#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner cwlVersion: v1.1 class: CommandLineTool doc: string requirements: DockerRequirement: dockerPull: quay.io/biocontainers/bwa:0.7.17--h84994c4_5 baseCommand: [bwa, mem] inputs: threads: type: int label: "number of threads" default: 4 inputBinding: prefix: -t output_sam: type: string label: "sam file to output results to" default: "out.sam" inputBinding: prefix: -o group_header_line: type: string? label: "read group header line such as '@RG\tID:foo\tSM:bar'" inputBinding: prefix: -R index_base: type: File label: "fasta file for index basename" inputBinding: position: 1 secondaryFiles: - .amb - .ann - .bwt - .pac - .sa fastq_forward: type: File label: "input fastq file to map (single-end or forward for pair-end)" inputBinding: position: 2 fastq_reverse: type: File? label: "input fastq file to map (reverse for pair-end)" inputBinding: position: 3 outputs: output: type: File outputBinding: glob: "$(inputs.output_sam)" stdout: stdout stderr: stderr stdout: bwa-mem-stdout.log stderr: bwa-mem-stderr.log