;;; ccwl --- Concise Common Workflow Language ;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023 Arun Isaac ;;; ;;; This file is part of ccwl. ;;; ;;; ccwl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; ccwl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with ccwl. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; This is the main module that presents the public interface to ccwl. ;;; Code: (define-module (ccwl ccwl) #:use-module ((rnrs conditions) #:select (condition condition-irritants)) #:use-module ((rnrs exceptions) #:select (guard (raise . raise-exception))) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-2) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (srfi srfi-71) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ccwl conditions) #:use-module (ccwl utils) #:use-module (ccwl yaml) #:use-module (yaml) #:export (command? command command-inputs command-outputs command-args command-stdin command-stderr command-stdout command-requirements command-other cwl-workflow? cwl-workflow cwl-workflow-file cwl-workflow-inputs cwl-workflow-outputs workflow workflow? workflow-steps workflow-inputs workflow-outputs workflow-other input? input-id input-type input-label input-default input-position input-prefix input-stage? input-other output? output-id output-type output-binding output-source output-other array-type? array-type-member-type step? step-id step-run step-in step-out step-scattered-inputs step-scatter-method unspecified-default?)) (define-immutable-record-type (make-input id type label default position prefix stage? other) input? (id input-id) (type input-type) (label input-label) (default input-default set-input-default) (position input-position set-input-position) (prefix input-prefix set-input-prefix) (stage? input-stage?) (other input-other)) (define (memoize proc) "Return a memoized version of @var{proc}. Arguments to @var{proc} are compared using @code{equal?}." (let ((memoized-results (list))) (lambda args (unless (assoc args memoized-results) (set! memoized-results (acons args (apply proc args) memoized-results))) (assoc-ref memoized-results args)))) (define-immutable-record-type (-make-array-type member-type) array-type? (member-type array-type-member-type)) ;; We memoize the constructor to enable easy comparison ;; using eq?. (define make-array-type (memoize -make-array-type)) (define-immutable-record-type (make-unspecified-default) unspecified-default?) (define (ensure-yaml-serializable tree parameter-name) "Raise an exception unless @var{tree} is serializable to YAML. Use @var{parameter-name} in @code{&formatted-message} condition." ;; TODO: If tree is a quoted expression, emit a warning. (unless (false-if-exception (scm->yaml-string (syntax->datum tree))) (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation tree) (formatted-message (string-append parameter-name " parameter not serializable to YAML")))))) (define (construct-type-syntax type-spec) "Return syntax to build a type from @var{type-spec}." (syntax-case type-spec (array) ((array member-type) #`(make-array-type #,(construct-type-syntax #'member-type))) (primitive-type #''primitive-type))) (define (type->syntax type) "Return syntax to recreate @var{type}." (if (array-type? type) #`(make-array-type #,(type->syntax (array-type-member-type type))) (with-syntax ((type (datum->syntax #f type))) #''type))) (define (input input-spec) "Return syntax to build an object from INPUT-SPEC." (syntax-case input-spec () ((id args ...) (guard (exception ((unrecognized-keyword-assertion? exception) (raise-exception (match (condition-irritants exception) ((irritant _ ...) (condition (ccwl-violation irritant) (formatted-message "Unrecognized keyword argument ~a in input" (syntax->datum irritant))))))) ((invalid-keyword-arity-assertion? exception) (raise-exception (match (condition-irritants exception) ;; TODO: Report all extra arguments, not just the ;; first one. ((keyword _ extra _ ...) (condition (ccwl-violation extra) (formatted-message "Unexpected extra argument ~a for unary keyword argument ~a" (syntax->datum extra) (syntax->datum keyword))))))) ((invalid-positional-arguments-arity-assertion? exception) (raise-exception (match (condition-irritants exception) ;; TODO: Report all extra positional arguments, not ;; just the first one. ((id extra _ ...) (condition (ccwl-violation extra) (formatted-message "Unexpected extra positional argument ~a in input" (syntax->datum extra)))) (() (condition (ccwl-violation input-spec) (formatted-message "Input has no identifier"))))))) (apply (syntax-lambda** (id #:key (type #'File) label (default (make-unspecified-default)) (stage? #'#f) (other #'())) (unless (memq (syntax->datum stage?) (list #t #f)) (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation stage?) (formatted-message "Invalid #:stage? parameter ~a. #:stage? must either be #t or #f." (syntax->datum stage?))))) (ensure-yaml-serializable other "#:other") (let ((position #f) (prefix #f)) #`(make-input '#,id #,(construct-type-syntax type) #,label #,(if (unspecified-default? default) #'(make-unspecified-default) default) #,position #,prefix #,stage? '#,other))) #'(id args ...)))) (id (identifier? #'id) (input #'(id))) (_ (error "Invalid input:" (syntax->datum input-spec))))) (define-immutable-record-type (make-output id type binding source other) output? (id output-id set-output-id) (type output-type set-output-type) (binding output-binding) (source output-source set-output-source) (other output-other)) (define (output output-spec) "Return syntax to build an object from OUTPUT-SPEC." (syntax-case output-spec () ((id args ...) (identifier? #'id) (guard (exception ((unrecognized-keyword-assertion? exception) (raise-exception (match (condition-irritants exception) ((irritant _ ...) (condition (ccwl-violation irritant) (formatted-message "Unrecognized keyword argument ~a in output" (syntax->datum irritant))))))) ((invalid-keyword-arity-assertion? exception) (raise-exception (match (condition-irritants exception) ;; TODO: Report all extra arguments, not just the ;; first one. ((keyword _ extra _ ...) (condition (ccwl-violation extra) (formatted-message "Unexpected extra argument ~a for unary keyword argument ~a" (syntax->datum extra) (syntax->datum keyword))))))) ((invalid-positional-arguments-arity-assertion? exception) (raise-exception (match (condition-irritants exception) ;; TODO: Report all extra positional arguments, not ;; just the first one. ((id extra _ ...) (condition (ccwl-violation extra) (formatted-message "Unexpected extra positional argument ~a in output" (syntax->datum extra)))) (() (condition (ccwl-violation output-spec) (formatted-message "Output has no identifier"))))))) (apply (syntax-lambda** (id #:key (type #'File) binding source (other #'())) (ensure-yaml-serializable binding "#:binding") (ensure-yaml-serializable other "#:other") #`(make-output '#,id #,(construct-type-syntax type) '#,binding #,source '#,other)) #'(id args ...)))) (id (identifier? #'id) (output #'(id))) (_ (error "Invalid output:" (syntax->datum output-spec))))) (define-immutable-record-type (make-command inputs outputs args stdin stderr stdout requirements other) command? (inputs command-inputs set-command-inputs) (outputs command-outputs) (args command-args) (stdin command-stdin) (stderr command-stderr) (stdout command-stdout) (requirements command-requirements) (other command-other)) (define-immutable-record-type (make-cwl-workflow file inputs outputs) cwl-workflow? (file cwl-workflow-file) (inputs cwl-workflow-inputs) (outputs cwl-workflow-outputs)) (define-immutable-record-type (make-workflow steps inputs outputs other) workflow? (steps workflow-steps) (inputs workflow-inputs) (outputs workflow-outputs) (other workflow-other)) (define (function-outputs function) "Return the outputs of FUNCTION---a , or object." ((cond ((command? function) command-outputs) ((cwl-workflow? function) cwl-workflow-outputs) ((workflow? function) workflow-outputs) (else (error "Unrecognized ccwl function" function))) function)) (define-immutable-record-type (-make-step id run in scattered-inputs scatter-method) step? (id step-id) (run step-run) (in step-in) (scattered-inputs step-scattered-inputs set-step-scattered-inputs) (scatter-method step-scatter-method set-step-scatter-method)) (define* (make-step id run in #:key (scattered-inputs '()) (scatter-method 'dotproduct)) (-make-step id run in scattered-inputs scatter-method)) (define step-out (compose function-outputs step-run)) (define (input-spec-id input-spec) "Return the identifier symbol of INPUT-SPEC." (syntax->datum (syntax-case input-spec () ((id _ ...) (if (not (identifier? #'id)) (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation input-spec) (formatted-message "Input has no identifier"))) #'id)) (id (identifier? #'id) #'id) (_ (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation input-spec) (formatted-message "Invalid input"))))))) (define (run-arg-position input-id run-args) "Return the position of input identified by symbol INPUT-ID in RUN-ARGS. If such an input is not present in RUN-ARGS, return #f." (list-index (lambda (run-arg) (let ((run-arg-input (syntax-case run-arg () (input (identifier? #'input) (syntax->datum #'input)) ((_ input) (identifier? #'input) (syntax->datum #'input)) (_ #f)))) (and run-arg-input (eq? run-arg-input input-id)))) run-args)) (define (run-arg-prefix input-id run-args) "Return the prefix of input identified by symbol INPUT-ID in RUN-ARGS. If such an input is not present in RUN-ARGS, return #f." (any (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((prefix input) (identifier? #'input) (and (eq? (syntax->datum #'input) input-id) #'prefix)) (_ #f))) run-args)) (define (run-args run defined-input-identifiers) "Return a list of run arguments specified in @var{run} syntax. @var{defined-input-identifiers} is the list of input identifiers defined in the commands." (let ((ensure-input-is-defined ;; Ensure that specified input is defined in #:inputs of ;; command definition. (lambda (input) (unless (memq (syntax->datum input) defined-input-identifiers) (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation input) (formatted-message "Undefined input ~a" (syntax->datum input)))))))) (append-map (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ;; Replace input symbol with quoted symbol. (input (identifier? #'input) (begin (ensure-input-is-defined #'input) (list #''input))) ;; Leave string as is. (string-arg (string? (syntax->datum #'string-arg)) (list #'string-arg)) ;; Replace prefixed input symbol with quoted symbol. ((prefix input) (and (string? (syntax->datum #'prefix)) (identifier? #'input)) (begin (ensure-input-is-defined #'input) (list #''input))) ;; Flatten prefixed string arguments. They have no ;; special meaning. ((prefix string-arg) (and (string? (syntax->datum #'prefix)) (string? (syntax->datum #'string-arg))) (list #'prefix #'string-arg)) ;; Prefixes that are not strings ((prefix _) (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation #'prefix) (formatted-message "Invalid prefix ~a. Prefixes must be strings." (syntax->datum #'prefix))))) (_ (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation x) (formatted-message "Invalid command element ~a. Command elements must either be input identifiers or literal strings." (syntax->datum x))))))) run))) ;; TODO: Add fine-grained syntax checking. (define-syntax command (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((_ args ...) (guard (exception ((unrecognized-keyword-assertion? exception) (raise-exception (match (condition-irritants exception) ((irritant _ ...) (condition (ccwl-violation irritant) (formatted-message "Unrecognized keyword argument ~a in command definition" (syntax->datum irritant))))))) ((invalid-keyword-arity-assertion? exception) (raise-exception (match (condition-irritants exception) ;; TODO: Report all extra arguments, not just the ;; first one. ((keyword _ extra _ ...) (condition (ccwl-violation extra) (formatted-message "Unexpected extra argument ~a for unary keyword argument ~a" (syntax->datum extra) (syntax->datum keyword))))))) ((invalid-positional-arguments-arity-assertion? exception) (raise-exception (match (condition-irritants exception) ;; TODO: Report all extra positional arguments, not ;; just the first one. ((extra _ ...) (condition (ccwl-violation extra) (formatted-message "Unexpected extra positional argument ~a in command definition" (syntax->datum extra)))))))) (apply (syntax-lambda** (#:key stdin stderr stdout (requirements #''()) (other #'()) #:key* inputs outputs run) (when (null? run) (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation x) (formatted-message "Missing ~a key in command definition" #:run)))) (ensure-yaml-serializable other "#:other") #`(make-command (list #,@(map (lambda (input-spec) (let ((id (input-spec-id input-spec))) #`(set-input-prefix (set-input-position #,(input input-spec) #,(run-arg-position id run)) #,(run-arg-prefix id run)))) inputs)) (list #,@(map output outputs)) (list #,@(run-args run (map input-spec-id inputs))) #,(and stdin #`'#,stdin) #,(if (and stderr (not (string? (syntax->datum stderr)))) (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation stderr) (formatted-message "Invalid #:stderr parameter ~a. #:stderr parameter must be a string" (syntax->datum stderr)))) stderr) #,(if (and stdout (not (string? (syntax->datum stdout)))) (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation stdout) (formatted-message "Invalid #:stdout parameter ~a. #:stdout parameter must be a string" (syntax->datum stdout)))) stdout) #,requirements '#,other)) #'(args ...))))))) (define-syntax cwl-workflow (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((_ file-syntax) (let ((file (syntax->datum #'file-syntax)) (parameters->id+type (lambda (parameters) (if (vector? parameters) ;; Vector of dictionaries (map (lambda (alist) (cons (string->symbol (assoc-ref alist "id")) (string->symbol (assoc-ref alist "type")))) (vector->list parameters)) ;; One dictionary (map (match-lambda ((id . (? string? type)) (cons (string->symbol id) (string->symbol type))) ((id . alist) (cons (string->symbol id) (string->symbol (assoc-ref alist "type"))))) parameters))))) (unless (file-exists? file) (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation #'file-syntax) (formatted-message "CWL workflow file ~a does not exist" file)))) ;; Read inputs/outputs from CWL workflow YAML file and build ;; a object. (let ((yaml (read-yaml-file file))) #`(make-cwl-workflow file-syntax (list #,@(map (match-lambda ((id . type) (with-syntax ((id (datum->syntax #f id)) (type (datum->syntax #f type))) #`(make-input 'id 'type #f #f #f #f #f '())))) (parameters->id+type (assoc-ref yaml "inputs")))) (list #,@(map (match-lambda ((id . type) (with-syntax ((id (datum->syntax #f id)) (type (datum->syntax #f type))) #`(make-output 'id 'type '() #f '())))) (parameters->id+type (assoc-ref yaml "outputs"))))))))))) (define (function-inputs function) "Return the list of inputs accepted by @var{function}---a @code{}, @code{} or @code{ object." ((cond ((command? function) command-inputs) ((cwl-workflow? function) cwl-workflow-inputs) ((workflow? function) workflow-inputs) (else (error "Unrecognized ccwl function" function))) function)) (define (function-input-keys function) "Return the list of input keys accepted by FUNCTION, a object or a object." (map input-id (function-inputs function))) (define-immutable-record-type (make-key name cwl-id step) key? (name key-name set-key-name) (cwl-id key-cwl-id) (step key-step)) (define* (key name #:optional step (cwl-id name)) "Build and return a object." (make-key name cwl-id step)) ;; TODO: Add docstring. (define (cwl-key-address key) (if (key-step key) ;; Input/output of particular step (string-append (symbol->string (key-step key)) "/" (symbol->string (key-cwl-id key))) ;; Global input/output (symbol->string (key-cwl-id key)))) (define (apply-partially command partial-arguments) "Return a new command that is a partial application of @var{partial-arguments} to @var{command}. @var{partial-arguments} is an association list mapping keyword arguments to their values." (set-command-inputs command (map (lambda (input) (set-input-default input (or (any (match-lambda ((arg . value) (and (eq? (input-id input) (keyword->symbol arg)) value))) partial-arguments) (input-default input)))) (command-inputs command)))) (define (function-object x) "Return the ccwl function object (a , or object) described by syntax X. If such a ccwl function is not defined, return #f." ;; TODO: What if function object is defined in lexical scope? (let ((result (false-if-exception (eval (syntax->datum x) (interaction-environment))))) (and (or (command? result) (cwl-workflow? result) (workflow? result)) result))) (define (collect-scatter-step x input-keys scatter-method) "Return a list of output keys and a list of steps from scatter workflow clause @var{x} and @var{scatter-method}. @var{input-keys} is a list of supplied input keys." (syntax-case x () ((_ (function-spec ...) scattered-args ...) (let ((keys steps (collect-steps #'(function-spec ... scattered-args ...) input-keys))) (values keys (map (lambda (step) (set-step-scattered-inputs (set-step-scatter-method step scatter-method) (map (match-lambda ((key . _) (keyword->symbol key))) (syntax->datum (pairify #'(scattered-args ...)))))) steps)))))) (define (collect-steps x input-keys) "Traverse ccwl workflow body X and return two values---a list of output keys and a list of steps. INPUT-KEYS is a list of supplied input keys. Keys are represented by objects, and steps are represented by objects." (syntax-case x (pipe tee rename scatter scatter-cross scatter-nested-cross) ;; pipe ((pipe expressions ...) (foldn (lambda (expression input-keys steps) (let ((input-keys child-steps (collect-steps expression input-keys))) (values input-keys (append steps child-steps)))) #'(expressions ...) input-keys (list))) ;; tee ((tee expressions ...) (append-mapn (cut collect-steps <> input-keys) #'(expressions ...))) ;; rename keys ((rename mapping ...) (values (map (lambda (key) (or (any (match-lambda ((new . old) (unless (keyword? (syntax->datum new)) (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation new) (formatted-message "Expected keyword (for example: #:foo, #:bar)")))) (unless (symbol? (syntax->datum old)) (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation old) (formatted-message "Unknown key ~a. Known keys at this step are ~a." (syntax->datum old) (map key-name input-keys))))) (and (eq? (syntax->datum old) (key-name key)) (set-key-name key (keyword->symbol (syntax->datum new)))))) (pairify #'(mapping ...))) key)) input-keys) (list))) ;; TODO: Support cross product scatter methods. ((scatter _ ...) (collect-scatter-step x input-keys 'dotproduct)) ((scatter-cross _ ...) (collect-scatter-step x input-keys 'flat_crossproduct)) ((scatter-nested-cross _ ...) (collect-scatter-step x input-keys 'nested_crossproduct)) ((function (step-id) args ...) ;; Run a whole bunch of tests so that we can produce useful error ;; messages. (let ((input-key-symbols (map key-name input-keys)) (function-object (function-object #'function)) (step-id-symbol (syntax->datum #'step-id))) ;; Test for undefined command. (unless function-object (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation #'function) (formatted-message "Undefined ccwl command ~a" (syntax->datum #'function))))) ;; Test for missing required parameters. (match (lset-difference eq? (filter-map (lambda (input) ;; Leave out inputs that have default values. (and (unspecified-default? (input-default input)) (input-id input))) (function-inputs function-object)) (map (match-lambda ((key . _) (keyword->symbol key))) (syntax->datum (pairify #'(args ...))))) (() #t) (missing-parameters (raise-exception ;; TODO: Report entire form, not just the name of the ;; step. (condition (ccwl-violation #'function) (formatted-message "Step ~a missing required parameters ~a" step-id-symbol (map symbol->keyword missing-parameters)))))) ;; Test for unknown keys. (for-each (match-lambda ((arg . value) (unless (memq (keyword->symbol (syntax->datum arg)) (function-input-keys function-object)) (raise-exception ;; TODO: Report arg and value, not just arg. (condition (ccwl-violation arg) ;; TODO: Do not report accepted keys ;; that have already been satisfied. (formatted-message "Step ~a does not accept input key ~a. Accepted keys are ~a." step-id-symbol (syntax->datum arg) (map symbol->keyword (function-input-keys function-object)))))) ;; If value is neither a literal nor a known key, ;; error out. (when (and (symbol? (syntax->datum value)) (not (memq (syntax->datum value) input-key-symbols))) (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation value) (formatted-message "Step ~a supplied with unknown key ~a. Known keys at this step are ~a." step-id-symbol (syntax->datum value) input-key-symbols)))))) (pairify #'(args ...))) (let ((symbolic-arguments literal-arguments (partition (match-lambda ((_ . value) (symbol? value))) (pairify (syntax->datum #'(args ...)))))) (match literal-arguments ;; If there are no literal arguments, construct ;; object. (() (values (append (remove key-step input-keys) (map (lambda (output) (key (output-id output) step-id-symbol)) (function-outputs function-object))) (list (make-step step-id-symbol #'function (map (match-lambda ((arg . value) (cons (keyword->symbol arg) (cwl-key-address (find (lambda (key) (eq? value (key-name key))) input-keys))))) (pairify (syntax->datum #'(args ...)))))))) ;; If literal values are provided as arguments, partially ;; apply those literal values to the command and recurse. (_ (collect-steps #`(((module-ref (resolve-module '(ccwl ccwl)) 'apply-partially) function '#,literal-arguments) (step-id) #,@(append-map (match-lambda ((arg . value) (list arg value))) symbolic-arguments)) input-keys)))))) ;; ccwl functions with an implicit step identifier ((function args ...) ;; Ensure that steps with expression commands have identifiers. (unless (symbol? (syntax->datum #'function)) (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation #'function) (formatted-message "Step with expression ~a that evaluates to a command must have identifier" (syntax->datum #'function))))) (collect-steps #'(function (function) args ...) input-keys)) ;; any other unrecognized syntax (x (error "Unrecognized syntax:" (syntax->datum #'x))))) (define (key->output key steps) "Return syntax to construct an object corresponding to KEY, a object, in STEPS, a list of objects. If no such object is found, return #f. Note that the returned syntax is only applicable to construct objects for workflows, not in commands." (define (stdout->file-type type) "Recursively convert stdout types in @var{type} to File types." (cond ((array-type? type) (make-array-type (stdout->file-type (array-type-member-type type)))) ((eq? type 'stdout) 'File) (else type))) (and-let* ((step-with-output (find (lambda (step) (eq? (step-id step) (key-step key))) steps))) (let* ((output-for-key ;; Find output object that corresponds to key. (find (lambda (output) (eq? (output-id output) (key-cwl-id key))) (function-outputs (function-object (step-run step-with-output))))) (output (set-output-type ;; Set output id and source fields from key. (set-output-id (set-output-source output-for-key (cwl-key-address key)) (key-name key)) ;; Convert stdout type outputs to File type outputs. (let ((type (stdout->file-type (output-type output-for-key)))) ;; If step scatters, convert to an array type. (cond ((null? (step-scattered-inputs step-with-output)) type) (step-scatter-method step-with-output) ;; For dot products and flat cross products, create a ;; singly nested array type. ((memq (step-scatter-method step-with-output) '(dotproduct flat_crossproduct)) (make-array-type type)) ;; For nested cross products, create a sufficiently ;; nested array type. ((eq? (step-scatter-method step-with-output) 'nested_crossproduct) (fold (lambda (_ result) (make-array-type result)) type (step-scattered-inputs step-with-output))) (else (error "This should not be possible!"))))))) ;; Construct syntax to recreate output object. #`(make-output #,(with-syntax ((id (datum->syntax #f (output-id output)))) #''id) #,(type->syntax (output-type output)) #,(with-syntax ((binding (datum->syntax #f (output-binding output)))) #''binding) #,(output-source output) #,(with-syntax ((other (datum->syntax #f (output-other output)))) #''other))))) (define-syntax workflow (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((_ (inputs ...) tree) (let ((output-keys steps (collect-steps #'tree (map (compose key input-spec-id) #'(inputs ...))))) ;; TODO: Error out on duplicated step IDs. ;; TODO: Implement escape hatch #:other in workflow syntax. #`(make-workflow (list #,@(map (lambda (step) #`(make-step #,(with-syntax ((id (datum->syntax #f (step-id step)))) #''id) #,(step-run step) #,(with-syntax ((in (datum->syntax #f (step-in step)))) #''in) #:scattered-inputs #,(with-syntax ((scattered-inputs (datum->syntax #f (step-scattered-inputs step)))) #''scattered-inputs) #:scatter-method #,(with-syntax ((scatter-method (datum->syntax #f (step-scatter-method step)))) #''scatter-method))) steps)) (list #,@(map input #'(inputs ...))) ;; Find the output object for each output ;; key. Filter out global workflow inputs. (list #,@(filter-map (cut key->output <> steps) output-keys)) '()))) ;; Guess that these are multiple unconnected expressions in the ;; workflow body, and try to produce a helpful error message. ((_ (inputs ...) expressions ...) (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation x) (formatted-message "More than one expression ~a in workflow body. Perhaps you need to combine them with a pipe or a tee?" (string-join (map (lambda (expression) (call-with-output-string (cut write expression <>))) (syntax->datum #'(expressions ...)))))))) (x (raise-exception (condition (ccwl-violation #'x) (formatted-message "Unrecognized workflow syntax [expected (workflow (input ...) tree)]")))))))