Table of Contents


Here we document the public REST API that comes with PubSeq. The tests run in the amazing emacs org-babel. See the bottom of this document for running the tests inside emacs.

1.1 Introduction

We built a REST API for COVID-19 PubSeq. The API source code can be found in To see if the service is up try

  "service": "PubSeq",
  "version": 0.1

The Python3 version is

import requests
response = requests.get("")
response_body = response.json()
assert response_body["service"] == "PubSeq", "PubSeq API not found"
service : PubSeq version : 0.1

1.2 Fetch EBI XML

PubSeq provides an API that is used to export formats that are suitable for uploading data to EBI/ENA from our EXPORT menu. This is documented here.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <SAMPLE alias="MT32690.1" center_name="COVID-19 PubSeq">
    <TITLE>COVID-19 PubSeq Sample</TITLE>
      <SCIENTIFIC_NAME>Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2</SCIENTIFIC_NAME>
        <TAG>investigation type</TAG>
        <TAG>sequencing method</TAG>
        <TAG>collection date</TAG>
        <TAG>geographic location (latitude)</TAG>
        <TAG>geographic location (longitude)</TAG>
     <TAG>geographic location (country and/or sea)</TAG>
        <TAG>geographic location (region and locality)</TAG>
        <TAG>environment (material)</TAG>

2 Configure emacs to run tests

Execute a code block with C-c C-c. You may need to set

 '((python . t)))
(setq org-babel-python-command "python3")

To skip confirmations you may also want to set

(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)

Created by Pjotr Prins (pjotr.public768 at thebird 'dot' nl) using Emacs org-mode and a healthy dose of Lisp!
Modified 2020-07-20 Mon 06:13