudo does ;; not have the setuid bit set. See "(guix) Setuid Programs". (invoke "/run/setuid-programs/sudo" #$(file-append shepherd "/bin/herd") "restart" "nginx")))) (define (forge-nginx-acme-certificates config) "Return list of @code{} blocks to provision for forge-nginx service specified by @var{config}." (match-record config (server-blocks) (map (lambda (server) (acme-certificate (domains (nginx-server-configuration-server-name server)) (deploy-hook (program-file "forge-nginx-acme-deploy-hook" %deploy-hook-gexp)))) server-blocks))) (define forge-nginx-service-type (service-type (name 'forge-nginx) (description "Run the forge-nginx web server.") (extensions (list (service-extension nginx-service-type forge-nginx-server-blocks) (service-extension acme-service-type forge-nginx-acme-certificates))) (compose concatenate) (extend (lambda (config server-blocks) (forge-nginx-configuration (inherit config) (server-blocks (append (forge-nginx-configuration-server-blocks config) server-blocks))))) (default-value (forge-nginx-configuration))))