~/.config/guix/current/bin/guix environment -C guix --ad-hoc cwltool python python-biopython python-requests python-dateutil python-magic ruby cwltool --preserve-environment PYTHONPATH yamlfa2ttl.cwl --path_fasta ~/bh20-seq-resource/example/sequence.fasta cwltool --no-container --preserve-environment GUIX_ENVIRONMENT --preserve-environment PYTHONPATH yamlfa2ttl.cwl --path_fasta ~/bh20-seq-resource/example/sequence.fasta #!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner cwlVersion: v1.1 class: Workflow doc: "Workflow to go from YAML (metadata) + FASTA (sequence) to TTL (metadata)" inputs: path_fasta: type: string doc: input FASTA to validate format_to_check: type: string default: text/fasta path_yaml: type: string doc: input YAML to validate and convert in TTL steps: check_format: in: path_fasta: path_fasta format_to_check: format_to_check doc: the input has to be a valid FASTA format file out: [] run: check_format.cwl check_sequence: in: path_fasta: path_fasta doc: the input sequence has to be enough similar to the reference out: [] run: check_sequence.cwl check_metadata: in: path_yaml: path_yaml doc: the input metadata information to put in the knowledge graph out: [] run: check_metadata.cwl outputs: []