# Genbank XML parser from collections import namedtuple import dateutil from dateutil.parser import parse as dateparse from dateutil.tz import gettz import os import re import sys import types import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET class GBError(Exception): pass """ Example of an output JSON: { "id": "placeholder", "host": { "host_species": "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_9606" }, "sample": { "sample_id": "MT890462.1", "source_database_accession": [ "http://identifiers.org/insdc/MT890462.1#sequence" ], "collection_location": "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q649", "collection_date": "2020-04-17", "collecting_institution": "N.A.Kovtun Clinical Hospital 1 of Departament of President Affairs", "specimen_source": ["http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C155831"] }, "virus": { "virus_strain": "SARS-CoV-2/human/RUS/20200417_10/2020", "virus_species": "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_2697049" }, "technology": { "assembly_method": "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GENEPIO_0001628", "alignment_protocol": "bowtie2 v. 2.3.4", "sample_sequencing_technology": [ "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0000759" ] }, "submitter": { "authors": [ "Blagodatskikh,K.A." ], "submitter_name": [ "R&D" ], "submitter_address": "Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Ostrovityanova 1, Moscow 117997, Russia" } } """ def get_metadata(id, gbseq): """This is a minimal data parser from genbank XML records. Inference on, for example geo location, is not allowed in this function and happens downstream. That is to keep the parsing simple. Important: missing data should be missing or None! Do not fill in data by 'guessing'. When data is malformed a warning should be logged and added to the warning list. """ host = types.SimpleNamespace() sample = types.SimpleNamespace() submitter = types.SimpleNamespace() technology = types.SimpleNamespace() virus = types.SimpleNamespace() warnings = [] def warn(msg): print(f"WARNING: {msg}",file=sys.stderr) warnings.append(msg) def fetch(msg, xpath): try: n = gbseq.find(xpath).text return n except AttributeError: warn("Missing "+msg) host.host_species = "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_9606" sample.sample_id = id sample.database = "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/" sample.source_database_accession = f"http://identifiers.org/insdc/{id}#sequence" # USA: Cruise_Ship_1, California n = fetch("host_species", ".//GBQualifier/GBQualifier_name/[.='country']/../GBQualifier_value") if n: sample.collection_location = n else: warn("Missing collection_location") submitter.authors = [n.text for n in gbseq.findall(".//GBAuthor")] if not len(submitter.authors): warn("Missing authors") # Submitted (28-OCT-2020) MDU-PHL, The Peter # Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, 792 Elizabeth # Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia # try: n = gbseq.find(".//GBReference_journal").text # print(n,file=sys.stderr) if n != 'Unpublished': institute,address = n.split(',',1) submitter.submitter_name = institute.split(') ')[1] submitter.submitter_address = address.strip() except AttributeError: pass except ValueError: submitter.additional_submitter_information = n try: n = gbseq.find("./GBSeq_comment").text except AttributeError: pass if 'Assembly-Data' in n: # print(n,file=sys.stderr) # the following is wrong (de novo by default) # technology.assembly_method = 'http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GENEPIO_0001628' p = re.compile(r'.*Assembly Method :: ([^;]+).*') m = p.match(n) if m: technology.alignment_protocol = m.group(1) p = re.compile(r'.*Coverage :: ([^;]+).*') m = p.match(n) if m: technology.sequencing_coverage = m.group(1) p = re.compile(r'.*Sequencing Technology :: ([^;]+).*') m = p.match(n) if m: technology.sample_sequencing_technology = m.group(1).strip() else: warn("Missing sample_sequencing_technology") # --- Dates n = gbseq.find("./GBSeq_create-date") creation_date = dateparse(n.text).date() n = gbseq.find("./GBSeq_update-date") update_date = dateparse(n.text).date() n = gbseq.find(".//GBQualifier/GBQualifier_name/[.='collection_date']/../GBQualifier_value") try: date = dateparse(n.text).date() sample.collection_date = str(date) except dateutil.parser._parser.ParserError as e: warn("No collection_date: ",str(e)) except AttributeError: warn("Missing collection_date") # --- Host info # - Homo sapiens # - Homo sapiens; female # - Homo sapiens; female 63 # - Homo sapiens; female; age 40 # - Homo sapiens; gender: F; age: 61 # - Homo sapiens; gender: M; age: 68 # - Homo sapiens; hospitalized patient # - Homo sapiens; male # - Homo sapiens; male; 63 # - Homo sapiens; male; age 29 # - Homo sapiens; symptomatic n = fetch("host_species", ".//GBQualifier/GBQualifier_name/[.='host']/../GBQualifier_value") if n: list = n.split('; ') species = list[0] host.host_species = species if species != "Homo sapiens": warn(f"Species not understood: {species}") if len(list)>1: sex = list[1] if 'male' in sex or 'gender: M' in sex: host.host_sex = 'male' if 'female' in sex or 'gender: F' in sex: host.host_sex = 'female' if len(list)>2: age = list[2] p = re.compile(r'[^\d]+(\d+)') m = p.match(n) print(m.group(1)) if m: host.host_age = int(m.group(1)) host.host_age_unit = 'http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UO_0000036' # sys.exit(1) n = fetch("virus_strain", ".//GBQualifier/GBQualifier_name/[.='isolate']/../GBQualifier_value") if n: virus.virus_strain = n n = fetch("virus_species", ".//GBQualifier/GBQualifier_name/[.='db_xref']/../GBQualifier_value") if n: virus.virus_species = "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_"+n.split('taxon:')[1] n = fetch("specimen_source", ".//GBQualifier/GBQualifier_name/[.='isolation_source']/../GBQualifier_value") if n: sample.specimen_source = n info = { 'id': 'placeholder', 'update_date': str(update_date), 'host': host.__dict__, 'sample': sample.__dict__, 'virus': virus.__dict__, 'technology': technology.__dict__, 'submitter': submitter.__dict__, 'warnings': warnings, } print(info) return True,info def get_sequence(id, gbseq): seq = None count = 0 for gbseq_sequence in gbseq.findall('./GBSeq_sequence'): count += 1 if count > 1: raise GBError(f"Expected one sequence for {id}") seq = gbseq_sequence.text.upper() print(f"SEQ: size={len(seq)}",seq[0:30]) if len(seq) < 20_000: raise GBError(f"Sequence too short") return seq