el-exiftool is an elisp wrapper around [[http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/][exiftool]], a metadata editor. Exiftool supports reading and writing metadata in various formats including [[wikipedia:Exif][EXIF]], [[wikipedia:Extensible_Metadata_Platform][XMP]] and [[wikipedia:IPTC_Information_Interchange_Model][IPTC]]. * Functions ** (el-exiftool-read FILE TAG...) Read TAGs from FILE, and return an alist mapping tag names to corresponding values. ** (el-exiftool-write FILE (TAG . VALUE)...) Write tags to FILE. The metadata to be written is specified as (TAG . VALUE) pairs. ** (el-exiftool-copy SOURCE DESTINATION) Copy tags from SOURCE file to DESTINATION file. ** (el-exiftool-command &rest ARGS) Execute a command in the currently running exiftool process. If there is no running exiftool process, a new one will be created. ARGS are arguments of the command to be run, as provided to the exiftool command line application. ** (el-exiftool-run) Start an exiftool process if not already running. If an exiftool process is already running, delete it, and create a new one. Return the process object of the newly created process. * License el-exiftool is free software released under the terms of the [[https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt][GNU General Public License]], either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.