#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner cwlVersion: v1.1 class: Workflow requirements: ScatterFeatureRequirement: {} StepInputExpressionRequirement: {} inputs: inputReads: File[] metadata: File[] metadataSchema: File subjects: string[] bin_widths: type: int[] default: [ 1, 4, 16, 64, 256, 1000, 4000, 16000] doc: width of each bin in basepairs along the graph vector cells_per_file: type: int default: 100 doc: Cells per file on component_segmentation outputs: odgiGraph: type: File outputSource: buildGraph/odgiGraph odgiPNG: type: File outputSource: vizGraph/odgiPNG seqwishGFA: type: File outputSource: induceGraph/seqwishGFA odgiRDF: type: File outputSource: odgi2rdf/rdf readsMergeDedup: type: File outputSource: dedup/readsMergeDedup mergedMetadata: type: File outputSource: mergeMetadata/merged indexed_paths: type: File outputSource: index_paths/indexed_paths colinear_components: type: File[] outputSource: segment_components/colinear_components steps: relabel: in: readsFA: inputReads subjects: subjects out: [relabeledSeqs, originalLabels] run: relabel-seqs.cwl dedup: in: {readsFA: relabel/relabeledSeqs} out: [readsMergeDedup, dups] run: seqkit-rmdup.cwl overlapReads: in: {readsFA: dedup/readsMergeDedup} out: [readsPAF] run: minimap2.cwl induceGraph: in: readsFA: dedup/readsMergeDedup readsPAF: overlapReads/readsPAF out: [seqwishGFA] run: seqwish.cwl buildGraph: in: {inputGFA: induceGraph/seqwishGFA} out: [odgiGraph] run: odgi-build.cwl vizGraph: in: {inputODGI: buildGraph/odgiGraph} out: [odgiPNG] run: odgi-viz.cwl odgi2rdf: in: {odgi: buildGraph/odgiGraph} out: [rdf] run: odgi_to_rdf.cwl mergeMetadata: in: metadata: metadata metadataSchema: metadataSchema subjects: subjects dups: dedup/dups originalLabels: relabel/originalLabels out: [merged] run: merge-metadata.cwl bin_paths: run: ../tools/odgi/odgi_bin.cwl in: sparse_graph_index: buildGraph/odgiGraph bin_width: bin_widths scatter: bin_width out: [ bins, pangenome_sequence ] index_paths: label: Create path index run : ../tools/odgi/odgi_pathindex.cwl in: sparse_graph_index: buildGraph/odgiGraph out: [ indexed_paths ] segment_components: label: Run component segmentation run: ../tools/graph-genome-segmentation/component_segmentation.cwl in: bins: bin_paths/bins cells_per_file: cells_per_file pangenome_sequence: source: bin_paths/pangenome_sequence valueFrom: $(self[0]) # the bin_paths step is scattered over the bin_width array, but always using the same sparse_graph_index # the pangenome_sequence that is extracted is exactly the same for the same sparse_graph_index # regardless of bin_width, so we take the first pangenome_sequence as input for this step out: [ colinear_components ]