A workflow to generate a phylogeny that can be visualized using [auspice](https://github.com/urbanslug/auspice). Expects a multi-fasta file path at [pggb_fasta][1] and generates a tree in `json` format. #### Dependencies Depends on: - [pggb](https://github.com/pangenome/pggb/blob/master/pggb) * [wfmash](https://github.com/ekg/wfmash) * [seqwish](https://github.com/ekg/seqwish) * [smoothxg](https://github.com/pangenome/smoothxg) * [odgi](https://github.com/vgteam/odgi) - [taxophages](https://github.com/urbanslug/taxophages/) * Clone and run with `python main.py ...` - [augur](https://github.com/nextstrain/augur) #### Running Expects that taxophages is cloned in a previous dir but you can update the path [main_py_script][2] to wherever it is. Run the phylogeny workflow with the bleow after specifying your path to [pggb_fasta][1]. ```bash R_PACKAGES="${HOME}/RLibraries" \ # a directory holding R packages. Needed if R packages installed using install.packages on server e.g https://github.com/urbanslug/taxophages/blob/master/scripts/deps.R TAXOPHAGES_ENV=server \ # helps taxophages figure out where it is being ran AUGUR_RECURSION_LIMIT=30000 \ # augur isn't used to working with so many nested values cwltool --preserve-entire-environment --no-container phylogeny.cwl clado-job.yml ``` Alternatively run any workflow with ``` cwltool --no-container .cwl clado-job.yml ``` [1]: clado-job.yml#L8 [2]: clado-job.yml#L28